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I'm not sure how I feel about only 2 teams but 4 is rediculous any way you look at it. I liked the system where it was 3 teams with the 1 seed getting a bye. That way they get a reward for winning district.

I'm not sure how I feel about only 2 teams but 4 is rediculous any way you look at it. I liked the system where it was 3 teams with the 1 seed getting a bye. That way they get a reward for winning district.

Yep. I agree with you. First round bye for DC. Makes the DC even more important. Heck, this year you could argue that the DC's had a bye in the first round anyway. I.e. WOS.
Another example of government sticking their nose into something they are not needed. I agree the playoff structure is flawed but not to a degree that government interference is need. Don't they have more pressing issues they should be working on. I don't believe the extra playoff games are causing the education system to collapse. They should try addressing quality of education. They should be addressing issues like making sure every kid in Texas has access to a good education and opportunities weather they are from poor or rich communities. Just another politician trying to make a name for himself by addressing an issue that's not really an issue.

I do not like 4 teams making playoffs. But, if this is to remain, then next realignment do away with divisional districts so that you can have more 7-9 team districts and eliminate these 4-5 team districts. At least in this case those 4 teams will have earned their way into playoffs and not just have to win 1 game and in some cases 0 games.


Example, Region III 4A DII


There are a total of 19 DII teams in the region and 16 of those get to make playoffs with one of those districts having all 4 of their teams in playoffs. 84% of the teams make playoffs. That is a travesty.


If they keep the divisional districts, then go back to 2-3 teams qualifying.


I have a problem with four or five team districts. It's to easy to make the playoffs.  If your going to put four teams into the playoffs at lest have six plus team districts. Make teams have to earn the playoffs.


I have a problem with four or five team districts. It's to easy to make the playoffs. If your going to put four teams into the playoffs at lest have six plus team districts. Make teams have to earn the playoffs.


No matter what no one will be happy.

Who cares.. Best teams come out at the end anyway.


I am not sure how "government" would not have an interest in the public school football. The public school system is a function and branch of "government". In addition, the " state government" has a constitutional responsibility to provide funding for public schools. The current format in addition to allowing horrible non-deserving teams into the playoffs also places a severe financial burden on districts and the state.   

I am not sure if it's a good thing or not but if they do limit it then they should mix the teams brackets allowing the two teams from a region to be on opposite sides where they could have a chance to meet in the finals. If they are going to reduce the teams then there should be no reason for D1 and D2 brackets. You should not eliminate a team from the playoffs at the what is now at the regional playoff just because they are from the same region. They should be permitted to continue on and possibly meet in the finals. Just my thoughts.

Of course this is a keg of dynamite for many.  However, as long as TX public schools receive state funding, which they do, then the state does have some say with  how that money is spent. Many of our schools can't survive without that funding.  Right now schools have to use valuable resources to get those "less-quality" teams to playoff game A and all the other expenses related to the game, and IF they're lucky enough, perhaps to game B if they pull-off a surpassing upset... and sometimes it happens.  Unfortunately, this an exception.


In a time when our public schools are putting out under-educated students, in my opinion; I would rather see that money being spent more wisely on programs or resources that better educate our youth, whether they play football or whatever. But even that starts at home with us our parents creating a sense of importance on the education part of school.  Don't get me wrong, I am ALL FOR high school sports, (Obviously or I wouldn't be on this board) be it football, BB, baseball, tennis...whatever; but we owe it our kids to ensure that we're giving them the best opportunity to succeed.  An argument could me made that the  Blue Chip running back or  Blue Chip Def Tackle that happens to play on that 2-8, 4th place team that gets into that playoff game, needs the exposure to help make it to the next level.  Yes, that is a possibility, obviously; but I would hope that the coaching staff and parents to some degree, have already done the other part of their job and have gotten notifications out to the next levels schools on their behalf, before that 11th game.


In any event, there are augments all of the board for and against 3 or 4 schools per district making the playoffs.  Probably, the coaching staffs, players, and students whose schools are perennially the 3rd or 4th place teams in their respective districts care the most for personal reasons; but does that really make it the best decision as a whole for the whole?


I query this to you...Your kid comes to you and asks to do something for a brief experience that you know is far and away NOT the best thing for them to do because of the potential consequences to them and the rest of your family.  Do you allow them to do it solely because you want them to have that brief experience, consequences "be-damned"; or do you make the hard the decision because there are more far-reaching positive implications down the road??


Here's hoping that whatever decision is made is the truly the best decision for all!!


Quit making 7 - 9 team districts and make 4 - 5 team ones. Top 2 go. Leave government out of it, period.


They have quit making 7-9 team districts. Every district in 4A DII Region III were 4-5 team districts.


We need more 7-9 team districts.


They have quit making 7-9 team districts. Every district in 4A DII Region III were 4-5 team districts.
We need more 7-9 team districts.

Nope, smaller districts, make another A. Example, 5A = 1101 to 1600, 6A 1601 to 2100, 7A 2101 +. No district over 6 teams...then you wouldn't drag teams in from 60 miles away. Top 2 teams go.

Nope, smaller districts, make another A. Example, 5A = 1101 to 1600, 6A 1601 to 2100, 7A 2101 +. No district over 6 teams...then you wouldn't drag teams in from 60 miles away. Top 2 teams go.

West Texas would still be an issue. 

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