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Yesterday, the Jefferson County Task Force presented evidence to a Grand Jury that in fact Calvin Walker had a scheme to defraud governments and sources tell the Review that the money was then in % basis given back to certain elected officials. And the Task force is well on its way to finding out who and what is involved.


It is alleged in order to get that "opportunity" that the contractor, in Walkers case and others that are coming (surprised look), would kick back the money to certain officials inside the district with cash. Not traceable. However, the cash was flaunted around with purchases of new cars, home fixer ups and expensive "habits."


"My guess is that this will reach into city council members and former BISD members. Some are talking because they don't want to go to prison for the rest of their lives.


I think hundreds of indictments will be handed down at this point. And don't be surprised if it hits the Jefferson County Courthouse," said one source close to the investigation.


Now for you angry blacks out there - because you think they are picking on the black community - we say hang in there. BISD and PA are just the start we are told. Wait until they haul some out with handcuffs from the courthouse. That is when it will get interesting. Very interesting.


Until then - enjoy the show. Round two next week we are told. We will see - but it has our attention now.


Much more to read....click link below




On rare occasion that rag is correct. Rumors are reported as fact but most of the storues fade into history never to be mentioned again with no follow up and that is true of stories that include a phrase like, "this one has legs".

Yesterday, the Jefferson County Task Force presented evidence to a Grand Jury that in fact Calvin Walker had a scheme to defraud governments and sources tell the Review that the money was then in % basis given back to certain elected officials. And the Task force is well on its way to finding out who and what is involved.

It is alleged in order to get that "opportunity" that the contractor, in Walkers case and others that are coming (surprised look), would kick back the money to certain officials inside the district with cash. Not traceable. However, the cash was flaunted around with purchases of new cars, home fixer ups and expensive "habits."

"My guess is that this will reach into city council members and former BISD members. Some are talking because they don't want to go to prison for the rest of their lives.

I think hundreds of indictments will be handed down at this point. And don't be surprised if it hits the Jefferson County Courthouse," said one source close to the investigation.

Now for you angry blacks out there - because you think they are picking on the black community - we say hang in there. BISD and PA are just the start we are told. Wait until they haul some out with handcuffs from the courthouse. That is when it will get interesting. Very interesting.

Until then - enjoy the show. Round two next week we are told. We will see - but it has our attention now.

Much more to read....click link below


If I were an "Angry Black" as implied above, I would be offended. I will take the high road because I know a play of words when I see it. This distasteful use of words is why Myself & many others in the Black Community have issues with the total disrespect of us as well as "Our" President. What happened to content of character?? I don't take this as an indictment on African Americans, nor am I a spokesman. I speak out on what I feel are wrong. I don't know if you quoted this Hippy, or this is your poor choice of journalistic freedom. I know you have had a few words back & forth with "Blacks" on the site, but I know you know better. This isn't a slip up. This has the same connotation as you "Whites" or let's just call it what it is just plain Racist. I'm a level headed, highly educated African American with a God given duty to uplift the most important Race; Human Race. With that being said, I'll give you an opportunity to clarify your assessment of us. I'm not thin skinned, but I'm very Vocal. Again, I say this was out of line. All that need to be said was some members of the Black Community, not you " Blacks"
Sounds like you have an issue with someone. If so, just mention their name because "Us" Blacks can't speak for All Blacks
( turns my stomach)
The content of character, as you brought up, is the issue.

Here we have a guy that has admitted to falsifying invoices, not paying taxes, etc. He is a convicted criminal yet many in his community will defend him and as I saw a comment yesterday on one of the local news Facebook sites, callled the investigation a witch hunt.

If someone mentions Walker as being a crook then many will defend him (even sfter he has pleaded guilty) as being the victim. With that thought in mind, what causes another segment of the community to defend a convict if not for race. It sure isn't his content of character.

The content of character, as you brought up, is the issue.

Here we have a guy that has admitted to falsifying invoices, not paying taxes, etc. He is a convicted criminal yet many in his community will defend him and as I saw a comment yesterday on one of the local news Facebook sites, callled the investigation a witch hunt.

