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you guys are foolish i f you think 18yr olds are men. My son wouldnt have clothes a vehicle and would starve to death if it were not for his dad and me

Are you moving to Waco to take care of him while he's in college? We wouldn't want him to starve without you.

That is sad. You are making excuses for the prosecutor.

As usual reading is not your strong point.

I said to prosecute them all which is direct disagreement with the DA.

Your kids were totally self sufficient when they turned 18? They were able to pay for housing, transportation, utilities, clothing and food?

My son was working when he was 16, bought his own vehicle, clothing. And joined the military when he was 18. And he was fighting for you and your sons freedom in Afghanistan shortly thereafter. Point is. Yes at least my son was a man at 18.

That is sad. You are making excuses for the prosecutor.

And if the prosecutor did press charges on these idiots for perjury, you would be on here squealing like a stuck pig that they only got prosecuted because they are black. If they intentionally lied to try to change the outcome of this case, then they should be prosecuted no matter which side they lied for! You are either ruining an innocent man's life to help your cause, or trying to free a guilty person. Either way that is wrong and you should pay for your crime. If not, what is to stop 500 people from lying next time?

Your kids were totally self sufficient when they turned 18? They were able to pay for housing, transportation, utilities, clothing and food?

Any kid who goes into the military out of high school, meets and exceeds the criteria you mentioned.

BigGirl, I was also in the band and band president my Senior year(also 4th chair in the All-State Band). I started working at 14 washing ambulances for Holmes EMS in Port Arthur. At 16, I was a dispatcher for them, at 18, I completed and received my EMT. I'm pretty sure I was the only High School Senior to have an EMT Certification. I did all of that while going to HIgh School and being very active in the band. At 19, I was on my own. 


Phatmack. He will have room and board, and a meal plan because he WORKED hard and earned an academic scholarship. I will still pay for his car. I want him to focus on his academic endeavors the first semester so that he can become the MD he strives to be..


So the point is just because your son is not mature enough to be life ready doesn't mean others at his age aren't!

No, her point is because her son is not mature enough to be life ready at 18, any 18 year old thug who robs a store and attacks a cop should be treated like a 5 year old instead of an adult!

Alright, that's enough of the comments about Biggirl's son.


This argument is silly. Is every 18 year old mature enough to assume all the responsibilities of adulthood? No. Are most 18 year olds mature enough to assume at least most of those responsibilities? Yes. Is every 18 year old that hasn't lost his or her mind capable of figuring out that theft, assault, rape and murder are wrong? Is that really a question?


Every kid grows up at a different rate. Obviously, based on their life experiences, some are going to become mature, responsible and disciplined enough to be considered an adult at a higher age than others. But the fact of the matter is, for our society to function, we have to set some sort of cutoff age at which point everyone is considered, at a bare minimum, capable of carrying out the basic functions of adulthood. In most respects, we consider that age to be 18 in the United States, as established by the massive body of local, state and federal law which pertains to such issues. There are exceptions - 21 is the age at which all 50 states believe people are adult enough to handle alcohol, and 16 is the age at which several states think its appropriate to allow criminals to be tried as adults in certain instances - but the general conclusion is that 18 is the age of adulthood.


There's a reason 18 is the dividing line. That's the age at which most people graduate high school, it's the age at which most people, traditionally, have moved out of their parents' homes, it's an age by which most people have held some sort of job, and it's generally an age at which the overwhelming majority of people are smart enough to determine basic right from basic wrong.


Was Michael Brown experienced and mature enough to determine basic right from basic wrong? Well, given that he had just robbed a store, I suppose the evidence indicates that he wasn't, but the truth is, we don't know for sure and we have no way of ever knowing for sure. But it doesn't matter. That question, in truth, is irrelevant. The truth is, whether or not Michael Brown was mature enough to be considered an adult, society expected him to be. By statute, his local community expected him to be, his state expected him to be and his nation expected him to be, the same as they would expect every other 18 year old to be in absence of some sort of debilitating mental condition.


If we stopped to ask ourselves if someone was mature enough to distinguish right from wrong in every single case, we would slowly start to lower the bar, and we would start letting people off in greater and greater numbers until the point came where we were no longer holding anyone accountable for anything. "Immaturity" would become a defense to prosecution in every case where a criminal, regardless of age or mental condition, just "wasn't grown up enough" to understand what he was doing.


The fact of the matter is that no true, blue criminal is grown up; if they were, they wouldn't be criminals to begin with. But that has no bearing on whether they should be held accountable under the law, and rightfully so. Therefore, this conversation is irrelevant to the issue at hand.


If someone is lucky enough to have parents that will support him/her while in college, great. I wish that I would have.




