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I believe you're right. Someone will probably try to find a loophole and Klug will be under a microscope, probably looking for ANY excuse to fire him/her...


The fact that we have to say him/her is reason enough.


The school district is (should be) about the kids and what's best for them.


Am I the only one who just don't understand?


I teach my kid to accept everyone, don't be judgmental etc...


Here is my issue (even though I still stand behind how I would have handled this in my earlier post.....you don't have to agree with something to do the right thing)


For the sake of my discussion we are going to call him a He....as I understand he still has male anatomy.


He claims he has legal papers that he is a woman. He has taken some medication and is wanting in the FUTURE to have a sex change. So, in my opinion, he is still male. How can he legally be considered a female with male parts?


So, do we have a male teacher dressing up like a female?


Does this open up that male students can now dress up like women if they want? Can they wear makeup or earrings?  


I guess I'm confused.....


Am I the only one who just don't understand?


I teach my kid to accept everyone, don't be judgmental etc...


Here is my issue (even though I still stand behind how I would have handled this in my earlier post.....you don't have to agree with something to do the right thing)


For the sake of my discussion we are going to call him a He....as I understand he still has male anatomy.


He claims he has legal papers that he is a woman. He has taken some medication and is wanting in the FUTURE to have a sex change. So, in my opinion, he is still male. How can he legally be considered a female with male parts?


So, do we have a male teacher dressing up like a female?


Does this open up that male students can now dress up like women if they want? Can they wear makeup or earrings?  


I guess I'm confused.....

You're not the confused one in this story.


Am I the only one who just don't understand?


I teach my kid to accept everyone, don't be judgmental etc...


Here is my issue (even though I still stand behind how I would have handled this in my earlier post.....you don't have to agree with something to do the right thing)


For the sake of my discussion we are going to call him a He....as I understand he still has male anatomy.


He claims he has legal papers that he is a woman. He has taken some medication and is wanting in the FUTURE to have a sex change. So, in my opinion, he is still male. How can he legally be considered a female with male parts?


So, do we have a male teacher dressing up like a female?


Does this open up that male students can now dress up like women if they want? Can they wear makeup or earrings?  


I guess I'm confused.....


I agree with mat...you're not the one that is confused.


Cave in by the LISD because there may be consequences to doing what is best for the kids...smh.


LISD might not have wanted to do this, but this is the right thing to do.  this wasn't an issue until a couple of students  PARENTS OF STUDENTS were "distracted" by this teacher.  this was never an issue for the kids, it's a parent issue.  and while i can understand why someone might be uncomfortable, especially when they were raised to be uncomfortable with this issue, as Southeast Texans so often are, the fact of the matter is that times are changing.  which is why Ms. Klug garnered a tremendous amount of local support in what is a traditionally very conservative area. 


All that being said, Lumberton probably wasn't quite ready for this, even in 2014.  But by going to the media instead of quietly talking to the school board and superintendent, the uncomfortable parents of the "distracted" students ensured with all of the attention they brought to the matter that Lumberton would have to retain her in order to A) avoid a massive lawsuit, and B) not incur the wrath of a great many people, including a surprisingly large number of Lumberton residents.  Had this been approached differently, then Klug would have likely just quietly stopped receiving sub jobs and nobody would've ever known the difference. 


LISD might not have wanted to do this, but this is the right thing to do.  this wasn't an issue until a couple of students  PARENTS OF STUDENTS were "distracted" by this teacher.  this was never an issue for the kids, it's a parent issue.  and while i can understand why someone might be uncomfortable, especially when they were raised to be uncomfortable with this issue, as Southeast Texans so often are, the fact of the matter is that times are changing.  which is why Ms. Klug garnered a tremendous amount of local support in what is a traditionally very conservative area. 


All that being said, Lumberton probably wasn't quite ready for this, even in 2014.  But by going to the media instead of quietly talking to the school board and superintendent, the uncomfortable parents of the "distracted" students ensured with all of the attention they brought to the matter that Lumberton would have to retain her in order to A) avoid a massive lawsuit, and B) not incur the wrath of a great many people, including a surprisingly large number of Lumberton residents.  Had this been approached differently, then Klug would have likely just quietly stopped receiving sub jobs and nobody would've ever known the difference. 


Obviously you didn't get any feedback from the meeting...there was no tremendous support for Klug and there were more than a couple of parents concerned about this.


If this is what "times are changing" means for the public school system, the private school industry looks very bright.


"Massive" lawsuit and the wrath of a "great many people"...LOL...it's time we quit caving to groups like this that are pushing their agenda on normal folks.


