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Big girl, your every post makes you look sillier than a couple in a Cialis commercial.

I guess that when all the ammo you have is veto, then it is next to throwing rocks.....not much punch and very unsophisticated. I don't think you understand any of Obama's policies or care how they affect everyone. You follow him for only one reason and that is obvious.

Obama is a communist and Muslim. Are you? His philosophy does not fit a capitalistic society and the American people have responded in force to stymie practically anything he has done and everything he will attempt. Our government is set up so that people like Obama cannot become dictators and force their will upon the masses. It is a good thing for everyone.

how do you know that obama is a communist and a muslim? can you read his mind . He denies being either.

I bet you weren't roflmbo the other night! LOL. I can just picture you all rabid and gnashing your teeth. You know you were.

nope, I was out of town and didnt look at the results until the next day and I did lmbo. VETO

how do you know that obama is a communist and a muslim? can you read his mind . He denies being either.

I don't expect him to admit it. His actions say it all.

His socialist policies of government controlling every facet of your life and being against rich people and big business in a capitalistic society reeks of communism. In fact they go hand in hand.( look at what U.S.S.R stands for)

He has Muslim roots, he has turned his back on Israel, did not protect Americans in Benghazi, and he has negotiated with terrorists. I would guess he is a Southern Baptist......NOT!

I don't expect him to admit it. His actions say it all.

His socialist policies of government controlling every facet of your life and being against rich people and big business in a capitalistic society reeks of communism. In fact they go hand in hand.( look at what U.S.S.R stands for)

He has Muslim roots, he has turned his back on Israel, did not protect Americans in Benghazi, and he has negotiated with terrorists. I would guess he is a Southern Baptist......NOT!

blah, blah, blah. The same ole talking points. Smh

blah, blah, blah. The same ole talking points. Smh

Do you get tired of the same old talking points? How about these- You are a racist. You are a sexist. You are a homophobe. You are an Islamaphobe. I am for the middle class. I will build a 21st century VA. The Washington Redskins need to change their name. I am outraged about the IRS situation and will investigate it.

Is that enough to convey my point or would you like more?

blah, blah, blah. The same ole talking points. Smh

What else is there to discuss if not "talking points"? Please show me anything in my post that is untrue. I will gladly go over it with you. You won't answer this post. If you do it will be of the half sentence type.
"Only God knows the deeds of a man's heart" so how can anyone say he is a muslim?. That is stupid, especially when he says he is not. That's akin to someone telling me that I am a Buddhist not a christian. They would sound ridiculous. Look of the definition of communism and tell me what attributes describe the president

"Only God knows the deeds of a man's heart" so how can anyone say he is a muslim?. That is stupid, especially when he says he is not. That's akin to someone telling me that I am a Buddhist not a christian. They would sound ridiculous. Look of the definition of communism and tell me what attributes describe the president

"Only God knows the deeds of a man's heart" so how can anyone say he is a muslim?. That is stupid, especially when he says he is not. That's akin to someone telling me that I am a Buddhist not a christian. They would sound ridiculous. Look of the definition of communism and tell me what attributes describe the president

The problem here, Big Girl is that Mr. Obama is the leader of the free world, and according to you, the smartest man in the world. If he is so smart, why cant he conduct himself in a manner that lessens the likelihood of people branding/perceving him a Muslim, A Communist, or a golfer. He can control all of that and has done a very poor job of doing so, regardless of "what's in his heart". And please don't pull out the old default card that it is because of his skin color.

The problem here, Big Girl is that Mr. Obama is the leader of the free world, and according to you, the smartest man in the world. If he is so smart, why cant he conduct himself in a manner that lessens the likelihood of people branding/perceving him a Muslim, A Communist, or a golfer. He can control all of that and has done a very poor job of doing so, regardless of "what's in his heart". And please don't pull out the old default card that it is because of his skin color.

he cant control what stupid people believe. An intelligent person would know he is not a communist nor a socialist just by reading the definitions
Yes he absolutely, unequivocally can influence the beliefs of people with his actions. Additionally, he controlled quite a lot of it with the infamous " If you like your healthcare plan, you can keep it". That was a complete and intentional lie intended to help sway the public to support it. You know that and so do I.

Obama definitely can control what the ignorant and dependent folks think...it's the self-sufficient one's that are now paying attention that he is having problems with.


That is proven every day on this forum and in the last mid-terms.


Obama definitely can control what the ignorant and dependent folks think...it's the self-sufficient one's that are now paying attention that he is having problems with.

That is proven every day on this forum and in the last mid-terms.

why should he care what dumb people think? I know I wouldn't care.

Yes he absolutely, unequivocally can influence the beliefs of people with his actions. Additionally, he controlled quite a lot of it with the infamous " If you like your healthcare plan, you can keep it". That was a complete and intentional lie intended to help sway the public to support it. You know that and so do I.

it is sad that you keep bringing it up. It was a gaffe. What he should've said is that you can keep your legal plan. What type of idiot would stay on a plan that doesnt cover preexisting conditions and has life time maxium benefits. They should be allowed to keep that plan. If they get sick and reach their 3 million dollar max then we should let them die. Please dont respond unless you can have an intelligent discussion about the ACA. I dont want to hear mere conjecture.

why should he care what dumb people think? I know I wouldn't care.

He didn't say anything about "dumb" people...he said ignorant and dependent....some more of that lack of comprehension and/or knowledge to know the difference in the definition of words...did you get your degrees by way of 504? 


He didn't say anything about "dumb" people...he said ignorant and dependent....some more of that lack of comprehension and/or knowledge to know the difference in the definition of words...did you get your degrees by way of 504?

Exactly right...never said dumb...there are lots of smart folks that are ignorant about politics.

it is sad that you keep bringing it up. It was a gaffe. What he should've said is that you can keep your legal plan. What type of idiot would stay on a plan that doesnt cover preexisting conditions and has life time maxium benefits. They should be allowed to keep that plan. If they get sick and reach their 3 million dollar max then we should let them die. Please dont respond unless you can have an intelligent discussion about the ACA. I dont want to hear mere conjecture.

I would suggest that you not try to condescend to me as you have no basis to do so. The typical left response, when nothing else works, is to suggest to someone that they are not smart enough or worthy enough to talk with you.  I think last Tuesday night proved that this tactic, plus a couple of other disparaging tactics no longer work. What he said was NOT a gaffe, it was an intentional misrepresenatation of the facts so as to sway the perception of the public on it.  Why dont you ask MIT economist, Jonathan Gruber who helped write Obamacare?  His precise words were: "Lack of transparency is a huge political advantage"   In case you dont understand, that is a euphemism for lying. 


like you. What do you know about the ACA

that it caused my premium to go up just over $300 a month. .. And my deductible to double. ...I know that as a male I'm covered for pregnancy. ... And several other things I didn't and don't care to have. ..I know I don't go to the doctor but once every 2-3 years. ..I know that alot of people now are insured that I'm paying for. ..I know only Dems voted for it. ..I know it's very unpopular amoung the ones that are paying for (they majority)..I know that your BOY broke the law by changing it without a congressional vote. ...I know the Pubs will repeal it. ..I know the architect of it said it was "sold" to the public on lies and deceit. ....I could go on if you'd like. ..

now you tell me. .. what do you know about obamacare.... other than. ..moochers get free health care. ... No maximum (which I didn't have anyway).... And can't be turned down for preexisting conditions. .. which there's no such thing to those who have always been responsible and had insurance in the first place. ..

the only thing I can say that helps me. ..I can keep my kids on longer. ...26 is a stretch. .. Mine will be educated. ... employed and paying for their own way before 26...

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