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Jobs are being shipped overseas. Wealth will never trickle down. Did it happen under reagan, bush 1, bush 2. Have you ever walked up to a rich guy for a job?


Look at the employment numbers under the individuals you named and decide yourself. Also look at the debt level under the individuals you named and compare them to Obama and decide yourself. Of course, that wont work because even though the national debt has gone from 10 trillion to 17 trillion during the Obama Presidency, you just brush it off as a "lie" or something made up by Fox.
Jobs are being shipped overseas because the corporate tax rate is about 10 percentage points higher here than it is overseas. But you are the one who insists higher taxes is what make an economy successful. No need to google this or ask thinkprogress.org. This too is a fact just as the unprecedented 17trillion debt is- neither of which you can alter or justify

Economists at Harvard and Berkeley crunched the numbers on 40 million tax returns from 1971-2012 and discovered that mobility is pretty much what The Pew Charitable Trusts reported it was 30 years ago.

Today, 64 percent of the people born to the poorest fifth of society rise out of that quintile -- 11 percent rise all the way into the top quintile. Meanwhile, 8 percent born to the richest fifth fall all the way to the bottom fifth. Sometimes great wealth makes kids lazy and self-indulgent, and wrecks their lives

Also, the rich don't get rich at the expense of the poor (unless they steal or collude with government). The poor got richer, too. Yes, over the last 30 years, incomes of rich people grew by more than 200 percent, but according to the Congressional Budget Office, poor people gained 50 percent. That growth should matter more than the disparity. Piketty's data reveal times in our history when income inequality decreased: during world wars and depression. Do we want more ofthat?


It's right to worry about the plight of the poor, but not everything done in their name really helps them -- minimum wage laws, for example.



Jobs are being shipped overseas. Wealth will never trickle down. Did it happen under reagan, bush 1, bush 2. Have you ever walked up to a rich guy for a job?

In a round about way.  They are usually the ones that own the business' that people get jobs in. 

Yes -- trickle down did happen under Reagan and Bush 2.  Check the unemployment rates under Reagan and Bush 2. 


Jobs are being shipped overseas. Wealth will never trickle down. Did it happen under reagan, bush 1, bush 2. Have you ever walked up to a rich guy for a job?

Because of taxes and environmental laws and other over burdensome government laws and regulations. 

I'll make it easy for you:  Say you owned a business.  State "A" has a higher tax rates and a harsher business climate than state "B".  I'll ask you, Big Girl -- which state would you locate your business in?


instead of waiting for it to trickle down.....why don't the high school kids bust their butt in the books/athletics and get a scholarship or grants or some type of aide....go to college bust your butt there and graduate with honors then go get a job.....oh and learn how to budget your money.....and stop spending it on frivolous crap.


Take it upon yourself to improve your own life (you'll appreciate it more) and stop waiting for wealth to trickle down like a beggar waiting on food crumbs.


I don't care to help people who don't want to help themselves.....im not an enabler....


There is very few that really need help from others.....the others are just lazy and have plenty of excuses.


Kinda reminds me of the trends I now see on street corners of kids that play in these expensive select baseball , softball leagues begging for money on the corner so they can go to some distant tourny. If you need money to go you probably shouldnt be playing in that league but if you must go why not mow yards , wash cars something to earn your way. So mom and pop please stop putting your kids on dangerous street corners to beg for money! Sorry a little off subject but this example shows how our kids are being trained!


Kinda reminds me of the trends I now see on street corners of kids that play in these expensive select baseball , softball leagues begging for money on the corner so they can go to some distant tourny. If you need money to go you probably shouldnt be playing in that league but if you must go why not mow yards , wash cars something to earn your way. So mom and pop please stop putting your kids on dangerous street corners to beg for money! Sorry a little off subject but this example shows how our kids are being trained!

They are raising money to play so that hopefully they get a chance at a scholarship at a Juco in Mississippi.  

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