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how does your team look for 2015

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I wouldn't say scrubs, it kinda rolls like the tide, but the last what like 4 years the tide has been low on that side of the river in football in the playoffs. You take Nederland out of that equation and how many wins would that district have?

Enjoy the Tide........lol
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And with that rugged schedule, how many titles were won? How many deep runs since y'all took a loss to Central? 1? Last year? So prior to last year, there was mediocrity in 'ol Crosby....

Come on Soulja, don't resort to the petty. "well how many titles have you won" fallback argument so many from SETX seem to go to when they run out of facts. Mediocrity, lol? We've only lost 2 or 3 times in the first since the decade ago we lost to Central. It's funny how you talk about King yet y'all we're going 3-7 too in the same time period. Prior to last year our program was better than Central's and still is. Everyone over here has the same amount of district titles the last the 10 years or so with SC being the only team with two outright titles. If Crosby is mediocre for that then Central must be just a notch above Vidor.
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So would you be up to playing PA Memorial, Summer Creek, West Brook or teams like that? Would you call that a cakewalk? If that's the case, then that big city smog must be really be barbecuing your brain.....

I still can't get over the "bar-b-que" brain comment coming from someone who call the most uneducated city in America home. PA and SC were a combined 6-14 last year going 3-9 in district play and Westbrook has a coach we fired. Of Crosby's 15 games last year 10 were against playoff teams. That post was borderline classic Soulja. Smh. . . Just tell your boys to try to make the playoffs next year so we can drop another 55 on them in the first round. I'm sure Code Red would gladly stop over in the Triangle and crop dust y'all on the way to Dallas.
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Enjoy the Tide........lol

It's really not a tide, it's more like a tsunami. You know, the type of stuff you don't rebuild from. If we sweep again we'll be 14-2 against y'all the last two alignments. I see PNG as y'all's only shot at a first round W next year so go luck stemming the "tide".
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Thanks Soulja, and Garrity. How soon people forget about a mockery they made of them selves by not playing a football game. And then they HAD to, and we put it on them. Never got a chance to thank the people who came to vidor's defense when all that went down. It was appreciated.
Coog2 sounds just like one of those school board members. Lol
I will let y'all carry-on with this guy. I'm done. Peace.
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Crosby discussing "education" or "academics" is among the greatest examples of the "pot calling the kettle black" in the history of discussion boards. Crosby is among the greatest academic wastelands in the state of Texas. There is zero academic difference between Crosby and Beaumont. Both are places to leave as quick as you can find a place to live somewhere else.

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Crosby discussing "education" or "academics" is among the greatest examples of the "pot calling the kettle black" in the history of discussion boards. Crosby is among the greatest academic wastelands in the state of Texas. There is zero academic difference between Crosby and Beaumont. Both are places to leave as quick as you can find a place to live somewhere else.


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Crosby discussing "education" or "academics" is among the greatest examples of the "pot calling the kettle black" in the history of discussion boards. Crosby is among the greatest academic wastelands in the state of Texas. There is zero academic difference between Crosby and Beaumont. Both are places to leave as quick as you can find a place to live somewhere else.

Actually having a special needs child in Crosby's school system is the reason I still live here. I don't care if they're not recognized by the state. I know what they do for my youngest son.
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Thanks Soulja, and Garrity. How soon people forget about a mockery they made of them selves by not playing a football game. And then they HAD to, and we put it on them. Never got a chance to thank the people who came to vidor's defense when all that went down. It was appreciated.
Coog2 sounds just like one of those school board members. Lol
I will let y'all carry-on with this guy. I'm done. Peace.

Ha ha! I love it!
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I still can't get over the "bar-b-que" brain comment coming from someone who call the most uneducated city in America home. PA and SC were a combined 6-14 last year going 3-9 in district play and Westbrook has a coach we fired. Of Crosby's 15 games last year 10 were against playoff teams. That post was borderline classic Soulja. Smh. . . Just tell your boys to try to make the playoffs next year so we can drop another 55 on them in the first round. I'm sure Code Red would gladly stop over in the Triangle and crop dust y'all on the way to Dallas.

