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I dont think getting shot in the face is a set-up, but hitting two cops from long range and not one protester in the front of that not getting hit tells me alot. Weird and strange…


What does it tell you?


It tells me the guy was a pretty good shot and waited for the right time.....


If we are going for conspiracy theories, what if several of the protesters were in on it and knew where to open the shooting lane? 


So far, the cops have been right in all of Holders investigations......I doubt this will be any different.....


P.S.  That guy is an idiot and someone needs to exercise their freedom and beat the crap out of him.


What does it tell you?


It tells me the guy was a pretty good shot and waited for the right time.....


If we are going for conspiracy theories, what if several of the protesters were in on it and knew where to open the shooting lane? 


So far, the cops have been right in all of Holders investigations......I doubt this will be any different.....


P.S.  That guy is an idiot and someone needs to exercise their freedom and beat the crap out of him.

Tells me he/she planned it, a great keen eye sorta professional like to hit his/her targets in the dark without hitting a single protester walking in the street. This wasn't a random shooting. 


Tells me he/she planned it, a great keen eye sorta professional like to hit his/her targets in the dark without hitting a single protester walking in the street. This wasn't a random shooting. 


Then we agree.


120 yards with a pistol is a pretty good shot.....but if professional, why not rifle?


If you are not Black, how can you comment on our feelings about how some police officers treat us?

I don't know. I do not think you are a police officer and yet I see no shortage of opinions on how they think coming from you.

I guess that rationale only works one way, right?

If you are not Black, how can you comment on our feelings about how some police officers treat us?

I am not black but I too have been hassled by the cops but I learned very quickly as a young man that if your not breaking the law and you do what your told by cops and don't resist nothing usually happens.

Tells me he/she planned it, a great keen eye sorta professional like to hit his/her targets in the dark without hitting a single protester walking in the street. This wasn't a random shooting.

it is a black thing, he doesn't understand.

I am not black but I too have been hassled by the cops but I learned very quickly as a young man that if your not breaking the law and you do what your told by cops and don't resist nothing usually happens.

roflmbo, if you are white.maybe. Remember this episode of the "Fresh Prince of Bellaire". Uncle Phil let Will borrow his Mercedes. He and Carlton were riding around and a cop stopped them and eventually arrested them, because he assumed that they had stolen the car since they were black. That episode is one I will never forget. That is our reality.

I don't know. I do not think you are a police officer and yet I see no shortage of opinions on how they think coming from you.

I guess that rationale only works one way, right?

I talked about some cops and their actions. I am not stupid enough to say what they are thinking etc

Then we agree.


120 yards with a pistol is a pretty good shot.....but if professional, why not rifle?

Its strange the same guys that were saying the officers were "ambushed" now saying the shooter wasn't shooting at the cops, that he may have had "a dispute"……..that whole town is a mess.



i guess after all he wasn't a good shot at all. Im not buying it. 

Strange that he hit two different cops I think the probability of that happening if he was shooting at someone else is very low. If I were him I would stick to that story about not shooting at them. I guess now we will have riots because he was arrested for a crime he didn't mean to commit?

The only information about officers not being targeted was by the suspect that was arrested. Go figure.


"Uhhh..... I wasn't firing at officers. I was shooting at other people and the bullets just happened to miraculously hit two officers in close proximity to each other. It was simply a mistake and there was no way that I am guilty of shooting at officers....."


"Trust me" 


From my experience from taking confessions from simple theft to murder, they will almost always admit to the entire incident..... except that they will almost always deny the real reason or try to make the officer "understand" what "really" happened. They give themselves an out while not denying the accusation. Like, I am not a bad guy but I...........


"Yes I killed her..... but it was only because I thought that she ......".


"Yes I had sex with that under aged girl but she told me that......". 


"Yes I shot the officers but I was not......."


and why not two counts of attempted capital murder?


It depends on the elements of crimes in MO and what the evidence is at the moment. Charges can be upgraded or reduced as further information comes in. Often in such a case the police and/or DA will take a charge that they know works legally so it justifies an arrest and holding a person in jail or out on bail and then investigate further. 


It is often crimes that are frequently called lesser included offenses. For example if a person shoots and kills another person, it is definitely an assault (called battery in some states), it is definitely aggravated assault or assault with a deadly weapon, it is also attempted murder, etc. Sometimes it is best to go with what the police/DA "know" that they can prove initially and then move on while the person is being held on a known and provable charge. 


Again, it may also deal with how the laws are written and as an example, in TX an Aggravated Assault with a Deadly Weapon is a 2nd Degree felony and equal to Attempted Murder. It is sometimes easier to prove the "assault" since "intent" is not required. While the Att Murder sounds worse, in court it may be a harder crime to prove and for no higher amount of a penalty. 


Then we agree.

120 yards with a pistol is a pretty good shot.....but if professional, why not rifle?

I don't know how many people in the world are capable of intentionally hitting someone in the face with a pistol round in the dark at 120 yards, but I would be shocked if the number was much higher than 5 or 10. I've shot with TVC, and he's a very good shot. What do you think TVC, how many times could you hit someone in the head with a pistol in the DAYLIGHT at say 50 yards if you tried 10 times?

I don't know how many people in the world are capable of intentionally hitting someone in the face with a pistol round in the dark at 120 yards, but I would be shocked if the number was much higher than 5 or 10. I've shot with TVC, and he's a very good shot. What do you think TVC, how many times could you hit someone in the head with a pistol in the DAYLIGHT at say 50 yards if you tried 10 times?


With my duty handgun and with a rest like shooting prone? Maybe 8 out of 10. Certainly not combat shooting like 5 shots in 3 seconds from the holster. 


Here is the folly of some of the thinking however. Who said the guy was trying to make a head shot? The suspect could have been trying for a body shot which would make more sense and missed by 18 inches. In fact shooting at night makes a person tend to shoot high which would make more sense if the guy aimed at just a big area and hit in the upper shoulder and head. 


For all we know, the guy also might have been shooting over the officer's heads (he thought) just to scare them and accidentally shot low because he was a terrible shot, not a great shot. 


Everyone seems to be looking at where the bullets hit and want to think it was a world class marksman. Maybe the guy missed by two feet in one direction or the other.


If the two officers hit were standing next to each other, it is hard to believe that it was shots at someone else and the bullets just accidentally landed inches from each other from 120 yards away, if that in fact was where they came from .


With a 4" barrel (approx. 6" sight radius) and 120 yards away and the guy fired the gun with the barrel 1" away from where the first shot was fired, he would have missed by about  45 feet. Possible to hit that close on a lucky shot? Sure. Likely? I would put about a 100 to 1 odds against it on a bet. 


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