TxHoops Posted June 5, 2014 Report Posted June 5, 2014 Goes to show you a lot of loving white people in the closet. Why we gotta be in the closet Dove? Quote
BLUEDOVE3 Posted June 5, 2014 Report Posted June 5, 2014 That's a typical position for race baiters...throw out an unsupported accusation then demand that you prove yourself innocent. How about this Bluedove, you are a child molester. I have nothing to base this on, but I will continue to call you that until you prove your innoncence. Maybe then you can walk a mile in a white man's shoes. I won't count this comment as a race card alert, but I do detect some frustration in your writing. May I suggest you take a deep breath and relax. Now I'd like to know how you really feel? Mr. Buddy Garrity 1 Quote
BLUEDOVE3 Posted June 5, 2014 Report Posted June 5, 2014 Why we gotta be in the closet Dove? :lol: Quote
BLUEDOVE3 Posted June 5, 2014 Report Posted June 5, 2014 And the great AFRICANS were the last to sell to the GREAT USA! yet you take BOTH their names "African-American" and blame only ONE....smh Which is the point of the right - selective tolerance, selective racism, selective anything from the left! and Take ZERO personal accountability. Where is your hatred toward the BLACK Africans, your ancestors, who sold or traded your other ancestors to the GREAT USA! But I guess we don't REALLY want to have an open HONEST discussion about race do we....you want to start in the middle and IGNORE the ENTIRE history of slavery and the suppression of blacks...started by the Africans themselves! By that standard lets JUST blame those who buy and abuse drugs - not the Drug dealers! And - to keep rambling - I personally would feel way more anger toward one of my own for selling me out (pun intended) than anything a stranger might do to me... We know Africans sold their enemies to the slave traders and it was wrong. We also know Africans sell drugs in their communities. Both incidents destroyed family structures.And you REALLY don't want to have an honest discussion about slavery. Quote
PNGFan Posted June 5, 2014 Report Posted June 5, 2014 A lot who oppose the President do so because he is part black, because I refuse to believe that people think the things reported on fox news, Hannity etc are true. My sister, who is a teacher, had a 5th grade student tell her that he watched Fox news the night before and he didnt believe the things being said were true. You guys can call me a racist or type a race card alert. The term race card was coined by a racist who wanted to make minorities feel guilty about pointing out racism.Biggirl, you only voted for him because he's black. I didn't vote for him because I don't support his platform. That is the difference between me and you. You voted race, I didn't. So yes, you are a racist. Quote
Englebert Posted June 5, 2014 Report Posted June 5, 2014 I won't count this comment as a race card alert, but I do detect some frustration in your writing. May I suggest you take a deep breath and relax. Now I'd like to know how you really feel? You have no clue how I feel. It might be frustration, it might be tongue-in-cheek. Instead of trying to analyze the messenger to find some way of shooting him, why don't you address the point. Do you deny that you, and others, accuse people of being racist without proof then challenge them to prove otherwise? And I don't mind if you throw out a race card alert. I've had them thrown at me all my life. When you're a southern white redneck then racists accusations are a daily occurrence. And that would be...what's the word I'm looking for...oh yeah...racial stereotyping. Quote
BLUEDOVE3 Posted June 5, 2014 Report Posted June 5, 2014 Is the fact that it took so long for us to elect a Black President good enough reason for him to never be questioned or criticized? ( and by the way, there were a number of people who referred to Bush as Hitler and they have no problem with that one whatsoever) I bet it was late in his term Quote
stevenash Posted June 5, 2014 Report Posted June 5, 2014 Well, its pretty late in Obamas term also Quote
BobcatDis Posted June 5, 2014 Report Posted June 5, 2014 it is a typical liberal stance to blame only one part of the problem rather than it's entirety. Settle the mess in your own house before trying to clean others....just saying. Man, +1 to this! Quote
TxHoops Posted June 5, 2014 Report Posted June 5, 2014 Biggirl, you only voted for him because he's black. I didn't vote for him because I don't support his platform. That is the difference between me and you. You voted race, I didn't. So yes, you are a racist. Now how do you know that's why she voted for him? She already stated she voted for Clinton, and other democratic nominees so why wouldn't it be based upon HIS platform and the fact that ideologically, she's a democrat. My guess is that she would vote for either Clinton against Herman Cain. Do you think Ted Cruz or Rubio will get all or even the majority of Hispanic vote? Stereotyping based upon race is a dangerous slope and often rooted in ignorance IMO. Mr. Buddy Garrity and thetragichippy 2 Quote
stevenash Posted June 5, 2014 Report Posted June 5, 2014 You are right. But apparently you don't mind the "rooting" if it goes in one direction but it seems to trouble you if it goes in the other. Quote