Another 55? Living vicariously through King, I see... Typical coat tail riding if I've ever seen it... But that's the norm in Crosby, I assume... You get mad because Vidor mashed you into the ground, you're 0-fer vs Central, and you had talented prospects like Merka and waisted those talents to do absolutely NOTHING at all. But hey, who am I? I'm just the poster behind the curtain.....
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Crosby discussing "education" or "academics" is among the greatest examples of the "pot calling the kettle black" in the history of discussion boards. Crosby is among the greatest academic wastelands in the state of Texas. There is zero academic difference between Crosby and Beaumont. Both are places to leave as quick as you can find a place to live somewhere else.

Crosby has a higher geometric proficiency than Hargrave and the exact same reading proficiency. Hargrave ranks higher in college readiness, the student body makeup is what it is when it comes to "college readiness". I can also put up the academic differences between Beaumont and Crosby if you would like? There's a difference between that and being named the most uneducated city in America.
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Thanks Soulja, and Garrity. How soon people forget about a mockery they made of them selves by not playing a football game. And then they HAD to, and we put it on them. Never got a chance to thank the people who came to vidor's defense when all that went down. It was appreciated.
Coog2 sounds just like one of those school board members. Lol
I will let y'all carry-on with this guy. I'm done. Peace.

A mockery by not aging a football game that was never scheduled or going to happen? When you start your tale off, "Once upon a time", follow it up by saying; They had Montgomery, who they played the two years prior in area round, #1 ranked Dawson(who they met in third round the year prior) and PNG(who Vidor lost to) already scheduled but were scared to play Vidor because . . . ???? And see how that sounds. There was NEVER a regular season game scheduled with Vidor That Crosby backed out of. Believe what you want though man, y'all need all the hope you can get.
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Another 55? Living vicariously through King, I see... Typical coat tail riding if I've ever seen it... But that's the norm in Crosby, I assume... You get mad because Vidor mashed you into the ground, you're 0-fer vs Central, and you had talented prospects like Merka and waisted those talents to do absolutely NOTHING at all. But hey, who am I? I'm just the poster behind the curtain.....

King happened to drop 55, I said that number because everybody except KP dropped 40 plus in their playoff opener against y'all. We went to the semi-finals and would have easily rolled through y'all like King did if we played. Lol. If all Whaley could get was 63 yards on King he would have been lucky to cross the 50 yard barrier on Crosby, and that 20 something y'all scored would have been down in the teens.

Merka led Crosby to 2 bi-district wins over Ned and a 10-3 record where we lost a tight one to Dawson in the third round, then he went to TCU. I'm not sure he ever lost a first round game. I wouldn't exactly call that wasting talent. Wasting talent is more like Jaquet, Seals, and Whaley getting house ruled by a team with one D1 player. The only reason we're o-fer against Central is because y'all don't consistently make the playoffs for us to match up with. Vidor is mash us, then after we fired the coach for it y'all's AD hired him and you brag about having to play them. Not sure how we're riding coat tails when we've won more games than any team in this district since then? Talk about the irony. . .
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We'd make the playoffs every year in a weak district...

Like I said, living vicariously through King... Lol.

But you try to Change it to a Central/Crosby which is laughable at best... But the point of the matter is You ran from Vidor, and when you wouldn't run anymore, you and the twins got donkey stomped. Those big mean racist kids from Vidor that that won't play any predominantly black team in their town... Smh...
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I actually wasn't talking about Central in this reference. Last that I've seen, King and Crosby are two different schools. If you want to talk about Crosby, we can. What is their record vs Central? what happened the last time they played? I'll wait....


And Central isn't afraid to play anyone or anywhere.