As far as crime and self defense, I could for the most part care less what maturity a person has any more than I am worried about any mental illness at the point of attack. 


Dylan Klebold that shot up Columbine HS and killed so many people was 17. He was also mentally ill. Does anyone really care at that point the shooting starts? Eric Harris was 18...... for less than two week. 


Trying to prevent such incident is the best case scenario and this country has for the most part horrible treatment options for the mentally ill unless they have great insurance. Once a person starts attacking the issues of age, mental stability or maturity are meaningless and surviving or preventing serious injury is the only thing that matters. 


If someone is lucky enough to have parents that will support him/her while in college, great. I wish that I would have.




As far as crime and self defense, I could for the most part care less what maturity a person has any more than I am worried about any mental illness at the point of attack. 


Dylan Klebold that shot up Columbine HS and killed so many people was 17. He was also mentally ill. Does anyone really care at that point the shooting starts? Eric Harris was 18...... for less than two week. 


Trying to prevent such incident is the best case scenario and this country has for the most part horrible treatment options for the mentally ill unless they have great insurance. Once a person starts attacking the issues of age, mental stability or maturity are meaningless and surviving or preventing serious injury is the only thing that matters. 

I support my kid while she is in college....but I'd hardly insult her as to call her immature, or not a woman (man). and I hardly think that if you would have had that assistance you would be any less of a man...or considered immature....just my guess.

Regardless there is NO excuse for the things that have gone on in Ferguson after the ruling. People need to be held accountable for their actions. If not they are just giving others the green light to do this when things don't go their way. There is more race baiting than I have ever seen. On all sides. The media hasn't helped the situation at all.

Regardless there is NO excuse for the things that have gone on in Ferguson after the ruling. People need to be held accountable for their actions. If not they are just giving others the green light to do this when things don't go their way. There is more race baiting than I have ever seen. On all sides. The media hasn't helped the situation at all.


They throw gasoline the fire. 


 An estimated 600 people are killed by the police each year and there are about 15 thousand homicides. There is no story in that many events if there is no controversy. 


If someone is lucky enough to have parents that will support him/her while in college, great. I wish that I would have.




As far as crime and self defense, I could for the most part care less what maturity a person has any more than I am worried about any mental illness at the point of attack. 


Dylan Klebold that shot up Columbine HS and killed so many people was 17. He was also mentally ill. Does anyone really care at that point the shooting starts? Eric Harris was 18...... for less than two week. 


Trying to prevent such incident is the best case scenario and this country has for the most part horrible treatment options for the mentally ill unless they have great insurance. Once a person starts attacking the issues of age, mental stability or maturity are meaningless and surviving or preventing serious injury is the only thing that matters. 


At the point of attack, I wholeheartedly agree with that. If a person has endangered my life, whether or not that person has a mental condition is of no concern to me, and it can't be because of the circumstances of the situation.


I was writing from a broader perspective than that, in a way meant to be analogous to a trial. In other words, my point was that society is going to impose a penalty against a person who commits a crime regardless of maturity level, unless that person has a debilitating mental condition that impairs judgment.


Welp, last night it happened again smh.

The reports say that the deceased pull a gun and it was found at the scene.

Unless there is evidence that the police planted the gun, case closed.

Don't fight or pull weapons on the police. I am assuming that there are segments of the community that believe the police should just allow themselves to be victims.

Well they released some footage from outside store cameras, doesn't really tell much since they used the opposite side cameras instead of the cameras in the corner where the shooting occured. I'd like to see the footage from the officer's issued body cam and dash cam, well if either was actually on. 

He wasn't shot because he was black, he was shot for pointing a gun at the police, nothing to do with race, I wished people would try to stop this madness instead of fueling the flames.

If you point a gun at a cop, you deserve to get shot. PERIOD!

He wasn't shot because he was black, he was shot for pointing a gun at the police, nothing to do with race, I wished people would try to stop this madness instead of fueling the flames.

If you point a gun at a cop, you deserve to get shot. PERIOD!

Is there more footage available now? From the presser the officer's issued body cam was not on and his dash cam was not on because he didnt have his up top lights on. 

This mess is going to get out of hand! If someone respectable from the black community doesn't step up and calm people down. There are going to be more idiots out there looking to get even, and that will lead to more shootings. No matter which side wins the gun fight, the other side is going to get more defensive. Soon we will have truly innocent black people getting shot because the police officers will be paranoid of any black person that looks like they may be able to carry a gun. This is going to become a self fulfilling prophecy. A few more police officers will be killed, and a bunch more black men will be killed. It will get out of hand! We need someone more like Martin Luther King and less Farrakans and Sharptons now. Stirring the pot is only going to get more people killed.

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