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Nederland Win Streak

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You're right. 8 months of offseason work leading up to a start of the season means nothing. Fall camp and scrimmages are to get you ready for district, not everyone on the schedule. When Neumann said Ned would be ready to start the season, he meant after he lost the non-district games. Odd part about it is when it counted in the playoffs Ned still lost games to Crosby.


I get lambasted for making my point about how important scholarships are vs maybe winning an extra playoff games because of the team aspect to it, yet you're willing to concede losses after kids have worked their butts off for 8 months. SMH, the irony.    


Nuemann has always treated non-district games as time to evaluate personnel and for the kids to learn the schemes.  There have been several times when we have on 1-2 or 0-3 in preseason because he schedules tough teams and still went several rounds deep in the playoffs.   I think we were 1-2 pre-district in 2001 and that season ended in the state semifinals.  So no, we don't concede games but also don't put alot of stock in them either because he is still making changes with personnel and offensive/defensive schemes at that point.

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Nuemann has always treated non-district games as time to evaluate personnel and for the kids to learn the schemes. There have been several times when we have on 1-2 or 0-3 in preseason because he schedules tough teams and still went several rounds deep in the playoffs. I think we were 1-2 pre-district in 2001 and that season ended in the state semifinals. So no, we don't concede games but also don't put alot of stock in them either because he is still making changes with personnel and offensive/defensive schemes at that point.

I see Beetlejuice 14 is still on here thinking he is every Team's Coach; knowing what every Coach is thinking or doing. You can go undefeated in pre-season, but means nothing if you don't make the playoffs. Crosby has very good athletes & Coaches, we are aware of that. You Sir getting on here as if Crosby is the measuring stick of perfection is ridiculous. At the end of the day, it's all about winning a State Title right?? Well how many has Crosby won lately. That's not a knock on Crosby, but on you. I'm sure those kids set out to do just that, but guys like you Taint the Valiant effort by placing your assessment of Success. I come from a program of " Title Town" and I thought that was how it is & should be. I found out later as a "grown man" those sentiments are so wrong. So many equations factor into winning a Title, not to mention making it a Tradition. If a Coach takes a lesser talented group & wins more games than "he" or other gurus expected, & raised the expectations of his Team, he has done his job. More importantly he has taught his players to overcome odds, built character & developed young men. Since you like " Winners" so much, why don't you look up Port Arthur Lincoln Basketball. Some of the best winners in any sport in this area ever. It does nothing for me today, just a nice conversation piece & something to throw back in the face of Arrogant guys like you. Do me a favor and take your ball & go home "lil Johnny" . It's ok to lose sometimes, but we Live to fight another day.

Wow!!! That was pretty good. Not one to Toot my own Horn, but I should have my own column Lol
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I see Beetlejuice 14 is still on here thinking he is every Team's Coach; knowing what every Coach is thinking or doing. You can go undefeated in pre-season, but means nothing if you don't make the playoffs. Crosby has very good athletes & Coaches, we are aware of that. You Sir getting on here as if Crosby is the measuring stick of perfection is ridiculous. At the end of the day, it's all about winning a State Title right?? Well how many has Crosby won lately. That's not a knock on Crosby, but on you. I'm sure those kids set out to do just that, but guys like you Taint the Valiant effort by placing your assessment of Success. I come from a program of " Title Town" and I thought that was how it is & should be. I found out later as a "grown man" those sentiments are so wrong. So many equations factor into winning a Title, not to mention making it a Tradition. If a Coach takes a lesser talented group & wins more games than "he" or other gurus expected, & raised the expectations of his Team, he has done his job. More importantly he has taught his players to overcome odds, built character & developed young men. Since you like " Winners" so much, why don't you look up Port Arthur Lincoln Basketball. Some of the best winners in any sport in this area ever. It does nothing for me today, just a nice conversation piece & something to throw back in the face of Arrogant guys like you. Do me a favor and take your ball & go home "lil Johnny" . It's ok to lose sometimes, but we Live to fight another day.

