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Media can mislead often, but if this guy read this crap to a 9th grade math class, he shouldn't be allowed to resign, so maybe there is more to it. Hopefully all of the facts come out and the right course of action is taken according to the facts.
Was his race questioned? How about his religious preference? Those things are only brought to light if someone is shot or killed? What he did, he should lose his teaching certificate but no charges will be filed. He did nothing illegal. This is not in his defense. Lots of parents want to kick his arse and I don't blame them one bit, but that would be criminal......go figure.
I know there is trying to be a comparison between districts like a "gotcha" moment.

So we have one district that appears to have institutionalized corruption with double digit people being indicted (so far) for stealing millions of dollars and involving conspiracies. In the "gotcha" comparison, you have a single teacher reading a completely out of line poem and from what I can tell, has not even broken a law.

I have said it several times in these threads, the nonsense that BISD is going through at the moment is not because one or two people broke the law. That will always happen almost anywhere.

The problem with BISD at the moment is not a couple of criminals but at least parts of the administration being involved. Then there are some of the people that are being complicit like the school board covering for it like renewing a contract with a person that was convicted of a crime involving the district and then voting to not seek civil recovery of money owed to the district which means the students.

That is why the state took over, because of mass corruption from leaders and extreme mismanagment, not because of a poem. It seems like having a famiy that had 3 members convicted for drug dealing cocaine and then saying, big deal, the guy next door got a speeding ticket.

One case involves a district. The other involves a single idiot and it does not look like the district is covering for him.

I know there is trying to be a comparison between districts like a "gotcha" moment.

So we have one district that appears to have institutionalized corruption with double digit people being indicted (so far) for stealing millions of dollars and involving conspiracies. In the "gotcha" comparison, you have a single teacher reading a completely out of line poem and from what I can tell, has not even broken a law.

I have said it several times in these threads, the nonsense that BISD is going through at the moment is not because one or two people broke the law. That will always happen almost anywhere.

The problem with BISD at the moment is not a couple of criminals but at least parts of the administration being involved. Then there are some of the people that are being complicit like the school board covering for it like renewing a contract with a person that was convicted of a crime involving the district and then voting to not seek civil recovery of money owed to the district which means the students.

That is why the state took over, because of mass corruption from leaders and extreme mismanagment, not because of a poem. It seems like having a famiy that had 3 members convicted for drug dealing cocaine and then saying, big deal, the guy next door got a speeding ticket.

One case involves a district. The other involves a single idiot and it does not look like the district is covering for him.

Bottom line: there is WRONG in EVERY school district rather its a group or single "bad apple"… 


I know there is trying to be a comparison between districts like a "gotcha" moment.

So we have one district that appears to have institutionalized corruption with double digit people being indicted (so far) for stealing millions of dollars and involving conspiracies. In the "gotcha" comparison, you have a single teacher reading a completely out of line poem and from what I can tell, has not even broken a law.

I have said it several times in these threads, the nonsense that BISD is going through at the moment is not because one or two people broke the law. That will always happen almost anywhere.

The problem with BISD at the moment is not a couple of criminals but at least parts of the administration being involved. Then there are some of the people that are being complicit like the school board covering for it like renewing a contract with a person that was convicted of a crime involving the district and then voting to not seek civil recovery of money owed to the district which means the students.

That is why the state took over, because of mass corruption from leaders and extreme mismanagment, not because of a poem. It seems like having a famiy that had 3 members convicted for drug dealing cocaine and then saying, big deal, the guy next door got a speeding ticket.

One case involves a district. The other involves a single idiot and it does not look like the district is covering for him.

Make sure you remember about the Reagan Hawkins situation as well. Similar incident ironically in the same ISD....


No school district in this area is perfect. All have some issues to deal with.


But there is no arguing that BISD is by far the worst when it comes to area school district issues/problems. There is no denying that fact and no way to even compare other school districts to BISD in those regards.


Like I stated before, when another school gets taken over by state and boots the sup/school board out and 11+ school employees get indicted for criminal activity, then we can start comparing districts.


