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You can say that as many times as you want but it is not true.
You admit it is a sin and you still believe that God would create someone to be destined for a life of sinful behavior...think about it, makes no sense.

you can say THAT as many times as you want, but you are still wrong.  or please tell me which homosexuals you've talked to that told you so.  i'd love to talk to them and see how they're different from the probably 2-3 dozen or so i've talked to.  God creates people who are schizophrenic that go crazy and kill people.  God creates people that are mentally retarded, and sometimes because they aren't smart enough to know right from wrong, they commit crimes. These people are born with abnormalities that lead them to sin. How is that different from someone being born with an abnormal sinful sexual impulse? Hell, we're all born into sinful sexual impulses.
but on a more simple note, everyone God creates is destined for a life of sinful behavior.  God created you knowing you would sin, and (I don't know you personally, and cannot talk for you) and knew that many (most?) that he created would not only sin, but would indulge in some form of sinful lifestyle.  maybe you guys know somebody, but growing up active in the church, i had a lot of guys that i was great friends with, and we would talk about sexual sin, thoughts, masturbation, etc. in the context of our religion and sin, and i didn't know a single guy who was born with the ability to control sinful, lustful thoughts.  So why is so hard to understand that the same God who made people incapable of forgoing lustful thoughts (and a vast majority incapable of forgoing lustful actions) might create some who struggle with something a little different?

you can say THAT as many times as you want, but you are still wrong.  or please tell me which homosexuals you've talked to that told you so.  i'd love to talk to them and see how they're different from the probably 2-3 dozen or so i've talked to.  God creates people who are schizophrenic that go crazy and kill people.  God creates people that are mentally retarded, and sometimes because they aren't smart enough to know right from wrong, they commit crimes. These people are born with abnormalities that lead them to sin. How is that different from someone being born with an abnormal sinful sexual impulse? Hell, we're all born into sinful sexual impulses.
but on a more simple note, everyone God creates is destined for a life of sinful behavior.  God created you knowing you would sin, and (I don't know you personally, and cannot talk for you) and knew that many (most?) that he created would not only sin, but would indulge in some form of sinful lifestyle.  maybe you guys know somebody, but growing up active in the church, i had a lot of guys that i was great friends with, and we would talk about sexual sin, thoughts, masturbation, etc. in the context of our religion and sin, and i didn't know a single guy who was born with the ability to control sinful, lustful thoughts.  So why is so hard to understand that the same God who made people incapable of forgoing lustful thoughts (and a vast majority incapable of forgoing lustful actions) might create some who struggle with something a little different?


Mentally retarded is not sinful behavior and neither are mental disorders, homosexuality is...BIG difference.  That's not me saying this, that's God's word.


Read what scripture has to say about homosexuality and then try and make sense of why God would create someone that way when he makes it clear how he feels about it.


Sorry, but Scripture trumps however many homosexuals you have talked to that give their perspective on it.


Yes, we are all born with a sinful nature (in our soul) and fight temptations daily...big difference than being born with a genetically structured sin nature we can do nothing about.


Your scripture was written by men, just like you and me. Get over it. They didn't like it so you follow along. I guess some people need that.

Penned by men but inspired by God... ALL people need it but many don't accept it.

Not sure what you want me to" get over" but I'm sure you'll tell me in your angry little way.

Yep.  Some don't need a piece of papyrus from 2000 years ago to tell them right from wrong., much less some royalty from a few hundred years ago telling us what we should believe and what we shouldn't..   Most likely, you disregarded some old teachings and now believe Martin Luther.    Right?


It's clear you have no regard for the Word of God and by your reference to royalty and "telling us what to believe" you clearly have no idea how the King James version came to be.


Another Bible expert that has never read the Bible.  Try it, you may actually read something you like.


I suspect I have read more than you.  Just answer the question.  BTW, why do you think the King James version is known as the authorized version?

I doubt it...and no, I am not going to answer your question about why which writings were put into the Bible.

That's an explanation too lengthy for here and I don't think it would be well received anyway.

Besides, I'm sure you're asking a question you already know the answer to, right?

You brought up the King James version and now you don't want to discuss it. I don't blame you.

Nice try...you brought it up with the royalty comment but you don't want to discuss it either.

Ask a question, make fun of the answer or the dummy answering it, repeat.

It's just your way...have a nice evening
Wow, just made it from the baseball forum and read the first thread. We are in trouble - but everyone knows that. The bible is the infallible word of God, divinely inspired. Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it. Enter the accurate account of Sodom and Gomorrah, and prepare thy selves for fire and brimstone.

reading this post leads me to believe that whatever sin you're guilty of should be a law too, and you should be in jail for life.  since you're saying we should except all of the bible as direct law, your sin of lustfulness or drunkeness or whatever it is you do should put you in jail for just as long as a murderer.  of course, there will be nobody left to man the jail.

your missing the point.......

twisting and turning like the usual leftist


i said nothing about gays going to prison for being gay....


murder is a sin that we don't except nor encourage to an extent.....(video games, movies, tv, etc)

but being gay is a sin as well but we'll encourage it not only with tv, movies, but laws, and socially.


I don't encourage drunkeness or lustfulness...


like i said we all sin,  that doesn't mean that we have to encourage it and push upon our society to except it.


children are not "made" gay.  you can't be "influenced" into becoming gay.  it's not contagious, and it's not a choice.  you either are or you aren't.  so i'm not really sure how children in a home with two loving dads or moms are worse off than children living in foster care or a state run school or with a crackhead mother who can't take care of them. 


but that being said, i'm really curious, unless you were raised by gay parents, how you'd have such a strong opinion on how badly damaged these poor kids would be growing up in that situation. 

yes there are bad situations out there.


but for you to tell me that kids are not influenced then apparently you don't have kids.


especially boys who are supposed to grow up to be leaders in there homes and society.

of the two sexes Men were created to be leaders and Men are failing at this and society is not helping.


