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From " The War on Poverty: 50 Years Later"  A House Budget Committee Report


The Causes of Poverty




Perhaps the single most important determinant of poverty is family structure.  It has been the subject of fierce academic debate since the Moynihan Report- named after is author, then- assistant secretary of labor Daniel Patrick Moynihan ( Democrat)-was released in 1965.  The Moynihan report identified the breakdown of the family as the key cause of poverty within the black community.


More recent research on Americans of all backgrounds has backed up Moynihans argument.  SIngle women head less than 20% of all households but they head 34% of all poor households.


Poverty is most concentrated among broken families.  For all families, the poverty rate was 13.1%  But 34.2% of families headed by a single female were considered below poverty, and 22.8% of households composed of unrelated individuals were consider to be in poverty.



These are not my words but the words of a government sponsored study.  Still want to blame RIck Perry?


From " The War on Poverty: 50 Years Later"  A House Budget Committee Report


The Causes of Poverty




Perhaps the single most important determinant of poverty is family structure.  It has been the subject of fierce academic debate since the Moynihan Report- named after is author, then- assistant secretary of labor Daniel Patrick Moynihan ( Democrat)-was released in 1965.  The Moynihan report identified the breakdown of the family as the key cause of poverty within the black community.


More recent research on Americans of all backgrounds has backed up Moynihans argument.  SIngle women head less than 20% of all households but they head 34% of all poor households.


Poverty is most concentrated among broken families.  For all families, the poverty rate was 13.1%  But 34.2% of families headed by a single female were considered below poverty, and 22.8% of households composed of unrelated individuals were consider to be in poverty.



These are not my words but the words of a government sponsored study.  Still want to blame RIck Perry?


Nah...we can blame this one on Bush.


Why is it that there is a nursing shortage in Texas? Why aren't you living/working somewhere that you find the poverty rate to be acceptable? How do you want to lower the poverty rate in Texas? The poverty rate in Texas is unacceptable and is attributable to Governor Perry but the National Poverty rate is not attributable to Mr Obama? Very interesting and extremely convenient. Am I understanding you correctly? Do you believe we can legislate poverty away? Do you believe the government can eliminate poverty? If you do, google "War on Poverty" and all the trillions that have been spent on it over the last 50 years and let me know why the poverty rate is little changed. So the rich get richer and the poor get poorer? Is the answer to that problem confiscating (via the tax code) more on the rich and simply GIVING it to the poor or should we find more and better ways to make the poor capable of improving their lot in life? I would think that even you could admit and acknowledge that the government is a very poor manager ( as proven UNEQUIVOCALLY by the current VA mess) and should not be looked upon as the answer to every social and economic ill there is. One more thing: When you do your research on the internet, don't confine that research to ThinkProgress.Org

I mentoned poverty because you guys acted like perrybwas doing such a great job, he isn't. I live in texas for the same reason you are still in the United States. Why dont you move to Canada if you dont like the President? I dont limit my research to think progress.org. don't limit your research to FOx News. Perry should ask the governor of the state with the lowest poverty rate for advise; instead of, bragging about the minimum wage, non-skilled labor jobs he has created. We need more job training programs, more money for pell grants, lower school loan interest rates, daycare assistance etc, programs that the republicans adamantly oppose.How can they say they are trying to teach people to be more independent?

one reason there are so many low paying jobs in Tx is the fact that the federal govt. ie. Obama wont secure the borders  because to them a vote and retaining power to line their pockets is more important than the welfare of the American citizens!


one reason there are so many low paying jobs in Tx is the fact that the federal govt. ie. Obama wont secure the borders because to them a vote and retaining power to line their pockets is more important than the welfare of the American citizens!

Rick perry was the governor of Texas long before President Obama took office. What is his excuse for that period of time before obama.. Texas was in the same predicament.?

BIg Girl- What you truly DO NOT UNDERSTAND is that the government cannot be the answer to all issues.    It is NOT the responsibility of the government to dictate how much you earn.  It is NOT the responsibility to create a program for every shortcoming that society experiences.  We have so many govt programs now that we cant count them and most of them are run poorly.  This country did not become what it is due to the government but rather the individuals within the country who became self sufficient and responsible for their own lot in life.  Once again, you suggest that the finances and economics of Texas are in bad shape and , at the EXACT same time, celebrate the state of the nations economy under Mr. Obama.  It's a little ridiculous to declare LeBron and Kobe as having not accomplished what they should have and, simultaneously suggest that the 12th player on the Cavaliers represents what we should all aspire to.  By the way,when it comes to economic research and knowledge, I need neither fox news or thinkprogress.  I am pretty well versed in it.


One of the main jobs of the govt. is to secure and protect its borders Bush didnt do he he got voted out and Obama not only invites illegals he lets them out of prison to take our jobs an benefits DC  is ruining the good ole USA! And I guess if Bush did anything in office its okay for  YObama to do it?


Rick perry was the governor of Texas long before President Obama took office. What is his excuse for that period of time before obama.. Texas was in the same predicament.?

You really dont understand, do you?  It's called the cyclicality of an economy.  Ups followed by downs, followed by ups, followed by downs, etc.etc. etc.  All one needs to do is compare how Texas has done since the nationwide economic downturn as compared to the United States.  As much as you hate to hear this, there is absolutely no comparison.


