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BMTsoulja1...it's about that time!!

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then why do they make low marks at uil competition?

Ive never been in band and all 6 of my kids prefer the athletic side of things but from what I gather, they go to UIL competitions because they have to and they tend to not do well. It's not a secret. The kids and staff look forward to the "show" competitions which has other bands of their same styles and the Jaguars usually get the highest marks possible.

So just like the Central band gets low marks in the UIL competition, YOUR band would get low marks in a "show" competition. Don't knock a school and their style because it isn't what you like. Just like some football coaches prefer to pass the ball and some prefer to run it as for offensive schemes go, it doesn't make either style right or wrong. Band directors are allowed to create their own style (maybe not at your school) and it doesn't make either wrong are right. In the end, it's all about the kids and not what a few posters on here like and dislike.

Every year Central's band is the only band that gets its on thread, i truly wonder why. Carry on band...
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Ive never been in band and all 6 of my kids prefer the athletic side of things but from what I gather, they go to UIL competitions because they have to and they tend to not do well. It's not a secret. The kids and staff look forward to the "show" competitions which has other bands of their same styles and the Jaguars usually get the highest marks possible.

So just like the Central band gets low marks in the UIL competition, YOUR band would get low marks in a "show" competition. Don't knock a school and their style because it isn't what you like. Just like some football coaches prefer to pass the ball and some prefer to run it as for offensive schemes go, it doesn't make either style right or wrong. Band directors are allowed to create their own style (maybe not at your school) and it doesn't make either wrong are right. In the end, it's all about the kids and not what a few posters on here like and dislike.

Carry on band...

So the UIL competitions don't matter to central?? That UIL FOOTBALL CHAMPIONSHIP sure does seem to matter to them.
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Even in the schools first couple of years of existence in competing in UIL they were not getting the highest marks. You can CLEARLY see in this video that things were a little different back then. As the demographics changed for the school so did the style for the band and I think it was a good move...
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So the UIL competitions don't matter to central?? That UIL FOOTBALL CHAMPIONSHIP sure does seem to matter to them.

Regardless of the band style, I know the Jags have a better chance of getting the UIL FOOTBALL CHAMPIONSHIP than your Pirates do this year and probably for the next several years...
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I think the other competition Central went to was held in Lousianna, and they did well, but the UIL is the highest standard for evaluating the quality of a marching band and if competing elsewhere where the bar is not so high is a cop out. If you are'nt doing as well as some of the other bands in this area then you need to work harder to get better.

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I think the other competition Central went to was held in Lousianna, and they did well, but the UIL is the highest standard for evaluating the quality of a marching band and if competing elsewhere where the bar is not so high is a cop out. If you are'nt doing as well as some of the other bands in this area then you need to work harder to get better.

Lance, sounds like you were in the band too...
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I think the other competition Central went to was held in Lousianna, and they did well, but the UIL is the highest standard for evaluating the quality of a marching band and if competing elsewhere where the bar is not so high is a cop out. If you are'nt doing as well as some of the other bands in this area then you need to work harder to get better.

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Crosby's band has the most D1 prospects at the tuba, trombone, and percussion positions. Their tuba player is 6'2 270 and can bench press his tuba 37 reps at the last band combine. If you look at most of the freshman and soph members, they are running sub 4.4 warmup tunes with ease.
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On the contrary Soulja if your football team produced the same results in comparison to PN-G, Ned, Lumberton, etc you would want the coaches head (you know it) At the end of the day it is competition, you either face the challenge or you don't. And I am not discreditting the band kids, I said they could do better, why even go to UIL competition if you don't care about getting excellent results? You do think your football team should......there is NO difference, you can't just run off and compete where you think you can do better, you have to face the challenge that is facing you right now  (the UIL).  I agree with a lot of your comments Soulja, but if your Jags (football) were showing the same results in our district (UIL) would you be looking to see how well you could do in Pop Warner? Of course you would'nt, the fact is the band directors,coaches, debate team teachers, etc should not settle for anything less than being the best...and if they are not, then work harder.

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I see what you're saying, and I understand your point. Now understand mine.

Do you realize that there is really fierce competition at tje contests that Central band competes in? Tjey all do what they do. Even at the collegiate level, band contests such as this one is fierce competition. I assume that Central band is more in the business of entertaining, as they do. Heck, when Central band performs for your Nederlands, your Lumbertons, and your Vidors, the fans love it and give standing ovations. The opposing bands routinely stay on the sidelines to check out the show with a 'front row seat'. Surely, they understand the hard work those kids put in just like traditional bands...
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Soulja, just one question I want you to answer...how would you feel if your football team took the field to be funny and entertaining, but did'nt put much emphasis into winning?  would you tell me our football team is in the business of being entertaining? What stands in front of your band is a competition, a challenge, just like basketball, volleyball, everything that uses a scoreboard, if you're not after the most points, why even go. And Big Ford if you're reading this I'm not Lance, but he was in the band and he also played football.(Nederland style on both counts. That would make me his Pop.

