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Protesters turn back busloads of illegal immigrants, as border stations overwhelmed

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What if you accidentally crossed the Mexican border and they locked you up and threw away the key ! Laws are laws cant pick and choose like Yobama likes to do! Plus our tax dollars are at work here I believe back in the day nobody was pickin up the tab for folks crossin over!


WOW!! What if the Indians had turned your ancestors around on the Mayflower? What if the Mexicans had fenced up their borders to keep americans out of Texas during the 1830's?


Let's stick with the present on this one...are you saying whoever shows up at the border is welcome and you would have no problem if this were happening in your hometown?


WOW!! What if the Indians had turned your ancestors around on the Mayflower? What if the Mexicans had fenced up their borders to keep americans out of Texas during the 1830's?

The Indians had no clue and Mexicans aren't known for being fence builders.

Try hiking in the mountains around Iran.

Try visiting someone in North Korea.

Heard Chris Rock tell this joke the other night. He said there are more white people watching the tv show Scandal. (Because?) Anyone wanna take a shot at the punch line?  :) 


1. Because its on The Fox Channel?


2. Because Sara Palin is the lead actor?


3. Because you get a chance to see a white President & it reminds you of the old days  :lol: 


I gave a hint for the answer because we know how some people take a little longer than others.


I would venture to say Dove that far more people voted for Obama because he is black than voted against him because he is black.

Oh, do yall REALLY want to start a list of who was voted on because of color? Do you really want to do this? 


WOW! So he was voted TWICE to his office because he is biracial. Obama is not Black, speaking from a biological point of reference. Though I realize some of yall may have problems wanting to accept his other 50%.


Dove, people did not make the "heavy biracial analysis" just before they went to the poll.  I want you to tell me, honestly, of course, that if Mr. Obama had been caucasian, would Oprah have pushed for his nomination as she did?  If Mr. Obama had been a caucasian, would the Dems have nominated him as their candidate?  If they had nominated a caucasian community organizer with two years of senatorial experience where he voted "present" on most issues, would the public have elected him?


I just recall watching some of the inauguration.......cameras in the audience.........always entertaining. The overwhelming reply was........."we finally got one of us (black person speaking) in the White House.


So yes........I say race had a lot to do with it.


Nash...........to answer all your questions, honestly of course, no


Dove, people did not make the "heavy biracial analysis" just before they went to the poll.  I want you to tell me, honestly, of course, that if Mr. Obama had been caucasian, would Oprah have pushed for his nomination as she did?  If Mr. Obama had been a caucasian, would the Dems have nominated him as their candidate?  If they had nominated a caucasian community organizer with two years of senatorial experience where he voted "present" on most issues, would the public have elected him?

Obama is a very personable person with a pleasing personality and well respected as a world leader. Nope , he ain't perfect, but neither was Reagan. She pushed for his nomination because America needed a change. Someone to look out for the average person and not just place profit over a human being. Obama won because he was more personable and touched people. I guess Black people would have voted for Herman Cain because he is Black? C'mon, please give us more credit.


I just recall watching some of the inauguration.......cameras in the audience.........always entertaining. The overwhelming reply was........."we finally got one of us (black person speaking) in the White House.


So yes........I say race had a lot to do with it.


Nash...........to answer all your questions, honestly of course, no

Hahahah!! Its amazing how whites view race as opposed to people of color. Based on the history of this country just a few years ago with Jim Crow, I'm sure I said the same thing. But you know whats also funny. We all had that funny look in your eyes the next morning . Some were stunned and became deaf at work the next day , and others had a gleam in their eyes and smiling & talking. Priceless comparison.


Someone to look out for the average person?  How has the little guy been helped?  The median income is down about 10% since he took office.  There are 1 million fewer people working today than when he took office.  I am sorry, but a pleasing personality is not an appropriate criteria for selecting someone to be in the highest office in the land.  And you are right about Herman Cain with one small exception.  Its the black LIBERALS who would not have voted for Herman Cain.  Nothing new there.  As for the assertion of Mr. Obama being a respected World leader, how do you validate that contention?  You said that America needed a change.  Are you talking about "change we can believe in"?  Do you think we got that?  Is that the type of change that assured the voting public that the government would attain a new high in transparency?  Is that the type of change that assured the voting public that the debt would be cut in half after one term?  Is that the kind of change that assured the voting public that a new 21st Century VA would be created? 


Well, Pamfam, you and I agree once again.  The individuals you mentioned do not endorse government as the answer to all economic and social problems and for those reasons, will never attract a majority of that voting segment.


Someone to look out for the average person?  How has the little guy been helped?  The median income is down about 10% since he took office.  There are 1 million fewer people working today than when he took office.  I am sorry, but a pleasing personality is not an appropriate criteria for selecting someone to be in the highest office in the land.  And you are right about Herman Cain with one small exception.  Its the black LIBERALS who would not have voted for Herman Cain.  Nothing new there.  As for the assertion of Mr. Obama being a respected World leader, how do you validate that contention?  You said that America needed a change.  Are you talking about "change we can believe in"?  Do you think we got that?  Is that the type of change that assured the voting public that the government would attain a new high in transparency?  Is that the type of change that assured the voting public that the debt would be cut in half after one term?  Is that the kind of change that assured the voting public that a new 21st Century VA would be created? 

I think we have a classic case of repubs being in such bad shape, yall tend to take the focus off your blunders and poor judgement try and make this guy the bad guy. Yall need to fix your party and maybe , just maybe yall could win the next election. BUT!!! Yall still haven't figured it out yet . Why? Because you're too stubborn (I'll use a nice adjective) to CHANGE!!!!


What is this metamorphic change you refer to? More free crap for the poor and down trodden? A weaker military on the world stage? Economy going down the crapper? IRS targeting conservative groups? A socialized medicine rollout that is the laughingstock of the world?


Change for the sake of change is not always good. But I will give the dems credit........they have created a voter base that is so dependant on the government they have to keep voting for them to keep receiving the fruits of my labors.


By the way, no one is making Obama the bad guy..........he is doing that all on his own


Dove, when you speak of not figuring things out.  How long does it take to figure out that your economic policies are failed ones?  And, as Eagle 11 just pointed out, his "looking bad" is very much self imposed.  You continue to point to the Presidential election as your means of arriving at your conclusions.  Why are there more Republican governors than Democratic governors and why do the republicans have the majority in the House of Representatives with an increasingly good chance of having same in the Senate.  Is that because of blunders.  Change- what a great word - especially if you embellish it with" you can believe in".  If the doctor tells me that a change in the liquids I consume is needed, changing to arsenic would not be the answer.  If the repubs were in as bad a shape as you like to portray, your boys would be controlling both Houses and have a plurality in governorships.

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