TxHoops Posted June 5, 2014 Report Posted June 5, 2014 You are right. But apparently you don't mind the "rooting" if it goes in one direction but it seems to trouble you if it goes in the other. That's not true at all. And I very much believe there are racists of all colors and ethnicities. It is wrong no matter which "direction it goes." Your example of the Ozen situation with TS is well taken and disappointing. However, you and I have not been subjected to the kind of racism that our brothers and sisters of color have experienced. And I am not one to deflect in every thread by using instances (or alleged instances) of racism by African Americans. It reminds me too much of my children pointing out something their sibling did when I am disciplining them for their misdeeds. Mr. Buddy Garrity and thetragichippy 2 Quote
stevenash Posted June 5, 2014 Report Posted June 5, 2014 I agree with you. You and I have not been subjected to that and we have no way of knowing how that feels. There is no doubt about that But I very much am offended by the suggestion that my criticism of the President is founded in racism. His economic approach is counterproductive and I have the right to support it or oppose it without being told I only oppose it because he is black. I oppose it because it doesn't work. If I bring up Solyndra or Benghazi, I am told it is because I don't like a black person being President. We are now in an environment where it is ASSUMED that a white guy is racist unless he says something or takes an action "proving" that he isn't. I have a real problem with that. If my memory is correct, one is supposed to be innocent till proven guilty. Quote
TxHoops Posted June 5, 2014 Report Posted June 5, 2014 I agree with you. You and I have not been subjected to that and we have no way of knowing how that feels. There is no doubt about that But I very much am offended by the suggestion that my criticism of the President is founded in racism. His economic approach is counterproductive and I have the right to support it or oppose it without being told I only oppose it because he is black. I oppose it because it doesn't work. If I bring up Solyndra or Benghazi, I am told it is because I don't like a black person being President. We are now in an environment where it is ASSUMED that a white guy is racist unless he says something or takes an action "proving" that he isn't. I have a real problem with that. If my memory is correct, one is supposed to be innocent till proven guilty. I agree with you. There is no doubt you and President Obama are philosophically at different ends of the spectrum. And I can appreciate your point. I would be terribly offended if I were called a racist for not supporting Herman Cain or for my belief that Clarence Thomas is a horrible excuse for a Supreme Court justice. Quote
stevenash Posted June 5, 2014 Report Posted June 5, 2014 In a lot of cases, the cry of racism is intended to silence opposition of whatever point is being discussed. I am troubled enough by that and will not be "silenced" by those methods. In fact, it motivates me to be louder. CraigS 1 Quote
Big girl Posted June 5, 2014 Author Report Posted June 5, 2014 I voted for Obama for the same reason I voted for clinton, gore, and kerry. I never sad that all white people are racist. The president is in office, because of the white vote. I question people who watch fox news, surely they dont believe that crap. It must be something else going on. Quote
Big girl Posted June 5, 2014 Author Report Posted June 5, 2014 Again the term race card is a term made up racists who wanted minorities to feel bad about pointing out racism. :) Quote
bullets13 Posted June 5, 2014 Report Posted June 5, 2014 I'm a white guy who DID vote for Obama the first go-round, and DID NOT vote for him the second time. Clearly his race was not the reason I voted for him the first time, and the fact that I did vote for him once proves the fact that my not voting for him a second time had nothing to do with race as well. I butt heads with a lot of the conservatives on here quite frequently, but I'm in agreement with several of their criticisms of Obama. And while I still maintain Bush did a mediocre to poor job while in office, I don't feel like "look how bad Bush was" is a strong argument against those who argue for Obama. It's obvious that Obama gained more votes based solely on race than he lost. The people on here who have been accused of disagreeing with him based on race simply hold different ideologies. The same complaints they have against him they would've voiced against Clinton as well, or Hillary had she won. And while I don't always agree with many of their conservative beliefs, I've never mistaken Nash's or 77's or LumRaiderFan's or 5GallonBucket's or similar posters' comments against Obama as racism. It's simply disagreements with his policies and actions. LumRaiderFan 1 Quote
