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He is playing baseball at Southwestern Oklahoma State, a D2 school outside of Oklahoma City. He is in a battle for the spot in center and left. But will play a role on the team.

Guest airitout123

I thought Kenny Hare was a very good high school baseball player.

Guest ltownbaseball9

Who Cares.........its a Div 2 school that won 19 games, theres plenty of players that can play at a div 2 school.


Who Cares.........its a Div 2 school that won 19 games, theres plenty of players that can play at a div 2 school.

WOW~really :o I wasn't aware of that, and I'm sure there are alot of other PLAYERS, that aren't aware of it either. If you get the opportunity to play at the college level, it's an honor! Whether it be DI - JuCo! I'm sure this kid is just happy to still be playing, and to have the opportunity to contribute to his team is even better! Good Luck to him!

Good first post there Champ! Where are you playing?


Kenny has been workin hard through college, first playin football which the coaches did not give him a shot, and now is focusing his mind on a better thing good luck bro in the future and ltownbaseball9 if you wanna talk about your alum like that im sure Kenny would be gald to come down and you can say it to him cause he was one of the people to build this program up with a lot of other great players in the past...

Guest ltownbaseball9

prob the reason he didn't play football at the college level becasue hes 5ft9 and 175 pounds.........also he didn't build any programs he's not even in the top 20 best athletes to ever come out of lumberton so give me a break....and  I am not from lumberton i'm from beaumont just wanted to make this sn becasue all the lumberton fans need to realize what kind of players they have and stop thinking they got all these stud players....i've been hearing for the last 10 years lumbertons going to make the playoffs in football this and that and it doesnt happen..it gets old..........yeah congra to kenny I hope he does well but why post it on here, no reason to the only people that might care are the lumberton fans becasue we don't......80 percent of these people that are on here never have heard of kenny hare......and thats why he's playing div 2 baseball .........and thats why he played div 2 football....but don't say he help buid a program........he was a descent athlete not a great one........by the way if kenny wants to talk to me my sn is brookfan96..........


BS he was one of the top 20 athletes to come through LHS look at his stats, and look at the achievements and by the way that was his height and weight his sophmore year in hish school so look up the facts before you start talkin bout someone

Guest ltownbaseball9

lol he's the same size give me a break here.......ok lets look at his stats in football they threw it 50 times a game so yeah your going to catch the football he's not even in the top 5 best wr to ever play at lumberton............baseball didnt even hit 300 and oh by the way they all hit 300 in lumberton.........all he had in baseball was speed.........couldnt hit his way out of a paper sack bag....and had a descent arm.....and in baseball he's not even in the top 15 best players to play in lumberton I can name you 15 right now......and thats just baseball players that were better then him..........and now heres the football players  .......and thats not naming guys from the 80's ive been watching sports around this area for a long time.......and i got `12football players and 15 baseball players i just named right there thats better athlete then kenny so thats 27 players and prob 15 more players I could name......so don't give me that BS............oh and by the way about his size I know you do gain weight as you get older so ill give me 186 lol......


Baseball                          Football

Clay Buccholz                  Matt cobb

Jarod tate                      Nathan furlow

Justin shackelford            Brian Ware

Josh Porter                      Keith talbert

Keith talbert                    Chadroberts

Andrew gay                    Clay Buccholz

Josh Mitchell                    Chad Luttrell

Clint Galloway                  Jolly Adams

Tal Light                          Trey Mitchell

Wade White                      Tal Light

David huggins                    Glenn harrod

Bubba Mccgallion                Tony Eckert

Ryan Verde                        Robert baldwin

Pee wee langham                Richard sandusky

aaron odom                        and ill even put Jermey Garza

Joe Fowler                          Wess lylle


and i can name atleast 5 more better ballplayers

Guest airitout123

ltownbaseballtown9 you are coming across like a complete idiot.  The original post listed a local kid who is trying to play college baseball. Maybe 80% do not know who he is.  However, for the 20% who do it is nice to know where he is and how he is doing. 

Guest ltownbaseball9

I'm Just tired of all these lumberton players or ex players thinking there hot stuff......it gets old.....like i said congra to kenny but don't be saying he was a great ball player when he wasn't.......and don't be saying he helped build a lumberton program..........


I'm Just tired of all these lumberton players or ex players thinking there hot stuff......it gets old.....like i said congra to kenny but don't be saying he was a great ball player when he wasn't.......and don't be saying he helped build a lumberton program..........

Any kid good enough to play at the next level, regardless of it classification, DID help their HS program! AND anyone who degrades the accomplishment of any player regardless of level of that accomplishments is a LOSER!

If you don't want to read about Lumberton or anyone else, then don't read it! We all know what you are talking about, but it doesn't give you the right to say those things about a kid who is living his dream!

Guest ltownbaseball9

all im saying is it gets old about lumberton if your going to talk about somone talk about clay buccholz thats living the dream...........theres so many schools out there  that you can go play at......at the div 2 div 3 or naia level.........but people realize its time to move on with there life and not play at that level..........I mean hes at southeastern oklahoma im happy for him but whos heard of that school lol........if it was UT,baylor, or a div 1 then hell yeah I give him props but come on.........

