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George W. Bush is borderline retarded and somehow got nominated by the brilliant GOPers and rode the anti-fellatio in the Oval Office wave into the White House. Once there, he found that just as he was short on brain power to run a lemonade stand, he was overwhelmed in leading the country. As such, he relied on men he knew were much smarter than he, and got us in the costliest debacle in the history of our country. A debacle that continued to bury us into the next presidency.

Well, for starters...

George W. Bush is borderline retarded and somehow got nominated by the brilliant GOPers and rode the anti-fellatio in the Oval Office wave into the White House. Once there, he found that just as he was short on brain power to run a lemonade stand, he was overwhelmed in leading the country. As such, he relied on men he knew were much smarter than he, and got us in the costliest debacle in the history of our country. A debacle that continued to bury us into the next presidency.

Well, for starters...

Here is a classic liberal hate filled-name calling-demeaning post of another person they disagree with!!   But someone does that of, as Dove calls him, "the savior" and they are labeled racist and bigoted!!  We understand the game.  It is about as transparent as fine Crystal!!!


George W. Bush is borderline retarded and somehow got nominated by the brilliant GOPers and rode the anti-fellatio in the Oval Office wave into the White House. Once there, he found that just as he was short on brain power to run a lemonade stand, he was overwhelmed in leading the country. As such, he relied on men he knew were much smarter than he, and got us in the costliest debacle in the history of our country. A debacle that continued to bury us into the next presidency.

Well, for starters...

Steve, are there any "facts" in this eloquent response to your question?


Excuse me, TxHoops but are you honestly suggesting that Mr. Bush did not know how to lead the country but Mr. Obama does?  Can you please explain to me how suggesting that Mr. Bush was "borderline retarded" is an acceptable comment but you find it "really offensive" that someone would have the nerve to inquire about Mr. Obamas birthplace, his college transcript, or his possible sympathy to Muslims?  For the record, Mr. Obamas method of dealing with the border crisis suggests something substantially less than leadership.  I guess I could go further into his economic" leadership", and his willingness to let the economy suffer in order to further his social justice agenda, but will save that for later.  And the difference between Mr. Bush's success/failure in running a business prior to being the President compared to Mr. Obamas is akin to comparing Apple to a Lemonade stand.  And, rest assured, it wasn't Mr. Obama running apple.


Excuse me, TxHoops but are you honestly suggesting that Mr. Bush did not know how to lead the country but Mr. Obama does?  Can you please explain to me how suggesting that Mr. Bush was "borderline retarded" is an acceptable comment but you find it "really offensive" that someone would have the nerve to inquire about Mr. Obamas birthplace, his college transcript, or his possible sympathy to Muslims?  For the record, Mr. Obamas method of dealing with the border crisis suggests something substantially less than leadership.  I guess I could go further into his economic" leadership", and his willingness to let the economy suffer in order to further his social justice agenda, but will save that for later.  And the difference between Mr. Bush's success/failure in running a business prior to being the President compared to Mr. Obamas is akin to comparing Apple to a Lemonade stand.  And, rest assured, it wasn't Mr. Obama running apple.

Mr Nash where were you in 2007 when the economy was crashing. If Mr Bush was doing such a great job, there would be no Obama. The only reason that there is a President Obama is because of President Bush. If Obama had ran behind Clintons two terms he would not have won...


The economy was going to go through what it experienced regardless of who was the President.  Perhaps someday you will grasp that, but, then again, you may never grasp it because the left told you it was all Bush's fault and you accepted that.  Funny thing is, Bush had little, if any, to do with the financial meltdown which was initiated by the sub prime mortgage debacle, which was caused, for the most part, by a couple of guys named Frank and Dodd.  Its not abnormal for a country to "buy into" something such as "change we can believe in" and a plethora of promises ( none of which were kept) that sound so good .  I could share with you a comparison of the Bush recovery following the Clinton recession as compared to the Obama recovery following the Bush recession, but your grasp of what happened in 2007 suggests that you would not get it.


