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MBC Trains Under 4 Phases of the Baseball Season: 1. Offseason  2. Preseason  3. Regular Season  4. Post Season


During the Offseason MBC will offer a large multitude of Position Specific Classes until December (which would be the beginning of Preseason, thus the schedule of events will evolve with the appropriate season.)


The first product I am offering - one I am confident to be the 'bread and butter' of MBC - Catcher Development


The outline is already drawn up - Come to the Prospective Member Meeting to see the diagram, and what will be taught each Sunday.


I challenge anybody to top the amount of instruction, work, information, and overall End Result I will deliver to this class. You are looking at a minimum of 40 hours worth of work and instruction on CATCHING alone - I promise you, your knowledge and skill will improve.


  • Aug 3 (5pm-730pm @Doornbos Park)
  • Aug 10 (1pm-330pm)
  • Aug 17 (1pm-330pm)
  • Aug 24 (1pm-330pm)
  • Sep 7 *Competency and Proficiency Test 1-4 (1pm-330pm)
  • Sep 14 (1pm-330pm)
  • Sep 21 (1pm-330pm)
  • Sep 28 (1pm-330pm)
  • Oct 5 (1pm-330pm)
  • Oct 12 *C/P Test 1-8 (1pm-330pm)
  • Oct 19 (1pm-330pm)
  • Oct 26 (1pm-330pm)
  • Nov 2 (1pm-330pm)
  • Nov 9 (1pm-330pm)
  • Nov 16*C/P Test 1-12 (1pm-330pm)
  • Nov 23 *Final Class - Set Charts (1pm-330pm)



Along with Catcher Development and Training Classes - the Saturdays and Sundays for every month, until February (Regular Season), are blocked for as much Baseball as you can handle.


MBC Members will receive the outline of all classes (Times and Topics of Training) scheduled for the Offseason - and are free to come to any and all they choose with no additional cost to $200/Month.



Other Featured Position Training that will go on During Aug - Feb:

  • Offensive T&D (>40 Hours)
  • Pitching T&D (>30 Hours)
  • Middle Infield T&D (>20 Hours)
  • Corner Infield T&D (>20 Hours)
  • Outfield T&D (>20 Hours)




Checking the website and rates of the local competition...if you were to schedule 40 hours of Position Specific Training *in this case, Catching* you would pay:

  • Athletes - $60 per 60 minutes of Private Lesson Training = $2400
  • SETBA - $35 per 30 minutes of Private Lesson Training = $2800  *avg rate of $45 per 45 minutes of Private Lesson Training = $2,399.99
  • Bullet Sports Academy - $60 per 60 minutes of Private Lesson Training =$2400


How much does it cost for MBC Members?

$200 per Month for MBC Member Services = $800 total spent by the time the Catcher Classes are completed



Don't forget that MBC Members have the "Monday-Friday Option"...want to know what that is?


Please attend the MBC Prospective Members Meeting @ Doornbos Park (Nederland - on Ave. H) Friday August 8, 6pm/ Saturday August 9, 1pm/ Sunday August 10, 3pm





Have you done the math? 12 months of MBC Service @ $200/Month = $2400


The cost of: Matching the amount of time spent training a specific position for more than 40 hours over the course of 4 months (from any other organization in the area) is equal to TOTAL YEARLY COST of MBC Membership.


Plus you have complete freedom to attend any and all Position Specific Classes through the course of the MBC Offseason Training Program (Before Christmas Break - Already 5 blocked and scheduled *Potential of receiving 100+ legitimate Training Hours towards your craft, and only choose the ones you want to develop - and how much you want to develop)


August is the "scary part" because it is start up for MBC - Taking the leap of faith in joining my Baseball Club can have acute, and long-term, improvement to the Quality of your Training.  


Why not come hear what I have to say, and ask any questions you may have?

Before we discuss anything about "Trying Out for Me" - I want to "Try Out for You"


The Southeast Texas Baseball Academy doesn't need to compare ourselves to other groups or try this hard to justify our product.  However, if you are going to use us to try to sell your product, lets at least compare "apples to apples".  The baseball academy does private "1 on 1" lessons.  You are comparing your group/class training to private lessons.  I'm not even sure where you got your rates from.  I charge $50 for 45 minute PRIVATE session.  I train one kid in that time frame, not 10-20.  If you want I can give you our baseball camp & group rates, which are much lower than yours. 



Jason Tyner


In regards to the statistical figures -


Numbers I used came from the various company's websites.  For SETBA, each private lesson rate vary's by Coach.  I looked at all of them posted, and plugged the average Cost per Minute listed from yall's site. (http://www.setexasbaseballacademy.com/lessons.html)  Athlete's posts theirs on the left-hand column (http://www.athletestf.com/training) and Bullet Sports lists on their site as well (http://www.bulletbaseball.com/bullet/lessons.cfm)


In regards to the services offered -


For the Training and Development Classes - yes they are "group lessons" but the structure of the groups, and how the information is taught is where I offer a different approach to Training.


Individual Private Lessons (1 on 1's) are available, for no extra charge to monthly membership dues - I don't do any of this for money.  If you get to know me, you'll find out how much I hate money.


