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I bet Cougar14 told his kids there was no Santa Claus or Easter Bunny when they were still in diapers.  Just keeping it real with the kids, you know.   

I told my kids that too! it is not a Santa Claus or Easter Bunny


I bet Cougar14 told his kids there was no Santa Claus or Easter Bunny when they were still in diapers.  Just keeping it real with the kids, you know.

You're damn straight. I don't need a fat man in a red suit taking the credit for the thousands of dollars in Christmas gifts daddy bought them. My kids can however tell you who Saint Nicholas is though. I feel that's probably more useful.

My son was talking to his older cousin who just finished starting 33 games at Texas and was a high school All-American at tight end at North Shore on Mother's Day. My son wants to play TE at Texas like his older cuz did. My son asked him why he didn't make it to the NFL, before he could answer I said "because he couldn't catch". My lil cuz laughed and said, "I wish someone had told me to work on that in high school". Every time I would bring that or the fact that he let edge rushers get into his body too easily up to my uncle who had a cup of tea in the NFL, he told me "I got it". Turns out he was caught up in watching his son run over people and never told him. The exact same as some people on here do.

You're damn straight. I don't need a fat man in a red suit taking the credit for the thousands of dollars in Christmas gifts daddy bought them. My kids can however tell you who Saint Nicholas is though. I feel that's probably more useful.

My son was talking to his older cousin who just finished starting 33 games at Texas and was a high school All-American at tight end at North Shore on Mother's Day. My son wants to play TE at Texas like his older cuz did. My son asked him why he didn't make it to the NFL, before he could answer I said "because he couldn't catch". My lil cuz laughed and said, "I wish someone had told me to work on that in high school". Every time I would bring that or the fact that he let edge rushers get into his body too easily up to my uncle who had a cup of tea in the NFL, he told me "I got it". Turns out he was caught up in watching his son run over people and never told him. The exact same as some people on here do.

Everbody has a story and there are two sides. Nothing wrong with telling the truth, but can you be told the truth?? Just a question to ALL.  I'm honest to my kids also, but every kid can't handle the way we tend to tell them(Tact) I had to learn the Hard way. Sometimes we can do more harm than good with our Approach. Again, I learned the Hard way.  Just Saying  B) 


Everbody has a story and there are two sides. Nothing wrong with telling the truth, but can you be told the truth?? Just a question to ALL.  I'm honest to my kids also, but every kid can't handle the way we tend to tell them(Tact) I had to learn the Hard way. Sometimes we can do more harm than good with our Approach. Again, I learned the Hard way.  Just Saying  B) 


Right now I'm picturing Cougar14 as Jack Nicholson screaming, "YOU CAN'T HANDLE THE TRUTH!", while his kids cry about no Santa or Easter Bunny.


Yeah, Bigcam, we all got stories, but Cougar14's always have to be better.  You say you caught 5 fish then he caught 50.  You shot a nice 10pt buck, well he wrestled a grizzly bear and killed it with this bare hands. :) 



Let me just say this.  Keeping it real with your own kinfolk is one thing.  I don't agree with keeping it real with other people's kinfolk on a public forum that those kinfolk are reading.  That's just where we differ.  Well, that and the fact that I've never whipped Paul Bunyan in a variety of contests like you and your relatives have.


BTW, I thought you weren't going to post on here anymore.  Just quit saying it because you can't resist proving everyone wrong and winning every pissing contest on here.  :)


Everbody has a story and there are two sides. Nothing wrong with telling the truth, but can you be told the truth?? Just a question to ALL.  I'm honest to my kids also, but every kid can't handle the way we tend to tell them(Tact) I had to learn the Hard way. Sometimes we can do more harm than good with our Approach. Again, I learned the Hard way.  Just Saying  B) 

Everbody has a story and there are two sides. Nothing wrong with telling the truth, but can you be told the truth?? Just a question to ALL.  I'm honest to my kids also, but every kid can't handle the way we tend to tell them(Tact) I had to learn the Hard way. Sometimes we can do more harm than good with our Approach. Again, I learned the Hard way.  Just Saying  B) 