stevenash Posted June 5, 2014 Report Posted June 5, 2014 For the umpteenth time, instead of just implying that Fox news is constantly lying, give us two or three TANGIBLE examples. And I don't mean using a 5 year old kid saying "I cant believe they said that" Susan Rice said the video caused the Benghazi issue. She more recently said that the soldier rescued from Afghanistan served with distinction. Are either one of those stories remotely close to accurate? Is it racist for me to point that out? ( Her remarks were on every major network) Quote
Knoddy1 Posted June 6, 2014 Report Posted June 6, 2014 I don't always agree with every commentary on Fox but a lot are very insightful and some of the topics you hear on Fox do not even get air time on the CNN's or NBC's and the reason for that is they do not want to report anything that would reflect badly on the Obama administration. Quote
77 Posted June 6, 2014 Report Posted June 6, 2014 Its called state run media! All of the main stream news stations have relatives that work in this admin! Quote
TROJANSWIN Posted June 6, 2014 Report Posted June 6, 2014 1. None of my family was here till after the Civil War, so I don't want to here about how I should feel guilty because of slavery. 2. The Democrat Party is the party of the Ku Klux Clan, and Abraham Lincoln (who freed the slaves) was a Republican, so don't tell me how the republicans have oppressed your people. 3. My entire family is German and all of my great-grandparents and grandparents faced beatings, bigotry, and hate for their ancestry during WWII, and it was forbidden for them to speak German or they would be attacked. 4. If you look back through the history of the world, every culture, race, or group of people has been oppressed by another group at some point. 5. The current president and his cabinet and administration has flat out lied and deceived the American people of all races. The Caucasian democrats along with every other race and nationality in congress currently have helped to destroy the freedoms that were granted to the people of this country by "our creator". Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness are being destroyed so that we can live in the way they consider someone should live. They know better than we do, so they should tell us what to eat, what to drive, and what we can and cannot do. 6. Most republicans fit in with number 5 above. They are just as guilty of destroying our country as anyone. 7. President Obama ( white, black, brown, green, or other), has done very little good and very much to destroy our country in the way I mentioned above. I disagree with the majority of his policies, the things he has pushed for, and his beliefs of what governments function is. 8. I did not vote for him either time, I also did not vote for Romney or mcCain. 9. I am not racist, I just think he has done a great job doing what he said he would do, "fundamentally change" our country. For that I hate him. Even though the United States was not perfect and never has been, what other country has the number of immigrants trying to come there? They are coming for a reason. We were doing things better than anyone else. What do we want to change it to be like? We had the best country in the world, and his stated goal is to change it. Why? Because the majority of Americans have gotten lazy and spoiled and he knew that promising them more free stuff and that it is someone else's fault that they don't have the same lifestyle that the people we see on TV have, that we would vote for him so we could get those things without having to actually earn them. Sadly, he is right, and he won, so even though he is asking us to give up control of our lives and trying to bring our country down to the level of the 3rd world countries, we will gladly sit and beg for scraps, still hoping Donald Trump or Bill Gates stuff will be ours soon. PNGFan, shovel, CraigS and 1 other 4 Quote
Chester86 Posted June 6, 2014 Report Posted June 6, 2014 TROJANSWIN Very well written, and excellent points made. They will fall on deaf ears, because it doesn't fit with what the esteemed nurse believes is right. Quote
CraigS Posted June 6, 2014 Report Posted June 6, 2014 We know Africans sold their enemies to the slave traders and it was wrong. We also know Africans sell drugs in their communities. Both incidents destroyed family structures.And you REALLY don't want to have an honest discussion about slavery. I'm glad these things are recognized. However, I have a few questions. 1) Why isn't ALL the efforts of this country put on fixing the broken family structure, rather than blaming others and/or rewarding it? 2) Then with what sounds like resentment from the black community about the suppression, torture, persecution, lynchings, etc from the white man in the USA, has it ever crossed your mind to HATE on your African Ancestors? The black slaves wouldn't have been in those situations had their fathers and grandfathers not sold them? I will debate race with you any time any place? But to do so, I will require a discussion where the words, you, they, y'all, YOU PEOPLE can NOT be used. Speak only of the issues of our OWN race, where we are NOW, and what can be done by our OWN people to fix or at least better current relations..........so, I challenge you to invite me out for dinner and a beer...I'm buying! ps...invite all your friends on this board to join us, I'd welcome them. thetragichippy 1 Quote
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