Wow!!! That was pretty good. Not one to Toot my own Horn, but I should have my own column Lol


That pretty much sums it up.  :)

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I see Beetlejuice 14 is still on here thinking he is every Team's Coach; knowing what every Coach is thinking or doing. You can go undefeated in pre-season, but means nothing if you don't make the playoffs. Crosby has very good athletes & Coaches, we are aware of that. You Sir getting on here as if Crosby is the measuring stick of perfection is ridiculous. At the end of the day, it's all about winning a State Title right?? Well how many has Crosby won lately. That's not a knock on Crosby, but on you. I'm sure those kids set out to do just that, but guys like you Taint the Valiant effort by placing your assessment of Success. I come from a program of " Title Town" and I thought that was how it is & should be. I found out later as a "grown man" those sentiments are so wrong. So many equations factor into winning a Title, not to mention making it a Tradition. If a Coach takes a lesser talented group & wins more games than "he" or other gurus expected, & raised the expectations of his Team, he has done his job. More importantly he has taught his players to overcome odds, built character & developed young men. Since you like " Winners" so much, why don't you look up Port Arthur Lincoln Basketball. Some of the best winners in any sport in this area ever. It does nothing for me today, just a nice conversation piece & something to throw back in the face of Arrogant guys like you. Do me a favor and take your ball & go home "lil Johnny" . It's ok to lose sometimes, but we Live to fight another day.
Wow!!! That was pretty good. Not one to Toot my own Horn, but I should have my own column Lol

Before I let y'all have it I'll tell you this. You talk in circles almost to the point where you border on hypocrisy, however you aren't me and you're from over there so you get a pass on some of the stuff you say yet you reiterate all my points under the veiled attempt at a jab.

First I talk about scholarships vs wins. My exact quote was that "extra playoff wins mean nothing in a job interview unlike a degree". Now you admit yourself they mean absolutely nothing, thank you for proving that point.

Secondly, you talk about winners. Not sure what you think "my assessment of success" is, but if winning through discipline and conformity while changing kids lives through educational opportunities they may not have gotten otherwise is wrong then so be it. How is that denigrating our players efforts? It's not, it was just a bs line you threw out there but it was directed at me so you got some agreement.

Lastly, that garbage about a coach taking lesser players and going to win? He better or he's going to eventually get fired. I wouldn't really know anything about lesser players or trying to win with them so you got me on that one, I think expectations are different over here. I'll take my ball and go home though, you can continue your search for the unicorn.
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Before I let y'all have it I'll tell you this. You talk in circles almost to the point where you border on hypocrisy, however you aren't me and you're from over there so you get a pass on some of the stuff you say yet you reiterate all my points under the veiled attempt at a jab.

First I talk about scholarships vs wins. My exact quote was that "extra playoff wins mean nothing in a job interview unlike a degree". Now you admit yourself they mean absolutely nothing, thank you for proving that point.

Secondly, you talk about winners. Not sure what you think "my assessment of success" is, but if winning through discipline and conformity while changing kids lives through educational opportunities they may not have gotten otherwise is wrong then so be it. How is that denigrating our players efforts? It's not, it was just a bs line you threw out there but it was directed at me so you got some agreement.

Lastly, that garbage about a coach taking lesser players and going to win? He better or he's going to eventually get fired. I wouldn't really know anything about lesser players or trying to win with them so you got me on that one, I think expectations are different over here. I'll take my ball and go home though, you can continue your search for the unicorn.

First of all, who is "ya'll" ? I responded. You have pages of useless information/advice posted on here that you can't remember half the Bull you tried to convey. I don't believe in Unicorns or fairytales Peter Pan, but obviously you do. If you think that Crosby is so much better, why haven't we seen the success you speak of(because it's obvious we are talking State Titles) from Crosby? Big Ned hasn't lost a district game in some time now, that's a great Feat to most, but not to Almighty, All knowing 14. Guys like you run your mouth to people who don't know any better. I know for a fact you wouldn't have lasted a day at the BeeHive running your lips in such a fashion. We had Tennis players that would have shut that trap. I will agree with you on Education, although having one obviously isn't the overall deciding factor because you have one on paper, but socially you're lacking. You seem to live in a bubble & surround yourself with people like you or people who are afraid to go against your ignorant outlook. Newsflash: the world doesn't run by the Crosby way. If that works for you & your peeps, kudos to you. Lastly I never said Coaching lesser players, I said lesser talent. Your version is demeaning & mean spirited; unless you misspoke, but that's unlike you Mr Perfect. It's easy to hunt when you're surrounded by Hunters.
What do you bring to the Table when the Talent isn't as good or the Season is going according to plan. That's how I judge my Talent. Obviously Crosby doesn't have these problems because they are so D1 loaded every year. Do us a favor an be adventerius and & "take a hike" or a long hiatus because you really bore me. I will leave you with this Mr Football & Sec of Education.
My Grandmother never had much of an education, but was Wise beyond her years & if she met you she would call you an "Educated Fool"
Not saying that's what you are, just needed to clarify for moderators.
Good day to you Sir
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Coug 14 considers us a weak district. So Ned winning this district, is nothing to put on a resume.