Wow...the MAN that dressed as a WOMAN and was in charge of middle school kids would only bother you if they dressed provocatively or pushed their agenda on the kids.

Now who's the radical?

I guarantee you not too many parents would want their kid in that environment.


i think this whole situation goes to show that "radical" is constantly shifting and changing from generation to generation.  support of Ms. Klug was widespread, even from areas that you and I both would not have expected.  (Yes i understand there were dissenters as well)  50-60 years ago blatantly discriminating against someone because of the color of their skin would not have been radical at all, and in fact what was radical was wanting equal rights for African Americans.  Southeast Texas was one of the last areas to get past that.  Now here we are, and it would appear that wanting rights for someone like Ms. Klug, who even a decade ago might have been completely run out of town, is no longer a radical position to take, even in backwoods Southeast Texas. 


i think this whole situation goes to show that "radical" is constantly shifting and changing from generation to generation.  support of Ms. Klug was widespread, even from areas that you and I both would not have expected.  (Yes i understand there were dissenters as well)  50-60 years ago blatantly discriminating against someone because of the color of their skin would not have been radical at all, and in fact what was radical was wanting equal rights for African Americans.  Southeast Texas was one of the last areas to get past that.  Now here we are, and it would appear that wanting rights for someone like Ms. Klug, who even a decade ago might have been completely run out of town, is no longer a radical position to take, even in backwoods Southeast Texas. 


Comparing African American civil rights to rights for a cross dressing transgender...now that is radical.


But, hey...your side won on this one, and I have no doubt we'll see more and more perverted behavior accepted in the future.


When it gets to a line that even you don't want to see crossed, just remember you asked for it.


i think this whole situation goes to show that "radical" is constantly shifting and changing from generation to generation.  support of Ms. Klug was widespread, even from areas that you and I both would not have expected.  (Yes i understand there were dissenters as well)  50-60 years ago blatantly discriminating against someone because of the color of their skin would not have been radical at all, and in fact what was radical was wanting equal rights for African Americans.  Southeast Texas was one of the last areas to get past that.  Now here we are, and it would appear that wanting rights for someone like Ms. Klug, who even a decade ago might have been completely run out of town, is no longer a radical position to take, even in backwoods Southeast Texas. 


Bullets, we talked off line and you know my stance.....I don't hate her, would of wanted to know before my son found out by another kid...and I thought LISD handled it wrong......BUT


What is your stance on the rest of my comments?  The part about legally a female with male parts.....and dress code.


One other thing.....shouldn't a parent have a say in what their child is exposed to?


And if this "person" were concerned about the well-being of the kids, he/she would move on and try to minimize what is going on.


But he/she and the squeaky LGBT community have an agenda and it has to be pushed no matter the damage.


Isn't he a sub?? If so it's not like he's under contract to sub so many classes a week. Dont call him to sub any classes and next year take his name off the sub list


It amazes me that educated people can't think their way out of a shoebox sometimes...


If the administration received complaints from parents and felt like the teacher was causing issues, all they had to do was not call her.......


But they had to make it an issue.......I guess LISD had to do their part to make BISD feel better :P


I can certainly agree that times are changing but we probably won’t agree whether it’s for the best or worse.


I would still like to know what pretence he was hired under.


Obviously you didn't get any feedback from the meeting...there was no tremendous support for Klug and there were more than a couple of parents concerned about this.


If this is what "times are changing" means for the public school system, the private school industry looks very bright.


"Massive" lawsuit and the wrath of a "great many people"...LOL...it's time we quit caving to groups like this that are pushing their agenda on normal folks.


you have to realize you're not "normal folks" anymore.  you're still thinking SETX is the normal way of things.  it's not.  i saw the news, and saw a couple of people for and a couple of people against.  i've also seen a lot of feedback on social media.  were you at the meeting?


you have to realize you're not "normal folks" anymore.  you're still thinking SETX is the normal way of things.  it's not.  i saw the news, and saw a couple of people for and a couple of people against.  i've also seen a lot of feedback on social media.  were you at the meeting?


No, I wasn't at the meeting but talked to folks that were.


you call SE Texas backwoods so you are obviously not well traveled (lots more backwoods places than here) and SE Texas IS the normal way of doing things IN SE Texas.


You seem to think we need to adopt some sort of liberal progressive way of doing things just because it's normal in other places.


LISD caved because they were worried about consequences, not because the good people in Lumberton have embraced this...person.


I think it's you that are not "normal folks" around here YET...but be patient, I'm sure we'll get there at this rate.


Bullets, we talked off line and you know my stance.....I don't hate her, would of wanted to know before my son found out by another kid...and I thought LISD handled it wrong......BUT


What is your stance on the rest of my comments?  The part about legally a female with male parts.....and dress code.


