thetragichippy Posted August 20, 2014 Report Posted August 20, 2014 I saw one report that stated there are TWELVE Witnesses backing the cop's story, and another stating he had a fractured orbital bone. Same here There would have to be a serious change of events to make me believe the cop is in the wrong. I also here the family may not want to find out toxicology results......
fox Posted August 20, 2014 Report Posted August 20, 2014 Same here There would have to be a serious change of events to make me believe the cop is in the wrong. I also here the family may not want to find out toxicology results...... they never do. look at the alfred case
PNGFan Posted August 20, 2014 Report Posted August 20, 2014 I saw one report that stated there are TWELVEWitnesses backing the cop's story, and another stating he had a fractured orbital bone.Doesn't matter to the Black community. A white man killed a black man...end of story and he is guilty.....period.And the media is going to continue to fuel the fire. Mr. Buddy Garrity 1
Mr. Buddy Garrity Posted August 20, 2014 Author Report Posted August 20, 2014 @eyokley: What would #Ferguson be like right now had police responded in the same way @ChiefSLMPD did after today's shooting? #transparency
bullets13 Posted August 20, 2014 Report Posted August 20, 2014 @eyokley: What would #Ferguson be like right now had police responded in the same way @ChiefSLMPD did after today's shooting? #transparency In my opinion? Not much different. There was speculation and then protests and riots before the police had to time to do much of anything.
Mr. Buddy Garrity Posted August 20, 2014 Author Report Posted August 20, 2014 @LillyAFowler: "We're young, we're strong, we're marching all night long!" "We are Mike Brown!" folks shout, marching around designated area #ferguson
Mr. Buddy Garrity Posted August 20, 2014 Author Report Posted August 20, 2014 @keithboykin: It's been a very peaceful night so far in #Ferguson. Much different from last night.
Bigcam2903 Posted August 20, 2014 Report Posted August 20, 2014 Doesn't matter to the Black community. A white man killed a black man...end of story and he is guilty.....period. And the media is going to continue to fuel the fire. That's not true, Black people in Ferguson don't represent the entire Black community, just their community. Now my comments may not sit well, but I teach my kids that Officers are Authority figures in the Community, if stopped cooperate and keep the attitude in check. Even if you're right don't be disrespectful or combative. If this young man had cooperated & not resisted in some form, he would be alive today. I'm tired of people acting as if a few Black people are the spokesman for the entire Race. Just because Al Sharpton shows up on the scene means he is there for the right reasons. I think he's an opportunist, but that's my opinion. Now this is my opinion on the case, doesn't mean I'm right, because neither of us know the Cop's intent. Let's just wait for All the evidence comes forward. That's easier said than done for both families involved. Continued Prayers for both Families. Again, just my opinion PNGFan and Mr. Buddy Garrity 2
Mr. Buddy Garrity Posted August 20, 2014 Author Report Posted August 20, 2014 @PzFeed: With weapons pointed at media, officers storm INTO media area to arrest a teen walking through it Via @WesleyLowery
Mr. Buddy Garrity Posted August 20, 2014 Author Report Posted August 20, 2014 @WesleyLowery: Oh all of my least favorite things, the "let me shine my flashlight in your eye on purpose for extended periods of time" ranks up there @WesleyLowery: No media member has done anything to get in way of law enforcement. They've given contradictory instructions and then gotten physical @WesleyLowery: Officer shoves reporter. "Get that camera out of my face." Reporter asks for his name "Go f**k yourself," officer responds @AmyKNelson: This is by far the most confused I've seen the cops since I've been here. #Ferguson @WesleyLowery: Handful of teens - "don't let them shoot us" refusing to leave media area. @nickpistor: Appears that arrests are working better than tear gas. #Ferguson @PzFeed: Confrontation between protestors and cops #Ferguson via @ryanjreilly
CraigS Posted August 20, 2014 Report Posted August 20, 2014 I guess "white people" should start looting and rioting in DC...the war on the "white man" Blacks are racist, blah blah blah.....anyway I have seen protest, civil disobidence, etc from all walks....why is it just the black community that "Riots"... AND, then there's this.... Ferguson Looter: ‘I’m Proud Of Us, We Deserve This’ AND this: CHICAGOLAND: Cop shot, children held hostage.... And all this crap about 1 kid/young adult (that wasn't all that good of a citizen anyway) being shot and may be time for some to take a look into their own community before all this crap makes the news....not saying cops or anyone else should just go around shooting and killing people....but blowing the low percentage occurrentcies out of porportion while ignoring the elephant in the undermines the effort and make mockery of those who do....kinda like the Alfred Wright and Zimmerman thing...what a joke, pathetic actually....