Guest BobcatBeliever

all im saying is it gets old about lumberton if your going to talk about somone talk about clay buccholz thats living the dream...........theres so many schools out there  that you can go play at......at the div 2 div 3 or naia level.........but people realize its time to move on with there life and not play at that level..........I mean hes at southeastern oklahoma im happy for him but whos heard of that school lol........if it was UT,baylor, or a div 1 then heck yeah I give him props but come on.........

I can tell you this, my son would be happy to play for any school after high school.  Any kids who truly loves the game just wants to play.  If they get a D1 then all the more icing on the cake.  We should all support our locals and be proud for them.


all im saying is it gets old about lumberton if your going to talk about somone talk about clay buccholz thats living the dream...........theres so many schools out there  that you can go play at......at the div 2 div 3 or naia level.........but people realize its time to move on with there life and not play at that level..........I mean hes at southeastern oklahoma im happy for him but whos heard of that school lol........if it was UT,baylor, or a div 1 then heck yeah I give him props but come on.........

What differnence does it make......He's playing, oh and maybe even getting an education, and maybe even getting some of it paid for! If the ONLY the players good enough to play at the schools you mentioned, then a whole lot of kids dreams would be killed! Go look at some of the schools that the MLB players come from, some of them you've never even heard of either.........if you only had a clue!

Guest ltownbaseball9

He went to juco becasue he prob wasn't smart enough to go play at a Div 1 school  and 2nd if he goes div 1 you have to wait till your junior year or after your junior to go pro so he wanted go to that school so he could pro after the first year.......so that pic of albert doesnt mean anything...........all i'm saying is he went to  a school to play baseball congra to kenny like i said....its not like he's going to be a albert anyways......all im saying is it gets old with the lumberton fans thinking all there athletes are great when there not.........and then say the coaches screwed him at the place he went to go play football at........have you ever wondered that he didn't play prob becasue there were better athletes on the team then him......lumberton fans always making excuses......it gets old........


There are two ways to look at this..

A) Someone writes to congratulate Kenny and to let people know he's still playing

B) Research the situation, Google Keeny Hare, Realize that he went to Blinn, then Texas A&M Commerce, which they are the Lions, and he wore #9.  Thus Lion9.  After all this one would imagine why they would go on a message board which is based out of SE Texas when they are in Southwestern Oklahoma.  All this could have been posted in the pinned thread up at the top of the screen.  Maybe, someone just has to see their name in print?

Just something to think about

Guest ltownbaseball9

Like I said i'm happy for kenny....but lumberton fans always have answers why this kid and that kid didnt play it was the coaches fault.......well it looks like he went to blinn and then had to transfer becasue he didn't play there....oh and wait let me guess the coaches didn't give him  a chance there either.....then he went to texas A&M commerce....oh wait let me guess the coaches didn't play him there either becasue maybe you got better athletes at those schools....Lumberton needs to realize they need athletes to winnnnn...........y'all don't have athletes right now like y'all use too to have in the past.......that showed when they played in the district this year they got dominated.....but then again there saying there going to make the playoffs this year....stop talking and saying your going to be this and that.....thats what wrong with lumberton they talk to way to much........



SO DO YOU (talk to much), I really felt like I was though with this, decideing some people just don't get it! BUT YOU JUST WON"T GO AWAY!

Why does it matter to you so much? You must not be involved in enough sports of your own to have all this time to belittle someone from a town you're not even from! Go practice whatever it is you do, leave this kid alone AND Lumberton also. Except for being proud of their school and their athletes, what have they really done? Nothing, now we all know what "some" Lumberton people get on here and say over and over......who cares, like you said, it all comes out in the wash. Just because they may not have ENOUGH athletes (or whatever the problem is) to win in this district, doesn't mean they don't have any at all!

You are doing the same thing on this board that you accuse Lumberton of doing (except in a negative way)!

Why don't you tell us a liitle about what you have accomplished! It must be a laundry list of accolades, for you to be able to stand tall above everyone else and degrade them.......come on let's here it! WHAT HAVE YOU DONE LATELY! (besides run your mouth)

Guest ltownbaseball9

lol the guy posted stuff about his own self........and made up his own screen name so people can talk about him.........I stupid is that......and of course its coming from somebody thats from Lumberton has to make up there own sn and talk about his self on here........


lol the guy posted stuff about his own self........and made up his own screen name so people can talk about him.........I stupid is that......and of course its coming from somebody thats from Lumberton has to make up there own sn and talk about his self on here........

You said it yourself ! You are STUPID !! I for one am always glad to hear about a local kid playing ball somewhere JUCO or D1 !!

  Ltownbaseball9 you're an IDIOT !


Nothing wrong with Juco or any of the lower divisions. Dayton has a kid that was drafted by the Padres 43rd rd as a senior, 32nd rd as a freshman in college and is in his second season of JUCO ball (he's no dummy) and has signed on with Rice University if he doesn't sign with an MLB team in the next draft.

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