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You can brag about Texas in  many ways.  One of the best stats is the FACT ( I know you don't like those) that Texas recaptured every single lost job in the recession by 2011 and today has more than 6% more jobs than it had before the recession.  That's not true about the national economy.  GDP for the nation CONTRACTED by 2.9% in the first quarter of 2014.  That's not true about Texas.  LIke it or not, the Texas economy continues to grow while the national economy, as measured by GDP just took a very large step backward.  You cant change it and you cant massage it with numbers.  Remember how you always like to say " President Obama was elected President and you are just going to have to live with it"?  Well, the economy run by Perry is light years ahead of the one run by Obama and you will have to live with it.


What is obamacare


We couldn't even agree on what WMD's are WITH me providing links to 4 different pages that gave the definition.....Do you really think we are going to agree on what obamacare is?


Not wasting my typing skills(or lack of).......


But WHATEVER it is........61% of Americans don't like it......well, according to CNN


We couldn't even agree on what WMD's are WITH me providing links to 4 different pages that gave the definition.....Do you really think we are going to agree on what obamacare is?

Not wasting my typing skills(or lack of).......

But WHATEVER it is........61% of Americans don't like it......well, according to CNN

you guyd dont like obamacare. I want you all to explain to me what it entails

It is the government inserting its nose where it shouldn't be.  You may interpret it one way, somebody else may interpret it another way.  The federal government has a long and well documented track record of being the poorest, least efficient business manager in the country.  Since you are asking questions, I would like to pose one to you.  Are you comfortable having the same agency who cant produce 2 years worth of critical  emails be the manager/enforcer or your healthcare?


What "obamacare" is is very simple. There is no way we could disagree purely based on its definition, so I ask again. Explain to me what the ACA is.?


What "WMD" is is very simple. There is no way we could disagree purely based on its definition, so I ask again. Explain to me what the WMD is.?


^^see my point^^


You continued to tell me WMD's did not include chemical weapons despite the textbook definition states it.


But Obama care is a federal law providing for a fundamental reform of the U.S. healthcare and health insurance system, signed by President Barack Obama in 2010: formally called Affordable Care Act  or Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act.


^^It is a horrible law (with mostly good intentions) that was passed too quickly so Obama could make a name for himself. He and the Democratic party wanted full credit and would not even entertain a productive meeting with the republican party.


And they got what they wanted.......FULL CREDIT for this rushed bill that will be one of the many mistakes of his two terms as President


What "obamacare" is is very simple. There is no way we could disagree purely based on its definition, so I ask again. Explain to me what the ACA is.?

It is something that those who passed it exempted themselves from it.  First clue that's it bad.  It has laws, fines and taxes.  Some of these laws were postponed -- ILLEGALLY -- until after the next election.  ANOTHER sign that it's not good.  Other than the military, what has the government done that has been a success?   Everything I can think of, is debt ridden and would be out of business if it was in private business!


Big Girl, there is no sense in trying to suck someone into a definition contest about Obamacare.  Regardless of how it is defined, it is a very poorly conceived central planning effort that will, like just about every other government effort, be without competence, without efficiency, and without accountability.  The lack of those three insures its abject failure.


It is something that those who passed it exempted themselves from it. First clue that's it bad. It has laws, fines and taxes. Some of these laws were postponed -- ILLEGALLY -- until after the next election. ANOTHER sign that it's not good. Other than the military, what has the government done that has been a success? Everything I can think of, is debt ridden and would be out of business if it was in private business!

wow!!!!, people who shop on the exchange are insured by private insurace companies like humama, blue cross/blue shield, molina. It is not a government run program. Smh

What "WMD" is is very simple. There is no way we could disagree purely based on its definition, so I ask again. Explain to me what the WMD is.?

^^see my point^^

You continued to tell me WMD's did not include chemical weapons despite the textbook definition states it.

But Obama care is a federal law providing for a fundamental reform of the U.S. healthcare and health insurance system, signed by President Barack Obama in 2010: formally called Affordable Care Act or Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act.

^^It is a horrible law (with mostly good intentions) that was passed too quickly so Obama could make a name for himself. He and the Democratic party wanted full credit and would not even entertain a productive meeting with the republican party.

And they got what they wanted.......FULL CREDIT for this rushed bill that will be one of the many mistakes of his two terms as President

he based it off of romneycare which is doing wonderful in Massachusetts. Do you like romneycare?

Big Girl- How could Romney care be doing well?  After all, it was piloted by someone who you believe is out of touch and doesn't care about the poor.  And yet, you tell us what a great program it is?  Does that mean you are/were wrong about Romney?

Massachusetts has the highest premiums in the country but the uninsured rate is low.

According to BC/BS the premiums are projected to double by 2020 unless there is some sort of intervention.

Intervention... Hmmmmm.

Not sure I would call that wildly successful or popular.

Massachusetts has the highest premiums in the country but the uninsured rate is low.

According to BC/BS the premiums are projected to double by 2020 unless there is some sort of intervention.

Intervention... Hmmmmm.

Not sure I would call that wildly successful or popular.

Yes, Lumraider, forget that these "feel good" programs will eventually bankrupt any government entity.  These liberals care more than anybody.  So their hearts are in the right place, they say.  Forget about it ruining the state or nation...

lump rad "you do not know what you are talking about" the author's word if you think healthcare premiums have skyrocketed. That is a myth....

lump rad "you do not know what you are talking about" the author's word if you think healthcare premiums have skyrocketed. That is a myth....

Kinda like the 17 trillion dollar myth and the 9-0 vote myth.

They are only a myth in your head.

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