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Point them out my friend!!!  What you cannot explain "scientifically" any better than I can is how the very first piece of matter was created.  You believe there was complete nothingness: absolutely nothing, energy or matter, existed and yet spontaneously they came into being!!!  Sounds like you are as much of a believer in miracles as I am!!!!

I have no problem believing that some God created all the matter.   Why does one have to not believe in God to believe in the big bang? 


I have no problem believing that some God created all the matter.   Why does one have to not believe in God to believe in the big bang? 

Which one of the gods do you believe created all the matter???  So you are advocating for the "theory" that "some" God "spoke" the universe into existence??? 


Which one of the gods do you believe created all the matter???  So you are advocating for the "theory" that "some" God "spoke" the universe into existence??? 

It's as good as any other theory.


New scientific evidence that supports evolution. Who knew Zebra’s stripes just evolved for fly repellent. Who here thinks they have it right?




From the article "Scientists haven’t actually observed zebras in the wild to see if biting flies avoid alighting on them, in part because it’s difficult to get that close to the animals. It’s also not known why biting flies steer clear of stripes."

  • 2 weeks later...

Who's worried?  I find the discoveries about our universe and planet very interesting.  And I'm not trying to disprove God or discredit the Bible.  I just wanted JV_Coach's opinion on the Big Bang as it relates to his views of Christianity and the Bible.  I know he takes the stories of the Bible literally, but picks and chooses what be believes about science (such as evolution & dinosaurs).  I would think that as science continues to progress, the gap between what the Bible says, and what scientist say will continue to widen.  Just something to think about.

Everything that proven science says supports the Bible. God told Abraham his descendants would be as numerous as the stars, and later he said his descendants would be as numerous as the grains of sand on the earth. There are 10^21 stars in the known universe, and there are 10^25 grains of sand. Once we are able to see every star the numbers will both be 10^25.

  • 4 weeks later...

Don't forget evolution is simply a theory, not proven scientific fact.


Take some slime, frogs, whatever and add billions of years and BAM ...you have humans.


Myself, I like the version that we were created in God's image.   :)

No...Just, no. Evolution is absolutely a law, What you are discussing is macro vs micro evolution. Macro is observable changes in physical characteristics within one kind, like the finch from the galopagos islands' beak changing for the rocky landscape. Micro evolution is kinds turning into different kinds, like a reptile to a mammal. Macro is a scientific law, micro is a theory, that will eventually turn into a law. Evolution is not a simple theory, but scientific law/fact whatever you want to call it.  


So we did not descend from the more primitive hominids such as Aripithecus, Australopithcanes, and Neanderthals? That would be a contrary view to what most scientists (and the general public) currently believe to the true. Can't deny the evidence. One day the Big Bang and Human Evoluation will no longer be considered just theories (most people already believe in them now).

From your name, I assume you like to gamble. Anyone worth a damn gambling knows to go against the "general public" as you stated. So why should I believe the general public. Hell, they re-elected Nagin and Obama. Not the best group to follow.

From your name, I assume you like to gamble. Anyone worth a damn gambling knows to go against the "general public" as you stated. So why should I believe the general public. Hell, they re-elected Nagin and Obama. Not the best group to follow.

It's not general public. it is most scientists. There is a difference.
Non believers Laugh at the fact that people can worship a God that seems so fairytale to them. But rather believe in scientists. The same people who taught you the earth was flat the sun rotates around earth and all kinds of foolishness. Scientists make theories. Nothing More.
Wow Pam. Scientists were the ones who proved the earth went around the sun. It was the church that fought the idea. You have everything in reverse. Does beilief in the big bang theory make one a non believer?

This is directed toward westend1... To answer your question, in a way it does make you a non-believer.  If you believe in the Big Bang Theory, then you don't not fully believe that the Bible is God's Word.  To believe in the Big Bang Theory goes directly against the biblical creation account of history, therefore you are putting man-made theories over God's authoritative word.  If you have any questions regarding evolution or the "Big Bang" I would encourage you to visit www.creation.com


This is directed toward westend1... To answer your question, in a way it does make you a non-believer.  If you believe in the Big Bang Theory, then you don't not fully believe that the Bible is God's Word.  To believe in the Big Bang Theory goes directly against the biblical creation account of history, therefore you are putting man-made theories over God's authoritative word.  If you have any questions regarding evolution or the "Big Bang" I would encourage you to visit www.creation.com

You got me Aledo.  I do not believe that everything in the bible is God's word.  But that does not make me a non believer.


You can't pick and choose parts of the Bible to believe... You're either all in or you're out. It's like saying I believe in Santa, but I don't believe in reindeer.

We disagree.  All of the bible was written by man.  Man makes mistakes.  But I get it.  Every religion thinks that they have all the answers.


Man makes mistakes, but God doesn't. God would not allow the Bible to have any mistakes in it.

Jesus (of course you have to believe that Jesus was truly who he said he was) himself said about the Old Testament that he did not come to to change the law but to fulfill it.  He went on to say that not one letter would be changed until heaven and earth passes away.  I guess since HE had the chance to say "you know what guys, you got this creation thing wrong.  It really didn't happen the way it is written.  We need to change Genesis to get the facts right", BUT HE DIDN"T, so we can rest assured that HE was sufficiently satisfied with how the THE HOLY SPIRIT had inspired the author of Genesis to write down the narrative of creation!!!

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