PNGFan Posted August 20, 2014 Report Posted August 20, 2014 That's not true, Black people in Ferguson don't represent the entire Black community, just their community. Now my comments may not sit well, but I teach my kids that Officers are Authority figures in the Community, if stopped cooperate and keep the attitude in check. Even if you're right don't be disrespectful or combative. If this young man had cooperated & not resisted in some form, he would be alive today. I'm tired of people acting as if a few Black people are the spokesman for the entire Race. Just because Al Sharpton shows up on the scene means he is there for the right reasons. I think he's an opportunist, but that's my opinion. Now this is my opinion on the case, doesn't mean I'm right, because neither of us know the Cop's intent. Let's just wait for All the evidence comes forward. That's easier said than done for both families involved. Continued Prayers for both Families.Again, just my opinionBigcam, your a very wise man. I am not saying the officer is guilty nor innocent. My best friend of 45 years is black. Me and him have talked at great lengths the past week about what's going on and he has the beliefs as you. Let the judicial system work and stop trying to convict without hearing all the evidence. I am white and I had the conversations with my kids. Be respectful not only to police, but to all adults including educators.
Mr. Buddy Garrity Posted August 20, 2014 Author Report Posted August 20, 2014 @rtv6: #KansasCity #police officer in hot water for fake #MichaelBrown social media post - #Ferguson
Mr. Buddy Garrity Posted August 20, 2014 Author Report Posted August 20, 2014 @stevenportnoy: Holder is coming to #Ferguson with his chief of staff, two other top aides and the leaders of @TheJusticeDept's Civil Rights Division.
Bigcam2903 Posted August 20, 2014 Report Posted August 20, 2014 Bigcam, your a very wise man. I am not saying the officer is guilty nor innocent. My best friend of 45 years is black. Me and him have talked at great lengths the past week about what's going on and he has the beliefs as you. Let the judicial system work and stop trying to convict without hearing all the evidence. I am white and I had the conversations with my kids. Be respectful not only to police, but to all adults including educators. PNGFan, this wasn't for you, it's for some who can't see the Forest for the Trees. We're All in this thing called Life Together whether we like it or not. Together We Stand. Many read these posts & take away the wrong perception. In the wake of all that has transpired, Families lives have been forever changed & turned upside down. This unfortunate turn of events has the Country on edge; at least those that choose to pick sides. Race relations in America are as bad now as it was for my Grandparents & Parents, it has found more clever ways to disguise itself through the years. You can't help Ferguson until you help yourself. SETX is the most Racist area I have ever experienced. I moved away for College as a young 18 yr old Black kid with all the stereotypical hang ups of other Races influenced by peer pressure because I wasn't raised like that. My Mother taught me to be respectful & treat others the way I wanted to be treated, but outside influences had an effect on me sometimes; young & impressionable. By the time I left for College the Real test was near. I spent my first 2 yrs in Temple JC, the transferred to Tarleton State Univ in Stephenville. Talk about culture shock. There was a Rodeo Team, Farm, & A Wrangler jeans headquarters so to speak. There were roughly 7,000 students, less than 100 were Black. I was a 6'5" 250 lb young man on campus, I stood out. I was subjected to Racism daily. When I reacted negatively, I got what I was looking for, more ignorance. When I decided to embrace the opportunity given to me because many Died so I could be there, my Life changed. I had the same power as the Freedom Riders. I chose to show people who grew up not seeing many Black people that I was just like them, just a little darker skin tone. As I engaged