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A very dismal article except for the last statement:


“We will lose seats in the House,” he said. “I am fairly certain of that based on the poll numbers that are coming out from the more experienced pollsters down there, and I think we may lose the Senate.”




A very dismal article except for the last statement:


“We will lose seats in the House,” he said. “I am fairly certain of that based on the poll numbers that are coming out from the more experienced pollsters down there, and I think we may lose the Senate.”



This is how you get rid of bad policies.  You get rid of bad politicians!    If we keep the House and gain control of the Senate, it is my understanding that they may be able to withhold funding for obamacare!


I clearly said I could care less about who agreed on it,it was a Lie. Im sure I can find people who believed in all kinds of things. A Lie is A Lie ESPECIALLY WHEN TENS OF THOUSANDS AMERICAN LIVES ARE AT STAKE

PAM -- a lie is when one makes a statement that one knows is not true.  Bush had information that Saddam had WMD's.  Clinton and AlGore had the same info and believed the the SAMETHING Bush did.  If the intel is wrong, that does not make the intel receiver a liar!  Let's not revise history. 


Which has what to do with Obamacare? 


Nixon tried to cover up a burglary by some of his henchmen. Clinton lied under oath to cover up sexual harassment. 


What does any of that have to do with the thread?


And obama as well as hillary Rodman clinton.  A video!?  Now that's an out and out LIE!  

Someone is going to tell you that the video is acceptable just like they say that while the debt under Bush was unacceptable that the debt under Obama is "good" debt.


Someone is going to tell you that the video is acceptable just like they say that while the debt under Bush was unacceptable that the debt under Obama is "good" debt.

Steve, these are the lost souls that would elect a "nothing" like obama and keep trying to say he's doing a good job.  It's gonna take a while to get out of this mess!  But it took us a while to get out of the jimma carter mess.  But it was done by a conservative.  Not moderate or liberal!


"Clinton tried everything to distance herself from the affirmative vote she cast for the Iraq War Resolution of 2002, a resolution that gave President Bush carte blanche in determining when and how to remove the regime in Baghdad. The measure passed both Houses of Congress with strong bipartisan support and put members of Congress on the record less than a month before contentious off-year elections were to take place."



Shouldnt all of the people involved apologize?  Why just Bush?  There is nothing hilarious about it.

You guys are pathetic. Most of you comment on stuff that you don't know anything about. Why would a person want to do away with the ACA? My cousin pays 34/mo and has a 500 deductible. She was able to have a basketball sized mass removed from her abdomen. (She works). My aunt pays 100/mo and is now able to go to a neurologist to find out why she has fainting spells. A friend of mine pays 17/mo and is now able to get treatment for her cervical radiculopathy. Why would anyone be in opposition to abolishing pre-existing conditions limitations and maximum benefit limitations. You guys continuously talk about Bengazi is that all you have? What about Beirut? Reagan was the president (the GOP's God) in 1983 when over 200 people died in an embassy attack. Ronnie instructed the military men protecting the embassy not to shoot anyone, which was stupid. Where is the outrage? Why wasn't he impeached? What about the Iran Contra scandal? There was at least 5 embassy bombings when GWT was president? (Please research before responding).Some of you guys are incredibly stupid or racist. Smh
An investigation into the Beirut bombings determined that it was due to lax security and due to the fact that only one marine had bullets in his gun. The rest were instructed not too. That makes me say hmmmm.

By all means if its happened in the past it makes it ok now? Its more about the lies than anything else if they would not have lied to everyone in the world from the onset this would all be over and done with, he lies every chance he gets and this is no different!

This a great article to read. "1983 Debacle, Reagan escaped the blame game". Correction: the marines were instructed not to have bullets in the guns which left them defenseless; therefore, they were unable to shoot at the truck. Wow!!!!!!. Reagan's defense Secretary advised him to not send troops to Beirut, but he did it anyway....
What happened in Beirut is in the past and what happened in B enghazi is in the past. Reagan lied about Beirut, Iran etc and you guys still consider him to be one of the greatest presidents ever.

Obama is the biggest liar in history to further his agenda. If you like your plan you can keep it comes to mind, and for every person you count that obamacare helps I can count one who's cost went up!

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