Excuse me, TxHoops but are you honestly suggesting that Mr. Bush did not know how to lead the country but Mr. Obama does? Can you please explain to me how suggesting that Mr. Bush was "borderline retarded" is an acceptable comment but you find it "really offensive" that someone would have the nerve to inquire about Mr. Obamas birthplace, his college transcript, or his possible sympathy to Muslims? For the record, Mr. Obamas method of dealing with the border crisis suggests something substantially less than leadership. I guess I could go further into his economic" leadership", and his willingness to let the economy suffer in order to further his social justice agenda, but will save that for later. And the difference between Mr. Bush's success/failure in running a business prior to being the President compared to Mr. Obamas is akin to comparing Apple to a Lemonade stand. And, rest assured, it wasn't Mr. Obama running apple.

1). His "experience" in running businesses should have forecast how dreadful he would be as president. His experience was a comedy of failures.

2) Are you saving it for later or choosing not to recycle a post you have already used 1794 times on this board?

Which one?  I have used lots of them 1794 times because "certain people" don't "get it".


Please elaborate on Mr. Bush's business failures and tell me why being a success or failure at business is not more instructive than being a community organizer.  Or do you possibly believe there are not tons of successful businessmen who, at some point in their business life, were failures but learned from their mistakes and responded accordingly rather than sticking to an ideology that is a demonstrated failure in virtually every country in which it operates.  At any moment, Big Girl ought to chime in about how much smarter you are than me about these things.  But I believe I will just hang around anyway.  I would also add that Mr. Bush 's record as governor of Texas( I am sure you will tell us how ignorant the citizens of Texas were for electing him to consecutive terms as governor) is considerably more productive than voting "present" 75% of the time in a 2 year position in the Senate.


Txhoops- for a individual who recently denounced vitriol, I think I am sensing that is the exact emotion you are directing at Mr. Bush.  Come on, now - where is that "tolerance" that gets touted/celebrated as a unique characteristic of the left?


One more small item_  I find it very difficult to criticize Mr. Bush in his business pursuits.  He turned a $600,000 investment in the Texas Rangers into $15,000,000.  If I am running a business, I believe I will hire him instead of a law professor.

I will respond as soon as I finish laughing. There is more fail in those three posts than a W run business. Rest assured as soon as I get a moment, I wink enlighten you. You're welcome in advance.
I do have time to address the second one. I have absolutely no hatred for W. Despite my best efforts, I still feel sorry for him. He has spent his life trying to measure up to a standard he had no hope of reaching. My compassion won't allow me to hate him...

Sorry, but I find no compassion in "borderline retarded".  Cant respond to the others because you are too busy laughing?  Think that would sell in the courtroom?  Feigned condescension has no value in our discussion.   Why is it that my criticism of Mr.Obama is "vitriol" and your criticism of Mr. Bush is compassion?  I know that is a really funny question too, but go ahead and answer it just for my edification.  Do you feel any sympathy for someone who wouldn't know the truth if it hit him in the face?  Does all of the laughter you are experiencing slow down the search process on the computer?

I am actually working. I told you I would respond as soon as I get a chance. Patience Stevie. (And it doesn't matter where you find compassion - I find it easy to have for the mentally challenged.)

I started a new thread about this so you can expound on this laugher.  Let me understand you.  You have time to answer some of my questions but not all of them.  You seem to already be armed with devastating knowledge about all of the failures of Mr. Bush, so wouldn't it be just as easy to give a few instead of telling everyone how much you are laughing at me?  As earlier stated, the condescension approach is most unproductive on this board.  Only Enlightened/Chosen employs it very often and he has been banned several times.  SInce you have a slam dunk, why don't you just go ahead and take the shot?

I know it is hard to believe for someone who spends countless hours on this board but some of is actually have other things to do with our lives. I was finishing up some work so I can now go to dinner with my family. Some time tonight, I will give you a response to your other posts. I swear when you ask a question you are like a toddler on Christmas Eve.

No problem.  You led me to believe that the answer was so obvious and so well known that only a lightweight such as me, didn't know about it.  You led me to believe you had so many pat answers for such an ignorant question that you could answer while doing your work just as you did with the cute little thank you for bringing humor, etc etc.  I hope you can enjoy your dinner and not be overcome by the  hilarity that I have provided.  After you "school' me, I am sure I will shrink away from this board after being so badly embarrassed.


Man, who really cares what yall oppose. Your party needs new blood. Yall need to focus on getting your party up to par. Yall focus all the attention away (smoke screens) from yourself, I'm guessing because it hurts to look in the mirror.  :D  Hey, did yall see on the news  yesterday the people lined up to hear the President speak while in Austin? All those people and all those different colors of people.