I always thought telling half-truths was more harmful to them. Maybe I'm wrong? Tact? Tact is what you use not to go to HR when you hear that degrading joke in the break room. I was taught to hold steadfast in your tac-tics which got EVERY one of us in my family who received football scholarships bachelor's degrees. That's from South Dakota State to Southern Illinois to Texas and most recently Kansas. From the fun game football is in high school to the job it is in college, to the reality of how you'll be treated in the workplace, my dad and uncles shot us straight. Maybe we all would've gotten better scholarships, been doctors, or hit the league had our parents used more "tact" though.

Right now I'm picturing Cougar14 as Jack Nicholson screaming, "YOU CAN'T HANDLE THE TRUTH!", while his kids cry about no Santa or Easter Bunny.
Yeah, Bigcam, we all got stories, but Cougar14's always have to be better.  You say you caught 5 fish then he caught 50.  You shot a nice 10pt buck, well he wrestled a grizzly bear and killed it with this bare hands. :) 
Let me just say this.  Keeping it real with your own kinfolk is one thing.  I don't agree with keeping it real with other people's kinfolk on a public forum that those kinfolk are reading.  That's just where we differ.  Well, that and the fact that I've never whipped Paul Bunyan in a variety of contests like you and your relatives have.
BTW, I thought you weren't going to post on here anymore.  Just quit saying it because you
can't resist proving everyone wrong and winning every pissing contest on here.  :)

I will and I'm done now. I already said I wouldn't post about Crosby winning and losing and I haven't. Now I'll stop all together so nobody else gets butt-hurt. I'll just sit back at gawk at the bull@&$% some people are trying to sell on here. Trust me, I'll stop. It won't be very hard at all, I just been on t/a for almost 5 months and have been low on time fillers. It's almost time to start fine tuning my apex predators again so I'm good.

I always thought telling half-truths was more harmful to them. Maybe I'm wrong? Tact? Tact is what you use not to go to HR when you hear that degrading joke in the break room. I was taught to hold steadfast in your tac-tics which got EVERY one of us in my family who received football scholarships bachelor's degrees. That's from South Dakota State to Southern Illinois to Texas and most recently Kansas. From the fun game football is in high school to the job it is in college, to the reality of how you'll be treated in the workplace, my dad and uncles shot us straight. Maybe we all would've gotten better scholarships, been doctors, or hit the league had our parents used more "tact" though.

Applaud you for your Degree(') but you're out of touch with reality. A real Butthole to be honest. I was giving you the benefit, but you are Ate up my man. Very cynical, sarcastic, & down right disrespectful to say the least. Too bad your degree didn't earn you a personality. Dry as rye toast. Get over your Complex Sir!! You're no better than anyone else. Geeeez!!! Some people SMH
By the way Cougar Tact & tactic are are different in meaning but can be similar in the approach as far as Approach is concerned. You & your family aren't the only Educated in the Universe. Although your degree could/should have an * Lol
What was your degree in?? Communications right? Bwahhhaaaaa!!! Are you Freakin Serious Dude?? Be Honest, you were picked on & placed in lockers; now you turn to Brutal Honesty to get back at the World. Classic

By the way Cougar Tact & tactic are are different in meaning but can be similar in the approach as far as Approach is concerned. You & your family aren't the only Educated in the Universe. Although your degree could/should have an * Lol
What was your degree in?? Communications right? Bwahhhaaaaa!!! Are you Freakin Serious Dude?? Be Honest, you were picked on & placed in lockers; now you turn to Brutal Honesty to get back at the World. Classic

Economics with an MBA also. Same as my wife except she has a CPA to go with hers. Stuffed I lockers huh? Lol. I was the same size as my son in 7th grade and he's already bigger than yours, so I doubt I was ever small enough to be stuffed in a locker. Just wanted to clarify that. NOW I'll cease.

P.S. - in the famous words of my son's favorite rapper "I could care less about respect from people I never met". In case you didn't notice. You rarely get to the top worrying about people's feelings.