If someone mentions Walker as being a crook then many will defend him (even sfter he has pleaded guilty) as being the victim. With that thought in mind, what causes another segment of the community to defend a convict if not for race. It sure isn't his content of character.

When & if convicted, he will go to jail as well as others involved in Robbing our children, but how the Hell does this have to do with what was written above? Don't turn a deaf ear. Yes I I mentioned content of chAracter and I can tell where yours is because you commented on Walker, but stay away from the "Black" statement. I need All closet Bigots to standup. If that's what you are, be proud. Note: I said if
It always comes down to Race with most people. I'm seldom wrong on my assessment of people. So I ask TVC, are the scales balanced??
Like I said above, I'm not thin skinned

Like we say in the "Hood"
"Get it how you live".
If you need an explanation visit the nearest "Hood" I'm sure the people would be happy to explain my brother

If you are referring about the one phrase "angry blacks", then I think you are mistaken on how Klein meant that to read. I think he was saying "everyone in the Black Community that is angry...". I don't think he was trying to stereotypye a group by saying "angry blacks" in a derogatory fashion. When I first read that sentence I was taken aback, but after re-reading it a couple of times I think it was just poor sentence structure. If your argument is on a different point or about the whole article, you can visit his website. There's a place to leave comments. Hippy included the link in his post.


If I were an "Angry Black" as implied above, I would be offended. I will take the high road because I know a play of words when I see it. This distasteful use of words is why Myself & many others in the Black Community have issues with the total disrespect of us as well as "Our" President. What happened to content of character?? I don't take this as an indictment on African Americans, nor am I a spokesman. I speak out on what I feel are wrong. I don't know if you quoted this Hippy, or this is your poor choice of journalistic freedom. I know you have had a few words back & forth with "Blacks" on the site, but I know you know better. This isn't a slip up. This has the same connotation as you "Whites" or let's just call it what it is just plain Racist. I'm a level headed, highly educated African American with a God given duty to uplift the most important Race; Human Race. With that being said, I'll give you an opportunity to clarify your assessment of us. I'm not thin skinned, but I'm very Vocal. Again, I say this was out of line. All that need to be said was some members of the Black Community, not you " Blacks"
Sounds like you have an issue with someone. If so, just mention their name because "Us" Blacks can't speak for All Blacks
( turns my stomach)



Well, let's see......if you were so level headed, you may have gave me the benefit of the doubt and clicked on the LINK I convieniently put at the bottom of my post. You would have then got to read and figure out that was posted from the ARTICLE. That's WHY I named the topic of this post what I did.


And YOU claim not to be racist, but all you got out of that article was the "angry black man",....that's really ashamed, because there is SO much more in that article. Millions of dollars being stole from BISD and PISD AND it may even get into the court house of Jefferson county.........


But at least you read what you thought was important.....


I'm offended.......and also not the racist.....a mirror may be in order for some people


If you are referring about the one phrase "angry blacks", then I think you are mistaken on how Klein meant that to read. I think he was saying "everyone in the Black Community that is angry...". I don't think he was trying to stereotypye a group by saying "angry blacks" in a derogatory fashion. When I first read that sentence I was taken aback, but after re-reading it a couple of times I think it was just poor sentence structure. If your argument is on a different point or about the whole article, you can visit his website. There's a place to leave comments. Hippy included the link in his post.


They would have to take the effort to click......he apparently would rather jump to conclusions and blame me and racism.......SMDH


The content of character, as you brought up, is the issue.

Here we have a guy that has admitted to falsifying invoices, not paying taxes, etc. He is a convicted criminal yet many in his community will defend him and as I saw a comment yesterday on one of the local news Facebook sites, callled the investigation a witch hunt.

If someone mentions Walker as being a crook then many will defend him (even sfter he has pleaded guilty) as being the victim. With that thought in mind, what causes another segment of the community to defend a convict if not for race. It sure isn't his content of character.