WOW...obama drew a crowd in Austin... very impressive.

I wonder how many were illegals?
Thank you for your patience. I am home later than I expected but, as promised, I will attempt to address your other points. In re-reading your posts, the other two are interrelated anyway and can be combined in my response.

Essentially, W. was involved with 3 oil and gas companies prior to his time with the Rangers. None of them were successful. In fact, he dumped his shares in the last one to pay off his $600k loan he took out for his 2% share in the Rangers. Interestingly, those shares were dumped just 3 days before the company was supposed to run completely out of money. An SEC insider trading investigation ensued, but no charges were filed (shocking given his father's position).

Now, on to the Rangers, he borrowed $600k for a 2 percent share in the club, and his father's cronies put up the real money. He was given the position of managing partner (or something close to that title) and was the "face" of ownership. His group took over a franchise that was embroiled in a dispute over a publicly funded stadium built on property that was seized by eminent domain. Over a decade of litigation ensued. While there, he gave us a glimpse into how he would perform in Washington (which is what I referenced in one of the posts with which you took issue). Specifically, he managed to get the organization into a mountain of debt, which helped lead the franchise into bankruptcy. However, he did manage to be a part of the sale to Tom Hicks, from which he received $15M. He "repaid" Mr. Hicks by appointing him to one of the highest positions at his beloved University of Texas.

So yes, he did finally make money on a business venture with the Rangers. I know you are a sports fan and have been able to follow how sports' franchises are recession proof and have consistently appreciated in value since the inception of pro sports. In fact, there are few areas in the private sector that are comparable. But that is a discussion for another day.

Finally, I will address a point you made in the other thread (one of your favorite things to do - take a point from a post that irks you and start a new thread attempting to "call out" that person). I assumed you guys could add 2 and 2 to get 4. That is to say, he ran for governor in a state that was well on its way to becoming solid red. His father, whose name he bore, was and is immensely popular. Do you really give him the credit for his ascent in politics in this state? As for his presidency (for sure his initial election), I already gave my opinion in one of my initial posts.

And lighten up, Stevenash. I obviously offended you with my laughter comment. I didn't realize your skin was so thin or I wouldn't have made that joke. I do apologize for being directly offensive. I will try not to repeat that offense.

Lets assume that every item you mentioned is nothing but the unvarnished facts.  ( although it is a little odd that you express your "concern" over the Rangers debt levels  but are seemingly untroubled by the debt level of this country- and there is really no comparison between the two) If I am a "Fuller Brush Franchisee and I am looking for salespeople, I will gladly hire the guy who failed at selling them  in prior years( experience, whether good or bad, is the best teacher) particularly if the other applicant  tells me that his only business experience is organizing pic-nics in his neighborhood.  I also am amazed that you can rationalize away two consecutive gubernatorial elections followed by two consecutive Presidential elections to "luck" and "the right connections".  But the one claim/inference that intrigues me the most is that Mr. Hicks is either an ignorant businessman (by paying too much for a sports franchise) or that he " bought" a future position at the University of Texas for an outlandishly high cost.  I suppose both are possibilities.  However, I am guessing that the Rangers had a much greater chance of being successful than Solyndra, Satcon Technology, Fisker, Ener1 and a host of others.  If you add in the  fact that the U.S. Postal service defaulted on  some debt last fall and went from a 600 million debt to 15 billion in debt in the last 4 years, you should be able to fully understand why I have such a strong preference for private sector business management and repeatedly criticize those who believe otherwise.


As for your advice to me on lightening up, be advised that, if my skin were as "thin" as you suggest, I would spend little, if any time on this forum.   


I want to repeat one other question as either I missed your answer or you didn't provide it for me.

You appear ( by virtue of your statement) to consider your description of Mr. Bush as "borderline retarded" as compassionate..  At the very same time, when I criticize Mr. Obama ( mostly for his economic policies) you apparently regard that as vitriolic and/or racist.  I sure am having a difficult time reconciling that.


George W. Bush is borderline retarded and somehow got nominated by the brilliant GOPers and rode the anti-fellatio in the Oval Office wave into the White House. Once there, he found that just as he was short on brain power to run a lemonade stand, he was overwhelmed in leading the country. As such, he relied on men he knew were much smarter than he, and got us in the costliest debacle in the history of our country. A debacle that continued to bury us into the next presidency.

Well, for starters...

Nothing more needs to be said.

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