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I'll be more than happy to educate you common folk. I'll be at my computer in a few

You keep saying that but you never provide that education!! All you do is drop a few bombs and then you demean with name calling those who espouse a conservative point of view and then you fly off for awhile smug and arrongant and then a little later you repeat the cycle!!!

It's not fault you're willfully ignorant and purposely choose to ignore the graphics I've posted just a few posts before yours.

You can lead a horse to water but..

You keep saying that but you never provide that education!! All you do is drop a few bombs and then you demean with name calling those who espouse a conservative point of view and then you fly off for awhile smug and arrongant and then a little later you repeat the cycle!!!


Your response about Mr. Bush is a great smartass answer but thats about it.  The figures during his years ( yes, years - therefore judging him by the entire presidency rather than just making hay out of the beginning of a recession when he was leaving office) averaged higher than that of anybody else.  You cant alter that FACT either.  If you want to keep your "serious" face on, lose the smartass response.


Your response about Mr. Bush is a great smartass answer but thats about it.  The figures during his years ( yes, years - therefore judging him by the entire presidency rather than just making hay out of the beginning of a recession when he was leaving office) averaged higher than that of anybody else.  You cant alter that FACT either.

Smart ass is the sum total of the worth of EnlightenedChosenOne!!  Hahahaha self proclaimed nincompoop!!!!

You're right, economy losing 800,000 jobs a month as he walks out of office is no big deal

Your response about Mr. Bush is a great smartass answer but thats about it.  The figures during his years ( yes, years - therefore judging him by the entire presidency rather than just making hay out of the beginning of a recession when he was leaving office) averaged higher than that of anybody else.  You cant alter that FACT either.  If you want to keep your "serious" face on, lose the smartass response.


If you want to credit a President for circumstances only when he walked off the job and not during his entire tenure, then I suggest you change your title because it certainly is not enlightened.  But if we are going to do that, I want to judge Obama by the employment rate only at the end of his first year in office.  Fair enough?


If not, lets go with averages.  The average unemployment rate from 2002 through 2008 was 5.25%

                                               The average unemployment rate from 2009 through 2013 was 8.52%


TAke your choice- and consult your charts-  facts cant be altered.


Let me know if the road going forward is serious ( as you first portrayed in your concern about the middle class- or smart ass as in when you cant make the point you would like to make regarding Mr. Bush)  If you want to keep posting charts, I dont mind that because rest assured my inventory is larger than yours.

Obama created more jobs than Bush, FACT. Things were smooth during most of W's term because we were in an economic bubble. You work in finance, you're supposed to know that.

And no, I'm extremely extremely confident I have access to more research and charts than you do. You work for who.. ML or UBS?

If you want to credit a President for circumstances only when he walked off the job and not during his entire tenure, then I suggest you change your title because it certainly is not enlightened.  But if we are going to do that, I want to judge Obama by the employment rate only at the end of his first year in office.  Fair enough?
If not, lets go with averages.  The average unemployment rate from 2002 through 2008 was 5.25%
                                               The average unemployment rate from 2009 through 2013 was 8.52%
TAke your choice- and consult your charts-  facts cant be altered.
Let me know if the road going forward is serious ( as you first portrayed in your concern about the middle class- or smart ass as in when you cant make the point you would like to make regarding Mr. Bush)  If you want to keep posting charts, I dont mind that because rest assured my inventory is larger than yours.


Did you take debate lessons from a 4th grader? Just stop. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Sometimes one has to get on the same level to debate.  You complained about the TEA party so just wondering why you would complain about an organization that would fight to stop you from being overly taxed ...   :huh:


Obama created more jobs than Bush.  Thats because he started at a virtual zero.  Unemployment rates are what they are and you (nor your charts) can't change that.  Why would I tell you who I work for?  You are the one who claims to be enlightened/chosen, intellectually superior and at the top of a competitive industry.  Why not tell us what you do and who you work for? So we were in an economic bubble during the Bush years?   Go ahead and explain that one and also tell me why the same doesnt apply to his predecessor.  The only bubble that burst was the sub prime mortgage bubble and try as hard as you want ( consult all of the charts you want) it cannot be credited to Bush.  You can give most of the credit for the bursting of that bubble to Barney Frank and Chris Dodd who wanted our society to be "more inclusive"( ahh, yes the compassion of which the left is so proud) and provide mortgages for anyone who wanted one regardless of work history or ability to pay.  But, then again, you already know all of that if you are anywhere as "enlightened" as you would have us believe.  And, by the way, there are still fewer  people working today than when the recession began.  So much for the Obama economic methods ( which, if you recall your recent statement, you totally disagree with)

I never blamed Bush, I was just stating FACTS.

You're assuming I was blaming Bush when I'm simply stating you can't PICK AND CHOOSE what fits your narrative.