I am not perfect and i don't claim to be.......if your faith is not in the Word of God like mine is then you won't understand were i am coming from.


I do not hate gays nor any other sinners.....i hate the sin along with my own sins.  alot of you take it personnel whenchristians call gays sinners.....that is what they are. and so am i.

when one can look in the mirror and be honest with theirself they'll have a revelation.


I don't go along to get along....i actually have a backbone.  And when someone is wrong i will tell them....

I have some good friends and they are good friends because they ve pointed out when i am wrong.....i don't want fake friends


your missing the point.......
twisting and turning like the usual leftist
i said nothing about gays going to prison for being gay....
murder is a sin that we don't except nor encourage to an extent.....(video games, movies, tv, etc)
but being gay is a sin as well but we'll encourage it not only with tv, movies, but laws, and socially.
I don't encourage drunkeness or lustfulness...
like i said we all sin,  that doesn't mean that we have to encourage it and push upon our society to except it.

we don't have to encourage drunkeness or lustfulness, or have to push it upon our society to accept it. it's already accepted. those sins are no worse than homosexuality, but we have no problem with beer commercials, or the fact that every rated-R (and now often PG-13) movie has an obligatory sex scene or three. are those things not pushing upon our society acceptance of drinking and sex? if you say no, you're a liar. the fact is, those things don't make us uncomfortable, and many of us good Christians still drink or are committing sexual sin, or did in the past, so we don't rail upon those things. that's fine. but when all of the good Christians I know devote half as much time to stopping sex out of wedlock and drinking to excess, i'll maybe respect their opinions on homosexuality a bit more. truth be told, i know MANY Christians who commit these sins, live a lifestyle of these sins. It's easy for them to ignore that, and then rally against homosexuality... perhaps because that's a sin they don't struggle with? for people to come on here and act like acceptance of homosexuality is the downfall of our society, that's bigoted and hypocritical beyond belief. there are many sinful lifestyles that are far more detrimental to our society that Christians don't ever bring up. so if a Christian wants to come on here and say that homosexuality is sinful, i have no problem with that. But for Christians to act like homosexuality is somehow the downfall of our nation, that's utterly absurd.

yes there are bad situations out there.
but for you to tell me that kids are not influenced then apparently you don't have kids.
especially boys who are supposed to grow up to be leaders in there homes and society.
of the two sexes Men were created to be leaders and Men are failing at this and society is not helping.
I am not perfect and i don't claim to be.......if your faith is not in the Word of God like mine is then you won't understand were i am coming from.
I do not hate gays nor any other sinners.....i hate the sin along with my own sins.  alot of you take it personnel whenchristians call gays sinners.....that is what they are. and so am i.
when one can look in the mirror and be honest with theirself they'll have a revelation.
I don't go along to get along....i actually have a backbone.  And when someone is wrong i will tell them....
I have some good friends and they are good friends because they ve pointed out when i am wrong.....i don't want fake friends

i have no problem with someone calling gays sinners. i have a problem when people try to say that homosexuality is somehow the worst sin, or the biggest problem in our country.


i have no problem with someone calling gays sinners. i have a problem when people try to say that homosexuality is somehow the worst sin, or the biggest problem in our country.

so lets add more sin acceptance....is that what your saying...



we don't have to encourage drunkeness or lustfulness, or have to push it upon our society to accept it. it's already accepted. those sins are no worse than homosexuality, but we have no problem with beer commercials, or the fact that every rated-R (and now often PG-13) movie has an obligatory sex scene or three. are those things not pushing upon our society acceptance of drinking and sex? if you say no, you're a liar. the fact is, those things don't make us uncomfortable, and many of us good Christians still drink or are committing sexual sin, or did in the past, so we don't rail upon those things. that's fine. but when all of the good Christians I know devote half as much time to stopping sex out of wedlock and drinking to excess, i'll maybe respect their opinions on homosexuality a bit more. truth be told, i know MANY Christians who commit these sins, live a lifestyle of these sins. It's easy for them to ignore that, and then rally against homosexuality... perhaps because that's a sin they don't struggle with? for people to come on here and act like acceptance of homosexuality is the downfall of our society, that's bigoted and hypocritical beyond belief. there are many sinful lifestyles that are far more detrimental to our society that Christians don't ever bring up. so if a Christian wants to come on here and say that homosexuality is sinful, i have no problem with that. But for Christians to act like homosexuality is somehow the downfall of our nation, that's utterly absurd.

i don't accept those movies or beer commercials


one wrong doesn't make another wrong right


so again lets make more sins more acceptable......that ll sure make things great.


This is not a matter of sin.  It's about equal protection.  Should we deny alcoholics or smokers the right to marry because it might encourage their sinful lifestyle?    Are kids worse off with alcoholic parents or gay parents? 


This is not a matter of sin.  It's about equal protection.  Should we deny alcoholics or smokers the right to marry because it might encourage their sinful lifestyle?    Are kids worse off with alcoholic parents or gay parents? 

The data isn't in yet, and won't be for another for years!!! 


Why would such s large group of people make a choice to be discriminated against, ostracized, and even hated by some people.

Romans 1: 21 because, although they knew God, they did not glorify Him as God, nor were thankful, but became futile in their thoughts, and their foolish hearts were darkened.22 Professing to be wise, they became fools....25 who exchanged the truth of God for the lie, and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever. Amen.....26 For this reason God gave them up to vile passions. For even their women exchanged the natural use for what is against nature. 27 Likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust for one another, men with men committing what is shameful, and receiving in themselves the penalty of their error which was due.

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