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In recent weeks, there have been repeated warnings from moderators and administrators on this site about the state of discourse in this particular forum. Certain posters in particular have been repeatedly warned about their incendiary, intentionally provocative posts aimed at specific members, which typically serve no legitimate purpose and do not add anything to our discussions. It has also been stated that if such behavior does not cease, this board will be deleted and political discussion on SETXSports will come to a halt altogether.


To me, this would be a gross overreaction, and one that thankfully has yet to come to fruition. To the site's personnel, however, it must seem perfectly reasonable, given the number of times things have gotten out of hand in this particular forum. In fact, to some, I'm sure this seems to be the only reasonable solution that the moderators can implement. That does not, however, mean it is the only solution.


I think it's time that the individual posters on this board took some measure of responsibility for the board's condition. Thus, I'm proposing an officially unofficial "troll list," or, more explicitly, a list of posters who we, the individual users of this site and not its administrators, have collectively chosen not to respond to, because we feel that further discussion with them does nothing to further legitimate discourse on this board.


Several individual posters have already implemented this system to some degree for themselves. The different threads on this board have numerous posts indicating that their posters have made a personal vow not to respond to or hold communication with a given username. However, individuals doing this individually, and not collectively, effectively renders the vow useless. The posters we don't wish to continue communication with still find several others willing to further their petty exchanges and give them more than enough ammunition to troll with. The only way to ensure that the "trolls" truly feel the consequences of their actions in any substantive way is to implement our bans at a collective level, and not on an individual basis.


To be perfectly fair, we can't allow this to be a McCarthy style blacklist we can turn to any time we get tired of a particular poster, or a particular group of posters, or something we can use to enforce unfair punishments for slight infractions. This needs to be a list of last resort, designed for only the most ignorant, abrasive and offensive of posters, who have committed just enough transgressions to significantly detract from the board's condition, but not quite enough to warrant a ban by moderators. Therefore, I would like to set out some objective criteria. Posters nominated for this list must demonstrate:


(1) repeated offensive, accusatory or inflammatory behavior, commensurate of what would generally be considered "trolling" by typical internet standards,

(2) total disregard for the demonstrated veracity of another user's posts,

(3) behavior intended to sow discord among other posters, or manipulate other posters into an emotionally compromised position,

(4) repeated use of extraneous and irrelevant information in threads with the intention of moving the thread off topic, or

(5) a stubborn commitment to or refusal to discontinue behavior generally considered disruptive by others, regardless of the intentions behind said behavior.


To identify said posters, all a user would need to do is nominate someone they believe to be guilty of one of the above criteria under this thread. We could discuss it and, if everyone is agreeable, add that poster to a list of trolls kept below.


Posters Identified as Trolls:


Big girl for sure.

Enlightened chosen one isn't far behind her but il withhold complete judgement for now


He's alright when he isn't arguing with Nash or smitty.


Big girl for sure.

Enlightened chosen one isn't far behind her but il withhold complete judgement for now


At first I was not on the ECO band wagon, but I think he's a pretty stand up guy. He makes you think, a good debater and does not typically take blindly one side....


This list should be for the abusers (like Bamakid said) ....not for people the majority do not agree with.....we need the different views or it gets boring.


I disagree tragic hippy.  I've never seen anything other than him take a stance against conservatives or Republicans.  I'm a conservative Democrat but I can't vote against my conscience therefore I don't mind giving my vote to the Republicans. But like I said... I'm withholding judgement for now. 


I vote for myself....I ll admit that I have at times demonstrated a few of those numbers.  Im done posting on the SETX Misc. Discussion forum in general.....unless its something to do with Beaumont ISD.  Yall have fun.

I ll still read post about topics I find interesting.


I vote for myself....I ll admit that I have at times demonstrated a few of those numbers.  Im done posting on the SETX Misc. Discussion forum in general.....unless its something to do with Beaumont ISD.  Yall have fun.

I ll still read post about topics I find interesting.


As the original poster, I have to admit that you were never one of the posters I had in mind when starting this thread or listing those criteria, and that this move is unexpected. However, I can't characterize it as anything less than admirable, and it sets an example a poster or two on this part of the board would do well to follow.

Did the parties flip flop or am I missing something? Few stances I hold :

- Pro guns
- Fiscally conservative
- Anti affirmative action
- Anti government involvement in personal choices
- Support welfare reform
- Anti feminism

Correction - I am not anti trayvon Martin but I'm also not anti Zimmerman. Zimmerman was getting beat up and had to do what he had to do. I am against the whole mike brown/ferguson movement though.

I disagree tragic hippy. I've never seen anything other than him take a stance against conservatives or Republicans. I'm a conservative Democrat but I can't vote against my conscience therefore I don't mind giving my vote to the Republicans. But like I said... I'm withholding judgement for now.


This is easy, anyone who isn't -

PNG Bama Kid
Tragic hippy
Buddy Garrity
Myself (of course)

Missing a couple I'm sure. I'll edit it in when it comes to mind

I agree with this list of the "good" posters. I usually just read, it's quite informative and interesting most of the time. I only post if I have a opinion that is even farther than right. OR when stupid comes out, usually after someone (well certain ones hijack a thread with racism) then I will carry that baton to the WHITE extreme, not because I AM racist...more so because I'm sick of hearing the excuses and whining on every single issue....therefore I too fall under several of your numbers! I AM TROLL!


Well either way I know I have let my emotions get the best of me on a few topics and attacked posters personally by means of replies.  And I apologize.  


I don't think anyone has a problem with supporting your views.  I disagree with a lot of folks on here, but still respect their points of view.....they may be wrong......but I respect it :D


There is a difference when someone can prove a post is wrong but they still post other fictional stuff about it, or twist it.


I don't post very much however I do read a lot and there is only one member that I would categorize as meeting all of your criteria............


Big Girl = GIANT TROLL plus  all she ever does is respond to a question with a question.  It reminds me of Steve Carrell in "The 40 Year Old Virgin" when he goes into the book store and hits on the employee by only answering questions with questions.  For example, when the employee asked him "what kind of books do you like?" his reply in a very seductive voice was "what kind of books do you like?"..........  Really, it was hilarious!


I would figure you for a journalism major.


If I had it all to do over again, I would be a double major in political science and one of three things: business, journalism or criminal justice. I actually started as a double major in political science and civil engineering, and then spent two years finding out the hard way that I didn't want to be an engineer or anything close to it. So, I dropped engineering and transitioned to majoring in political science with minors in math and Computer-Based Honors. I do, however, write columns for UA's student newspaper and a few other publications.

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