PN-G bamatex Posted July 30, 2014 Report Posted July 30, 2014 tvc, can they still be prosecuted for lesser crimes without involvement from ICE? Quote
Big girl Posted July 30, 2014 Author Report Posted July 30, 2014 Big Girl was critical of Perry for trying to do something about the illegals and critical of Bush for doing nothing (so she thinks). One might get the impression that no matter what a Republican does, to her, it will be wrong. I said perry passed the Dream Act and is now grandstanding . Why didn't Bush push the federal government for Immigration reform when he was governor? Quote
tvc184 Posted July 30, 2014 Report Posted July 30, 2014 tvc, can they still be prosecuted for lesser crimes without involvement from ICE? Sure. But we get a guy in his second DWI and the feds will not touch him no matter that he can get a year in jail and has endangered lives. Under former administrations (including Democratic), that was a ticket out of the country. Not so today but being illegal does not exempt them from state or city laws. Quote
tvc184 Posted July 30, 2014 Report Posted July 30, 2014 I said perry passed the Dream Act and is now grandstanding . Why didn't Bush push the federal government for Immigration reform when he was governor? You keep pushing the claimed TX dream act like it is the same as the proposed federal law and Perry supports one but not the other. In truth one has nothing to do with the other than a made up name. Under TX law, an illegal alien that lives in this state, can pay in state tuition. Hmmmm..... any person that lives in this state can claim that he lives in this state for tuition purposes when applying to college. Wow.... that is almost the same as the federal Dream Act where if you go to college you become a citizen. NOT! BearBryant 1 Quote
Big girl Posted July 31, 2014 Author Report Posted July 31, 2014 So.......illegal immigrants in Texas could pay in state tuition, but U.S. Citizens from other states had to pay out of state tuition fees. Are you guys ok with that? Quote
PN-G bamatex Posted July 31, 2014 Report Posted July 31, 2014 So.......illegal immigrants in Texas could pay in state tuition, but U.S. Citizens from other states had to pay out of state tuition fees. Are you guys ok with that? Although I suspect I know what several of the answers to this question will be, I can't speak for anyone but myself, and no, I'm not okay with it. In fact, I think the only reason Rick Perry got behind that bill was to have something on his record that appeals to Hispanic voters in the event of a presidential campaign. But that's not really the point here, is it? You're trying to make some bogus point about Rick Perry being similar to Barack Obama in how he deals with illegal immigrants, and I suspect that you erroneously believe and would then ignorantly try to point out that the only reason we hold differing views of the two of them is either race or partisan affiliation. Well, as usual, you're wrong. They don't hold the same views on illegal immigration and border security, and Rick Perry doesn't speak out against Barack Obama's policies regarding those issues in public just to quietly go along with them in private. Don't believe me? Rick Perry deployed 1,000 troops to the border. Barack Obama ordered ICE to turn loose any illegal immigrant they took into custody, including suspected criminals, unless they were being held on felony charges. I rest my case. Englebert, 5GallonBucket and BearBryant 3 Quote
tvc184 Posted July 31, 2014 Report Posted July 31, 2014 So.......illegal immigrants in Texas could pay in state tuition, but U.S. Citizens from other states had to pay out of state tuition fees. Are you guys ok with that? No, I would be okay with them not being in the country. I don't want them here paying out of state tuition either. None of that has anything to do with you trying to make (for several weeks) a correlation between the Obama Dream Act and the Texas in state tuition law. You are trying to make it show that if Perry does it, it is okay but if Obama does it, it is wrong. You have the apples and oranges problem of comparing two different things where one has almost nothing to do with the other. Eagle11, BearBryant, thetragichippy and 3 others 6 Quote
5GallonBucket Posted July 31, 2014 Report Posted July 31, 2014 GUYS GUYS......slow down that is way too easy to understand for some to follow Quote
Eagle11 Posted July 31, 2014 Report Posted July 31, 2014 The came here in box cars in 100 degree heat.......send them back the same way Quote
thetragichippy Posted July 31, 2014 Report Posted July 31, 2014 Thinking more along the lines of a JD at the moment, but that's still a year away. Fine, otherwise. You? Good for you.....and yes, I've been great! Glad to see you doing well! PN-G bamatex 1 Quote
Big girl Posted July 31, 2014 Author Report Posted July 31, 2014 Are you guys going to continue to ignore my question? TROJANSWIN 1 Quote
BearBryant Posted July 31, 2014 Report Posted July 31, 2014 You make no sense at all. Bush is no longer the President. Obama needs to put his big boy undies on accept the fact that the "Buck" stops with him. We never heard Bush blaming other Presidents. thetragichippy 1 Quote
tvc184 Posted July 31, 2014 Report Posted July 31, 2014 Are you guys going to continue to ignore my question? I answered your last question and got two "likes" so I will note that as three responses. How many do you need? thetragichippy 1 Quote
LumRaiderFan Posted July 31, 2014 Report Posted July 31, 2014 Okay, now four. She's waiting for the "correct" answer...I don't think you have it. Quote
Big girl Posted July 31, 2014 Author Report Posted July 31, 2014 Why are you guys giving him a pass, but crucifying President Obama? Why are y'all against him granting amnesty to some illegal immigrants, Reagan did it. Quote