If you are referring about the one phrase "angry blacks", then I think you are mistaken on how Klein meant that to read. I think he was saying "everyone in the Black Community that is angry...". I don't think he was trying to stereotypye a group by saying "angry blacks" in a derogatory fashion. When I first read that sentence I was taken aback, but after re-reading it a couple of times I think it was just poor sentence structure. If your argument is on a different point or about the whole article, you can visit his website. There's a place to leave comments. Hippy included the link in his post.

Englebert, I do thank you for trying to clarify this ignorant excerpt/ writers blog. We live in a politically correct society. I'm on the other end of that spectrum. We know this wasn't a mistake. I wasn't sure if Hippy quoted this, that's why I asked. Hippy & I have an understanding even when we don't agree. Again thanks for your response.

If I were an "Angry Black" as implied above, I would be offended. I will take the high road because I know a play of words when I see it. This distasteful use of words is why Myself & many others in the Black Community have issues with the total disrespect of us as well as "Our" President. What happened to content of character?? I don't take this as an indictment on African Americans, nor am I a spokesman. I speak out on what I feel are wrong. I don't know if you quoted this Hippy, or this is your poor choice of journalistic freedom. I know you have had a few words back & forth with "Blacks" on the site, but I know you know better. This isn't a slip up. This has the same connotation as you "Whites" or let's just call it what it is just plain Racist. I'm a level headed, highly educated African American with a God given duty to uplift the most important Race; Human Race. With that being said, I'll give you an opportunity to clarify your assessment of us. I'm not thin skinned, but I'm very Vocal. Again, I say this was out of line. All that need to be said was some members of the Black Community, not you " Blacks"
Sounds like you have an issue with someone. If so, just mention their name because "Us" Blacks can't speak for All Blacks
( turns my stomach)


I thought I had words with PEOPLE on this site.....I thought they all had names......I didn't know you lumped them into one category.....seems racist to me

Hippy I asked if this was a quote, but you never denounced the Author's poor taste for words. That's unlike you, so that where I was confused. If anyone thinks those words were mistakenly placed; the everyone involved in BISD is innocent. I rest my case

Hippy I asked if this was a quote, but you never denounced the Author's poor taste for words. That's unlike you, so that where I was confused. If anyone thinks those words were mistakenly placed; the everyone involved in BISD is innocent. I rest my case


I'm offended that you automatically thought it was me without giving me the benefit of the doubt. I did not denouce the author because I was posting the article. I did not take it as offensive, but you did, and that's fine.....but you should have made the effort to find out who said it before accusing me and bringing up the past. The information was there, you didn't do the research.


I rest my case


When & if convicted, he will go to jail as well as others involved in Robbing our children, but how the Hell does this have to do with what was written above? Don't turn a deaf ear. Yes I I mentioned content of chAracter and I can tell where yours is because you commented on Walker, but stay away from the "Black" statement. I need All closet Bigots to standup. If that's what you are, be proud. Note: I said if
It always comes down to Race with most people. I'm seldom wrong on my assessment of people. So I ask TVC, are the scales balanced??
Like I said above, I'm not thin skinned

Like we say in the "Hood"
"Get it how you live".
If you need an explanation visit the nearest "Hood" I'm sure the people would be happy to explain my brother



Maybe you haven't kept up on current events but he already is convicted. He pleaded guilty in a deal for probation rather than risk many years in the federal hoosegow. The state has now come in and picked up the same charges that were for some reason not taken up by the last DA. 


Yes, the scales are balanced unless you are going to imply that a white guy can over bill a school district for several million dollars and then give different statements to the IRS so that he can pay less in taxes and everyone will let him go because of his race. If that is true you need to take it up with the US Attorney for the Eastern District of Texas who was appointed by Obama, was approved by the Democratically controlled US Senate and is under the US Attorney General. 


