PN-G bamatex Posted September 11, 2014 Report Posted September 11, 2014 A few notes. First, I can appreciate the refusal to commit American troops to combat duty on the ground. Given the circumstances surrounding the situation, I think that's probably the right move. That said, those circumstances are a direct result of our actions. In my opinion, the critical, and seemingly ignored, fact is that ISIS would have never existed had we not first pulled out of Iraq way too early with no effective security strategy, and then utterly failed to handle the situation in Syria correctly. Second, while I understand that the president wants to work through international institutions to find solutions to these kinds of problems, I think that's a totally ineffective strategy. Working with Arab partners to increase security is a great idea. I'm glad to see him do that. Requiring the Arab nations to take certain steps on their own as a condition for American support is also a great idea. I personally really like that. Convening the UN Security Council to assemble a longterm strategy, though, is a joke. It's time we face facts and acknowledge that the UN is nothing more than a forum, and typically a great way to throw up a roadblock in responding to anything. If we want international cooperation in getting this done, we set up our own coalitions with our own rules and get it done. The countries that are committed to a solution will get on board and the countries that want to fuss and fight will stay in UN meetings so they can fuss and fight. Third, and most importantly, this speech completely and totally ignored the threat here at home. I didn't hear anything about border security, which is now an even more critical issue given that some reports have ISIS agents crossing the border to conduct strikes here in the US. The president had a golden opportunity to call for expedited, bipartisan immigration reform as a matter of national security. Granted, that may have served to mire the issue more, but it may also have served as an opportunity to get something real done about the border and actually give him a real legislative win to go on his record, if he played his cards right.
PN-G bamatex Posted September 11, 2014 Author Report Posted September 11, 2014 Oh, and I'm glad he actually used the word "terrorist." That was a welcome change. mytwocents-28 1
EnlightenedChosenOne Posted September 11, 2014 Report Posted September 11, 2014 Those middle eastern countries will always be in conflicts as long as they keep clinging to their religion. We can't afford to occupy it until eternity. Luckily most people in this country aren't as fanatic and pick and choose which parts to believe and focus on. Big girl 1
Big girl Posted September 11, 2014 Report Posted September 11, 2014 Everyone thinks they know more then the military strategists.smh. Bush set the timetable on when the troops left Iraq not Obama. We can go back to Iraq and get the situation under control, but once we leave the same problems will occur. I agree with ECO, we cant leave troops there forever.
new tobie Posted September 11, 2014 Report Posted September 11, 2014 Cheny wants a timetable for restarting the old Iraq war machine. How about a timetable on that heart of his! Big girl 1
Uncle Si Posted September 11, 2014 Report Posted September 11, 2014 Third, and most importantly, this speech completely and totally ignored the threat here at home. I didn't hear anything about border security, which is now an even more critical issue given that some reports have ISIS agents crossing the border to conduct strikes here in the US. The president had a golden opportunity to call for expedited, bipartisan immigration reform as a matter of national security. Granted, that may have served to mire the issue more, but it may also have served as an opportunity to get something real done about the border and actually give him a real legislative win to go on his record, if he played his cards right. I agree, I don't understand why this is not a topic worth touching on when addressing the nation. It was an opportunity for him to, at the very least, ease the minds of US residents, especially those living in border states. Even if the white house is taking action to secure the borders it gives the perception that it is being ignored when it is not mentioned in an address to the nation pertaining to terrorist activities and solutions. I would think that simply mentioning the borders would help ease the mind of the citizens and maybe help as a small deterant to the terrorists.
Big girl Posted September 11, 2014 Report Posted September 11, 2014 Who is stupid enough to be afraid of ISIS?
PN-G bamatex Posted September 11, 2014 Author Report Posted September 11, 2014 I agree, I don't understand why this is not a topic worth touching on when addressing the nation. It was an opportunity for him to, at the very least, ease the minds of US residents, especially those living in border states. Even if the white house is taking action to secure the borders it gives the perception that it is being ignored when it is not mentioned in an address to the nation pertaining to terrorist activities and solutions. I would think that simply mentioning the borders would help ease the mind of the citizens and maybe help as a small deterant to the terrorists. Agreed. The fact that it was left out means he either doesn't want to talk about it or doesn't see the relationship between the two issues. I'm honestly not sure which is worse.
PN-G bamatex Posted September 11, 2014 Author Report Posted September 11, 2014 Those middle eastern countries will always be in conflicts as long as they keep clinging to their religion. We can't afford to occupy it until eternity. Luckily most people in this country aren't as fanatic and pick and choose which parts to believe and focus on. I don't think occupying it until eternity is a necessity. The long term strategy in the region needs to be aiding in the establishment of secular governments, economic development and education. Terrorist movements like Al Qaeda and ISIS find ripe followers by virtue of the fact that the part of the world they operate in is filled with poverty and ignorance. That's why initiatives like PEPFAR are so important.