in more conversation & visited more places on Campus out of the Norm for Black Students, my time in Stephenville became much better. It didn't come without opposition. Some were down right crude, but like I said I'm 6'5" and walk with Supreme confidence, needless to say we came to an agreement thankfully. I've said All of that to say this. We must conquer Racism by getting out of our comfort zone. Quit worrying about what friends & family says. Racism is a form of a Coward. Many can't stand on their own, but will quickly Turn on their own. Live,Laugh,Love God Bless Ferguson & America as a whole PNGFan, shovel and Mr. Buddy Garrity 3
thetragichippy Posted August 20, 2014 Report Posted August 20, 2014 Bigcam, your a very wise man. I am not saying the officer is guilty nor innocent. My best friend of 45 years is black. Me and him have talked at great lengths the past week about what's going on and he has the beliefs as you. Let the judicial system work and stop trying to convict without hearing all the evidence. I am white and I had the conversations with my kids. Be respectful not only to police, but to all adults including educators. PNGFan, this wasn't for you, it's for some who can't see the Forest for the Trees. We're All in this thing called Life Together whether we like it or not. Together We Stand. Many read these posts & take away the wrong perception. In the wake of all that has transpired, Families lives have been forever changed & turned upside down. This unfortunate turn of events has the Country on edge; at least those that choose to pick sides. Race relations in America are as bad now as it was for my Grandparents & Parents, it has found more clever ways to disguise itself through the years. You can't help Ferguson until you help yourself. SETX is the most Racist area I have ever experienced. I moved away for College as a young 18 yr old Black kid with all the stereotypical hang ups of other Races influenced by peer pressure because I wasn't raised like that. My Mother taught me to be respectful & treat others the way I wanted to be treated, but outside influences had an effect on me sometimes; young & impressionable. By the time I left for College the Real test was near. I spent my first 2 yrs in Temple JC, the transferred to Tarleton State Univ in Stephenville. Talk about culture shock. There was a Rodeo Team, Farm, & A Wrangler jeans headquarters so to speak. There were roughly 7,000 students, less than 100 were Black. I was a 6'5" 250 lb young man on campus, I stood out. I was subjected to Racism daily. When I reacted negatively, I got what I was looking for, more ignorance. When I decided to embrace the opportunity given to me because many Died so I could be there, my Life changed. I had the same power as the Freedom Riders. I chose to show people who grew up not seeing many Black people that I was just like them, just a little darker skin tone. As I engaged in more conversation & visited more places on Campus out of the Norm for Black Students, my time in Stephenville became much better. It didn't come without opposition. Some were down right crude, but like I said I'm 6'5" and walk with Supreme confidence, needless to say we came to an agreement thankfully. I've said All of that to say this. We must conquer Racism by getting out of our comfort zone. Quit worrying about what friends & family says. Racism is a form of a Coward. Many can't stand on their own, but will quickly Turn on their own. Live,Laugh,Love God Bless Ferguson & America as a whole Where our opinions may differ, this Ferguson shooting should have never been about racism. It should of been about a cop shooting a young man. I can bring up stats, but only 25% of all cop shootings are white shooting blacks, so it's not as common as the media wants us to believe. If we want to end racism, we are not going to do it by identifying the race in every crime. The media should hold some responsibility for causing teh violence. When they use words like "murdered", "executed", "unarmed" they are painting a picture, not reporting the facts....... In My Opinion.......
