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so he wasn't arrested, wasn't charged with a crime but he committed a crime… .interesting.

Tvc...... Am I committing a crime if I go to a convenience store with my friend and he robs the place, assaults an employee and we both walked out together?

Let's play what if. What if the video is what the police were going out to when broadcasting a description? Looking at the video, there was only one suspect they push the clerk so all he wants us back in the robbery. Simply being with the person does not mean you're involved. If that was true a passenger could get a ticket for speeding when he is in the car.

I get it.

Tvc...... Am I committing a crime if I go to a convenience store with my friend and he robs the place, assaults an employee and we both walked out together?




In some jurisdictions, an accessory is distinguished from an accomplice, who normally is present at the crime and participates in some way. An accessory must generally have knowledge that a crime is being, or will be committed. A person with such knowledge may become an accessory by helping or encouraging the criminal in some way, or simply by failing to report the crime to proper authority. The assistance to the criminal may be of any type, including emotional or financial assistance as well as physical assistance or concealment.

@mandystlpd: #Ferguson Greater Grace says all 3 of the #mikeBrown family's children will get scholarships for college.

@LillyAFowler: Al Sharpton announces class action lawsuit for victims of tear gas and other injuries during demonstrations #Ferguson

@OfficialKimora: Reached out 2 #MikeBrown family over weekend+offered 2 pay 4 funeral. Im frm #STL. Ill do anything 2 help. #HandsUp❤️ http://twitter.com/OfficialKimora/status/500106956426596353/photo/1

@MichaelSkolnik: RT @BuzzFeedNews: Capt. Ron Johnson: "I am you. I will protect you, I will protect your right to protest." #Ferguson http://twitter.com/BuzzFeedNews/status/501100504106426370/photo/1

@HuffingtonPost: Now leading HuffPost: 'MICHAEL BROWN IS GOING TO CHANGE THIS TOWN' http://huff.to/1nOnj97 http://twitter.com/HuffingtonPost/status/501119815495331840/photo/1

Chaos tonight

@EthanJSkolnick: Credit to the journalists who -- due to the police -- are now, literally, risking their lives to cover the events in Ferguson.

@THESOURCE: #MikeBrown autopsy results have finally been released, shot 6 times, twice in the head http://goo.gl/zbG1sC http://twitter.com/THESOURCE/status/501207468937347072/photo/1

@PzFeed: BREAKING PHOTO: Police are moving in, firing more tear gas #ferguson #mikebrown http://twitter.com/ChristinaKSDK/status/501198403947470848/photo/1 Via @ChristinaKSDK

@jonswaine: Woman in wheelchair speeding away from gas #Ferguson http://twitter.com/jonswaine/status/501198444581490688/photo/1

@RobertKlemko: Just spoke with Capt Johnson. They've quarantined me and two other journos. Not allowed to view Florissant. "They tried to take the command"

@stlcountypd: Reports of shots fired at W. Florissant and Solway. Please leave the area immediately!

@FOX2now: Protesters hold sign saying "Stop killing us" #Ferguson http://twitter.com/FOX2now/status/501197535147335680/photo/1”

@Bipartisanism: BREAKING: Police are turning out street lights in #Ferguson and using night vision goggles against protesters.

@marclamonthill: Police just shot more tear gas. We're ok in the parking lot, but I'm hearing things are getting ugly on the other side.

@AmyKNelson: "fall back! this is a war. today they win. we can't fight this. fall back!" http://twitter.com/AmyKNelson/status/501196186699956224/photo/1

@AmyKNelson: multiple tear gas cops told me tht weren't going to let up

@jonswaine: Biggest barrage of gas so far. Multiple flashbangs #Ferguson http://twitter.com/jonswaine/status/501196196002541569/photo/1

@THESOURCE: Tear Gas WITHOUT a formal warning #Ferguson

@RyanJMullahy: McDonald's has been over run. Employees have locked themselves in storage room. #Ferguson

@PzFeed: FERGUSON RIGHT NOW. VIA @jonswaine http://twitter.com/jonswaine/status/501193280948682752/photo/1

@StLouisAmerican: Was heading back to ground zero& was met with blocked streets and helicopters. More madness is clearly underway. Going in to see #Ferguson

@AmyKNelson: one man. screaming crying at cops: "there are kids in there how could you do this???"

@Yamiche: Police just threw tear gas at protestors."This is no longer a peaceful protest. You must leave the area," a police announcer says. #Ferguson

@deray: Police just said, over the loudspeaker, "You do not have the right to be here." #Ferguson
@nickbilton: Breaking: Autopsy Michael Brown shot 6 times, twice in the head. http://www.nytimes.com/2014/08/18/us/michael-brown-autopsy-shows-he-was-shot-at-least-6-times.html http://twitter.com/nickbilton/status/501203666527744001/photo/1”

Alot of these articles ive read tonight states no gun residue on the deceased victim if that means anything, guess he was pretty much several feet away.

All front entry, unless he was back pedaling, seems to show he may have been heading back towards police like the guy in the video was stating.

or not. Could be seen in a number of scenarios. Pretty sure after the shot to the head he fell, twice to the head probably died instantly. Hopefully the investigation is quick and thorough.
@AussiePhinatic: Preach about being "leaders of the free world" when just constantly f**king sh*t up overseas and at home.

@AussiePhinatic: Sorry but America is so arrogant and oblivious to most of it's bullsh*t. Keeps telling the world how great it is, then you see this sh*t...

@AussiePhinatic: And I have no doubt that it's an awesome country, politically however, America is just so f**ked up it angers me.

Strong words from an Australian citizen in regards to what is going on in Ferguson.
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