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Please tell me you brilliant individuals got the tongue and cheek post?? Cause if you'd like I will gladly engage in a geographic or historical conversation, but beforewarned I don't need google or wikipedia or SIRI to school you bunch of rednecks. So pick your poison and go Liberty..JACK
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Liberty is the oldest municipality in Texas officially city. Has only liberty bell from original casting that never cracked. Hub of all SeTx.

Open your history book jack

That said its still a place that ONCE WAS and is a dead spot for HS Foozball

Enuff said

Municipality, town, and city are all synonymous. Just in case you didn't know that. A Spanish mission was set up in Nacogdoches in 1716, after the Caddo Indians had been there for centuries. Over 100 years before Liberty is even a thought. Some of the people left, and came back and re-settled in 1779, where it was designated a town, or pueblo, by the Spanish. 1779, unless I'm mistaken, is quite a bit before 1831. Liberty is even listed as the 3rd oldest city in Texas. Not the birthplace. Just because someone puts a sign up saying something, doesn't make it true. Maybe next time you'll open YOUR history book before you start spouting off, JACK!

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Please tell me you brilliant individuals got the tongue and cheek post?? Cause if you'd like I will gladly engage in a geographic or historical conversation, but beforewarned I don't need google or wikipedia or SIRI to school you bunch of rednecks. So pick your poison and go Liberty..JACK

Please, school away.....

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sfa you talk like like one call cost you the game that's not true the wos defence and #13 204 YDS IS THE REAL REASON.

I don't know that it cost HJ the game. That's what I'm saying. If the call isn't made, who knows what could have happened, but I know that HJ doesn't throw that INT, because they'd be running the ball if they were only down one score.

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You copy & paste well.
I'm from HJ Jack.
Spanish pueblo. I'm GRINGO, and I taught history for 23 years. Liberty is the oldest "city" (municipality) in the state of Texas.

Fly high Hawk

Wow, HJ just got schooled by an expert and a GRINGO expert at that, how does that feel dude. Probably not as worse as that woodshed beatdown that WO-S put on y'all but should still sting a bit. Maybe you ought to stop relying on Wikipedia and open up a history book not entitled "history books for HJ Dummies" DUDE....
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Ok, tough guy here is a compliation to point out your illiterate pathetic self and posts:


I actually think we blitzed right past it several times   (needs a period (English 101))


hopefully we will get gooder.                    (Really??)

he is a Jimmy Swaggart fan he even has the shirt.      (it says Swagger not Swaggert genius)


Ha yep                      (???????)


I think the ball hit Jimmy Hoffa and this whole thing is just a plot to cover it up.    (Silly Jayhawk everyone knows a ball cannot hit a human buried Underground at Giants stadium)


Haaa got ta admit that is good stuff             (what is "ta" and needs a period as well)


Guess it is good yall won would have been tough finding a horse eating a bird         ("y'all")

all we need to do is add a Zebra and this picture could be epic                   ("would" be epic and period again, man your English translater would or could be so proud oh I mean "should")

No thanks we have enough fertilizer on our field, we print out you and Farmer Fran's post and put them on the field, greenest it has been in years          (Huh??? may wanna rethink the comedian visit and some online English classes)

I know it is sad to be slow and un-athletic, what is really sad about it is that slow and not athletic mixed together will make you 4 - 0           (you said it and your P.E. coach confirms it)

These kids are Student Athletes, not Athletic Students.          (must have a band kid or an athletic trainer that didn't make the JV squad, eh???)


Shall I continue cause unlike you I Run my own company and can do this all day......

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You copy & paste well.
I'm from HJ Jack.
Spanish pueblo. I'm GRINGO, and I taught history for 23 years. Liberty is the oldest "city" (municipality) in the state of Texas.

Fly high Hawk

You can teach it for 250+ years for all I care. Regardless of where you're from, it doesn't make you more right. I did double check the Liberty history although I knew the Nac history. When I first started college there they spent a little extra time in our history class covering the OLDEST TOWN IN TEXAS. Your race, doesn't change fact. And unless I'm mistaken, your old username was TexMEX, Mr. Gringo. Nac was around long before Liberty was. Please find me something that says otherwise. I'll save you some time and energy. You won't.
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Wow, HJ just got schooled by an expert and a GRINGO expert at that, how does that feel dude. Probably not as worse as that woodshed beatdown that WO-S put on y'all but should still sting a bit. Maybe you ought to stop relying on Wikipedia and open up a history book not entitled "history books for HJ Dummies" DUDE....

I got the info from Nac from my history notes. I got the info about Liberty from their website - not Wikipedia. I definitely didn't get "schooled." He just said he was white and he taught school for 20 something years. He didn't refute anything, and neither have you, ever. I don't think you want to start pointing out grammatical errors, as you have ZERO room to talk. As far as MoFo goes, I wouldn't try to put your resume up against his. I won't disclose anything, I'm just letting you know, it would be wise to drop that argument. You won't win.
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Listen to this 20 yr old kid, folks.
He's the next great mind of the 21st century.

He should audition for the Big Bang Theory.
Prolly fit right in.

Really? A shot at my age. Wow. You must have it all figured out. If that's all you can come up with, it just further proves your ignorance. If you're wrong, just admit it like a MAN. If you're going to act like a child, it would be wise not to try to use it as an insult.
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I taught your dad. Respect your elders child

I doubt it. When you prove that you're worth my respect, I'd be glad to. Just don't take shots at my age. I've worked extremely hard and achieved more in my short lifetime than many do in their whole lives, so I take extreme offense to comments like that.
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