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So......it wasn't illegal when both Bush's did it or when Reagan did it, but it now illegal since Obama is doing it?


I know that it is easy spit out that "others did it" but what was the orders under Reagan or Bush that gave blanket amnesty to aliens by declaring their status? 


While it is easy to say "others did it" because you read it all over the internet from quips made by Democrats, what was those orders? They never name them. 


Congress under Reagan passed a bill that he signed into law, which strangely is the way the Constitution says that it is legal. Again note, Congress passed an immigration law and Reagan signed it. 




Parts of that law did not specify how to obtain the results and Reagan is reported to have issued orders on how to execute the law passed by Congress and signed by him into law legally.


I have been a police officer the entire time that G W Bush was president and also under Obama. When Bush was the president we could detain and bring in any illegal alien for something as minor as a traffic citation. I even arrested some working at chemical plants that had been here for years late in Bush's term and they had not violated any law other than being in the country. When I contacted ICE agents they had me bring them in for deportation. So where was the executive order from Bush stopping enforcing of laws? Again, it is easy to say it because Nancy Pelosi and others have put out this information on the various news channels. But what is it based on? Name the order that Bush gave that stopped deportation of millions of illegal aliens and gave them legal status to stay in the country by coming forward and declaring they were illegal. 


Under Obama and even before this executive order we can no longer detain illegal aliens that commit crimes that can land them in jail for up to a year. I can arrest an illegal alien DWI, get him convicted and serve time, arrest his again and have him serve time again and he will not be deported. All the talk is that we are now stopping more than ever at the border which may be true. But if they get past the border, there is no enforcement.  It is like a cop saying that if he catches you in the act of shooting someone he can arrest you but if he finds you two blocks away with gun still in hand, he cannot. That is ridiculous but it is the current rules we are under. It is no wonder that the Obama administration was against of detaining illegal aliens and reporting them to ICE, which by the way the Supreme Court found was legal. 


This executive order issued by Obama grants legal status to about half of all illegal aliens. He has no such authority under the Constitution under Article I, Sec. 8 which says all naturalization laws are under the authority of Congress. The exact same Sec. 8 says that Congress can assess taxes. Under Obama's reasoning, he can simply issue an executive order and raise your taxes. He can use the same reasoning, that Congress has not acted and we are running up debt. I have a funny feeling that if he did that from the same section you might feel that it is unconstitutional as the president has no authority to enact legislation but in this case of illegal aliens that is exact what he has done. 


What is really revealing in the Supreme Court case of AZ v. US when Arizona passed their own immigration law, the Obama administration contested the law under Sec. 8 saying that only the US Congress could pass naturalization and immigration laws. Hmmm..... when it fit their argument, they used the Constitution saying that only Congress could pass laws but when the Dems just lost the last election, the same administration is making the opposite argument for Obama. Go figure. 


I know that it is easy spit out that "others did it" but what was the orders under Reagan or Bush that gave blanket amnesty to aliens by declaring their status? 
While it is easy to say "others did it" because you read it all over the internet from quips made by Democrats, what was those orders? They never name them. 
Congress under Reagan passed a bill that he signed into law, which strangely is the way the Constitution says that it is legal. Again note, Congress passed an immigration law and Reagan signed it. 
Parts of that law did not specify how to obtain the results and Reagan is reported to have issued orders on how to execute the law passed by Congress and signed by him into law legally.
I have been a police officer the entire time that G W Bush was president and also under Obama. When Bush was the president we could detain and bring in any illegal alien for something as minor as a traffic citation. I even arrested some working at chemical plants that had been here for years late in Bush's term and they had not violated any law other than being in the country. When I contacted ICE agents they had me bring them in for deportation. So where was the executive order from Bush stopping enforcing of laws? Again, it is easy to say it because Nancy Pelosi and others have put out this information on the various news channels. But what is it based on? Name the order that Bush gave that stopped deportation of millions of illegal aliens and gave them legal status to stay in the country by coming forward and declaring they were illegal. 
Under Obama and even before this executive order we can no longer detain illegal aliens that commit crimes that can land them in jail for up to a year. I can arrest an illegal alien DWI, get him convicted and serve time, arrest his again and have him serve time again and he will not be deported. All the talk is that we are now stopping more than ever at the border which may be true. But if they get past the border, there is no enforcement.  It is like a cop saying that if he catches you in the act of shooting someone he can arrest you but if he finds you two blocks away with gun still in hand, he cannot. That is ridiculous but it is the current rules we are under. It is no wonder that the Obama administration was against of detaining illegal aliens and reporting them to ICE, which by the way the Supreme Court found was legal. 
This executive order issued by Obama grants legal status to about half of all illegal aliens. He has no such authority under the Constitution under Article I, Sec. 8 which says all naturalization laws are under the authority of Congress. The exact same Sec. 8 says that Congress can assess taxes. Under Obama's reasoning, he can simply issue an executive order and raise your taxes. He can use the same reasoning, that Congress has not acted and we are running up debt. I have a funny feeling that if he did that from the same section you might feel that it is unconstitutional as the president has no authority to enact legislation but in this case of illegal aliens that is exact what he has done. 
What is really revealing in the Supreme Court case of AZ v. US when Arizona passed their own immigration law, the Obama administration contested the law under Sec. 8 saying that only the US Congress could pass naturalization and immigration laws. Hmmm..... when it fit their argument, they used the Constitution saying that only Congress could pass laws but when the Dems just lost the last election, the same administration is making the opposite argument for Obama. Go figure.

Dang facts.

I know that it is easy spit out that "others did it" but what was the orders under Reagan or Bush that gave blanket amnesty to aliens by declaring their status? 