You can't praise Bush for the economic boom during his presidency then decide to ignore the recession as if it didn't happen! Boom roasted

Your feelings appear hurt.

Obama created more jobs than Bush.  Thats because he started at a virtual zero.  Unemployment rates are what they are and you (nor your charts) can't change that.  Why would I tell you who I work for?  You are the one who claims to be enlightened/chosen, intellectually superior and at the top of a competitive industry.  Why not tell us what you do and who you work for? So we were in an economic bubble during the Bush years?   Go ahead and explain that one and also tell me why the same doesnt apply to his predecessor.  The only bubble that burst was the sub prime mortgage bubble and try as hard as you want ( consult all of the charts you want) it cannot be credited to Bush.  You can give most of the credit for the bursting of that bubble to Barney Frank and Chris Dodd who wanted our society to be "more inclusive"( ahh, yes the compassion of which the left is so proud) and provide mortgages for anyone who wanted one regardless of work history or ability to pay.  But, then again, you already know all of that if you are anywhere as "enlightened" as you would have us believe.  And, by the way, there are still fewer  people working today than when the recession began.  So much for the Obama economic methods ( which, if you recall your recent statement, you totally disagree with)


If you perceive my feelings as hurt, you certainly have confirmed you are no psychiatrist.  Frame it any way you wish.  The broadest indicator of the health of the economy is GDP.  The rebound in the health of the economy and the improvement of jobs from the depths of the recession can be attributed to the cyclicality of the economy. (aka- there has never been a recession from which we did not recover)  Since you and I both like to deal in facts, I am going to restate several.  GDP in this recovery is the weakest in over 75 years.  GDP in this recovery has been running at about half of just the average recovery GDP.  The 2.9% GDP  CONTRACTION that we experienced in the first quarter is the largest contraction within a recovery since World War 2.  By the way, I didn't praise Bush about an economic boom.  I merely pointed out that the median income average was higher during his presidency than anyone else( by your chart) and your only response was the job losses occurring when he left office which had ZERO relevance to average median income that YOU brought to the discussion.  Tell yourself about "boom, roasted" and maybe you will eventually believe that because nobody else does.  And the bottom line is this: the economy has recovered in spite of Obama, not because of him, although we can give him most of the credit for the sub par recovery that could/should have occurred more rapidly and more vibrantly. ( His projection of 5.5% unemployment and halving the debt by the end of his first term are very good indicators of his economic "acumen")


You mean you wish I was getting upset ( only because you think you are doing some meaningful chain yanking)    You seemed to be so proud of saying that Obama created more jobs than Bush.  Let me give you another version of that.  Next year, the Cleveland Cavaliers and Milwaukee Bucks are both going to win a greater percentage of their games compared to last year than the Miami Heat.  But the Heat will still be in the playoffs and the Bucks and Cavs will still be trying to make a respectable showing.  There are no "grasped straws" in any of the points I made to you.  If your only retort is" grasping at straws", that is an excellent example of grasping at straws.  You really ought to give up on the feigned condescension and try another approach.

You seemed so proud average median household income was higher under Bush, too bad the end result was the worst recession since the Great Depression

Boom roasted, thank you come again

You mean you wish I was getting upset ( only because you think you are doing some meaningful chain yanking)    You seemed to be so proud of saying that Obama created more jobs than Bush.  Let me give you another version of that.  Next year, the Cleveland Cavaliers and Milwaukee Bucks are both going to win a greater percentage of their games compared to last year than the Miami Heat.  But the Heat will still be in the playoffs and the Bucks and Cavs will still be trying to make a respectable showing.  There are no "grasped straws" in any of the points I made to you.  If your only retort is" grasping at straws", that is an excellent example of grasping at straws.  You really ought to give up on the feigned condescension and try another approach.


Too bad the worst recession since the Great Depression was caused by "the inclusiveness/compassion" sub prime mortgage bubble  initiated by the left. Additionally the "recovery" also was the worst since World War 2 under the stewardship of Barack Obama.   Boom , roasted.  Thank you.  Come again.  It took you a little longer than normal to respond.  But I understand that because your unequaled plethora of charts didn't have a response.  You sound angry. 


USA was playing in the World Cup. I love my country unlike you teabaggers :P


Too bad the worst recession since the Great Depression was caused by "the inclusiveness/compassion" sub prime mortgage bubble  initiated by the left. Additionally the "recovery" also was the worst since World War 2 under the stewardship of Barack Obama.   Boom , roasted.  Thank you.  Come again.  It took you a little longer than normal to respond.  But I understand that because your unequaled plethora of charts didn't have a response.  You sound angry. 


Too bad you equate loving ones country to watching a soccer game.  I'll bet you believe that if someone doesn't cry at a funeral that they really don't care.  Symbolism over substance- no surprise there.  Maybe we should take a poll on this board and find out how many board members "loved their country" today by watching the World Cup.

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