One other thing.....shouldn't a parent have a say in what their child is exposed to?

you're entering a gray area on the legality of dress code.  of more concern would be restrooming, but every school lounge i've ever been to had a uni-sex one seater, so that wouldn't be a problem. 


and i agree to an extent with a parent having a say in what their child is exposed to... but where do you draw the line?  is Ms. Klug the line?  by all accounts she's pleasant, and she does her job, which she is vastly OVERqualified to do.  she doesn't talk about her sexuality, she dresses in extremely conservative female dress, and has substituted on other occasions for LISD without incident. if we're honest, a few parents in Lumberton would be unhappy if an African American substitute taught their kids (Calm down LRF, i'm not saying that everyone in Lumberton is a racist).  Would it be okay for them to raise an issue then?  would we not take offense to their protest?  It's a tough issue, because you have to balance Ms. Klug's right to work a job that she does more than capably, versus a few parents' right (not sure if it is) to not be uncomfortable.  I would think that there's no law saying that Lumberton parents can't take their kids out of LISD and put them into a private school, so i guess parents do have that right to pick what their kids are exposed to..


also, as an aside, i do agree that it would've been good to let parents know ahead of time so they could address it with their children, although it seems like the kids weren't exactly running home upset about it, conflicted and confused, or we would've heard about it after some of Ms. Klug's previous substitute jobs in the district.


No, I wasn't at the meeting but talked to folks that were.


you call SE Texas backwoods so you are obviously not well traveled (lots more backwoods places than here) and SE Texas IS the normal way of doing things IN SE Texas.


You seem to think we need to adopt some sort of liberal progressive way of doing things just because it's normal in other places.


LISD caved because they were worried about consequences, not because the good people in Lumberton have embraced this...person.


I think it's you that are not "normal folks" around here YET...but be patient, I'm sure we'll get there at this rate.

i think we should adopt liberal progressive ways of doing things on CERTAIN issues because it's the right thing to do... and from what i've seen and heard myself, there were PLENTY of people supporting Ms. Klug at the meeting.  as for me being "normal folks", i'm plenty normal, at least in my age-group. 


And if this "person" were concerned about the well-being of the kids, he/she would move on and try to minimize what is going on.


But he/she and the squeaky LGBT community have an agenda and it has to be pushed no matter the damage.


now this is ridiculous.  what agenda?  she worked a job, and did it well.  the agenda was pushed by those who were uncomfortable with her.  i understand why they were uncomfortable, although i strongly disagree.  but don't go placing blame on her for simply working a job and making a paycheck. 


i think we should adopt liberal progressive ways of doing things on CERTAIN issues because it's the right thing to do... and from what i've seen and heard myself, there were PLENTY of people supporting Ms. Klug at the meeting.  as for me being "normal folks", i'm plenty normal, at least in my age-group. 


Check it out for yourself if you care to...found out that ALL the speakers and folks that represented against her at the open forum discussion had kids in the school district...only one speaker for her had a kid in the district and most of the speakers for her were from various LGBT groups in the area.


And there has been no decision made as to what the future will hold for her as a sub at LISD and I was also told that several of the news stories range from either distorted to flat out lies or the news is simply going by her assessment of what the situation is.


My earlier statements about LISD caving to avoid consequences were innaccurate and based on bogus news reports and even though it may still happen, has not yet.


Sad that this has to be more about this teacher and special interest groups than the kids.


now this is ridiculous.  what agenda?  she worked a job, and did it well.  the agenda was pushed by those who were uncomfortable with her.  i understand why they were uncomfortable, although i strongly disagree.  but don't go placing blame on her for simply working a job and making a paycheck. 


I certainly hope a nudist doesn't apply for any sub work...another bandwagon for you.


Check it out for yourself if you care to...found out that ALL the speakers and folks that represented against her at the open forum discussion had kids in the school district...only one speaker for her had a kid in the district and most of the speakers for her were from various LGBT groups in the area.

And there has been no decision made as to what the future will hold for her as a sub at LISD and I was also told that several of the news stories range from either distorted to flat out lies or the news is simply going by her assessment of what the situation is.

My earlier statements about LISD caving to avoid consequences were innaccurate and based on bogus news reports and even though it may still happen, has not yet.

Sad that this has to be more about this teacher and special interest groups than the kids.

This is more about a few parents' discomfort than about the kids as well. Also, I saw there were only 13 people who chose to speak, and if a decent portion of those spoke in her behalf, then only a handful of parents had a big enough problem with this to speak out. I would've expected dozens or hundreds of upset parents speaking out if your take on the general climate of this issue were true.

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