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This whole saga will be a 30 for 30 documentary on Espn in 3-5 years.

Also, what if the Clippers organization moves to Seattle after being sold…… hmmmm… could be poetic justice for the great northwest.
@mcuban: I agree 100% with Commissioner Silvers findings and the actions taken against Donald Sterling

Oh he changed his tune real quick from yesterday, guess he didnt wanna be the "slippery slope" owner.

it's sleazy how it happened, but what it revealed isn't any less relevant or disturbing simply because it was surreptitiously taped.  if a man's wife receives a video of her husband cheating on her, does the fact that he didn't know he was taped somehow make the action less important to her?  i think not.  the same is true for African Americans in this case.  Him not knowing about it does not change the intent behind his words... in fact, it gave us a much clearer picture of who he is. 


it's sleazy how it happened, but what it revealed isn't any less relevant or disturbing simply because it was surreptitiously taped.  if a man's wife receives a video of her husband cheating on her, does the fact that he didn't know he was taped somehow make the action less important to her?  i think not.  the same is true for African Americans in this case.  Him not knowing about it does not change the intent behind his words... in fact, it clearly gave us a much clearer picture of who he is.


it's sleazy how it happened, but what it revealed isn't any less relevant or disturbing simply because it was surreptitiously taped.  if a man's wife receives a video of her husband cheating on her, does the fact that he didn't know he was taped somehow make the action less important to her?  i think not.  the same is true for African Americans in this case.  Him not knowing about it does not change the intent behind his words... in fact, it gave us a much clearer picture of who he is. 


The NBA knew who this guy was and ignored it for decades...to think this recording revealed anything to the NBA is laughable.


It reached the public (public outcry is what caused action) and Sterling was forced to do something...if no video evidence, he would have continued to be in the NBA fold.


The NBA knew who this guy was and ignored it for decades...to think this recording revealed anything to the NBA is laughable.

It reached the public (public outcry is what caused action) and Sterling was forced to do
something...if no video evidence, he would have continued to be in the NBA fold.

I totally agree. Preach Raider
Sterling being around would Sink the entire NBA
So he had to go or the $$$$ was leaving

The NBA knew who this guy was and ignored it for decades...to think this recording revealed anything to the NBA is laughable.
It reached the public (public outcry is what caused action) and Sterling was forced to do something...if no video evidence, he would have continued to be in the NBA fold.

I agree! Stern let this go on under his watch.

Btw: David Stern is being real silent on this, not 1 peep outta the good ol boy.

The ruling will set precedent in All sports activities & operations.
The Commish dropped the Hammer!!! Many other owners will choose their words wisely
i.e Mark Cuban

as it should! In the era of Social Media stuff like this happening can and will be put in the spotlight, its no place for it.

I am good with the decision, but if the shoe is on the other foot I expect the same results. That includes any current
NBA players who make a racial comment.

Please stop it, NBA players shouldn't be making insensitive remarks, but Sterling's views of other human beings as an employer is unacceptable.  If this were a player, the League would have already fully punished him. The players are the first to be disciplined, but everyone else who has nothing to do with the game get a slap on the wrist before this Ruling. Whatever happened to the Ref, who was accused of cheating & fixing the outcome of games??  To be Honest with you, I'm as confused as Sterling is.  I say this because Sterling's peers continued to Reward his "Bad" behavior. NBA, NAACP, players & coaches knew of his Views & continued to turn a blind eye to the fact that this Man HATES on a phenomenal level.  

PNG Fan, i'm not sure what you're getting at, but a player making insensitive remarks is far from denying housing & having a SLAVE Master attitude. IJS


Please stop it, NBA players shouldn't be making insensitive remarks, but Sterling's views of other human beings as an employer is unacceptable.  If this were a player, the League would have already fully punished him. The players are the first to be disciplined, but everyone else who has nothing to do with the game get a slap on the wrist before this Ruling. Whatever happened to the Ref, who was accused of cheating & fixing the outcome of games??  To be Honest with you, I'm as confused as Sterling is.  I say this because Sterling's peers continued to Reward his "Bad" behavior. NBA, NAACP, players & coaches knew of his Views & continued to turn a blind eye to the fact that this Man HATES on a phenomenal level.  
PNG Fan, i'm not sure what you're getting at, but a player making insensitive remarks is far from denying housing & having a SLAVE Master attitude. IJS

BigCam, I agree with you Sterling is an idiot and should've been banned from the NBA many years ago. What I am trying tosay this is very sensitive time with race. Whether the NBA players want or don't want to be role models they are to the youth of the country and around the word. But I am on your side on this, trust me!!

BigCam, I agree with you Sterling is an idiot and should've been banned from the NBA many years ago. What I am trying tosay this is very sensitive time with race. Whether the NBA players want or don't want to be role models they are to the youth of the country and around the word. But I am on your side on this, trust me!!

Png fan, it's always good to have discussion on sensitive topics. I'm not taking sides, but a STANCE.  From what i've seen from your posts, you seem level headed. I'm not trying to put you on the spot by any means. I was just saying the players get punished as they should, but at a swifter & stronger pace. Without the players, there is no LEAGUE, nor Owner.  I hope I didn't offend you in any way. If I did, my apologizies to you. 

By the way, those Indians better be ready for the Panthers......... I think   Lol

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