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Hard to believe that we are just about finished with 3 months of great Offseason workouts.  We are nearing the completion of a couple of our Training and Development Classes, in which we will outline season charts/goals for the player based on their skill development.  We are getting closer and closer to starting our Throwing Strength and Development (not until after Halloween) and we have spent a lot of time on band work + core/back development to handle the rigors of the 'over-hand throwing motion.'


Big Thanks to Coach Jaden Dillon for sharing his time and information with us on the training/development practices of the Atlanta Braves Minor League System - *you have to be blind to not notice the potential he has in becoming a great coach from this area.  With his added information, we have beefed up the diversity and intensity of our workouts for our Offseason.


Our focus on Endurance has shifted to Agility now that we are nearing the PreSeason.  As a group we have completed:

  • 10 Miles Ran *only 1 mile has been ran over 10 minutes - Avg group mile time of: 7:51 (with athletes from 12-16 y/o)
  • 22 Hours of Physical Training aside from specific baseball motions (*main focus has been on Lower Body and Back strengthening)
  • Barefoot training in the Sand Pit (focuses on Agility and Balance training)
  • Running with teammates handling a 10lb medicine ball in coordination with each other (learning how to work in small spaces with your teammates)
  • Parachute Sprints
  • Bungee Jumps Barefoot in the Sand
  • Introduction to basic Yoga to increase flexibility, balance, and breathing
  • 40 min. combined One-legged Balance/Iso Training
  • and...well, I can't tell you every single thing we've done on our Saturday Workouts because well...we are in competition with each other - I do have to let my competitors find out on the field what we've done.


Along with our Saturday Offseason Workouts - we have put in a lot of position specific training, such as:

  • 27 1/2 HOURS - not a typo, Hours - of Catcher specific training.  Covering all 3 Phases of the position, in great detail, and maximizing reps to develop competency in the athlete's skill.
  • 15 Hours on Offense specific training (i.e. Hitting) - Over the past month, we've added technology to our training with filming the athlete during the drills, then reviewing the film during the workout so the athlete can actually see what he is doing.  I have had the fortune of talking with many other 'Hitting Specific Trainers' in the country (CJ Stewart & John Peabody) to breakdown many 'theories' and 'practices' of Hitting Technique...working hard to codify what you need to train on as a baseball hitter going forward in your career --> The Process
  • 7 1/2 Hours on Infield specific training - covering everything from: Fielding mechanics to advanced footwork on all 4 IF positions.


We have our Outfield T&D Classes starting Nov 2, along with our Pitcher T&D Classes starting Nov 16.


Our Offseason Workouts (starting Nov 1) will begin our 'Throwing Program' to get the arms ready for the upcoming season after 3 + full months with no throwing to allow the body time to rest. (plenty of good ol' fashion Long Tossing - after spending the past months on rubber bands, I'm very excited to see what the athletes are able to do)


Less than 1 complete month left (Nov 22) until the Offseason is over and the PreSeason begins.  With that said:


Starting Nov. 1st - MBC will be actively recruiting athletes to fill the Jr High Spindletop Sox Roster - 13U.


We are urging those who have the Passion - we WANT eligible 11 and 12 y/o baseball players to consider "Playing Up"

Get some Quality Training on a bigger field - we are asking you to sacrifice the 'in the moment, short-term success' for 'long-term development and success.'  We are going to field the vast majority of the roster with 13 y/o players - but in order to offer a true teaching platform for Leadership Development, we need younger players.  Think of this a a ticket of not having any "pressure to succeed" while playing baseball - we are wanting you to gain Experience so you can, in return, become a future leader and enter the Leadership Development Training for the Jr. High Team when you become 13.


Only Requirement (aside from the physical skill to "hold their own" on the diamond) - The Player must WANT to Play Up - can't be scared...fully knowing the challenges he will face.  You give us the drive and work ethic, we'll give you a uniform and a season unlike anything you've ever been apart of.


Yes - you can participate in your local Little League during the season, however you have to understand - every athlete involved with MBC is expected to work hard, and we push you to your limits.  We are here to expose you to the demands of College Baseball as early as we can.


Our theory?  The younger the athlete comes to understand The Process (the REAL Process, not "sugar coated" because they are ____ years old - we push you with the demands The Staff encountered during their time in baseball beyond high school - the ugly, gritty, super tough, real-world of baseball...the sooner you grasp it - the better off you will be, and you will have the tools you need to thrive in this Game when it become 'cut-throat')


Roster Specs for Jr High Spindletop Sox:


Catcher - Catch 1st Game, Full

Catcher - Catch 2nd Game, Full









Pitcher Only - Sat. Game 1 Starter

Pitcher Only - Sun. Game 1 Starter




We do not live on the "long ball" - Home Runs will be accidental.  We do not care about the size of the athlete because...it really doesn't mean anything.  We want guys who want to be challenged and learn things they never knew of in baseball - especially the guys who have spent their baseball life taking "private lessons"...haha...if you only knew how much of the Game you are missing by training in a cage...




Phone Number to contact - 409.720.8951


email - [email protected]


website - (http://www.MyersBaseball.com)







Thank you for your time, consideration, and most importantly (to the vast majority *oh! threw in a rhyme there, haha) the motivation


Yours __________,


Coach BJ Myers


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