Economics with an MBA also. Same as my wife except she has a CPA to go with hers. Stuffed I lockers huh? Lol. I was the same size as my son in 7th grade and he's already bigger than yours, so I doubt I was ever small enough to be stuffed in a locker. Just wanted to clarify that. NOW I'll cease.

P.S. - in the famous words of my son's favorite rapper "I could care less about respect from people I never met". In case you didn't notice. You rarely get to the top worrying about people's feelings.

Good for your son, I hope he isn't as delusional as his "Pops". You are the type to throw things in peoples faces about what you accomplished. If you & not others have to keep reminding us of what you did; it must be irrelevant. As for my son, he doesn't have to have size because he's an athlete bruh. The film says it All. Did that with only 41 carries all yr. Not many guys in the State can make that claim + he plays defense. As for rappers, I don't listen to that crap today because it has no message, not an art as it used to be. I listen to grown man music son, more Gospel nowadays for me. If I didn't you probably would have been cussed out long ago Lol. Thank God for Grace & Mercy. When you are able to have a grow up conversation I'll be in the "Men's" Lounge while you hang out at Toys R Us young lad.
Since you like Rap here's one for you
"Chumps step up to get beat down"

I know you've been on the wrong side of this one

Good for your son, I hope he isn't as delusional as his "Pops". You are the type to throw things in peoples faces about what you accomplished. If you & not others have to keep reminding us of what you did; it must be irrelevant. As for my son, he doesn't have to have size because he's an athlete bruh. The film says it All. Did that with only 41 carries all yr. Not many guys in the State can make that claim + he plays defense. As for rappers, I don't listen to that crap today because it has no message, not an art as it used to be. I listen to grown man music son, more Gospel nowadays for me. If I didn't you probably would have been cussed out long ago Lol. Thank God for Grace & Mercy. When you are able to have a grow up conversation I'll be in the "Men's" Lounge while you hang out at Toys R Us young lad.
Since you like Rap here's one for you
"Chumps step up to get beat down"

I know you've been on the wrong side of this one

Ha, Haaaaa Now that was funnnyyyyyyy!


"You rarely get to the top worrying about people's feelings."????


Come on man, you are making this too easy.  I think what you meant to say was, It is possible to get to the top without worry about people's feelings, but you will rarely STAY on top.  Why do you think so many Fall so hard and so quickly once they Rise to the top?  They prob didn't teach this stuff in Economics class.


Let's not use the word Feelings because we are all manly men on here but we can talk about People.  It wasn't a rapper, but I heard someone say one time that "You can get everything in life that you want, if you will just help enough other people get what they want". That's how I try to live my life and how I teach my kids.  But hey, whatever works for you, stick with it and good luck.


Good for your son, I hope he isn't as delusional as his "Pops". You are the type to throw things in peoples faces about what you accomplished. If you & not others have to keep reminding us of what you did; it must be irrelevant. As for my son, he doesn't have to have size because he's an athlete bruh. The film says it All. Did that with only 41 carries all yr. Not many guys in the State can make that claim + he plays defense. As for rappers, I don't listen to that crap today because it has no message, not an art as it used to be. I listen to grown man music son, more Gospel nowadays for me. If I didn't you probably would have been cussed out long ago Lol. Thank God for Grace & Mercy. When you are able to have a grow up conversation I'll be in the "Men's" Lounge while you hang out at Toys R Us young lad.
Since you like Rap here's one for you
"Chumps step up to get beat down"
I know you've been on the wrong side of this one

Well one thing i did learn was math. 43 for 225 and 2 X 5 gets you 215 for 1100 and 10. All shy of Jakobi's 209 for 1,491 and 15. He's running track right now if I'm not mistaken?

I hope Jump Rope John isn't thinking he has hurt my feelings because I will never doubt my boys abilities. It aint the size of the dog in the fight but the size of the fight in the dog. If you had a pair you would have come and introduced yourself when you had the opportunity. I use to drive trucks over the road and there use to be these guys out there on the radio talking all that smack. We use to call them Radio Rambos'. What should we call you? That is why I don't have a nick name so that you would know who you are talking to. Grow up dude!


