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I agree with some of these points. The parents should and should want to help get their kids names out there for more exposure. Camps would be nice but can everyone afford them? High school coaches should also be putting names out there as well.  Its great for the parents to make highlights and send them out. At-least it wont hurt.

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If coaches starting putting names "out there" for average players whose full potential was achieved in hs, the coach will need to call colleges for the entire roster (because parents will mad that their son didn't get "the same opportunity"), that's no joke, Jack. Because parents have unrealistic expectations for their son.  Focus on academics.

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If coaches starting putting names "out there" for average players whose full potential was achieved in hs, the coach will need to call colleges for the entire roster (because parents will mad that their son didn't get "the same opportunity"), that's no joke, Jack. Because parents have unrealistic expectations for their son.  Focus on academics.


Couldn't have said that any better, but that's also why they need to look out for their own kids. After all it is our responsibility to make sure our kids have the best opportunity to succeed right.

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A lot of good talent falls through the crack each year! College coaches understand that, thats why they have football combines set up after season to give those kids not recruited  the opportunity to showcase their talents. As a parent im not waiting on my son coaches to get him a scholarship.  the coaches gave my son the opportunity to play and see where he might stack up against the competition and then be noticed for his ability. I myself have been critical on this subject also and regret putting it off on someone else as their responsibility. Im sure Coaches have their hands full preparing for each season and dealing with parents and everything else associated with coaching. My advice is to make copies of highlight video or copy the link and send it to every school your son is interested in and some he is not interested in to see who bites on it.  I have received a lot of interest in doing that for my son.  Good luck!

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99.9 percent of the kids who play high school football never play another down after their senior year. If getting a college scholarship is a person's goal, maybe they should re-evaluate that position. An education leading to a good job is what the 99 percent should be about. I think Nederland does a good job of preparing their kids for that.

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Well said.  Sadly, most don't realize the "truth" of this.  If I would have told my dad that my coaches should do this or that for me, he would have straightened me out and told me that I needed to respect  my coaches and work hard.  Respect is missing and so is a good dose of reality these days.

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99.9 percent of the kids who play high school football never play another down after their senior year. If getting a college scholarship is a person's goal, maybe they should re-evaluate that position. An education leading to a good job is what the 99 percent should be about. I think Nederland does a good job of preparing their kids for that.

What you have to understand though is that everybody doesn't have the means to go to college if they chose to. Some of these kids only way out of their enviroments is a football field or a basketball court, and they understand that at a very early age. There are academic requirements to stay eligible in sports and if you stay in good standing, by the time your college career is over you'll either be graduated or very close. To me, if getting a scholarship isn't your goal then your accepting mediocrity. Some kids play and know full well they won't get a scholarship but that doesn't mean that's not one of their goals. I don't let my son play football because I like worrying about him being paralyzed, I let him play because it got me a degree and I know how an education can kick-start your life. Especially one you get debt free.
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Who said the coaches should. I said I would take a coach who works for the kids. Coach Mann asked my son did he want to play football and would he be willing to live in another state. He went to work for him, on his own. He also asked a lot of kids that question. Just because you want to play football doesn't mean you're not focused on academics. I'm saying give me the coach that puts in the extra hours for your kids and yes I sent out video, he went to camps, but Coach Mann got him his opportunity and for that, I thank him.
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I think someone said it earlier. You must start early. You have to sit down with your child and make sure that's what he wants to do. However, you can't just show up, you have to compete. There are thousands of kids who want the same opportunity. It can get expensive, but believe me when I say it's worth the investment. It's a process, but if you hang in there, you'll see the benefit.
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Coug 14, everyone can go to college, play sports at college-no.  Financial Aid is available and yes you have to pay back loans (grants are out there too),but if you get your education and job, you will be fine. 

There are no "free" tickets in life.  Not in recruiting, not in college, not in life.  And you have to do the work. 

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Coug 14, everyone can go to college, play sports at college-no. Financial Aid is available and yes you have to pay back loans (grants are out there too),but if you get your education and job, you will be fine.
There are no "free" tickets in life. Not in recruiting, not in college, not in life. And you have to do the work.

So wrong!!!!
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Coug 14, everyone can go to college, play sports at college-no.  Financial Aid is available and yes you have to pay back loans (grants are out there too),but if you get your education and job, you will be fine. 

There are no "free" tickets in life.  Not in recruiting, not in college, not in life.  And you have to do the work. 


Not everyone can afford to get into college. And How many people are out here with degrees in fields they cant even get jobs in.  I have no problem if my 2 sons goal is to earn a scholly to play a sport some where.  But they are also being raised and taught playing those sports are not guaranteed to always be there and you must have some kind of plan to fall back on.

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1. Take care of your academics. (They give scholarships for grades too.)

2. Contact as many coaches as you can. If you really want to play, you'll do the leg work.

3. Don't believe everything a college coach tells you. Most are egotistical BS artists. If you do get an athletic scholarship, it's only good for one year. No matter how hard you work, your career is in their hands.

4. Talk to your school counselor. Find out about the schools, not the football programs.

5. Have a Plan B. The college coaches I have dealt with could care less about your son. It's a business.

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HS Coaches don't "reward" players with scholarships.  College recruiting/coaches do.


Yes, a HS coach's job is to win high school games, teach and all of that other stuff I mentioned (along with teaching respect and hard work, being a team player and much more). 

The HS coaches ONLY job when it comes to a player's recruiting is to give fair answers to questions asked about the player when/IF college personnel inquires. 


Recruiting is the parent's responsibility.  The player should work hard for their team and if he is talented and has POTENTIAL, the offers will come.  Education is the most important thing for the player. Good luck with your endeavors. 

I am not speaking on my kid because I EXPLAIN  all situations to mine, and that football is not all life has to offer. I just noticed that hey NEDERLAND doesn't get kids into college of any really. I have been here a long time over 20 years it is what it is.

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Coug 14, everyone can go to college, play sports at college-no. Financial Aid is available and yes you have to pay back loans (grants are out there too),but if you get your education and job, you will be fine.
There are no "free" tickets in life. Not in recruiting, not in college, not in life. And you have to do the work.

Grants? You mean like Pell grants right? The Pell grants I used to watch some of my teammates send back home as soon as the got it so mom wouldn't get the lights turned off? The majority of those type kids don't go to college because they have more pressing needs that can't wait 4 or 5 years if everything wasn't paid for through scholarships. Those kids don't end up in that 47% Romney spoke of, they become the statistics that are plastered across the ticker on Fox News Channel. You're right though, nothing is free . . . . including opportunities.
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Coug14 so if student doesn't get Pell grant (which is a considerable amt above room/board, tuition/fees), then what do they send home for the lights, scholarship money???  Hmm. 

MF, I can't think of any fb player at Nederland in the past 20 years who was slighted for a chance at a football scholarship, can you? 

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