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Convenient... any behavior can get the "I was born that way" pass.

Tiger Woods should have claimed that one.

What I would find very inconvenient would be completely denying my very strong, ingrained sexual desires to make a "choice" that will cause me to endure the scrutiny and descrimination that homosexuals face. "Born that way" makes a lot more sense. It's also pretty convenient to base your beliefs on religion without taking into account anything that homosexuals have to say on the matter.
I can post numerous links, but none that won't be poo pooed on here because they didn't come from western journalism. Just google "is gay a choice?" And you'll find all the reading material you want.

I can post numerous links, but none that won't be poo pooed on here because they didn't come from western journalism. Just google "is gay a choice?" And you'll find all the reading material you want.

Reading material to support your theory...but nothing more.

That was my original point.

I said people are born homosexuals.

God created man in HIS image.  Adam and Eve CHOSE to do the wrong thing which doomed all of us.  From Adam and Eve, choice has been the guiding force.  So, with this in mind, no, one is not born a homosexual...

This whole topic is stupid anyways because the bible is a huge made up story, just like the numerous other gods that have superpowers.

There's no way you guy's can sit here and say you beleive everything in the bible. You either beleive all of it or you don't, you can't pick and choose. If that was the case then you can defend other religions as well using the same logic.

I get WHY people want to beleive, I really do. I wish when I died I could live in eternal bliss with family and friends. But deep down I know it's all BS. And for the off chance that I'm wrong? If the whole Jesus thing is real then he'd let me in heaven anyway since he's so loving and forgiving. Any rational being would understand why someone doesn't believe in them when they have shown no proof.

This whole topic is stupid anyways because the bible is a huge made up story, just like the numerous other gods that have superpowers.

There's no way you guy's can sit here and say you beleive everything in the bible. You either beleive all of it or you don't, you can't pick and choose. If that was the case then you can defend other religions as well using the same logic.

I get WHY people want to beleive, I really do. I wish when I died I could live in eternal bliss with family and friends. But deep down I know it's all BS. And for the off chance that I'm wrong? If the whole Jesus thing is real then he'd let me in heaven anyway since he's so loving and forgiving. Any rational being would understand why someone doesn't believe in them when they have shown no proof.

I agree with the fact this topic is pointlessly debated. I disagree with your last sentence, and your disbelief in God. If I am wrong, then I am just worm dirt; but I have faith. If you are wrong, you face an eternal damnation. There is proof every day in the beauty of a sunrise. Choose not to believe, but remember that it is your choice. The day is coming when EVERY knee shall bow. Roll your eyes in exasperation, but I think you know...I mean after all, you are ENLIGHTENED.

My 2 penny's - God loves everyone - and we were ALL "born that way"!


We were born sinners, to each their own in which sins they commit, and we WILL commit sins. My only problem with the homosexual stance is they want to fight / debate / convince others that it's ok, it's not a sin, in the name of love, it's not a choice, etc. With that, you can not sin, knowingly sin, not repent of the sin, and expect to reap the full benefit of God's salvation. He loves everyone, that's why he has given EVERONE the same opportunity to recongnize their sin, except that they are sinners, ask forgiveness, be forgiving, and (here's the punch line) go and sin no more! Will we all continually make mistakes (sins) yes....even the same ones (yes) ... but to diliberately live in sin without repentance will surely be looked upon as very bad in the eyes of God. To put it simply - to compare to earthly parents - he will continue to love you as you are punished - and - you will be punished for unrepented sins!


I believe all of it, but that doesn't mean I don't sin.




If your "born like this" theory is true....doesn't make it ok or right. 


I know several homosexuals, I have had conversations with them as well.  And one specific was a deacon in the church....who had a family and was educated in the BIBLE....but after many many years he came out of the closet....He confessed it was wrong and that he was practicing a sin every day.  He said that the temptations were strong and that he gave into them.  He knows he will go to hell living this lifestyle.  We all have temptations and the Devils knows them as well...Just cause you give into them and they supposedly make you feel good doesn't make it "unsinful". 


The willingness to not look at yourself in the mirror and be honest with yourself about your lifestyle is the major reason why many succumb to temptations on a daily basis. 

If god is as loving and forgiving as you guy's make him out to be then I'm pretty sure I'd still go to heaven. I live a more "christian" life than most hypocrites these days.

I agree with the fact this topic is pointlessly debated. I disagree with your last sentence, and your disbelief in God. If I am wrong, then I am just worm dirt; but I have faith. If you are wrong, you face an eternal damnation. There is proof every day in the beauty of a sunrise. Choose not to believe, but remember that it is your choice. The day is coming when EVERY knee shall bow. Roll your eyes in exasperation, but I think you know...I mean after all, you are ENLIGHTENED.

So you really think this guy is straight who gives in to the gay urges? Maybe, just maybe.. He's actually born gay. CRAZY THEORY I KNOW

I believe all of it, but that doesn't mean I don't sin.
If your "born like this" theory is true....doesn't make it ok or right. 
I know several homosexuals, I have had conversations with them as well.  And one specific was a deacon in the church....who had a family and was educated in the BIBLE....but after many many years he came out of the closet....He confessed it was wrong and that he was practicing a sin every day.  He said that the temptations were strong and that he gave into them.  He knows he will go to hell living this lifestyle.  We all have temptations and the Devils knows them as well...Just cause you give into them and they supposedly make you feel good doesn't make it "unsinful". 
The willingness to not look at yourself in the mirror and be honest with yourself about your lifestyle is the major reason why many succumb to temptations on a daily basis.


