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The worst wuppin I ever got was from my great grandma. She was about 4 foot nothing weighed 80 pounds, but she could swing that switch. It only took once and I was an angel to that women for the rest of her life.
I'm generally against this law. I've seen it abused by prosecutors who have indicted parents for bruising on the child's behind. I'm not a huge fan of corporal punishment but caught my share of whippings growing up. I think it's usually best left to the parents. That being said, he seemed to get out of hand with the switch on a child that young. Not sure it should be a Felony though except in the most egregious cases.

I'm not sure what to think... If that is an indictable offense, my high school coaches and parents should still be in prison. The world has changed since I was kid.

Man me too. Junior high coaches too. My behind would be black and blue after school.
The way this reads, it was presented to two different grand juries. The first one didn't indict, so they brought it to a second one? Sounds a little fishy to me. Can a prosecutor keep bringing a crime indictment to each new grand jury until they find one to go along with them?

It is hard to tell from the pictures, he may deserve to be buried under the jail. But, I am betting that this is being blown out of proportion by some bleeding heart liberal who thinks all kids should be taught to talk about what they did wrong and then get to pick their own punishment. Montgomery county is a sesspool of yuppies, and I have several kin folks living their. Their kids are demons, and need a beating before they end up in prison. Because of the social structure of that area, no one spanks their children any more. They are all far too civilized! Getting to the point of what Columbine was right before the shooting. No discipline and the children hit their parents, or tell them what to do, and sadly the yuppies go along with it! Spare the rod, spoil the child.
By the way, I haven't spanked or whipped my kids in several years. But when they were little and did something wrong, they got their hand slapped. Then as they got older, they got a hand across their behind. They have gotten a belt one time each, and learned from their mistakes. Now, when they go to school, teachers don't have to spend all of their time telling my kids to behave. They can teach the class. Someday they may put me in the worst nursing home they can find, but at least they won't be in prison and will be there to pick it out for me!

I ve been whipped by belt and by switch.  I ve also whipped, switched, and paddled my own kids.  Pain is a great teacher.  But this seems to be a lil overboard in my opinion.  Im all about corporal punishment....but their is a line you can't cross......especially in todays liberal world


The way this reads, it was presented to two different grand juries. The first one didn't indict, so they brought it to a second one? Sounds a little fishy to me. Can a prosecutor keep bringing a crime indictment to each new grand jury until they find one to go along with them?

It is hard to tell from the pictures, he may deserve to be buried under the jail. But, I am betting that this is being blown out of proportion by some bleeding heart liberal who thinks all kids should be taught to talk about what they did wrong and then get to pick their own punishment. Montgomery county is a sesspool of yuppies, and I have several kin folks living their. Their kids are demons, and need a beating before they end up in prison. Because of the social structure of that area, no one spanks their children any more. They are all far too civilized! Getting to the point of what Columbine was right before the shooting. No discipline and the children hit their parents, or tell them what to do, and sadly the yuppies go along with it! Spare the rod, spoil the child.
By the way, I haven't spanked or whipped my kids in several years. But when they were little and did something wrong, they got their hand slapped. Then as they got older, they got a hand across their behind. They have gotten a belt one time each, and learned from their mistakes. Now, when they go to school, teachers don't have to spend all of their time telling my kids to behave. They can teach the class. Someday they may put me in the worst nursing home they can find, but at least they won't be in prison and will be there to pick it out for me!

To answer your question, no jeopardy attaches when a grand jury "no bills" (elects not to indict) a defendant. So theoretically, as long as the statute of limitations has not run, a prosecutor can keep bringing a case before a grand jury as many times as he likes. Generally, they usually choose not to once there is a no bill.
Two 4 yr old children with different mothers? That's one busy dude.

My grandmother was beyond cruel. She would not only whip us with a crepe myrtle branch, but she would also make us pick it off the tree. Heaven help you if you picked one too small.

Spare the rod, spoil the child. Just understand that there is no need to leave physical scars.

Why not? If saying something in your own home (which didn't "hurt" anyone) can be cause of one selling his team and a life time ban........the why the hell not...I'm starting to like the new face of professional sports. Hopefully it will trickle down to the NCAA, high school and youth sports.....the day of the THUGS are hopefully OVER! 


bottom line - If you can't SAY something about someone without them getting butt hurt and that person being destroyed - Then you sure as hell can't be physically putting your hands on another person however "little" it may hurt without the SAME EXACT consequences!



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