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Question: "Is it biblical to ask Jesus into your heart?"

“All you need to do to be saved is to ask Jesus to come into your heart.” The problem with this statement is that it is not expressly biblical. The Bible nowhere mentions Jesus coming into a person’s heart. The wording generates a mental image that can easily lead to wrong impressions. The idea of Jesus entering a person’s heart is nowhere used in any gospel presentation in the Bible. Even the Scripture verse from which the “ask Jesus into your heart” concept is usually taken,Revelation 3:20, does not mention the heart or our asking Jesus to do anything. In context,Revelation 3:20is speaking about the church fellowshipping with Jesus, not an individual person getting saved.

When the Bible gives a gospel presentation, it encourages people to believe (John 3:16;Acts 16:31), receive (John 1:12), or change their minds, i.e., repent (Acts 3:19). That is the proper response to the gospel. We are to change our minds about our sin and about who Christ is, believe Jesus died and rose again, and receive the gift of eternal life in faith. We are to recognize that we are sinners (Romans 3:23), understand that we deserve to be eternally separated from God (Romans 6:23), trust that Jesus died on the cross to pay the penalty for our sins (2 Corinthians 5:21;1 Peter 2:24), and receive the gift of salvation God offers us (Ephesians 2:8–9). All of this is done in faith, with God’s enabling (John 6:44). Salvation is not something we do or earn. Salvation is something we receive from God due to His mercy and grace.

While asking Jesus to come into your heart, i.e., enter your life, is not explicitly biblical, it is also not necessarily anti-biblical, if it is done in the context of a presentation of the biblical gospel. If a person understands sin and its penalty, understands the payment Christ made on the cross, and is ready to trust Jesus alone for salvation, an invitation to “ask Jesus into your heart” is not necessarily wrong. In fact, it could even help a person understand that the Spirit of Christ comes to indwell the soul (seeJohn 14:17). However, it is always best to use the terminology the Bible uses. “Ask Jesus into your heart” does not fully communicate what is actually occurring.

When we are sharing the gospel, we should be extremely careful what we say and how we say it. Even the wordbelievecan be misleading if it is presented as intellectual assent (agreeing that certain facts are true) instead of as trust (relying on those true facts). Judas Iscariotbelievedcertain facts about Jesus, but he nevertrustedJesus for salvation. Salvation is not about believing a list of facts. Salvation is not about asking Jesus to come into your heart. Salvation is not even about asking God to forgive you. Salvation is about trusting in Jesus as your Savior, receiving the forgiveness He offers, by grace through faith. Salvation is about being made new through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ and the power of the Holy Spirit (Titus 3:5).

Read more:http://www.gotquestions.org/ask-Jesus-into-heart.html#ixzz33XcmiQQM


There has been great debate over the last few years about "reciting the sinners prayer" and what this article is discussing about asking Jesus into your heart!  Some very vocal critics of the "cheap" salvation proposition that all you have to do is recite some form of the sinners prayer has been Paul David Washer and David Platt (there are others for sure).  They have several positions to their argument one being that you cannot find anywhere in scripture where it either tells about someone reciting a "sinners" prayer for salvation or it is actually in scripture like the Lord's prayer is.  I also think they take the position that doing this has become a form of legalism, or at least a formulitic approach.  They are also suspect that this is being sold like "fire insurance" and that "heart change" from true repentance is left out of the equation.


A sinner's prayer is not necessarily wrong even though the prayer is not in the bible. I feel it is a good tool to lead those through the initial acknowledgement and confession of sins and accepting Jesus as their Lord and Savior. I also think the non-biblical opinion of asking Jesus into our heart is splitting hairs. You can ask him into your heart, body, soul, life, whatever; Jesus knows your heart and intent and He will squabble over proper working. JMO


As Romans states;


That if you confess with your mouth that "Jesus is Lord" and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.


Both of ya'll are spot on.


North of the Border I thought I was the only one who knew about Paul Washer.


From what I have gathered ones view on this has to do with how Calvinistic one is compared to  Arminianistic (sp).



