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Do You Believe Global Warming Is Real?


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The fascist totalitarians who want to control every aspect of our lives are simply using this issue to gain even more power......I'd like to know, if humans are causing "global warming", who is causing it on EVERY OTHER PLANET IN THIS SYSTEM??? It's a system wide event and not limited just to Earth....you won't hear the "scientists" mentioning THAT because there is no power to be gained from it.......

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I dont know if global warming is for real or not... You can find scientific evidence supporting either side of the issue. The real question is why is this a big issue for our politians? The answer, of course, is more taxes. Do you remember the cap and trade they tried to peddle a few years ago? More taxes!
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omg, I cant believe he admitted that. Did you march with MLK?. Were you active in helping blacks get equal rights? Did you attend any rallies?

Does one have to march or attend rallies to confirm what he believes?  Would you like to go to Ferguson and protest the "hands up, don't shoot" allegation?  Unlike you, I dont believe racism belongs to one particular race but rather is practiced to some extend by all races.

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Here is a discussion that breaks the issue down, although rudimentary, in a way most on this board can understand. My apologies that it doesn't come from the great scientific mind of Rush Limbaugh:


That's funny stuff. It seems like there's a disproportionate amount of deniers on this board, for some reason.
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That video is full of misleading half-truths and downright lies. I had to cut it off midway through it because it follows the tired old scheme of praying on the public naivety.


How come that (supposedly) 97% of "scientists/climatologists" agree man is causing harm to our earth through global warming, but not one will submit to an uncensored debate with "global warming deniers". (The 97% of agreement is probably the biggest lie in the video.) There is a group of climatoligists that have begged and offered to pay Al Gore and his legion of scientists a substantial amount of money for an uncensored/unscripted debate. Why do the "believers" always refuse? They just consistently say that the debate is over...which is as far from the truth as possible. They say that their research has been peer reviewed. The problem is that the "peers" are just other "believers". The "deniers" we are called are not deniers at all. We just ask to be shown empirical evidence that man is causing climate change (including data that hasn't been altered). The "believers" can't do it. So the "believers" resort to disparaging and belittling the skeptical.


They talk about how the ice is melting in the Artic, but yet never mention the growing volume of ice sheets in the Antarctic. They say the Earth is warming, but don't dare mention the fact that the Earth has NOT gotten warmer in the past 15 years. They espouse their global warming models, but don't dare speak about how every one of them (yes, every single one) has failed. Not only failed, but failed miserably. They don't ever mention the effect sun flares have on the planet. They don't even mention the effects of volcanic activity. But yet somehow the people who question them are somehow "less evolved".


And anyone who believes these piece-of-crap "climatologists", all you have to do is follow the money. In fact, by just doing a little research you can find more than enough evidence that refutes and puts into question every single talking point the "believers" can muster. I'm not going to post all the refuting links out there...they are easy to find. I've done the research years ago and have not seen anything since then that remotely resembles new or improved "evidence".

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[font=Arial, 'sans-serif']That video is full of misleading half-truths and downright lies. I had to cut it off midway through it because it follows the tired old scheme of praying on the public naivety.[/size][/font]
[font=Arial, 'sans-serif']How come that (supposedly) 97% of "scientists/climatologists" agree man is causing harm to our earth through global warming, but not one will submit to an uncensored debate with "global warming deniers". [/size][/font][font=Arial, 'sans-serif'](The 97% of agreement is probably the biggest lie in the video.) There is a group of climatoligists that have begged and offered to pay Al Gore and his legion of scientists a substantial amount of money for an uncensored/unscripted debate. Why do the "believers" always refuse? They just consistently say that the debate is over...which is as far from the truth as possible. They say that their research has been peer reviewed. The problem is that the "peers" are just other "believers". T[/size][/font][font=Arial, 'sans-serif']he "deniers" we are called are not deniers at all. We just ask to be shown empirical evidence that man is causing climate change (including data that hasn't been altered). The "believers" can't do it. So the "believers" resort to disparaging and belittling the skeptical.[/size][/font]
[font=Arial, 'sans-serif']They talk about how the ice is melting in the Artic, but yet never mention the growing volume of ice sheets in the Antarctic. They say the Earth is warming, but don't dare mention the fact that the Earth has NOT gotten warmer in the past 15 years. They [font=Arial, 'sans-serif']espouse [/size][/font]their global warming models, but don't dare speak about how every one of them (yes, every single one) has failed. Not only failed, but failed miserably. They don't ever mention the effect sun flares have on the planet. They don't even mention the effects of volcanic activity. But yet somehow the people who question them are somehow "less evolved".[/size][/font]
[font=Arial, 'sans-serif']And anyone who believes these piece-of-crap "climatologists", all you have to do is follow the money. In fact, by just doing a little research you can find more than enough evidence that refutes and puts into question every single talking point the "believers" can muster. I'm not going to post all the refuting links out there...they are easy to find. I've done the research years ago and have not seen anything since then [/size][/font][font=Arial, 'sans-serif']that remotely resembles new or improved "evidence".[/size][/font]

Good post...the low information voters won't understand or like it.
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Yes, you guys are right. The overwhelming majority of the scientific community skew their data because they are liberals. You figured it out. What is the most ridiculous thing about this discussion is that it has become a bi-partisan issue. It really should transcend party lines. You can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink. Unless you are named Limbaugh and serving magic kool aid. But I will leave the rest of this discussion to the legion of meteorologic geniuses occupying this board :rolleyes:
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Yes, you guys are right. The overwhelming majority of the scientific community skew their data because they are liberals. You figured it out. What is the most ridiculous thing about this discussion is that it has become a bi-partisan issue. It really should transcend party lines. You can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink. Unless you are named Limbaugh and serving magic kool aid. But I will leave the rest of this discussion to the legion of meteorologic geniuses occupying this board :rolleyes:

LOL!  You drink obama kool-aid and we drink Limbaugh kool-aid.   You can have the socialist obama's flavored drink.    :rolleyes:  ;) 

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I dont see how me giving more of my money to the govt. while they fly around the world in private jets is gonna help the environment!

True!  I heard 107 jets flew to Davos to complain about global warming.  And about everybody -- except them -- cutting back on everything you do to save the planet.  But this is what socialist/communist do.  Control, people, it's all all controlling people!  LOL!!

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