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He as lied so many times since he has been in office and lied to get in office all one has to do is go back and listen to the words out of his own mouth to know he lies regularly and it does not phase him a bit so call me asinine all you want but my daddy didnt raise any fools like some folks pops did! I will not stand behind a liar or a thief!

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He said if you like your plan you could keep it period . Said you could keep your doctor thats 2 lies right there. Said he was gonna close gitmo #3 he said the killings in Benghazi were started by protest #4 two rouge IRS agents in Cincinnati #5   this can go on all night!

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He said if you like your plan you could keep it period . Said you could keep your doctor thats 2 lies right there. Said he was gonna close gitmo #3 he said the killings in Benghazi were started by protest #4 two rouge IRS agents in Cincinnati #5 this can go on all night!

please continue because 5 lies don't make you the biggest liar ever
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Obama ran on making a change in the way DC does business(even I had some hope) then we find out that was his biggest lie of all. He does nothing lest it equals political gain. The black unemployment rate in this country is above 11% and the number of people dropping out of the work force is at all time highs and you dont hear a peep from the leaders and hate mongering revs except that big companies are evil and the minimum wage should be higher . If anybody else was in office right now there would be outrage so the fact that so many people still hang on is every word and think he is the savior does not surprise me at all!

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It's obvious the AHCA is beneficial to many but it has had a negative affect on many more Americans than it has helped. If the president would have been willing to modify the plan to be more American friendly it would have been more acceptable.

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It's obvious the AHCA is beneficial to many but it has had a negative affect on many more Americans than it has helped. If the president would have been willing to modify the plan to be more American friendly it would have been more acceptable.

what are the negative affects
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" I will have the most transparent administration in history"


"  At the end of my first term, unemployment will be at 5.5%"


" We've got SHOVEL READY projects all across the country that need to be funded"


" We reject the use of national security letters to spy on citizens who are not suspected of a crime"


" I pledge to cut the deficit in half by the end of my first term"


"Benghazi, Fast and Furious, IRS are all phoney scandals trumped up by the Republicans"

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Obama ran on making a change in the way DC does business(even I had some hope) then we find out that was his biggest lie of all. He does nothing lest it equals political gain. The black unemployment rate in this country is above 11% and the number of people dropping out of the work force is at all time highs and you dont hear a peep from the leaders and hate mongering revs except that big companies are evil and the minimum wage should be higher . If anybody else was in office right now there would be outrage so the fact that so many people still hang on is every word and think he is the savior does not surprise me at all!


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I am not paying more for my insurance. I think that is a lie created by fox news. People who bought insurance on the exchange work. If they didn't they wouldn't receive subsidies if they shopped on the exchange, because they qualify for medicaid. Everyone is allowed to keep their legal insurance plan. I think it was a matter of semantics. People who lost coverage were with plans that are now deemed illegal, but if an idiot wants to keep an illegal plan that has preexisting condition exclusions and maximum out of pocket limitations let them. If they get sick and reach their 3 million dollar life time max and are kicked off of the plan, they deserve to die, because they had other options. The unemployment rate is down, taxes have been increased on the 1 percent. Obama being the biggest liar cannot be unequivocally proven. It is an opinion.
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