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Campaigned On Repealing obamacare!


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It will never be repealed :)



This from the same person that scoffed at a Republican win taking back the Senate. 


Realizing that it will not be repealed at first in its entirety, it will have provisions slowly removed. Then the Dems will be on their knees praying that the Obama disaster will not translate to a Republican win in the next presidential election. If so, Obamascare will go bye-bye. 

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This from the same person that scoffed at a Republican win taking back the Senate.

Realizing that it will not be repealed at first in its entirety, it will have provisions slowly removed. Then the Dems will be on their knees praying that the Obama disaster will not translate to a Republican win in the next presidential election. If so, Obamascare will go bye-bye.

ain"t going to happen. VETO! !!!
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Sure he will veto. He will be stuck with bills actually making it to his desk. Obama lost his final surrogate and will have to stand on his own record.. which is no record. By the next two years, that record will finally exist and it won't be pretty, just like last night's results. 


Fortunately and just like these elections, he will bring the rest of the Democratic party with him. 

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Sure he will veto. He will be stuck with bills actually making it to his desk. Obama lost his final surrogate and will have to stand on his own record.. which is no record. By the next two years, that record will finally exist and it won't be pretty, just like last night's results.

Fortunately and just like these elections, he will bring the rest of the Democratic party with him.

yeah right, that won't happen. :)
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Wow...still holding on to "that won't happen" when it already has!   :D

She still thinks he is bullet proof.  She still has delsuions about him standing in front of the Greek Pillars in Denver with the adulation provided by the vast throngs of people.  She still believes there is substance to "Change we can believe in" and "oh, yes we can" and "I will UNITE this country" and, a little later on, " If you like your healthcare plan, you can keep it"

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No problem with republicans repealing obamacare, if they can. my question is what will they do about healthcare, because they havent offered no solutions. They will probably let the pharmaseudical companies, medical facilities and doctors decide on a solution. The republicans are against big government, but for big corporations(big corporations provide jobs). Big corporations will have a two year window to take more from the American worker and pad their pockets even more. Pay out less and make more profit.

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yeah right, that won't happen. :)

Right. Just like the president's own press secretary said a few days before the election. His comment when ask about the upcoming wave was that the president and Democrats did not believe that the wave was coming.

You appear infatuated with the word denial. That comes to mind in this situation.
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No problem with republicans repealing obamacare, if they can. my question is what will they do about healthcare, because they havent offered no solutions. They will probably let the pharmaseudical companies, medical facilities and doctors decide on a solution. The republicans are against big government, but for big corporations(big corporations provide jobs). Big corporations will have a two year window to take more from the American worker and pad their pockets even more. Pay out less and make more profit.


Myself, if they do repeal obamacare I don't want them to offer any alternative.  The fed gov has absolutely no business providing healthcare.


Let the states handle it how each sees fit.


The problem is that too many see the fed gov as the only entity that can provide solutions to all our problems.

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why do you say this with a smirk like this would be a good thing?

I think it is because some people , in spite of all that has happened ( and hasn't happened)continue to ingest massive amounts of kool aid and would gladly participate in another version of what happened in Jonestown, Guyana if a certain President requested it.  The election suggests that the number of kool aid consumers has declined substantially but there are still some die hards out there.

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why do you say this with a smirk like this would be a good thing?

because the ACA is great. Insurance companies cant deny you based on pre existing conditions. There is not any maxium benefit limitations I..e if I develop cancer I cant be kicked off the plan once I reach 3 million dollars for hospital bills and treatment, my son who plans on going to medical school can stay on my insurance until he is 26, The question is this: why would you want it repealed.
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