A huge hurdle for people to come to a saving faith is in fact the true nature of God!!  It is no doubt evident by scripture that God is a choosing God!  He chooses people for specific purposes to do His specifice will. Scripture is clear on that and two great examples are John the Baptist and the Apostle Paul (not to mention Abraham, Noah, Moses or King David)!!  The debate over Calvanism/Armenianism is difficult and which side of the debate you fall on is irrelevant to whether you are truly saved.  Believing in Calvanism does not save you anymore than believing in Armenianism!!  Holding either position does not save you!! But back to the point in hand.  My take on all this is we have all seen numerous poeple who have, in tears, prayed while being led by another person, some form of the sinners prayer, only for us to observe so clearly that their life was not truly changed and they continue to live a life where their is no evidence that they are following Jesus!!  However, there are many who will give them "saved" status because the said some ritual prayer.  I think this is the conflict over the sinners prayer.  Maybe it is not so much the the idea of "asking Jesus into your heart" as it is whether you truly did in fact become born again.  Jesus and all the new testament writers are pretty clear that their will be very obvious "fruit" as a result of true conversion!! 


By the way, Washer is very clear on this point as you know if you have watched/listened to him.  Platt is also very clear on these points.


Accepting Christ is not only inviting him in to your life but more so being willing to offer yourself to him.

Many are more than willing to accept Christ as their Savior. They will gladly accept the free gift (to them) of eternal Salvation. When asked if they're willing to make him Lord of their life is where the reluctance comes in; not so willing to surrender all (or even some)


Accepting Christ is not only inviting him in to your life but more so being willing to offer yourself to him.

Many are more than willing to accept Christ as their Savior. They will gladly accept the free gift (to them) of eternal Salvation. When asked if they're willing to make him Lord of their life is where the reluctance comes in; not so willing to surrender all (or even some)

And therefore the debate of is their true conversion (salvation) without Lordship!!  I fall on the NO side of that debate!!!  I think the RED letters are clear on this!!


A huge hurdle for people to come to a saving faith is in fact the true nature of God!! John 6:29 Jesus replied, "This is the work of God--that you believe in the One He has sent."  It is no doubt evident by scripture that God is a choosing God!  He chooses people for specific purposes to do His specifice will. Scripture is clear on that and two great examples are John the Baptist and the Apostle Paul (not to mention Abraham, Noah, Moses or King David)!! Agreed, and John 3:16 "whosoever believeth" and whosoever is whosoever.   The debate over Calvanism/Armenianism is difficult and which side of the debate you fall on is irrelevant to whether you are truly saved. Agreed, God and His sovereignty vs man and his responsibility is the bases of the debate   Believing in Calvanism does not save you anymore than believing in Armenianism!!  Agreed  Holding either position does not save you!! Ephesians 2:8 But back to the point in hand.  My take on all this is we have all seen numerous poeple who have, in tears, prayed while being led by another person, some form of the sinners prayer, only for us to observe so clearly that their life was not truly changed and they continue to live a life where their is no evidence that they are following Jesus!! That is why it is so important to "Preach the word" as Paul told Timothy.  However, there are many who will give them "saved" status because the said some ritual prayer. I like what JV Mcgee said one time about this "If a man walks away and never comes back he was never saved, but if they do come back then they was"  I think this is the conflict over the sinners prayer. I think you hit the nail on the head  Maybe it is not so much the the idea of "asking Jesus into your heart" as it is whether you truly did in fact become born again.  Jesus and all the new testament writers are pretty clear that their will be very obvious "fruit" as a result of true conversion!! True


By the way, Washer is very clear on this point as you know if you have watched/listened to him.  Platt is also very clear on these points.  â€‹ They believe in Lordship Salvation, and I think both of these men are godly and are soul winners and protect and grow their flocks.   Me personally I think Lordship Salvation is trying to save and sanctify a person all at one time. Salvation is an instant work of The Holy Spirit while sanctification is a struggle of  our old sin nature vs our new nature in Christ. Romans 7::15-19 and Galatians 5:17.     




Overall I think one of the biggest faults of ours as believers in America is we do a horrible job of discipleship  and that is what leads to so many weak brothers and sisters in the faith. Also I think we as believers in America really need to heed the words of Colossians 2:8  Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of this world and not after Christ.

NoB and Matt, I hope all this reads well Soli Deo Gloria 

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