BigCam, if you didn't get the memo...We're crap over here.

I got it, he trashes our District but Crosby hasn't done any better than any of our Teams in the past 3 years. Ozen & Big Ned 3 round deep in playoffs. I had to throw Ozen in there Lol
You would think by his assessment Crosby were Perennial State Champs, or at least Finalist, Semi-Finalists..................... Bwahaaaa
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daaaaaayyyyyyyyuuuuuummmm i know he didnt lol. The only team across the river west of us than i have the utmost respect is Dayton. Besides the purple, they are just pretty damn good. Anything can happen on Friday or Saturday nights. All i can say is Karma is well you know. Cant wait to the season starts, just wish this game was scheduled on our bye so i could watch it.  will have to wait for the friday night experience to watch it i guess.

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First of all, who is "ya'll" ? I responded. You have pages of useless information/advice posted on here that you can't remember half the Bull you tried to convey. I don't believe in Unicorns or fairytales Peter Pan, but obviously you do. If you think that Crosby is so much better, why haven't we seen the success you speak of(because it's obvious we are talking State Titles) from Crosby? Big Ned hasn't lost a district game in some time now, that's a great Feat to most, but not to Almighty, All knowing 14. Guys like you run your mouth to people who don't know any better. I know for a fact you wouldn't have lasted a day at the BeeHive running your lips in such a fashion. We had Tennis players that would have shut that trap. I will agree with you on Education, although having one obviously isn't the overall deciding factor because you have one on paper, but socially you're lacking. You seem to live in a bubble & surround yourself with people like you or people who are afraid to go against your ignorant outlook. Newsflash: the world doesn't run by the Crosby way. If that works for you & your peeps, kudos to you. Lastly I never said Coaching lesser players, I said lesser talent. Your version is demeaning & mean spirited; unless you misspoke, but that's unlike you Mr Perfect. It's easy to hunt when you're surrounded by Hunters.
What do you bring to the Table when the Talent isn't as good or the Season is going according to plan. That's how I judge my Talent. Obviously Crosby doesn't have these problems because they are so D1 loaded every year. Do us a favor an be adventerius and & "take a hike" or a long hiatus because you really bore me. I will leave you with this Mr Football & Sec of Education.
My Grandmother never had much of an education, but was Wise beyond her years & if she met you she would call you an "Educated Fool"
Not saying that's what you are, just needed to clarify for moderators.
Good day to you Sir

Lol, I bore you but you latch on to everything I say like a parasite. If you're bored why don't you find something interesting to do? That last post is the hypocrisy I speak of. One post you're quoting scripture and the next you're telling me I would get shut up by tennis players or I would get stuffed in lockers. I wouldn't have survived a day in the bee hive? The bee hive, really? I was born in 5th ward in a place affectionately know as the "Bloody Nickel" in Houston. Just in the last year my brother in law was shot multiple times and murdered over a dog fight and a couple of months ago they found my cousin in a canal in Barrett. If I chose to still be in grey areas I'm sure I would be just fine in whatever the bee hive is. I was talking strictly football though and what the hell does that have to do with any of it? That's the type of ignorant stuff you say when you run out of football takes even though you nothing about me or what goes on over here.

I speak highly of Crosby because that's where I'm from. Build up the team right? You mistake that for me saying Crosby is some deity of a program, we can barely beat Dayton and never beat SC. Yeah Ned's run is great, it's praised multiple times daily on here. The facts are that the district hasn't been that strong recently, and neither has our when compared to others in the region. That's not my Crosby opinion, those are facts. Excuse me if I'm a little skeptical since we smoked your district champion then smoked a team they struggled with in bi-district after everyone improved.