SKINS Posted September 11, 2014 Report Posted September 11, 2014 The ISIL has been around since before we pulled out. They have been plotting this offensive since the mid 2000s. ISIL was not created by the removal of troops, they just took the opportunity to invade Iraq while the pickings were easy.
Bigdog Posted September 12, 2014 Report Posted September 12, 2014 Who is stupid enough to be afraid of ISIS? Hmmm, maybe the people being murdered, beheaded ( Americans) and raped by them. Get your head out of the sand! Honest Abe 1
77 Posted September 12, 2014 Report Posted September 12, 2014 Those crazy kids!
Uncle Si Posted September 12, 2014 Report Posted September 12, 2014 Who is stupid enough to be afraid of ISIS? I am beginning to believe that this is exactly the same thing Obama is thinking!!!! I sure hope not!
baddog Posted September 12, 2014 Report Posted September 12, 2014 America has a military presence world wide. Obama needs to stop giving speeches and get the ball rolling. He could also be covert about his military plans instead of announcing them to the world. Isis seems very powerful in their videos. I guess anyone would if they are the only ones with weapons. Let's see how bad they are when they meet the best fighting machine in the world. They will be strewn up and down those dirt highways. Can't wait for the videos. Let's air force, no navy, just a few tanks, mortars, artillery, and maybe a few shoulder mounted missiles. Not much punch at all. I say we drop some snipers in the mountains and let them pick off a few a couple miles away.....very demoralizing tactic. Mr. Buddy Garrity 1
77 Posted September 15, 2014 Report Posted September 15, 2014 Fox in the hen house I would think! Saying they are not Islamic is for sure a lie wouldnt you say big girl!
baddog Posted September 15, 2014 Report Posted September 15, 2014 Obama and his big mouth has clued ISIS into our plans. They are blending with civilian shields to avoid being detected. I will say this does not surprise me. The cowards that they are.....beheading people on video and calling out the U.S., only to run and hide when confronted. Cowards, all of them. I think we should make Iraq a glass palace. 77, Eagle11 and Mr. Buddy Garrity 3
rolltides Posted September 16, 2014 Report Posted September 16, 2014 This really started when Obama stated that infamous red line against Bashar Al-Assad and which made the extremists flourish.
Eagle11 Posted September 16, 2014 Report Posted September 16, 2014 Baddog is right...........I said this when Bush put troops over there. A lot of folks (Biggurl especially) will not like what I will say. If we commit troops we go fully committed. We gut the damn place. Will civilians die? Absolutely. It is necessary to deal with these low life radicals. This is war folks, not the homecoming dance. I hope we have learned from previous battles not to hamstring our troops. Hell, warn everyone. Be out of here by this date, we will come through here and if you are here, you are the enemy. 77 and baddog 2
77 Posted September 16, 2014 Report Posted September 16, 2014 Yobama wont do that he likes these folks to much!
77 Posted September 16, 2014 Report Posted September 16, 2014 Sending 3000 troops to fight ebola virus but none to fight ISIS! We got problems!
baddog Posted September 16, 2014 Report Posted September 16, 2014 Baddog is right...........I said this when Bush put troops over there. A lot of folks (Biggurl especially) will not like what I will say. If we commit troops we go fully committed. We gut the damn place. Will civilians die? Absolutely. It is necessary to deal with these low life radicals. This is war folks, not the homecoming dance. I hope we have learned from previous battles not to hamstring our troops. Hell, warn everyone. Be out of here by this date, we will come through here and if you are here, you are the enemy. There has never been a war without civilian casualties. WWII was ended with civilian casualties. I would dearly love for our fighter pilots to zero in on a convoy of those murderous edited and hit them with napalm. What an enjoyable way to end their lives. Of course that is after the Warthog busts their tanks to smithereens. Read today that one of our generals is open to sending ground troops.
77 Posted September 16, 2014 Report Posted September 16, 2014 Rather have civilian casualties over there than over here! Mr. Buddy Garrity 1
Big girl Posted September 17, 2014 Report Posted September 17, 2014 Obama and his big mouth has clued ISIS into our plans. They are blending with civilian shields to avoid being detected. I will say this does not surprise me. The cowards that they are.....beheading people on video and calling out the U.S., only to run and hide when confronted. Cowards, all of them. I think we should make Iraq a glass palace. omg, you guys were once complaining, stating that he didnt give enough info in regards to what is plans are. You are now saying the opposite. Smdh
Big girl Posted September 17, 2014 Report Posted September 17, 2014 Baddog is right...........I said this when Bush put troops over there. A lot of folks (Biggurl especially) will not like what I will say. If we commit troops we go fully committed. We gut the damn place. Will civilians die? Absolutely. It is necessary to deal with these low life radicals. This is war folks, not the homecoming dance. I hope we have learned from previous battles not to hamstring our troops. Hell, warn everyone. Be out of here by this date, we will come through here and if you are here, you are the enemy. Great idea, so you should be the first one to enlist and volunteer to go to Iraq.
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