tvc184 Posted July 31, 2014 Report Posted July 31, 2014 Why are you guys giving him a pass, but crucifying President Obama? Why are y'all against him granting amnesty to some illegal immigrants, Reagan did it. Giving him a pass? My response was that I don't think they should be here at all and whether they pay in state or out of state tuition doesn't matter. Who are you claiming that backs up Reagan in the amnesty deal? I have never mentioned that as being a good thing and I have not seen anyone else say so. It was one of the worst decisions of Reagan's presidency and although he was promised that it was a "one time deal", many of use thought that it was the proverbial foot in the door. You often bring up these straw man arguments. You ask questions about, why do you not disagree with (fill in the name of any Republican) when in truth, no one has claimed support for those issues. You only assume that we support all issues by the national party. The reason that Bush's popularity waned in his last year was his support and ultimately signing of bailouts like TARP and the auto bailouts. It is a given that the Democrats didn't like him but his late policies changed his own party's opinion as well. You see, therein lies evidence that we don't support only party but what is done. The fact that the Tea Party sprung up within the Republican Party is further evidence that we don't all accept things to toe the party line. Yet you will likely continue to come up with..."But why did _________ sign _________ and why did you Republicans support him/her?". The truth is that maybe we don't as I listed above. thetragichippy 1 Quote
Big girl Posted July 31, 2014 Author Report Posted July 31, 2014 This is good to know. I think you are speaking of yourself, a lot of nut jobs on this forum feel differently. Quote
thetragichippy Posted July 31, 2014 Report Posted July 31, 2014 This is good to know. I think you are speaking of yourself, a lot of nut jobs on this forum feel differently. Who? Give specifics....quote anyone saying they support Reagan's amnesty deal.... Quote
tvc184 Posted August 1, 2014 Report Posted August 1, 2014 Who? Give specifics....quote anyone saying they support Reagan's amnesty deal.... That is what I was wondering. Quote
NorthoftheBorder Posted August 1, 2014 Report Posted August 1, 2014 When are you guys going to tire of this very childish game that this poster plays every day! Her MO is "Offense is a good defense!! Since she doesn't have anything to rebutt Obama's devastating policies and their effects on the country, so she resorts to "so and so did this, and so and so did that and you supported them"! No amount of facts, logic, or sound reasoning is going to have any effect on her beliefs!!! Quote
Big girl Posted August 1, 2014 Author Report Posted August 1, 2014 Obama is the POTUS, nothing you say and do is going to change it. The guys who said it know who I am talking about. :) Quote
TROJANSWIN Posted August 1, 2014 Report Posted August 1, 2014 Obama is the POTUS, nothing you say and do is going to change it. The guys who said it know who I am talking about. :) Exactly! So quit asking what Bush, Reagan, Clinton, Bush, Kennedy, or George Washington did about something. Obama is president and is the only one who can do things right now as president. When he does wrong, it is his fault. If he ever does something good, it will be his praise. PN-G bamatex 1 Quote
tvc184 Posted August 1, 2014 Report Posted August 1, 2014 Yes Obama is the president for another two years of being a lame duck and there is nothing we can do about that. When Obama was in his first two years of office the Republicans tried to block several pieces of legislation, most notably Obamacare. That is when the Dems had the super majority and could pass any legislation it wanted but the Republicans kept trying to throw up roadblocks. Representative Elijah Cummings (D) a couple of times in a fairly angry tone got on the television and denounced the Republicans by saying something like, "We won and you lost and we are now in control. That is the way this works". Yes Elijah, that is the way it works. Historically there has been compromise on legislation being passed but now the Dems had the ultimate power for two years. Of course they wasted it and passed only one piece if real legislation, Obamacare. They were promptly hit with the midterms in 2010 where the public greeted their legislative prowess with a stunning reversal in Congress in a historic switch in the House. Yes, Obama is the president for another two years of being a lame duck. The Republicans made good strides in the Senate and took away their filibuster proof majority. The only reason the did not take over the Senate was because only 1/3 of senators is ever up for reelection at one time but that again is the rules. Since Obamacare the Republicans have held a firm grip on the House. The president or Dems can get nothing passed into law for the last six years of Obama's presidency without Republican consent and it is driving them crazy. Simply put, House elections are local to each area and a majority of the American public has rejected the Dems leadership in passing laws. Yes, Obama got a huge 51% if the vote in 2012 and will now finish out his term however he faces the prospect of losing the Senate also in a couple of months. His power has been stripped and he has resorted to illegal executive orders, some if which have been thrown out by the Supreme Court with likely more to follow (3 losses in the last month). That fact has Obama and the Dems outraged but in the words of Elijah Cummings (now coming back to haunt the Dems), we won and you lost. The Republicans now hold a solid majority in the House and (thank you Mr. Cummings) that us the way this works giving the Republicans overwhelming control. If the Republicans take over the Senate in November and take full control of Congress, Obama can get his pen in hand (as he loves to say) but this time to issue veto after veto as the Republicans will be sending him law after law. Remember, that is the way this works as Mr. Cummings so eloquently pointed out. But wait, can't the Dem senators simply filibuster? Oops.... Harry Reid and the Dems voted a rules change when they didn't like the Republicans legally blocking legislation (again within the rules) so they changed the rules in mid stream. They were warned not to let the genie out of the bottle as it would come back to haunt them. Now they are desperately praying to hang on to the Senate or face a nightmare in legislation that they created when they couldn't play within the rules. But Obama will still be the president. Let's see how that works our for him with his poll numbers now down into the 30's in many areas. And again in the words of Dem spokesman Elijah Cummings, Obama won and is the president........ but he will be stripped of almost all power except the veto and that is the rules. PN-G bamatex, smitty, Englebert and 2 others 5 Quote
Big girl Posted August 1, 2014 Author Report Posted August 1, 2014 You have stated mere fox news talking points.. smh Quote
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