While it is easy to say "others did it" because you read it all over the internet from quips made by Democrats, what was those orders? They never name them. 


Congress under Reagan passed a bill that he signed into law, which strangely is the way the Constitution says that it is legal. Again note, Congress passed an immigration law and Reagan signed it. 




Parts of that law did not specify how to obtain the results and Reagan is reported to have issued orders on how to execute the law passed by Congress and signed by him into law legally.


I have been a police officer the entire time that G W Bush was president and also under Obama. When Bush was the president we could detain and bring in any illegal alien for something as minor as a traffic citation. I even arrested some working at chemical plants that had been here for years late in Bush's term and they had not violated any law other than being in the country. When I contacted ICE agents they had me bring them in for deportation. So where was the executive order from Bush stopping enforcing of laws? Again, it is easy to say it because Nancy Pelosi and others have put out this information on the various news channels. But what is it based on? Name the order that Bush gave that stopped deportation of millions of illegal aliens and gave them legal status to stay in the country by coming forward and declaring they were illegal. 


Under Obama and even before this executive order we can no longer detain illegal aliens that commit crimes that can land them in jail for up to a year. I can arrest an illegal alien DWI, get him convicted and serve time, arrest his again and have him serve time again and he will not be deported. All the talk is that we are now stopping more than ever at the border which may be true. But if they get past the border, there is no enforcement.  It is like a cop saying that if he catches you in the act of shooting someone he can arrest you but if he finds you two blocks away with gun still in hand, he cannot. That is ridiculous but it is the current rules we are under. It is no wonder that the Obama administration was against of detaining illegal aliens and reporting them to ICE, which by the way the Supreme Court found was legal. 


This executive order issued by Obama grants legal status to about half of all illegal aliens. He has no such authority under the Constitution under Article I, Sec. 8 which says all naturalization laws are under the authority of Congress. The exact same Sec. 8 says that Congress can assess taxes. Under Obama's reasoning, he can simply issue an executive order and raise your taxes. He can use the same reasoning, that Congress has not acted and we are running up debt. I have a funny feeling that if he did that from the same section you might feel that it is unconstitutional as the president has no authority to enact legislation but in this case of illegal aliens that is exact what he has done. 


What is really revealing in the Supreme Court case of AZ v. US when Arizona passed their own immigration law, the Obama administration contested the law under Sec. 8 saying that only the US Congress could pass naturalization and immigration laws. Hmmm..... when it fit their argument, they used the Constitution saying that only Congress could pass laws but when the Dems just lost the last election, the same administration is making the opposite argument for Obama. Go figure. 

BigGirl -- what say you??!!

Big Girl cannot hang with TVC on legal matters. She might offer up a famous one liner like " Bush did it" or maybe just the one word response "veto" which doesn't fit here but probably won't matter to her anyway.

I check G W Bush executive orders and found three orders on aliens. One was signed June 6, 2008 and published June 9, 2008. It reaffirmed that federal contractors were to try and make sure that "unauthorized alien workers" did not work on projects. Two other alien orders that didn't seem to fit amnesty either. One was to make sure that Caribbean nations had the authority to detain suspect illegal aliens at any place they wished signed and published on November 15, 2002 and the other sets terms on trials for illegal alien combatants that was signed and published on February 14, 2007.


If someone wants to peruse all of his orders, here they are. Maybe I missed something. 




Maybe someone else can find the place where Bush did "the same thing" when he was president. I couldn't find it. 


So......it wasn't illegal when both Bush's did it or when Reagan did it, but it now illegal since Obama is doing it?

Obama has the least number of executive orders than any president in the last 100 years. But they can't see that with their eyes closed


Obama is not giving blanket amnesty. Stop watching fox news.



Nothing in my post was from Fox News and any news service would probably do well reading my post as I have not seen the law on any of them. 


I did not say that Obama gave blanket amnesty in any case. 


Obama did give amnesty to a specific group that covers probably a majority of illegal aliens. That is illegal.


I can see that you hinged your entire argument on a single word. I can only assume that means you have nothing else to argue as far as the validity of Article I, Sec. 8 as argued by the Obama administration in AZ v. US. 


time to send the illegal europeans back to europe?

Sounds good to me! Oh wait, are you referring to the ones who came over in the 1800's and stopped and registered in Galveston, New Orleans, or at Ellis Island in New York? The ones who completed the proper paper work and registered. Then declared allegiance to the United States! Or the ones who hired drug cartels or Coyotes to smuggle them in and then hid among the population so that no one new they weren't supposed to be here. Then they put the flag up of the country that they came and told everyone that they were taking their country back! No, you must be talking about te first bunch!

Nothing in my post was from Fox News and any news service would probably do well reading my post as I have not seen the law on any of them. No he didnt. Smh

I did not say that Obama gave blanket amnesty in any case.

Obama did give amnesty to a specific group that covers probably a majority of illegal aliens. That is illegal.

I can see that you hinged your entire argument on a single word. I can only assume that means you have nothing else to argue as far as the validity of Article I, Sec. 8 as argued by the Obama administration in AZ v. US.


Sounds good to me! Oh wait, are you referring to the ones who came over in the 1800's and stopped and registered in Galveston, New Orleans, or at Ellis Island in New York? The ones who completed the proper paper work and registered. Then declared allegiance to the United States! Or the ones who hired drug cartels or Coyotes to smuggle them in and then hid among the population so that no one new they weren't supposed to be here. Then they put the flag up of the country that they came and told everyone that they were taking their country back! No, you must be talking about te first bunch!

Columbus and gang did all that.

Columbus and gang did all that.

.....and without that, you nor I would exist. See how that works? Actually, the Pilgrims colonized more than Columbus. No sense in trying to change history. Try working on your future.

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