By the way: Here's numbers for you Coug. 2 NFL drafts in a row where 2 Beaumont Westbrook Bruins drafted. From the same school you said was a 2nd tier program and one of them just brought back a Super Bowl Ring! He's the guy that stands about 5'9, 5'10 at best and killed Nick Saban's Alabama Crimson Tide!!! The other is Tulane's all time Leading receiver after shattering them this last season!!!


Well one thing i did learn was math. 43 for 225 and 2 X 5 gets you 215 for 1100 and 10. All shy of Jakobi's 209 for 1,491 and 15. He's running track right now if I'm not mistaken?

All I will say to you Sir is that when my Son signs his Letter of intent to play at the next Level I will surely mention you. We Love hater, only Motivates us.  By the way @ the time Jakobi was at Ozen, my son was not worthy to carry his jock. We acknowledge that & accept that. Unlike you, my Son humbled himself and learned from his Mentor.  You're a numbers guy with No common sense.  Some get upset if you mention their kids negatively. Not me cuz i know you nor your Family wouldn't make a Pimple on our A@#$  so even mentioning your Son to mine is ridiculous. The way we Train mentally & physically would make you cry Son.  I suggest you find someone else to try to Bully  Definition: A sensitive self conscious nimrod with a superiority complex whose make up is really Gentilly, but puts up a brave front and belittles others to take the attention away from themselves. Other traits are cowardly, boastful, numbers saavy,(supposed to be)College educated. Hint:Real name is Bart, but chooses a tough screename like Bear or Cougar14 ;) 


You've known me for a few yrs now. Any kid that plays for me has to have a pair. You & those Jag Kittens better be ready.

Cam you lost me that statement was about Easter and santa, but we are waiting for your PANTHERS, me I like BLUE and GOLD at Hebert we used to say that was GOD'S color

YES! and we can go double or nothing that way I can give my boy one you should like that since your team was the first he played on.


but if I can get my drinks from JRidge and you I wouldn't need to buy any for the next holiday and Buddy is easy but him in we've beat Memorial again.


All I will say to you Sir is that when my Son signs his Letter of intent to play at the next Level I will surely mention you. We Love hater, only Motivates us.  By the way @ the time Jakobi was at Ozen, my son was not worthy to carry his jock. We acknowledge that & accept that. Unlike you, my Son humbled himself and learned from his Mentor.  You're a numbers guy with No common sense.  Some get upset if you mention their kids negatively. Not me cuz i know you nor your Family wouldn't make a Pimple on our A@#$  so even mentioning your Son to mine is ridiculous. The way we Train mentally & physically would make you cry Son.  I suggest you find someone else to try to Bully  Definition:[font='courier new', courier, monospace] A sensitive self conscious nimrod with a superiority complex whose make up is really Gentilly, but puts up a brave front and belittles others to take the attention away from themselves. Other traits are cowardly, boastful, numbers saavy,(supposed to be)College educated. Hint:Real name is Bart, but chooses a tough screename like Bear or Cougar14 ;) [/font]

Tough screen name, lol. We're the Crosby Cougars and everyone in the family wears #14. Okay though man. No hard feelings and I'm sure your son will get his due. Just a note though. This kid signed with Incarnate Word.


Tough screen name, lol. We're the Crosby Cougars and everyone in the family wears #14. Okay though man. No hard feelings and I'm sure your son will get his due. Just a note though. This kid signed with Incarnate Word.



I just checked it out and he is an impressive 'RB'.  Not sure if he showed an ability to make a tackle, catch a pass or intercept a ball during his recruiting process.  Nonetheless, Incarnate Word is a respectable FCS program that does two important things: Allows the athlete to play at the next level and get his education paid for.  That's what it's all about.


Only other thing that I'll add is that we have all seen that with the right kind of marketing efforts, an athlete gets more attention than many of us might thing is deserved.  And the opposite is equally true.  So we can't base skill level and future opportunities on offers and where a kid signs.  But you already know all this.

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