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Time To Rename Carol Thomas Stadium

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Rename it "Da ____"

Footnote, Ned lost one game there when all we needed was a 1st down, then run clock. Soulja remembers that one I'm sure.

Really? Name it a female canine? Smh.

Yes, I remember that game. It was the 3 stooges first year. We won the district championship that night. It took the staff the entire game to realize that you guys had NU answer for the Sophmore Robert Mitchell on the ground.
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Why would you sound so assuming that only white person is involved in this.mess....hmmm?

Did you miss the "so far" part. I'm not making things up. Only going by what has happened thus far......and what happened in the 70-90's....I have not a clue.....in 1970 I was 5....was not interested in these topics

And my comments were addressing one other persons comments
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Just a little play on words. From a distance, it almost reads that way now.

Yep, and you had no answer for the "red dog".

PNG and Ned have had success there. Call it Mid-County North Annex.

You have to remember... It was at Bulldog stadium where big Ned took a 63-28 woodshed whipping... ;)
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So you scored 1600 on the SAT and have a degree from an Ivy League school?  I ask these questions assuming you believe that all kids take test the same.  How can you blame test scores on a Supt.?  As for the raises, the most contested vote was 5-2 for the last one.  New buiuldings, and a new stadium and swimming center.  Now answer this?  Where was all this money back in the 70's-90's when building were falling down and classes were being held in portables???  Money was being tricked off then but Mr. Charlie was in charge and there was no internet to further fuel speculation.  City of Beaumont stopped allowing homestead exemptions after 1980 due to tricking off money.  So only Blacks misuse funds according to your logic........


According to my logic? I never said anything about race..... I'm referring to Carrol Thomas the guy you want to protect BECAUSE of his skin color.... Your probably one of those people that voted for Obama simply because he's black... Didnt look at his history or credentials or un-american behavior..... If the best person for the job is black, then I say give him the job..... But if he starts screwing up, dont say "its ok because he's black".... I went to French High School in Beaumont and it was one of the greatest times in my life even now looking back and seeing it was probably 60-70% black... That to my knowledge never came up in the halls or in the locker room. Their are several people that I went to school with that are a hell of alot more successful than I will ever be they just happen to be a different color than I am. I am not a racist person, and my logic is only crooked selfish individuals misuse funds, especially funds that were intended for children...

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Dr. Chagois and 'others' were at the parade this weekend catering to and supporting the kids. I wonder if there was several article about this positive just like the several articles about the FBI raids...

Dog and pony show? Little late for that.
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BISD has been screwed up for a long time people. It was screwed up when Jerry Mallet was in charge. There has always been in house fighting. It's just getting more public now that people are getting caught with their hand in the cookie jar. Don't think for a minute there wasn't hands in the cookie jar during the Mallet years by people in the district. Don't forget about the merger of school districts, picking ping pong balls, issues when Hebert, South Park, and Forest Park combined. This school district has always had racial divisions and continues today the same way. It has never changed. Period. BISD graduate of 1992. Been there, seen it, and gave the t-shirt away. lol

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Not really. Dr. Chagois did it last year and Dr. Thomas did it every year when he was here as well. No dog and pony show.

But of course, no one ever knows about this type of positive because we get FBI raids and other negative things plastered all over the place.

there is a saying: it only takes one oh crud to wipe out 10 atta boys.


no one ever remembers the good things if you are out doing bad things…… 

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there is a saying: it only takes one oh crud to wipe out 10 atta boys.

no one ever remembers the good things if you are out doing bad things……

In NFL, everyone remembers how good the New England Patriots were, even during the year of 'spygate'. Everyone remembers how good the New Orleans Saints were even during the 'bounty gate' year. So, that probably renders your above statement as inaccurate...
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In NFL, everyone remembers how good the New England Patriots were, even during the year of 'spygate'. Everyone remembers how good the New Orleans Saints were even during the 'bounty gate' year. So, that probably renders your above statement as inaccurate...

Lol. It's amazing how far y'all will go to protect these crooks
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Dr. Chagois and 'others' were at the parade this weekend catering to and supporting the kids. I wonder if there was several article about this positive just like the several articles about the FBI raids...

I agree, there should be some footage or article of our officials out mingling with the kids, but Soulja at this point I need more.  I'm not saying whose innocent or guilty of any charges, but as a tax payer I know some Bull is going on. I ask again; what's the Mayor's Role in all of this.  There is no way $4 mil comes up missing & she has no idea of what's going on in her City with the presumed theft of that amount of money.  I don't hear anyone calling for her head.  Just asking B) 


Along with countless other allegations she is   isn't Privy to

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...but you called all of them crooks. Only 2 arrests....and it doesn't include the one (or 2) that you want...