Bigcam2903 Posted August 20, 2014 Report Posted August 20, 2014 We are all held accountable, the Media is the Media though. It's easy to point out Race when we don't want to deal with the Facts. Many take the easy way out & throw in Race as a diversion. It works almost every time though. Unfortunate Mr. Buddy Garrity, Bobcat1, thetragichippy and 1 other 4
fox Posted August 20, 2014 Report Posted August 20, 2014 7/18- Jimmie Norman, white male murdered by black male. No national news.7/18- Terry Taylor, white male murdered by black male. No national news.7/17- Cindy Raygoza, white female murdered by black male. No national news. 7/11- Luis Aguilar, 91 year old hispanic male murdered by black male. No national news. 7/10- Brittany Simpson, white female murdered by black male. No national news. 7/6- Sarah Goode, white female murdered by black male. No national news. 7/6- Jeffrey Westerfield, white male murdered by black male. No national news. 7/5- Perry Renn, white male murdered by black male. No national news. 7/3- Laurey Kennedy, white female still in coma from beating by black male. No national news 7/3 Eric Mollet, white male murdered by black male. No national news. 7/2 Rupert Anderson, white male murdered by black male. No national news. 7/2 Jennifer Kingeter, white female murdered by black male. No national news. 6/30 Jim Brennan, white male, murdered by black male. No national news. 6/29 Paul Shephard, white male, murdered by black male. No national news. 6/27 Shirley Barone, white female, murdered by black male. No national news. 6/27 Penelope Spencer, white female, murdered by black male. No national news. 6/27 Inga Evans, white female, murdered by black male. No national news. 6/26 Jake Rameau, white male, murdered by black male. No national news. 6/25 Gina Burger, white female, murdered by black male. No national news. 6/24 Nathan Dasher, white male, murdered by black male. No national news. 6/22 Jonathan Price, white male, murdered by black male. No national news. 6/20 John Whitmore, white male, murdered by black male. No national news. 6/18 John Yingling,white male, murdered by black male. No national news. 6/17 Allyn Reeves, white male, murdered by black male. No national news. 6/15 Michael Beaver, white male, murdered by black male. No national news. 6/11 Angela Cook, white female, murdered by black male. No national news. 6/11 Nathan Hall, white male, murdered by black male. No national news. 6/7 Harry Briggs, white male, murdered by black male. No national news. 6/5 Laura Bachman, white female, murdered by black male. No national news. 6/2 Robert Mohler, white male, murdered by black male. No national news. 6/1 William Headley, white male, murdered by black male. No national news
Bigcam2903 Posted August 20, 2014 Report Posted August 20, 2014 7/18- Jimmie Norman, white male murdered by black male. No national news.7/18- Terry Taylor, white male murdered by black male. No national news.7/17- Cindy Raygoza, white female murdered by black male. No national news. 7/11- Luis Aguilar, 91 year old hispanic male murdered by black male. No national news. 7/10- Brittany Simpson, white female murdered by black male. No national news. 7/6- Sarah Goode, white female murdered by black male. No national news. 7/6- Jeffrey Westerfield, white male murdered by black male. No national news. 7/5- Perry Renn, white male murdered by black male. No national news. 7/3- Laurey Kennedy, white female still in coma from beating by black male. No national news 7/3 Eric Mollet, white male murdered by black male. No national news. 7/2 Rupert Anderson, white male murdered by black male. No national news. 7/2 Jennifer Kingeter, white female murdered by black male. No national news. 6/30 Jim Brennan, white male, murdered by black male. No national news. 6/29 Paul Shephard, white male, murdered by black male. No national news. 6/27 Shirley Barone, white female, murdered by black male. No national news. 6/27 Penelope Spencer, white female, murdered by black male. No national news. 6/27 Inga Evans, white female, murdered by black male. No national news. 6/26 Jake Rameau, white male, murdered by black male. No national news. 6/25 Gina Burger, white female, murdered by black male. No national news. 6/24 Nathan Dasher, white male, murdered by black male. No national news. 6/22 Jonathan Price, white male, murdered by black male. No national news. 6/20 John Whitmore, white male, murdered by black male. No national news. 6/18 John Yingling,white male, murdered by black male. No national news. 6/17 Allyn Reeves, white male, murdered by black male. No national news. 6/15 Michael Beaver, white male, murdered by black male. No national news. 6/11 Angela Cook, white female, murdered by black male. No national news. 6/11 Nathan Hall, white male, murdered by black male. No national news. 6/7 Harry Briggs, white male, murdered by black male. No national news. 6/5 Laura Bachman, white female, murdered by black male. No national news. 6/2 Robert Mohler, white male, murdered by black male. No national news. 6/1 William Headley, white male, murdered by black male. No national news All this does is adds fuel to the Fire. Either you're part of the solution or part of the problem. When does it end?? So unnecessary. Won't help heal anyone who reads this Mr. Buddy Garrity 1
Mr. Buddy Garrity Posted August 20, 2014 Author Report Posted August 20, 2014 @RoadRunnerSTL: St Louis Police Unit vandalized overnight in South St Louis. The words, "victory & revolt " spray painted on car. Opportunists running amuck
fox Posted August 20, 2014 Report Posted August 20, 2014 All this does is adds fuel to the Fire. Either you're part of the solution or part of the problem. When does it end?? So unnecessary. Won't help heal anyone who reads this so you have a double standard.