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Soulja, just one question I want you to answer...how would you feel if your football team took the field to be funny and entertaining, but did'nt put much emphasis into winning? would you tell me our football team is in the business of being entertaining? What stands in front of your band is a competition, a challenge, just like basketball, volleyball, everything that uses a scoreboard, if you're not after the most points, why even go. And Big Ford if you're reading this I'm not Lance, but he was in the band and he also played football.(Nederland style on both counts. That would make me his Pop.

That's more than just ONE QUESTION. ;) ;) But I'll answer...

Answer 1 - It's not a matter of how I would feel, but what would happen. Fans wouldn't be entertained. Fans would quit comming out. Extra revenue would stop being made (football is almost ALWAYS the school's biggest money maker). No college scholarships. (see where this is going?) So in other words, VERY horrible example.

Answer 2 - Yes. If the football team is catching Td passes, running 70 hard runs, making field goals, and kids are getting scholarships, then I'm entertained...
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Knod, for all the games you attend this year, I want you to pay attention to the visitor and home sides at halftime and see how many people leave their seats as soon as the teams go in for halftime. Now when we Central plays Nederland (I'm assuming that's who you are with) October 10th, pay attention to how many people remain in their seats as the Jaguars band "entertains"...

It's like apples and oranges or me keeping it real, a white and black thing. I don't knock the UIL competitions and the bands that do great there but they are not catered to "US" and Ozen if you can follow me. The Jags still go there and compete but that's not what they are working on on a daily basis. If you were to ever pass by there practice field you would see them "working hard" for their show routines.

Ever since Central switched to that style of band, their band numbers have doubled if not tripled as for kids participating. So in the end it's all about the kids for me. Is it all about the kids for you or do you have a hidden agenda???
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To piggy back on this:

I am a Nederland fan.
Halftime is my least favorite part of the game.
I do enjoy the Central and Ozen halftime shows.

I would still prefer to watch highlights from local games at the half on the scoreboard and shorten halftime to 15 minutes.

Knod, for all the games you attend this year, I want you to pay attention to the visitor and home sides at halftime and see how many people leave their seats as soon as the teams go in for halftime. Now when we Central plays Nederland (I'm assuming that's who you are with) October 10th, pay attention to how many people remain in their seats as the Jaguars band "entertains"...

It's like apples and oranges or me keeping it real, a white and black thing. I don't knock the UIL competitions and the bands that do great there but they are not catered to "US" and Ozen if you can follow me. The Jags still go there and compete but that's not what they are working on on a daily basis. If you were to ever pass by there practice field you would see them "working hard" for their show routines.

Ever since Central switched to that style of band, their band numbers have doubled if not tripled as for kids participating. So in the end it's all about the kids for me. Is it all about the kids for you or do you have a hidden agenda???