Unless something has changed, I believe that all prosecutions and surely all major ones from the US Attorney office have to go through Washington. They are not independent or nearly so much as a DA is from the state. A DA is locally elected and autonomous from the state, the US Attorney is not. What that means is that Eric Holder's Justice Department likely approved the prosecution of Walker. Perhaps you think that our US Attorney General was prosecuting Walker because of his race. 


The claim of race as a motivator is an easy way to divert blame. I am not involved in any part of nor have any knowledge of the state or federal investigations but (again), the Obama administration prosecuted Walker and doubt that race entered into the equation. Maybe you have some more inside information that says otherwise. I would love to hear it. 


Maybe you haven't kept up on current events but he already is convicted. He pleaded guilty in a deal for probation rather than risk many years in the federal hoosegow. The state has now come in and picked up the same charges that were for some reason not taken up by the last DA. 


Yes, the scales are balanced unless you are going to imply that a white guy can over bill a school district for several million dollars and then give different statements to the IRS so that he can pay less in taxes and everyone will let him go because of his race. If that is true you need to take it up with the US Attorney for the Eastern District of Texas who was appointed by Obama, was approved by the Democratically controlled US Senate and is under the US Attorney General. 


Unless something has changed, I believe that all prosecutions and surely all major ones from the US Attorney office have to go through Washington. They are not independent or nearly so much as a DA is from the state. A DA is locally elected and autonomous from the state, the US Attorney is not. What that means is that Eric Holder's Justice Department likely approved the prosecution of Walker. Perhaps you think that our US Attorney General was prosecuting Walker because of his race. 


The claim of race as a motivator is an easy way to divert blame. I am not involved in any part of nor have any knowledge of the state or federal investigations but (again), the Obama administration prosecuted Walker and doubt that race entered into the equation. Maybe you have some more inside information that says otherwise. I would love to hear it. 

The Federal court system has many participants pleading guilty in fear of getting long prison terms vs getting probation. You can be innocent. I'd take probation too if the other choice was (possible) 20 years or more in prison, possibly for a crime you didn't commit.


The Federal court system has many participants pleading guilty in fear of getting long prison terms vs getting probation. You can be innocent. I'd take probation too if the other choice was (possible) 20 years or more in prison, possibly for a crime you didn't commit.


I doubt that a guy with millions of dollars in his account and with a high profile attorney pleaded guilty after a hung jury because he was worried about being wrongfully convicted. Especially when the plea makes him pay back millions of dollars.  We aren't talking about a guy found with a rock of cocaine or a small baggie of marijuana on a traffic stop and with a court appointed attorney. Either way, he stood up in front of a judge and he proclaimed his own guilt.


On the other hand I notice that you conveniently missed the point of the post and that is that the prosecutor was an Obama appointee and the head of the Justice Department that prosecuted him was the US Attorney General, Eric Holder. I guess Eric Holder's Justice Department and an Obama appointee had it out for Walker due to race.... which is what is being stated or implied. 


So I am wondering how many people realize that it was the FBI and US Justice Department that gathered the evidence and filed charges and ultimately got a conviction on Walker? Do they think that Eric Holder's Justice Department and a Barack Obama appointee targeted or allowed Walker to be prosecuted due to race because reading posts in this forum and in other online debates, that seems to be the claim?  






I doubt that a guy with millions of dollars in his account and with a high profile attorney pleaded guilty after a hung jury because he was worried about being wrongfully convicted. Especially when the plea makes him pay back millions of dollars.  We aren't talking about a guy found with a rock of cocaine or a small baggie of marijuana on a traffic stop and with a court appointed attorney. Either way, he stood up in front of a judge and he proclaimed his own guilt.


On the other hand I notice that you conveniently missed the point of the post and that is that the prosecutor was an Obama appointee and the head of the Justice Department that prosecuted him was the US Attorney General, Eric Holder. I guess Eric Holder's Justice Department and an Obama appointee had it out for Walker due to race.... which is what is being stated or implied. 