This whole thing is an alternative option to Baseball Training - This is Me, doing My thing to the fullest extent of my abilities, without dealing with the worries of a "select baseball season" and the crap involved with it being the primary function of the collection of people. Yes, we'll play in many tournaments - but those tournaments will have specific training/experience focus for the players. I don't care about the W's and L's from the tournaments my athlete's play in while they are 12-18 yrs old * and the reality is that Nobody cares about your stats or records while you are 12-18 - it's what experience was gained, and how much did you develop/grow that matters. I don't care about "trophy chasing" (Wins and Trophies will be a result of our work, but not Why we are working) - I only care about Baseball and getting my players to the highest levels they can earn, and push them to do better.


This is a 12-Month Training Program, that's it - playing during the regular season is only a part of the training that goes into this, it's not even the primary focus




- Personal Opinion -

(because this is my first interaction with a member of another Southeast Texas Organization that is showing opposition to my service; lately I've been working on partnering with many people to create the Southeast Texas Baseball League and have found support)


I would think the "SETX Baseball Training Organizations" would be glad to see me do this because, 1. I'm getting out of the "select baseball" industry - Y'all can have it. Now I have a Private Club in which I can conduct training without having somebody tell me, "well, I don't know if we can do that..."  2. I'm only accepting a limited number of people - Y'all can have the crowded facilities with 100's of athletes wanting to spend money to train with yall.  I encourage my members to gain as much diversity in their training as possible.  I don't see where I am going to hurt yalls Quarterly Statement with my service. 3. I'm only training people that are in my Club, that way I can best organize my Time and Information shared with my Athletes - Once it's going, I could care less who goes where on their own free time, as long as they honor the Once a Week Workout Commitment they have made with MBC.  


I am training people, so I treat them as people - Complete freedom to make any choice they feel is best for them, even if it is choosing not to train under my direction.


You get out what you put into this Game - This is my own little creation to be a 'Baseball Haven' for those ball players that want to work as much as possible - with no limit to how much work they can to put in, while not being a financial burden, to better their Game.  I'm simply offering MORE to their training.  They'll know where I'll be and what I'm teaching.  If they want to get more work in a specific skill set? They are free to come to any and all of my T&D Classes ("group lessons") - If a member wishes to have a 1 on 1 private lesson for an hour, hour and half? I don't care, I don't put a watch to it - We set it up and work until we stop.


Check the site - get the details, and man...you should take me up on that offer I made you months ago to go grab a beer and chat (after Mr. McClelland talked with you when you had your outburst to the parents of my team, while I was on the field warming my team up not able to defend myself?)


The entire area has seen us act against each other - but I promise you, we would dominate this area if we found a way to mutually work together.  


After all that has gone down during my tenure as a Youth Coach, I would think people would know that if I were attacking a specific organization, and creating a business to hurt a business...well...it is not the Southeast Texas Baseball Academy that is on my radar.  And I'm not even doing THAT! 


This is Me telling all the other organizations "I don't care what yall do - I am doing this."


I'm creating a way for me to better the future of the Game, while having a place in the Game.


If your beef with me is simply because you have lost games Head-to-Head against my team, then fine man...can't help you there except "it's not personal that we scored more runs - it's just Baseball."  I don't carry over emotions ignited from the Heat of the Game over into my personal life to act on, I leave it on the field.


Whenever you came over to my dugout, shook my hand and said, "Hey BJ, let's bury the hatchet" - I was hoping I could take you at your word.


I'm not doing any of this to ruin anybody - I'm doing this to better the Game, and myself.  If you are opposed to that - then why are you involved in the Baseball Training Industry?


Like I said - Let's get together and find a way to work together.  The competition between You and Me brings out magic on the field when our team's compete...I think it would be valuable experience for the future of the Game if players got more experience in that experience.  


Give me a call - Let's get that beer and get to know each other off the field.  We'll most likely find out that we have a lot in common, and can give more to the Game if we found a way to work together.




Hope to hear from you soon man,


BJ Myers


I don't have a beef with someone trying to make a living.  But anyone that has to try to dog other organizations to make themselves look better, does so because they are selling a load of B.S.


I'd be happy to swap baseball resumes on here if you really want to go that route.


I am far from perfect. But dude, you are the most full of yourself person I have never met. ALL of your posts in this forum look like a Marketing infomercial that say "My" and "Me" way too much. It's pretty cool to see how humble most real athletes and coaches are. They just put their skills on the field. I know a bunch of coaches in this area (football and baseball) getting kids college scholarships. Some kids going to the Pros. I have never seen one of them rant about "Me" and "My" skills. 


 Good luck to you and your organization.


Not sure about this new organization, just find it funny how it is not all about W's and L's yet you talk about how the two of you could dominate if you worked together!  Come on Tyner, give it a try.  Coach BJ takes charge of infielders, catchers, hitting for power, and I am sure pitching.  Tyner you could handle outfielders, stealing bases, hitting singles to get on base ( I know you did have 1 homerun). 


We need Rounder in here to stir the pot

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