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Mark this down!!!! The LA Clippers will win the NBA Title. The NBA is the most rigged and corrupt sport out their and with all the negative publicity the NBA has received the past few days it would help mend the wounds.

Move over LeBron, your old news!!! lol

Mark this down!!!! The LA Clippers will win the NBA Title. The NBA is the most rigged and corrupt sport out their and with all the negative publicity the NBA has received the past few days it would help mend the wounds.

Move over LeBron, your old news!!! lol

Bwahaaaaa!!!  :lol:


Png fan, it's always good to have discussion on sensitive topics. I'm not taking sides, but a STANCE.  From what i've seen from your posts, you seem level headed. I'm not trying to put you on the spot by any means. I was just saying the players get punished as they should, but at a swifter & stronger pace. Without the players, there is no LEAGUE, nor Owner.  I hope I didn't offend you in any way. If I did, my apologizies to you. 

By the way, those Indians better be ready for the Panthers......... I think   Lol

Hmmm_ I am thinking that Sterlings punishment was pretty swift and pretty severe


Hmmm_ I am thinking that Sterlings punishment was pretty swift and pretty severe

as it should have been. I highly doubt David Stern would have been that quick to act on Sterling. Kudos to Adam Silver.

as it should have been. I highly doubt David Stern would have been that quick to act on Sterling. Kudos to Adam Silver.

I was merely stating how often the players are judged & penalized often without much thought. Heck they go to instant replay now. Personally I think the NBA are A Day Late & a Dollar short. As the old folks used to say. Jmo

I know we have to start somewhere, but Damn!!
We started 30 yrs ago when Sterling became an owner. It's going to take more than his Ban. If it took 30 yrs to get rid of him, how long will it take to get rid of his other owner buddies who thinks like he does? This is a MONEY issue; the color is GREEN, mixed in with a little Racial tension. The bottom line is they will find a way to get rid of Sterling to protect the money. If I were Sterling, I would sue the League because he has practiced & perfected his Hate under their umbrella for years with no sanctions from the League. So I say Nash; if a Player acted in this fashion 30 yrs ago or today the League would have run him off. Think about this. How can Allen Iverson not find a NBA team to play for a few yrs ago?? Even with declining skills, he was better than over half of the guards in the League. I believe he was "blackballed" (no pun) because of the image he portrayed wasn't to NBA liking & his declining skills weren't as marketable. The NBA instituted a dress code ( we all know why) because if the image the players were portraying, but you knowingly Allow a very public Racist to represent the League for 30 yrs? I said it before & I'll say it again, I'm as confused as Sterling is. I've operated in this fashion alongside my NBA peers for 30 yrs, were friends. This has never been a big issue before. (What Sterling must be feeling)
I can't believe my NBA family would turn on me

Sorry Bigcam, but Iverson came with too much baggage. I don't watch the NBA, the league is too corrupt and fake. Veterans get all the calls and it's just to boring to watch. I like the NCAA and High School.

I agree pngfan Iverson had baggage. Is it Sterlings baggage? We are talking about how the players are punished, swiftly, but everyone else gets a pass. Yes Sterling got a 30 yr pass

Sorry Bigcam, but Iverson came with too much baggage. I don't watch the NBA, the league is too corrupt and fake. Veterans get all the calls and it's just to boring to watch. I like the NCAA and High School.

You're wise to watch the other levels of ball. Keep an eye on the NCAA & players union issues.
Getting interesting

I agree pngfan Iverson had baggage. Is it Sterlings baggage? We are talking about how the players are punished, swiftly, but everyone else gets a pass. Yes Sterling got a 30 yr pass

a 30 year pass on David Stern's watch.
Buddy, Adam Silver wasn't pulled off the Streets. He's been around a minute. With such Hate Sterling has, Silver knew this also, so he only did what he had to do, Not because it's what he or Stern should have done. JMO
Buddy, do you feel Silver is genuine?
It's not like we know these people personally Lol
For the record guys, this is a message board. I'm only giving opinions. Not trying to ruffle feathers or anything, just giving my thoughts.
Not like y'all cares anyways Lol

Buddy, Adam Silver wasn't pulled off the Streets. He's been around a minute. With such Hate Sterling has, Silver knew this also, so he only did what he had to do, Not because it's what he or Stern should have done. JMO

Wasnt anything he could do until he was the acting Commissioner. IMO he did exactly what Stern should have done under HIS watch. BTW: as most people have noticed, not a peep out of Stern on this, I wonder why though.......hmmmm


Buddy, do you feel Silver is genuine?
It's not like we know these people personally Lol
For the record guys, this is a message board. I'm only giving opinions. Not trying to ruffle feathers or anything, just giving my thoughts.
Not like y'all cares anyways Lol

I know for a fact the majority of the players like him, unlike the last Commissioner. B)

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