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Ok.....I cant take it any more.....some of this argument is based STRONGLY off of personal opinion. I fear some opinions are rooted in something very ugly.....BUT.....moving forward I'll say this: as a former athlete who gave up sports for music and band (which earned me a scholarship btw) I think the argument about Central's band and Ozen for that matter is rooted in selfishness and the wrong kind of pride. The pride or arrogance that says conform to "our style" and "your style" will never be accepted or taken seriously. I've been truly blessed to be a part of both worlds(so to speak). In hs I marched in a well known school around here, and yes we made one's at uil because we focused on THAT competition and what it would take to be successful there. And it was fun and fulfilling.....but when I went to college....oh my.....I was introduced to a WHOLE new thing. The competition level was "turned up" 100 degrees. I was blessed to be a part of the "World Famed" Grambling State University Tiger Marching Band. No, we did not get invited to the band festivals or dci type competitions (which I love btw..lol), but we do have an extensive list of accomplishments. Try the FIRST Super Bowl halftime show (followed by about six more since then), nba, nfl, cfl, and arena football halftimes and games, presidential inaugurations here....and in other countries. When Clemson and Wake Forest played in the Mirage Bowl in Tokyo, Japan a while back they left both their bands at home and invited Grambling to take BOTH their places.....why you ask? Because there was/is a need for SOMETHING DIFFERENT. U.I.L. is NOT the "all end" for marching bands. Sorry....Maybe for your school's band it is, but not everyone's. And that's ok if it is. Heck, the band kids appreciate the different styles of band more than some grown folks do. Now I'll say this....Central is loud. Some folks don't do loud.....some folks, particularly young ppl, only know loud. Soft, controlled, and tame won't cut it, especially at a football game. The Panthers and Jags and even Titans bands and other schools generate excitement for their fan base and even opposing schools fans as well.Appreciate the variety!!!! Our district is LOADED with it. That's a beautiful thing!! Now let's have a good year and encourage ALL of the kids participating. Trust me....they ALL put in a lot of work to bring to us all!!
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Ok.....I cant take it any more.....some of this argument is based STRONGLY off of personal opinion. I fear some opinions are rooted in something very ugly.....BUT.....moving forward I'll say this: as a former athlete who gave up sports for music and band (which earned me a scholarship btw) I think the argument about Central's band and Ozen for that matter is rooted in selfishness and the wrong kind of pride. The pride or arrogance that says conform to "our style" and "your style" will never be accepted or taken seriously. I've been truly blessed to be a part of both worlds(so to speak). In hs I marched in a well known school around here, and yes we made one's at uil because we focused on THAT competition and what it would take to be successful there. And it was fun and fulfilling.....but when I went to college....oh my.....I was introduced to a WHOLE new thing. The competition level was "turned up" 100 degrees. I was blessed to be a part of the "World Famed" Grambling State University Tiger Marching Band. No, we did not get invited to the band festivals or dci type competitions (which I love btw..lol), but we do have an extensive list of accomplishments. Try the FIRST Super Bowl halftime show (followed by about six more since then), nba, nfl, cfl, and arena football halftimes and games, presidential inaugurations here....and in other countries. When Clemson and Wake Forest played in the Mirage Bowl in Tokyo, Japan a while back they left both their bands at home and invited Grambling to take BOTH their places.....why you ask? Because there was/is a need for SOMETHING DIFFERENT. U.I.L. is NOT the "all end" for marching bands. Sorry....Maybe for your school's band it is, but not everyone's. And that's ok if it is. Heck, the band kids appreciate the different styles of band more than some grown folks do. Now I'll say this....Central is loud. Some folks don't do loud.....some folks, particularly young ppl, only know loud. Soft, controlled, and tame won't cut it, especially at a football game. The Panthers and Jags and even Titans bands and other schools generate excitement for their fan base and even opposing schools fans as well.Appreciate the variety!!!! Our district is LOADED with it. That's a beautiful thing!! Now let's have a good year and encourage ALL of the kids participating. Trust me....they ALL put in a lot of work to bring to us all!!

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Ok.....I cant take it any more.....some of this argument is based STRONGLY off of personal opinion. I fear some opinions are rooted in something very ugly.....BUT.....moving forward I'll say this: as a former athlete who gave up sports for music and band (which earned me a scholarship btw) I think the argument about Central's band and Ozen for that matter is rooted in selfishness and the wrong kind of pride. The pride or arrogance that says conform to "our style" and "your style" will never be accepted or taken seriously. I've been truly blessed to be a part of both worlds(so to speak). In hs I marched in a well known school around here, and yes we made one's at uil because we focused on THAT competition and what it would take to be successful there. And it was fun and fulfilling.....but when I went to college....oh my.....I was introduced to a WHOLE new thing. The competition level was "turned up" 100 degrees. I was blessed to be a part of the "World Famed" Grambling State University Tiger Marching Band. No, we did not get invited to the band festivals or dci type competitions (which I love btw..lol), but we do have an extensive list of accomplishments. Try the FIRST Super Bowl halftime show (followed by about six more since then), nba, nfl, cfl, and arena football halftimes and games, presidential inaugurations here....and in other countries. When Clemson and Wake Forest played in the Mirage Bowl in Tokyo, Japan a while back they left both their bands at home and invited Grambling to take BOTH their places.....why you ask? Because there was/is a need for SOMETHING DIFFERENT. U.I.L. is NOT the "all end" for marching bands. Sorry....Maybe for your school's band it is, but not everyone's. And that's ok if it is. Heck, the band kids appreciate the different styles of band more than some grown folks do. Now I'll say this....Central is loud. Some folks don't do loud.....some folks, particularly young ppl, only know loud. Soft, controlled, and tame won't cut it, especially at a football game. The Panthers and Jags and even Titans bands and other schools generate excitement for their fan base and even opposing schools fans as well.Appreciate the variety!!!! Our district is LOADED with it. That's a beautiful thing!! Now let's have a good year and encourage ALL of the kids participating. Trust me....they ALL put in a lot of work to bring to us all!!

Well stated.
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