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Guest KirbyKat

This ought to make for a very interesting topic. Since no one has replied, I'll throw first. Top 5

1. Todd Sutherland - record speakes for itself. Everywhere he has been the program has achieved. Been to Austin with 2 different schools. EC/Kountze

2. Doug McCarter - turned WOS into state-wide contender. Maybe the best strategist in the region.

3. Brian English - This is all you need to know...Took VIDOR to the state playoffs twice. Will do the same for NHS.

4. Andre Boutte - 500+ wins, 2 state titles with 2 different schools.

5. Chris Carter - excellent record, state championship while at Brookeland.

I've given you the obvious, now the guys that work under the radar, but any school would love to have. Jason Henry Lumberton, Fuller ( sorry don't know is first name ) West Hardin, Jerry Stapert Spurger, Hank Hargraves EC ( will be in the top list eventually ), Joubert Kountze, Colby Richards HF and Rae Wrinkle Orangefield.


Good list, I was impressed the way that Sutherland works the game, gets alot out of 8 or 9 deep.  I also point out with Wrinkle that given the talent level the guy does a great job.  Very good with the x's and O's just needs the players to do his system.  He gets the most out of his players and loves the game.  Good discussion topic.

Guest allsportsfan

Don't know them all, but Kent Fuller at WH is a very good coach.

Jason Henry is also good.

I'm sure the list has the right guys.


It's Kent Fuller who's at West Hardin.

Are those five guys really all better than Joubert at Kountze?  I've always been really impressed with him (his assistant, too!), but I don't know much about your top five guys...

Also, Foster at Big Sandy definately deserves a mention!

All three of these guys are not only great basketball coaches, but classy, too.  I think their players probably learn more from them than just basketball.

I'm glad you did this post...I don't think coaches get enough credit for how hard they work and all they do, and the ones who really care about their players are making long term differences in the lives of the young men they coach!  So, THANK YOU to all of you coaches!!!


Coach Vela from Splednora shoud be mentioned even though he does not get much pub.


All the guys you mentioned are great coaches.Also can't overlook Clay Davis,he did a remarkable job at Jasper as the head man before going back to HJ as an assistant.Joubert did a great job at Hardin before he came to Kountze and Southerland is simply the MAN.Carter at Warren gets as much out of a team as anyone I've seen.Southeast Texas is blessed to have so many dedicated coaches.My candidate for the best however is retired from coaching,Fred Williams was simply amazing!!!!!!


kent fuller is by far the most defending of his athletes. besides just an all around good guy and great coach.  although i have seen a lot of impressives coaches and teams. i have no respect for the warren head coach after the tournament in spurger. his attitude was absolutely ridiculous and uncalled for. for god sakes the man was kicking chairs and telling his athletes a lot of rude things that i thought were very unprofessional. i am not saying this because i am an oiler fan i am saying this from a parents point of view.


#1oiler. My kid needed a chair thrown at him.  After Hand, Chris Carter is a sweetheart.  What you don't realize is we needed that kind of intensity at Warren. We have had too many nice guys around here and the program showed it.  Hand and now Carter expect, no, they absolutly demand excellence.  Our kids have learned what it takes to win. They are also learning that life isn't fair and what it takes to succeed.  We are very happy with Chris Carter. If it cost a chair everyonce in a while to get their attention then so be it.  Off the court he is a very soft spoken gentleman with high morals and any parent would do well to have him as their kids teacher.

Guest allsportsfan

Warfan, if you are referring to throwing a chair, is that really teaching your kid how to handle anger and intensity? I don't think there is a place for that in getting kids to play. Doesn't teach them how to handle intensity or anger. Hitting yourself in the head with a water bottle does't either. I think your coach did that if I understand correctly.

Dean Smith did pretty well with class. What about Coach K at Duke.

Coach Stappert's boys play hard as well as the coach from West Hardin.

Big Sandy is very well coached and he doesn't go crazy.

Better think about teaching your kids how to do their best while controlling their anger.

I agree coach Carter knows bball from what I have seen,I just know anger can take you out of your game as easy as get you into it. 


I think you have mistaken anger for "getting their attention".  Coaching at a school with a winning tradition is diffierent than building a program with Kids that do not know how to give 100% and how to win. The coaches you mentioned are from schools with winning traditions, it's different.  I want our kids to get angry,  it shows that they care and we have not had that in the past.  Yes they need to learn how to channel that anger but to be a winner you must first care.  We will probably need to agree to disagree on this one. Good luck and God bless.



i'm not gonna disagree with you but coaches should not act that way under any circumstances.  and although if you had been at the tourney you would have seen your coach turn and address one of the opponents fans during the game....VERY UNPROFESSIONAL

Guest allsportsfan

Todd Sutherland no doubt is the best coach in this area

How can you know he is definetly the best? Have you seen them all? Are you judging them with all the same talent?

Come on. The truth is that there are some very good coaches in the area, but to say one is without a doubt the best is probably stretching it.

You can't know that certainly can you?


I think you need to throw east chambers coach in there.For a young coach he has done a very good job at east chambers.Coach Sutherland is a great coach but  with that said he always has talent.Part of being a great coach is that u get to pic and choose where you want to coach at.I played against EC when i was in high school and they always had way more talent then us so he should have beat us so u have to take things like that into consideration.Coach Jackson that was at Deweyville is right up there with the best in the area.dville never had that much talent and he made them a whole lot better than they were and i think thats what  makes a coach great.

Guest catfever

You can't always judge how good a coach is by wins or losses.  Yes that is important.  But there are some coaches that deal with less talent and do more with them, despite the fact that they might not win a lot of games.  Jackson who used to be at Deweyville is a good example. 



i'm not gonna disagree with you but coaches should not act that way under any circumstances.  and although if you had been at the tourney you would have seen your coach turn and address one of the opponents fans during the game....VERY UNPROFESSIONAL

I was sitting right there when this happened, and he did more than just address one of the fans...he said, and I quote, "Shut up, old man." And proceeded to threaten to come up into the stands.  He may be a good coach who gets a lot out of his players, but if this incident is any indication of who he is as a person, I wouldn't want my son learning anything from him.  I've never seen a coach act in such an inappropriate way.  He may be a great guy who was having a bad moment, but this is all I've seen of him, so unfortunately, it's all I have to go on.


maybe I should have put the top 5 coaches....It is hard to tell just by wins and losses. But I think there are several that have made bball their life. they do so much more than just coach at school and in doing so it is shown in wins and losses.

Guest fridaynightlights

So a coach that is blessed with talent is not a great coach.  I think some of the toughest coaching jobs are those that have a ton of talent.  Managing a lot of talent, bringing it all together, getting it to have one goal in mind, getting some to sacrifice for the betterment of the team when they probably should be getting to play more or do more.  That is good coaching just as getting the most out of little talent is good coaching.


Thats true Friday,  Getting the most out of what you have is the goal.  You must be able to teach and motovate.  And you must be able to WIN!  Which mean you have to know the game.  It takes different talents at different levels.  But since we are talking about high school varsity, I believe Todd Sutherland sets the standard.

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