So I am wondering how many people realize that it was the FBI and US Justice Department that gathered the evidence and filed charges and ultimately got a conviction on Walker? Do they think that Eric Holder's Justice Department and a Barack Obama appointee targeted or allowed Walker to be prosecuted due to race because reading posts in this forum and in other online debates, that seems to be the claim?  


I never referred to race in my comments  <_< . I said PEOPLE plead guilty to take away the possibility of facing prison vs probation. Why are you referencing race? Obama? Holder? These people don't care what color a person is..


TVC, you & Hippy can get upset if you want, I asked if Hippy quoted this first, then I went from there. You can throw around political Mumbojumbo if you want. You can close the case if you like. Hippy, Offended can be overlooked, disrespected takes time. I'd hope you can overlook being offended Hippy because that wasn't the intent. Your views TVC takes Prayer & time. Such a standup guy


I never referred to race in my comments <_< . I said PEOPLE plead guilty to take away the possibility of facing prison vs probation. Why are you referencing race? Obama? Holder? These people don't care what color a person is..

Just as I never called anyone racist, but if the shoe fits.........
Kinda funny how a former mayor of Beaumont did time for things others before & after are guilty of but none of them went down. Just as a previous board did "erroneous" things and that's hardly mentioned. That's why our former Super was hired. It's not a double standard until a double standard is needed.
Now I'm done with this thread before I get my membership revoked. I wish I knew some of these guys, I sure would love to tell them face to face.

Just as I never called anyone racist, but if the shoe fits.........
Kinda funny how a former mayor of Beaumont did time for things others before & after are guilty of but none of them went down. Just as a previous board did "erroneous" things and that's hardly mentioned. That's why our former Super was hired. It's not a double standard until a double standard is needed.
Now I'm done with this thread before I get my membership revoked. I wish I knew some of these guys, I sure would love to tell them face to face.


Your words....


I don't know if you quoted this Hippy, or this is your poor choice of journalistic freedom. I know you have had a few words back & forth with "Blacks" on the site, but I know you know better. This isn't a slip up. This has the same connotation as you "Whites" or let's just call it what it is just plain Racist.


If you say it, own it


Asking me if I'm above it?......read your response to my post of a link.....I thought you would of been above it


I never referred to race in my comments   <_< . I said PEOPLE plead guilty to take away the possibility of facing prison vs probation. Why are you referencing race? Obama? Holder? These people don't care what color a person is..


Let's refresh our memories in this thread. The comment that I made was about the article and its likelihood of it being wrong and rarely (in my opinion) is it ever true. In other words, I have little belief in its accusations. 


The mention of race was only brought up by bigcam in post #3. The terms race, whites, black, racist, African American, content of character and others were brought up. Hippy was called out to clarify his statement or beliefs.

I'll give you an opportunity to clarify your assessment of us


In fact hippy made no statement and only copied/pasted a local website that claims to be "news".



I only responded to the post. I said such bad things as content of character does matter and we are talking about a federally convicted criminal. If you want to think that the US Justice Department falsified evidence or targeted someone and it is a scam, your are certainly free to feel that way. I still merely stated facts. 


In fact you made the comment:



Now he wanna sound Black and get his 'Hood Card' back.....smh!!!!!!   :lol:



.... bring up both Black and "Hood Card". Oops! I guess we forgot about that one but it may have only been a joke so it doesn't matter? I can imagine the response if I had said something like that. 


All that I have said in my posts is that race does not matter (like hippy, after being called out.. "So I ask TVC, are the scales balanced??") and listed reasons why I feel that way but Walker's pleading guilty does matter. Apparently some take that as offensive after I am asked a direct question. Again, feel free to think any way that you wish and not agree with me but please look back and see who brought up what. 


Again, hippy posted a political opinion from another website with no further comments of his own and I immediately (with the first response) said that the site rarely has any truth to it and it calls rumors as fact. If that is too difficult to comprehend, it is saying that I believe very little from the website unless I see something else other than his opinions. In other words, I did not accept the additional claims made by the website against Walker and possibly politicians without further proof as it is often wrong or skirts around the truth. 


Feel free to fact check the thread.  



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