Some are just like YObama they cant stand the idea that he is not the savior they were all told he was! LOL Never put man to high on a pedestal because they will always let you down!


From " The War on Poverty: 50 Years Later"  A House Budget Committee Report


The Causes of Poverty




Perhaps the single most important determinant of poverty is family structure.  It has been the subject of fierce academic debate since the Moynihan Report- named after is author, then- assistant secretary of labor Daniel Patrick Moynihan ( Democrat)-was released in 1965.  The Moynihan report identified the breakdown of the family as the key cause of poverty within the black community.


More recent research on Americans of all backgrounds has backed up Moynihans argument.  SIngle women head less than 20% of all households but they head 34% of all poor households.


Poverty is most concentrated among broken families.  For all families, the poverty rate was 13.1%  But 34.2% of families headed by a single female were considered below poverty, and 22.8% of households composed of unrelated individuals were consider to be in poverty.



These are not my words but the words of a government sponsored study.  Still want to blame RIck Perry?

Okay Nash, and why do you think there are so many single-family homes with mother as the head of household?


I wish I had the answer Dove.( hint - its not because of Bush or angly old white guys)  My guess is that society no longer stigmatizes single motherhood and we have become comfortable with the fact that if there is not a  father, the government will make everything all better.  How is that working out?  I am pretty confident that throwing more money at the issue will do nothing to lessen it.  If you know the answer, why don't you let the rest of us in on it?


Because a couple generations have taught their kids that its not their responsibility to stay home and take care and teach their kids right from wrong. And thats why the prisons are busting at the seams! And personally I had nothing to do with it and I dont owe anyone more than I already pay in taxes!


Yeah, look at Dan "Potato" Quayle. Oh and Rick Perry proved you can make it with a degree and poor grades.

Let's not forget W. He was denied admittance to UT's business school based on poor academic performance but got into Yale. I wonder how that happened?

And Nash, that is an impressive list but very much the exception to the rule. Education and grades are very much an indicator of intelligence, which in turn is a very likely precursor to success. Take a look, for example, at NBA owners. Very much a billionaire's club. I believe they are all college graduates (I researched this for another issue not long ago), and over half were Ivy League educated.

Let's not forget W. He was denied admittance to UT's business school based on poor academic performance but got into Yale. I wonder how that happened?

And Nash, that is an impressive list but very much the exception to the rule. Education and grades are very much an indicator of intelligence, which in turn is a very likely precursor to success. Take a look, for example, at NBA owners. Very much a billionaire's club. I believe they are all college graduates (I researched this for another issue not long ago), and over half were Ivy League educated.

you are correct. Kmsl

BIg Girl- What you truly DO NOT UNDERSTAND is that the government cannot be the answer to all issues. It is NOT the responsibility of the government to dictate how much you earn. It is NOT the responsibility to create a program for every shortcoming that society experiences. We have so many govt programs now that we cant count them and most of them are run poorly. This country did not become what it is due to the government but rather the individuals within the country who became self sufficient and responsible for their own lot in life. Once again, you suggest that the finances and economics of Texas are in bad shape and , at the EXACT same time, celebrate the state of the nations economy under Mr. Obama. It's a little ridiculous to declare LeBron and Kobe as having not accomplished what they should have and, simultaneously suggest that the 12th player on the Cavaliers represents what we should all aspire to. By the way,when it comes to economic research and knowledge, I need neither fox news or thinkprogress. I am pretty well versed in it.


 Txhoops-And I know many intelligent highly educated people who are currently without a job or waiting tables somewhere.  My point is there are a million ways to skin a cat and a college degree merely gives you and advantage when you start. If I didn't believe that, I wouldn't have borrowed the money to attend.  However, its not the degree that promotes you.  Its what you do in your career.  I sort of look at it like I look at music ( have some background there).  I have a very close relative who, at age 15 toured Europe entertaining the troops during World War II.  This person could not read a note and played all by ear.  No formal music education.  Could hear any song once and play it back perfectly without a mistake.  I can show you many a Julliard grad that cannot do that.  And I once again urge you to look into a company called Long Term Capital management.  Operated by several Nobel Laureats with a Dr. in front of their name and they almost brought our entire economy down.  Once again proving that a Doctorate Degree, by itself, guarantees nothing.


 Txhoops-And I know many intelligent highly educated people who are currently without a job or waiting tables somewhere.  My point is there are a million ways to skin a cat and a college degree merely gives you and advantage when you start. If I didn't believe that, I wouldn't have borrowed the money to attend.  However, its not the degree that promotes you.  Its what you do in your career.  I sort of look at it like I look at music ( have some background there).  I have a very close relative who, at age 15 toured Europe entertaining the troops during World War II.  This person could not read a note and played all by ear.  No formal music education.  Could hear any song once and play it back perfectly without a mistake.  I can show you many a Julliard grad that cannot do that.  And I once again urge you to look into a company called Long Term Capital management.  Operated by several Nobel Laureats with a Dr. in front of their name and they almost brought our entire economy down.  Once again proving that a Doctorate Degree, by itself, guarantees nothing.


And I don't disagree with any of that.

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