CraigS Posted August 20, 2014 Report Posted August 20, 2014 All this does is adds fuel to the Fire. Either you're part of the solution or part of the problem. When does it end?? So unnecessary. Won't help heal anyone who reads this NO, the problem is, you can't "help" those who won't "help" themselves. Since all this is focused on the black kid/ community/ murders ,etc.....IF it is to be FIXED, then the black community, media, Sharpton, Jackson, Black Panters need to start talking about ONLY the black on black murders, pregnant black women with no baby daddy, and ONLY focus on the WITHIN's VERY hard to take seriously people criticizing others when the higher percentage of their problems are their OWN.... and here is a perfect example....if I (or any other white person) were to say the forbidden "N" word (today or 30 years ago) OMG certain people go crazy....yet it is used (and justified) in all sorts of cultural music, professional athletes etc.... It's the same argument that some make about terrorist...until the mass Muslim world takes ownership and condemns this won't stop, and people will not respect is what it is! Stop blaming others. It was once said, to make a point, that white males are serial killers....which by inlarge is true, but that does not make ME (a white male) one, nor does it "offend" it doesn't bother me at all....on the other hand, if you were to say muslims are terrorist, that also is by inlarge true...but oh the PC police go crazy....same is true if you were to say blacks are.....well, you get the point....or at least you should!
tvc184 Posted August 20, 2014 Report Posted August 20, 2014 @RoadRunnerSTL: St Louis Police Unit vandalized overnight in South St Louis. The words, "victory & revolt " spray painted on car. running amuck Actually most of this entire fiasco can be summed up in that three word statement. Mr. Buddy Garrity 1
Bigcam2903 Posted August 20, 2014 Report Posted August 20, 2014 No you're an deleted - Bobcat05. Period I feel for both sides because it has taken a toll on their families. The young man that died doesn't get another chance, but we do. So even you Fox have a chance . What you do with it is up to you. I'm not going to go back & forth with Evil. It solves nothing & only creates enemies(line forms around the corner for me) so enjoy your day Sir
Bigcam2903 Posted August 20, 2014 Report Posted August 20, 2014 NO, the problem is, you can't "help" those who won't "help" themselves. Since all this is focused on the black kid/ community/ murders ,etc.....IF it is to be FIXED, then the black community, media, Sharpton, Jackson, Black Panters need to start talking about ONLY the black on black murders, pregnant black women with no baby daddy, and ONLY focus on the WITHIN's VERY hard to take seriously people criticizing others when the higher percentage of their problems are their OWN.... and here is a perfect example....if I (or any other white person) were to say the forbidden "N" word (today or 30 years ago) OMG certain people go crazy....yet it is used (and justified) in all sorts of cultural music, professional athletes etc.... It's the same argument that some make about terrorist...until the mass Muslim world takes ownership and condemns this won't stop, and people will not respect is what it is! Stop blaming others. It was once said, to make a point, that white males are serial killers....which by inlarge is true, but that does not make ME (a white male) one, nor does it "offend" it doesn't bother me at all....on the other hand, if you were to say muslims are terrorist, that also is by inlarge true...but oh the PC police go crazy....same is true if you were to say blacks are.....well, you get the point....or at least you should! Paragraphs full of oppressive opinions. A few Black people rallying or whatever you want to call it don't represent Black People as a whole. Please get that through your thick skulls. BTW, who said that White males are serial killers?? That statement right there should disqualify you from having a descent convo with anyone. Geez, did you really graduate Kindergarten?? Sign your name with crayons?? Grow up Sir
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