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Time To Rename Carol Thomas Stadium

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You can roll your eyes all you want, but I'm about the kids, as should others. I wouldn't expect several articles. But geeez, not 1?

You never addressed the parade with Dr. Chagois and company in attendance catering to the kids as they do every year..


Show some examples of the media doing articles like that in any other school district.....


If you are so "all about the kids"...then demand that the media digs EVEN DEEPER in the ALLEGED corruption that is going on in BISD.....Do you really think after balancing their books and realizing they are 4 million short that would not put up a red flag to Dr. Chagios?? Wouldn't a responsible innocent superintendent  WANT the FBI to investigate......WANT to cooperate with the TEA....WANT to get to the bottom??


Why did the TEA say the employee's were instructed not to cooperate....is it because it actually happened or is the TEA "_________" (since you like to leave us guessing) B)

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Long as there is BS going on there BISD will stay in the news for all the wrong reasons. Hell not to far back ago I remember seeing West Orange in the news about their school administration cause it was some wrongdoings going on there, I remember always seeing PAISD in the news alot back when i was coming up thru school and lawd knows the amount of newspaper articles I saw about that mess back in the day. If you dont mess up then you wont be reported on in a negative light, they (media) will have no choice but to report on the positives.

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It needs to be renamed whether they prove he was involved or not. Everything and anything that has the fingerprints of the current and previous administration on it need to be whipped clean. MLB is having the same issue right now with the Hall of Fame. Numerous men who should have been voted into the Hall have not received the votes because of they played in the steroid era and there is "speculation" that they might have been juiced. Well...if you they aren't very certain that a player was clean they are very hesitant to give them the vote. There is plenty of "speculation" that the previous superintendent was involved as well. Wipe everything clean and start it over. All you have to do is rename it BISD Complex. From that point, when someone new comes through whether it be coach, athlete, or administration that is deserving...then rename the stadium.

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I have some strong opinions on this matter as I have some relatives who are tax paying citizens in Beaumont but out of respect for some of my fellow members on here who I respect a lot I will keep them to myself. I will however discuss some of the co-workers of mines opinions who live and have children who are in or went to WB and Ozen. The first gentlemen is a Ozen season ticket holder since day one of the Ozen football programs beginning. Heal so had a son who played football there. He truly believes for his own reasons that Thomas is neck deep involved in the illegal activities and that its only a matter of time before they finish building there case against him. Part two he has always hated the name of the stadium. He has never told me what he thinks it should be.  The other guy played at South Park and at Lamar and his son played for Stump at WB. He also thinks that Brooks is guilty of some sort of crime and he also dislikes the name of the stadium thinking it was self centered and egotistical to allow it to be named after himself. I believe that its only fair to not condemn someone before they are found guilty of a crime. My only belief is that there were many crimes committed against the innocent children of this district who not only were cheated out of their money but also shown what a terrible role model looks like when it counts the most. These children DESERVE much better than the crap that's going on in Beaumont and I hope every crook  who was involved is taken down and given the maximum sentence under the law.  Beaumont is a proud school district that deserves stable and accountable leadership who can lead them into a bright future.

Doesn't mean its true just because you heard...... 

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Show some examples of the media doing articles like that in any other school district.....

If you are so "all about the kids"...then demand that the media digs EVEN DEEPER in the ALLEGED corruption that is going on in BISD.....Do you really think after balancing their books and realizing they are 4 million short that would not put up a red flag to Dr. Chagios?? Wouldn't a responsible innocent superintendent WANT the FBI to investigate......WANT to cooperate with the TEA....WANT to get to the bottom??

Why did the TEA say the employee's were instructed not to cooperate....is it because it actually happened or is the TEA "_________" (since you like to leave us guessing) B)

lol @ the blank. Priceless. It was actually funny. Thank you for that.

I was under the impression that Dr. Chagois was cooperating with the FBI guys. Were is the resistance?
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Long as there is BS going on there BISD will stay in the news for all the wrong reasons. Hell not to far back ago I remember seeing West Orange in the news about their school administration cause it was some wrongdoings going on there, I remember always seeing PAISD in the news alot back when i was coming up thru school and lawd knows the amount of newspaper articles I saw about that mess back in the day. If you dont mess up then you wont be reported on in a negative light, they (media) will have no choice but to report on the positives.

...it's funny that you say PA-ISD, WO-CISD, and BISD in this instance. Let's see... Hmmmm.
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...it's funny that you say PA-ISD, WO-CISD, and BISD in this instance. Let's see... Hmmmm.

There's been others im pretty sure, just the media didnt go out and report repeatedly on those since its not "large" districts. No school district is perfect IMO, its just you have those that have small issues thats swept under the rug while you have some with big issues get reported on.

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...it's funny that you say PA-ISD, WO-CISD, and BISD in this instance. Let's see... Hmmmm.

What are you trying to say? The TEA is raciest? Maybe all 3 districts were ran by incompetent crooks when they got in trouble. I'm pretty sure the guy that makes the final decision on whether or not BISD should be taken over is black. So if he does decide to takeover BISD is it because a black man has something against his own race or is it still the white guys fault
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I refuse to respond to any of your posts since you're hellbent on avoiding the question that Yeoj asked you about what district you represent...

I don't "represent" any district. What I do "represent" is standing up to people that think it's okay to screw over kids. All the kids of BISD deserve better but you seem hellbent on keeping things the same. And if your asking what school I support it would be the mighty tekoa academy
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The guy that always plays the race card is normally the raciest...... Just a little advice to a few posters

How can race be a card like its a game to be played or something? I don't get to take off or put on my blackness at will. "Playing the race card" sounds like a backlash defense white people use when being called out and recognized for their racist actions, statements, or beliefs. Just a little education for a few posters. Smh...
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I don't "represent" any district. What I do "represent" is standing up to people that think it's okay to screw over kids. All the kids of BISD deserve better but you seem hellbent on keeping things the same. And if your asking what school I support it would be the mighty tekoa academy

BS.. because I already know it. (the district that you represent) ;) B)
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What are you trying to say? The TEA is raciest? Maybe all 3 districts were ran by incompetent crooks when they got in trouble. I'm pretty sure the guy that makes the final decision on whether or not BISD should be taken over is black. So if he does decide to takeover BISD is it because a black man has something against his own race or is it still the white guys fault

Why are you making this so much about race?

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How can race be a card like its a game to be played or something? I don't get to take off or put on my blackness at will. "Playing the race card" sounds like a backlash defense white people use when being called out and recognized for their racist actions, statements, or beliefs. Just a little education for a few posters. Smh...


A little advice from a white guy about what WE consider the "Race Card".....when posters/people accuse people they don't know of being racist to take attention off the real problem. When posters call a white person "Mr Charlie" or use "you people"......or bring up issues from 20 years ago (with no proof) to justify what is happening today. All those things I mentioned I can provide the actual statements and posters who did them. If you want to be upset at ANYONE it should be the accused people and also the superintendent who is responsible for the welfare of the children and school district.

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