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Lamar vs, SHSU On Fox

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Like I said, I didn't get the details and only saw a short video clip in passing on the news.  Wasn't sure what happened just that there was some bad blood between the two players.

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That was embarassing, it would be one thing if LU got rolled like that against Memphis or some other top 25 program but against SHSU?  Pathetic.  I havent been to a Cards game in person this year because of my schedule with Wildcatters hockey but after watching that last night on tv, why would I want to???  We dont get any top teams coming in here, and this would be the same problem the football program if it were re-instated would face, no good teams coming in equals no good support.

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Man y'all are harsh. This team hasn't learned to play on the road yet, that's what happens to team that are still getting to know each other. I know some might be thinking they should be together by now but it takes a whole season sometime. Sam has a good club that played toe to toe at UCLA for 3/4 of the game before losing. As far as who would want to go see the Cards they still lead the SLC by far in attendance with over 3,000 a game. Against SFA there were over 4,000 while other SLC schools are lucky to get a 1,000. It's tought to get bigger schools to play in Beaumont because they have nothing to gain but this year BYU played here and Texas Tech is on the way in the near future. Trust me I know Roc, just give him time. Ashton is on the way and other big names could be too.

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From some local HS refs I know he is a BIG school talent with a small school mind.  I know one ref who is no longer allowed to ref Memorial games because he gave J'Covan a Technical.  So if he does come here my guess is that it will be due to him not being mature enough to handle a big time program.

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I'm not hiding behind anything, all I'm repeating is what a friend of mine who is a local HS basketball official told me.  And as for my daughter she starts kindergarten next September, you've got a while to wait.  I didnt go to college here, went to high school and thats it, just because I live here doesnt mean I owe LU anything, I dont owe them my allegiance because I live here. 

A kid as talented as J'Covan is, I can completely believe him to be a head case, it's all too common with kids that age these days, look at the kids who commit to one school then switch after one season because they didnt get their playing time.  He went to Kelly the last 2 years on a scholarship, it wasnt like he lived in Beaumont, the faculty basically didnt invite him back for this year.  but thats all off the point of this topic.

I know this is Roc's first year as head coach but from what I've seen so far it's the same story verse 8 since Foster left, LU plays to the ability of their opponent, home games against smaller schools LU used to win by 40-50-60 are now by 15-20.  And they havent been good on the road in ages.

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If that is a pic of your daughter she is cute. My kids are 14, 13 and 11. A little older than yours. If you have no loyalty to Lamar, then why post on every topic about Lamar? I never hide behind a user-name. There are a few people who post on this board who know me. They will tell you the same.

Dale Rose

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I dont have any loyalty to there as I didnt attend college there, but that being said I would like to see them succeed as in the past, hell I did their PA announcing from about 1995-1999 in the Montagne.  I was there when Tom Penders brought the Horns into Beaumont.  But I think the kids LU has been getting the last what 15 years are not the answer....why is it NW La or SHSU finds kids who can play and LU can't???  Or is it that Bmt is still stuck in the late 70s-80s and thinks we're right there.  There's not a school in the SLC  who LU didnt used to thump regularly and it wasnt even close.  Now every year they struggle around .500 while what are really lesser schools and historically programs are not beating top teams but competing with them.

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I will admit Lamar hasn't been successful on the court in numberous years. However, there are other sports Lamar has been successful. BTW, don't count out a future return of the pigskin to the Cardinal program in the future. I've been intrusted with some (non public information) which is all I can say at this point.

You don't have loyalties to LU, I understand since you did not attend the school. I've never understood someone being loyal to LSU, A&M, UT, Florida, Miami and any number of schools people support but have never even set foot on their campus.

I'm proud to say the Lamar campus and university is in the best shape it ever has been, thanks Dr. Simmons and other current administrators. Lamar University's best days aren't in the past as some may think, but it the future. One day that little darling of yours may be a LU grad. Wouldn't that be the darnest thing?

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I doubt it, she learned the words to "The Eyes Of Texas" and "Texas Fight" at the age of 2, like her dad she's a Longhorn, but thats no reflection on LU, if she were to persue an Engineering or Nursing degree I would have no problems with her attending there.  She has only one mandate from me about schooling as she grows up, anywhere but college station.  ;D

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I doubt it, she learned the words to "The Eyes Of Texas" and "Texas Fight" at the age of 2, like her dad she's a Longhorn, but thats no reflection on LU, if she were to persue an Engineering or Nursing degree I would have no problems with her attending there.  She has only one mandate from me about schooling as she grows up, anywhere but college station.   ;D

Poor little darlin'!  My only hope is that when she grows up, she falls madly in love with an Aggie and ends up marrying him! ;D

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    • This is pretty spot on… but hey… I would’ve loved to have Rigdon in Bellville 😂😂 But regardless Bellville will be fine in district moving forward and won’t see a team of the caliber that they played in non district till the 3rd or 4th round honestly.. I think region 3 is a bit down overall this season. I did think the Bellville offense played better this week than they did vs Hitchcock. Either way getting to play teams in back to back weeks with D1 QBs and athletes only helps them
    • BC should’ve won 42-0. The muffed punt and at least two obvious missed PI calls kept it at 28. 
    • Rigdon makes Columbus extremely dangerous on offense.  Very tough runner that waits and then puts his foot in the ground and turns up field.  Ran through tackles.  QB Schobel was as advertised, but LB Schobel was the MVP in my opinion.  Columbus DL did what Celina did and got under the Bellville OL and cut them to create traffic in the interior and slow those plays down.  It doesnt help that Bellville does not look clean in the backfield: running into each other, almost fumbling numerous times on handoffs.  The loss of Hood to give a break for Murray is evident.  Bellville's busts in the secondary were brutal.  Its not like the DB was outran, they just weren't in position to make plays.   Pretty interesting strategy by Columbus by adding coaches with Varsity kids (and one with D1 offers to the roster for this run with the Schobels.
    • Perhaps I shouldn't have said that, but keep in mind that I was watching the game live.  The one incident that I was referring to was their running back's stiff arm to the face, which actually appeared to be fingers into the eyes, of a would be tackler.  I happened to be sitting in Gen Adm., right at the goal line, about 4 or 5 rows up, and thought I saw it pretty well.   Also I was probably too hard on the refs last night. Refs by and large, for the past 3 seasons, just don't seem to call holding very often.  They did throw a couple of flags for hits out of bounds. And the pile ups at the goal line, with the QB at the bottom of the pile, I guess a TD can be tough to call. By the time they dig down to the bottom of the pile, anything can happen.  I'm hoarse this morning from yelling. Heck of a game. My grandson and his girlfriend went to the concession stand with the score tied 14-14, and by the time they returned, the score was 35-35. 
    • I think Tuesday on TBS.  Not sure.
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