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Interesting Poll that won't see the light of day in the mainstream media!

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the sample for the question was small and recharacterized the sample as "those who reported voting for Barack Obama in 2012 but would vote for someone else if the election were held again" from "those who voted for Barack Obama in 2012."   Really?  No wonder this wouldn't be seen in mainstream media, whatever that is.


the sample for the question was small and recharacterized the sample as "those who reported voting for Barack Obama in 2012 but would vote for someone else if the election were held again" from "those who voted for Barack Obama in 2012."   Really?  No wonder this wouldn't be seen in mainstream media, whatever that is.

Mainstream media very hesitant to bring any negativity about Obama to light because it reflects poorly on their overwhelming support of him.


I don't see this poll as anything outstanding anyway. Obama's polls are pretty far down from the mid-40's to the upper 30's in percentages of approval. That alone means that a good percentage of the people that voted for him are no longer satisfied and would not vote for him today. 

It is not like earth shattering news that he has lost support. 


I don't see this poll as anything outstanding anyway. Obama's polls are pretty far down from the mid-40's to the upper 30's in percentages of approval. That alone means that a good percentage of the people that voted for him are no longer satisfied and would not vote for him today. 

It is not like earth shattering news that he has lost support. 

have you seen the polls for the Republican/Democratic congress(13%) what does this mean


have you seen the polls for the Republican/Democratic congress(13%) what does this mean


It means nothing as they were all elected locally.


It means for example that Nancy Pelosi probably has an approval rating nationwide of about 10% but she won reelection in her district with about 85% of the vote. 


The nationwide approval does not matter because the people in her district love her. What the people are voting on is not how good their congressman is as they may love him/her. They are rendering an opinion on the rest of Congress that does not agree with "their guy". 


In other words, the congressional approval is a joke. If it meant anything, every incumbent would be voted out every two years. How's that working out for you?


In the case of the president, it is a one person issue. When Obama came in with a 60+% approval rating, people had high hopes. Those hopes have vanished. 


Fox is far from fair and balanced when 98% or more of ya payroll is republican or republican based ...same with MSNBC just opposite CNN is the fairest imo I dont feel like a agenda is being forced on me

Fox is far from fair and balanced when 98% or more of ya payroll is republican or republican based ...same with MSNBC just opposite CNN is the fairest imo I dont feel like a agenda is being forced on me

Can you post a link where you got that 98% Republican data, I would like to see what % Republican CNN is...and the product is what should be evaluated anyway, not how it's paid for.
im talking shows isn't every show on Fox hosted by a republican (Huckab, O'Reilly, Megan, Hannity, Shepard Smith, Bret Baier.... Only Lefty on Fox line up is The Two on the Five.... ijs FOX support a right agenda MSNBC support Left

im talking shows isn't every show on Fox hosted by a republican (Huckab, O'Reilly, Megan, Hannity, Shepard Smith, Bret Baier.... Only Lefty on Fox line up is The Two on the Five.... ijs FOX support a right agenda MSNBC support Left

Simply saying someone is a Republican or a conservative therefore they can't report the news accurately is a poor argument.

I look at the results and Fox isn't afraid to present both sides of an argument.

Most of the lefty organizations will not do that, in fact, they spend too much time attacking Fox instead of realizing their skewed views are why their viewership stinks.
just eye test you can watch 30 mins of fox and clearly see they have a conservative message not just the reporters but even the commercial are anti obama or in support of someone from the right who need votes how is that a fair message

just eye test you can watch 30 mins of fox and clearly see they have a conservative message not just the reporters but even the commercial are anti obama or in support of someone from the right who need votes how is that a fair message

For the most part they have fair reporting that allows both sides to be heard and many times it points out the failures of Obamacare and many of his other policies and this is branded unfair by the left because they don't' like to hear it.

So rather than make a case of their own and show the great policies that are being put forth by Obama and allow them to stand on their own merit, they choose to bash Fox.

Conservatives do not fear the left media and I personally hope they continue to show their true colors...the left would love nothing more than to shut Fox down because they can't beat them when viewers are given a choice of what they want to hear.

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