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Hey three losses all came down to the final play against very good teams.
PNG gotta learn how to win the tight games.

Amen badndn. I agree with you. The injuries to a couple of of our key players does take away from our effectiveness. I am not whining about it, a lot of teams are suffering losses too. This is something we have to deal with and adjust the best we can.
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Hey three losses all came down to the final play against very good teams.
PNG gotta learn how to win the tight games.

Amen badndn. I agree with you. The injuries to a couple of of our key players does take away from our effectiveness. I am not whining about it, a lot of teams are suffering losses too. This is something we have to deal with and adjust the best we can.
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Put the gray crap up. As I said from the beginning, "don't change tradition it will haunt you." The spirit of the reservation has cursed the gray because it is not TRADITIONAL for PNG. maybe the team of the 50s did it and got away with it but purple and white is what has been worn forever. Gray and black do not belong in the color scheme. Two games that meant a lot to winning the district title were cursed by wearing the grays. Not taking anything away from the other two teams because they are good but we played very different when wearing the grays then the traditional colors of PNG.
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