And "y'all" are the Ned fans who I was commenting back and fourth with before you jumped on here talking about I try to coach all teams. It's a freaking football message board where people give opinions idiot, you're not going to agree with everyone's take. You have a good day and season though, I have a turnaround to run.
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Crosby is alot like the old BH: very good in the regular season but chokes in the playoffs.

They don't choke, they are what they were each year, a team that had to out score people and be perfect on offense. You have to eventually be able to stop somebody. Nederland in years past puts their hosses on defense, crosby and PNG go on the offensive side of the ball with a couple of exceptions. People say the twins were Crosby , but you look at the tape last year and that O line is pretty special.
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Lol, I bore you but you latch on to everything I say like a parasite. If you're bored why don't you find something interesting to do? That last post is the hypocrisy I speak of. One post you're quoting scripture and the next you're telling me I would get shut up by tennis players or I would get stuffed in lockers. I wouldn't have survived a day in the bee hive? The bee hive, really? I was born in 5th ward in a place affectionately know as the "Bloody Nickel" in Houston. Just in the last year my brother in law was shot multiple times and murdered over a dog fight and a couple of months ago they found my cousin in a canal in Barrett. If I chose to still be in grey areas I'm sure I would be just fine in whatever the bee hive is. I was talking strictly football though and what the hell does that have to do with any of it? That's the type of ignorant stuff you say when you run out of football takes even though you nothing about me or what goes on over here.

I speak highly of Crosby because that's where I'm from. Build up the team right? You mistake that for me saying Crosby is some deity of a program, we can barely beat Dayton and never beat SC. Yeah Ned's run is great, it's praised multiple times daily on here. The facts are that the district hasn't been that strong recently, and neither has our when compared to others in the region. That's not my Crosby opinion, those are facts. Excuse me if I'm a little skeptical since we smoked your district champion then smoked a team they struggled with in bi-district after everyone improved.

And "y'all" are the Ned fans who I was commenting back and fourth with before you jumped on here talking about I try to coach all teams. It's a freaking football message board where people give opinions idiot, you're not going to agree with everyone's take. You have a good day and season though, I have a turnaround to run.

Lol, " bloody nickel" you stayed on the Porch. Bruh I have walked those streets many times, as a matter of fact, not much different from my environment growing up. The difference is I had sense to not run my Mouth. Let's just quit with all the rhetoric & let's Hear of the Titles Crosby will be winning. For the record, just make sure that "shutdown" you're planning comes in under budget. You're not the only one preparing & planning one. I have one is Sept. I'll makes sure to tell my guys that the Crosby guy's shutdown will be better than ours. Sounds about right Huh?
Paper Champion is all I see in you. I'm done
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Nuemann has always treated non-district games as time to evaluate personnel and for the kids to learn the schemes.  There have been several times when we have on 1-2 or 0-3 in preseason because he schedules tough teams and still went several rounds deep in the playoffs.   I think we were 1-2 pre-district in 2001 and that season ended in the state semifinals.  So no, we don't concede games but also don't put alot of stock in them either because he is still making changes with personnel and offensive/defensive schemes at that point.

In 2001 Nederland was 4-1 in pre-district. Lost to Vidor 10-8 after 9/11 then beat Dayton the week after.

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Lol, " bloody nickel" you stayed on the Porch. Bruh I have walked those streets many times, as a matter of fact, not much different from my environment growing up. The difference is I had sense to not run my Mouth. Let's just quit with all the rhetoric & let's Hear of the Titles Crosby will be winning. For the record, just make sure that "shutdown" you're planning comes in under budget. You're not the only one preparing & planning one. I have one is Sept. I'll makes sure to tell my guys that the Crosby guy's shutdown will be better than ours. Sounds about right Huh?
Paper Champion is all I see in you. I'm done

Like I said, you know 0 about me or anything that goes on over here. I have a real job now so I won't talk about jumping off the porch, just know it's the reason I can't show my ink off and the reason I have these zippers on my chest and stomach. That was long ago though. I don't plan either, we contract that out to companies like KBR or JVI but all three I've been on this year so far were successful, I'm sure the BH and Dayton people that work with me have something to do with that though, or maybe it's just the company itself.

As for winning titles, I'll wait until 2015 to start talking about that. As for you stuffing me in a locker, just make sure when we cross paths that your chin can hold up to what your mouth is saying. If you got anything thicker than kool-aid flowing through that aorta you'll have a chance to tune me up on sight cause I'm going to give you every reason to.
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