Otherwise you look very foolish making those comparisons.


Great post tvc

Nooooo!!!! Hell Noooooo!!! We all know the circumstances surrounding BISD. Between media & residents, slugs were thrown & deservingly. It doesn't matter what kind of press comes towards Nederland or any other District, take your Medicine. I'm gonna take the High Road because it's Hilarious to me, but that's me. If NISD is drug through the mud because of this, take your medicine. We have several pages & threads about Beamount and people were named, accused & nearly crucified on these threads. I really feel bad for the kids being subjected to this adult material, but you people need to get a grip. Disney isn't Disney anymore, there is more skin & smut in commercials & cartoons; not to mention songs on the Radio. If the kids are taught about Sex properly at home, the Teacher would stand corrected. JMO

Bottom line: there is WRONG in EVERY school district rather its a group or single "bad apple"… 


Has anyone said or even suggested that any district is beyond a bad apple?


Funny thing is: nobody on this thread before TVC's post was comparing school districts. 







Really? Hmmm....





Some are not in it to "teach"…… just goes to show no ISD is perfect as some perceive  ;)



Has anyone said or even suggested that any district is beyond a bad apple?

You not blind, you tell me, you have seen previous threads about incidents inside other school districts, what do those threads turn into besides speaking on the obvious incident at hand? Also tell me who is comparing districts before your post. I'll wait. 








If this topic was about any other district no "comparing" started by you in this thread would be done. ;)



Really? Hmmm....








Ok, no ISD is perfect as i stated….. Not sure what you trying to defend here, its a fact unless you can prove otherwise. Show me a perfect ISD I'll show you a million dollars on your front porch in cash so you can retire. ;)


Ok, no ISD is perfect as i stated….. Not sure what you trying to defend here, its a fact unless you can prove otherwise. Show me a perfect ISD I'll show you a million dollars on your front porch in cash so you can retire. ;)

Again, show a post from any thread in this forum where anyone has even claimed a perfect district or claims that their (or any) district has never nor will ever have a scandal or an idiot empoyee.

You are trying to make a straw man argument. The "see, y'all aren't perfect" claim only works if someone has made such a statement. Feel free to find that statement.

You not blind, you tell me, you have seen previous threads about incidents inside other school districts, what do those threads turn into besides speaking on the obvious incident at hand? Also tell me who is comparing districts before your post. I'll wait. 








If this topic was about any other district no "comparing" started by you in this thread would be done. ;)

Im still waiting….. 


Nooooo!!!! Hell Noooooo!!! We all know the circumstances surrounding BISD. Between media & residents, slugs were thrown & deservingly. It doesn't matter what kind of press comes towards Nederland or any other District, take your Medicine. I'm gonna take the High Road because it's Hilarious to me, but that's me. If NISD is drug through the mud because of this, take your medicine. We have several pages & threads about Beamount and people were named, accused & nearly crucified on these threads. I really feel bad for the kids being subjected to this adult material, but you people need to get a grip. Disney isn't Disney anymore, there is more skin & smut in commercials & cartoons; not to mention songs on the Radio. If the kids are taught about Sex properly at home, the Teacher would stand corrected. JMO

Great post. 


Again, show a post from any thread in this forum where anyone has even claimed a perfect district or claims that their (or any) district has never nor will ever have a scandal or an idiot empoyee.

You are trying to make a straw man argument. The "see, y'all aren't perfect" claim only works if someone has made such a statement. Feel free to find that statement.

Actually YOU are trying to make this an argument, its comical at best, funny you bring up another ISD in this thread when NOBODY is comparing school districts. 


Funny thing is: nobody on this thread before TVC's post was comparing school districts. 






Incorrect.  You made the comment that "no ISD is as perfect as some percieve."  You made the comparison when you said that with a backhand comment.  But yeah, no district is perfect , but NISD handled it correctly he was going to be fired if he hadn't resigned.  No Feds required.   :ph34r:

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