Your right.... In every investigation they arrest everyone then inveatigate and the top guys always go down first. It will all come out in time and I will be the first one on here saying hahahahahahaha I told you so
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Your right.... In every investigation they arrest everyone then inveatigate and the top guys always go down first. It will all come out in time and I will be the first one on here saying hahahahahahaha I told you so

Well, some have been waiting and name pointing and name calling for almost a decade now. That furst FBI fair almost 5 years ago and no arrests. These are facts.
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It's all about what sells papers and BISD has definitely sold some papers with their antics.


News of FBI raids and TEA investigating and threatening takeover is much bigger news and will always trump a "middle school academic meet". :rolleyes:


This is the type news that makes regional and national news therefore one has to expect the local media to cover it abundantly.




Not sure I have ever seen an article from any local newspaper that covered a middle school academic meet.

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I have some strong opinions on this matter as I have some relatives who are tax paying citizens in Beaumont but out of respect for some of my fellow members on here who I respect a lot I will keep them to myself. I will however discuss some of the co-workers of mines opinions who live and have children who are in or went to WB and Ozen. The first gentlemen is a Ozen season ticket holder since day one of the Ozen football programs beginning. Heal so had a son who played football there. He truly believes for his own reasons that Thomas is neck deep involved in the illegal activities and that its only a matter of time before they finish building there case against him. Part two he has always hated the name of the stadium. He has never told me what he thinks it should be.  The other guy played at South Park and at Lamar and his son played for Stump at WB. He also thinks that Brooks is guilty of some sort of crime and he also dislikes the name of the stadium thinking it was self centered and egotistical to allow it to be named after himself. I believe that its only fair to not condemn someone before they are found guilty of a crime. My only belief is that there were many crimes committed against the innocent children of this district who not only were cheated out of their money but also shown what a terrible role model looks like when it counts the most. These children DESERVE much better than the crap that's going on in Beaumont and I hope every crook  who was involved is taken down and given the maximum sentence under the law.  Beaumont is a proud school district that deserves stable and accountable leadership who can lead them into a bright future.

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It's all about what sells papers and BISD has definitely sold some papers with their antics.

News of FBI raids and TEA investigating and threatening takeover is much bigger news and will always trump a "middle school academic meet". :rolleyes:

This is the type news that makes regional and national news therefore one has to expect the local media to cover it abundantly.

Not sure I have ever seen an article from any local newspaper that covered a middle school academic meet.

So kfdm rating are down that's why they down talk BISD every chance they get!!
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It's all about what sells papers and BISD has definitely sold some papers with their antics.

News of FBI raids and TEA investigating and threatening takeover is much bigger news and will always trump a "middle school academic meet". :rolleyes:

This is the type news that makes regional and national news therefore one has to expect the local media to cover it abundantly.

Not sure I have ever seen an article from any local newspaper that covered a middle school academic meet.

You can roll your eyes all you want, but I'm about the kids, as should others. I wouldn't expect several articles. But geeez, not 1?

You never addressed the parade with Dr. Chagois and company in attendance catering to the kids as they do every year..
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I have some strong opinions on this matter as I have some relatives who are tax paying citizens in Beaumont but out of respect for some of my fellow members on here who I respect a lot I will keep them to myself. I will however discuss some of the co-workers of mines opinions who live and have children who are in or went to WB and Ozen. The first gentlemen is a Ozen season ticket holder since day one of the Ozen football programs beginning. Heal so had a son who played football there. He truly believes for his own reasons that Thomas is neck deep involved in the illegal activities and that its only a matter of time before they finish building there case against him. Part two he has always hated the name of the stadium. He has never told me what he thinks it should be. The other guy played at South Park and at Lamar and his son played for Stump at WB. He also thinks that Brooks is guilty of some sort of crime and he also dislikes the name of the stadium thinking it was self centered and egotistical to allow it to be named after himself. I believe that its only fair to not condemn someone before they are found guilty of a crime. My only belief is that there were many crimes committed against the innocent children of this district who not only were cheated out of their money but also shown what a terrible role model looks like when it counts the most. These children DESERVE much better than the crap that's going on in Beaumont and I hope every crook who was involved is taken down and given the maximum sentence under the law. Beaumont is a proud school district that deserves stable and accountable leadership who can lead them into a bright future.

Yes, I agree. If they're guilty, then prosecute them. I'd be down with that. But when you label someone as a crook just because and have no reason other than ___, and he haven't been arrested, then I start to question things. If they find him guilty, then lock him up.

I may not be a Central ticket holder, but I make on an average about 96 % of all central games. As I've said before, I would have prefered BISD stadium, but I have no deep down anger with it being named the Thomas Center as some do.
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Yes, I agree. If they're guilty, then prosecute them. I'd be down with that. But when you label someone as a crook just because and have no reason other than ___, and he haven't been arrested, then I start to question things. If they find him guilty, then lock him up.

I may not be a Central ticket holder, but I make on an average about 96 % of all central games. As I've said before, I would have prefered BISD stadium, but I have no deep down anger with it being named the Thomas Center as some do.

Fill in the blank......

Say what you mean......
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