We'd make the playoffs every year in a weak district...
Like I said, living vicariously through King... Lol.
But you try to Change it to a Central/Crosby which is laughable at best... But the point of the matter is You ran from Vidor, and when you wouldn't run anymore, you and the twins got donkey stomped. Those big mean racist kids from Vidor that that won't play any predominantly black team in their town... Smh...


one year of the sweep and y'all got a strong district.... Ohh how we easily forget the days prior to Summer Creek making y'all relevant.... Prior to those days, it was a given that our district would get out of the first round. Enjoy the NEW success... Imo, it will be short lived....

You're the one that brought up Crosby vs Central. I simply said I saw y'all get beat worse and more embarrassing than we did, Central was down 40 to King going into the fourth and gave up 700 yards in the process. Vidor scored with a minute left in our game to go up by 22, Aston had 137 passing with 144 rushing and Austin had 126 on 12 carries to go with 43 receiving yards. Not sure you would call that mashing the Twins, who were sophomores. Crosby had 420 total yards to Vidor's 306. We were also 6-4 vs Vidor who would have been the betting favorite coming in at 8-2. The days prior to SC Central was 2-8 . . .

Our weak district is 17-3 against y'all out last 20 games of which SC has only accounted for 4 victories. 21-5A didn't sweep until SC LEFT the district last year. Your co-district champs lost to our 4th place team and of course y'all were smoked by King. We averaged 46ppg in the opening round. BH was 6-4 and didn't make the playoffs, Humble was 5-5. For the third straight year 4 wins got you in the playoffs over there. If we're weak what does that make 22-5A?

You must be talking about Central when you say predominantly black? Crosby is only 17% black and is not in Vidor's district so under no circumstances would be required to play there. Looks to me like you're living through Vidor which is totally understandable, after all, they are the last team besides Ned to get a victory over 21-5A.

And just so we're clear pertaining to the title of the thread: My prediction for 2015 is that Crosby goes 15-0 and makes it to the D2 title game. If we go D1 I have us going 13-0 and meeting up with GR or Manor in the regional final.
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How does your team look for 2015? ....isn't that what the title of this thread is?  Voice your opinion about your team, quit responding to the Crosby posters if you don't like what they are saying....they will figure it out when they don't get the attention they are looking for.  Honestly, been going on since December .... smh ..... come on people! 



As for Nederland ..... I don't know how successful our team will be next season, but I can predict that those kids will return and give it all they got under the Friday Night Lights!!!  

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Funny how this BMTSoulja1 likes to harp on the past. Apparently, Crosby is primed for a long sustaining run at being on top of the future games they play. I am really pumped for my youngster that sees these players in the community and on the field training and wants to be one. Haters gonna hate when the best thing that comes out of Beaumont is a statue of an athletic woman that lived nearly a century ago, now that's the past....  

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ANYWAYS, our Central Jags for 2015 will be pretty good. We lose a good QB/Receiving tandem in Jacquet/Seals, but we have one of the best running backs in the country returning with some key players on defense. With decent size in the trenches, we will compete for a district championship again. I hope we can get it together on the defensive fronts to stop runs between the tackles. If we do that I see a playoff push beyond the first round of the playoffs.
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Funny how this BMTSoulja1 likes to harp on the past. Apparently, Crosby is primed for a long sustaining run at being on top of the future games they play. I am really pumped for my youngster that sees these players in the community and on the field training and wants to be one. Haters gonna hate when the best thing that comes out of Beaumont is a statue of an athletic woman that lived nearly a century ago, now that's the past....

Not hating... I have nothing against them... And I hope your son does well... I have a son that will begin high sschool ball this year, so I know your excited... BTW, there's more to Beaumont than Mrs. Babe Zaharias.
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Not hating... I have nothing against them... And I hope your son does well... I have a son that will begin high sschool ball this year, so I know your excited... BTW, there's more to Beaumont than Mrs. Babe Zaharias.

Ah man, I thought I wanted to see a Crosby vs Central matchup to quite some of that noise but now I'm salivating at the potential chance to line it up. My son will also be a freshman next year. He just checked in at a shade over 6', 176lbs and ran 4.65 during their pre-Spring tests. Very excited to see what he can do against the freshman dbs from Ned in the opener next year. What position and number is your son, mine wears 14?
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