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vidor comes over to west orange


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I think this was a good scrimmage all the way around. WOS looked like WOS; they will be that force which goes deep into the state playoffs. Being one of the biggest homers on this board though, I thought my kiddos looked 100% better and very proud of the defense. Good game for both teams and good luck to both in their first real game of the season!!!

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I wasn't impressed by WOS 2nd QB! Looks too if he was running 4 his life out there. He has a strong arm but no accuracy. If I could recall he was 0 - 8. What does it matter if you have a strong arm but no accuracy. That #4 QB they have on JV looks to if he will be a force to be reckon with, but he's small in statue. But like they say it's not the size of the dawg it's the fight & heart in em. He has a great arm & a lot of speed to go alone with it. JMO. I pray & hope no kid gets injured but it Wos #1 QB gets injured they will be in TROUBLE TROUBLE with there #2 QB they have! Overall they need to clean up on the flags & they will be ok. Vidor stood there ground tonight!
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WOS struggled on offense again. We can't throw the ball. Special teams will help us out a lot during the regular season.

i am not so much worried about the running game of the mustangs its there ,but passing game  NEEDS WORK. now on the other side of the ball the (D)  its going to be hard to pass long agnest the mustangs DBs the kids are that good,like both games with nederland and vidor they played zone and vidor  took it to them on the short passages and look good doing it. now the hurting part  ,the stings DEs need work bad lets see if LCM  took notes we will see next friday.

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