The main problem with society especially the media is the fact that we want to make everything ok cause we are to afraid to offend anyone.  We are too afraid of the truth so therefore we denounce as such. 


"Straight" is a people term.  AND your missing the concept. 


He was born period.  How he chooses to live is up to him. 


Others have other urges so are they born that way as well?  You don't want to consider other "urges" but will consider this one as "ok"  "not sinful" "born that way"


Your argument of "All Christians sin therefore its ok to be gay"   what a foundation you have there.   Sounds like a child argument for misbehaving


I base my belief on the word of God....B  I  B  L  E. 

You have said you don't believe in such.


My parents spanked me as a child.....did that mean they didn't love me......NOPE.


So we will always disagree....so lets just agree to disagree....and leave it at that.  This debate will never end so therefore no reason to continue it.


If you have grown up around people who eventually came out as gay, there are usually very early signs of their sexual orientation.  Have a family member to turned out to be gay.  And trust me there were all kinds of signs that he would end up that way from a very early age.  


Nothing wrong with that of course.   ;)


To each his own.  


Here are some of the things I have a hard time understanding...... 
From what I gather, there are about 2.18 billion Christians, leaving 6.9 billion that are not, are roughly 2/3's of the world population. Are those 6.9 Billion going to burn in hell because they don't believe? 

Buddhism teaches (summary) 
(1) to lead a moral life, 
(2) to be mindful and aware of thoughts and actions, and 
(3) to develop wisdom and understanding. 
So, Little Johnny is born to a family that believes and practices Buddhism. He was taught not believe in God. He lives his life strictly by the teachings of his faith and never deviates from the 3 above principles..... 
Is little Johnny going to burn in hell? 



So, Little Johnny is born to a family that believes and practices Buddhism. He was taught not believe in God. He lives his life strictly by the teachings of his faith and never deviates from the 3 above principles..... 
Is little Johnny going to burn in hell? 

Yes...if Johnny does't obey the Gospel and has no knowledge of or faith in Christ......and that's OUR fault for not being diligent enough in getting the Gospel message out to those who do not know of it.....


II Thessalonians 1: 5 - 12

This is evidence of the righteous judgment of God, that you may beconsidered worthy of the kingdom of God, for which you are also suffering—since indeed God considers it just to repay with affliction those who afflict you, and to grant relief to you who are afflicted as well as to us, when the Lord Jesus is revealed from heaven with his mighty angels in flaming fire, inflicting vengeance on those who do not know God and on those who do not obey the gospel of our Lord Jesus. They will suffer the punishment ofeternal destruction, away from[b] the presence of the Lord and from the glory of his might, 10 when he comes on that day to be glorified in his saints, and to be marveled at among all who have believed, because our testimony to you was believed. 11 To this end we always pray for you, that our God maymake you worthy of his calling and may fulfill every resolve for good and every work of faith by his power, 12 so that the name of our Lord Jesus may be glorified in you, and you in him, according to the grace of our God and the Lord Jesus Christ.


2/3's of the Earths population would burn in Hell if the end was today. That is not counting those that believe in God but sinned.......


You have some work to do getting that message out........

Matthew 7: 13 - 14

13 â€œEnter by the narrow gate. For the gate is wide and the way is easy[a] that leads to destruction, and those who enter by it are many. 14 For the gate is narrow and the way is hard that leads to life, and those who find it are few.


Those who have accepted His Word, Obeyed His Will, are forgiven for their sins when they ask......


I John 1: 8 - 10

 If we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. 10 If we say we have not sinned, we make him a liar, and his word is not in us.

Also something to think about - most religious people are probably extremely confident that their respective God is the right one and everyone else believes in a false God, and they all point to their respective religious texts citing the "one true God" passages. I bet Muslims on other message boards are copy pasting the exact same arguments being used here to defend their religion.

It sounds like deep down you know it's all BS, but really really want it to be true.. I'm the same.

Here are some of the things I have a hard time understanding...... 
From what I gather, there are about 2.18 billion Christians, leaving 6.9 billion that are not, are roughly 2/3's of the world population. Are those 6.9 Billion going to burn in hell because they don't believe? 

Buddhism teaches (summary) 
(1) to lead a moral life, 
(2) to be mindful and aware of thoughts and actions, and 
(3) to develop wisdom and understanding. 
So, Little Johnny is born to a family that believes and practices Buddhism. He was taught not believe in God. He lives his life strictly by the teachings of his faith and never deviates from the 3 above principles..... 
Is little Johnny going to burn in hell?


Also something to think about - most religious people are probably extremely confident that their respective God is the right one and everyone else believes in a false God, and they all point to their respective religious texts citing the "one true God" passages. I bet Muslims on other message boards are copy pasting the exact same arguments being used here to defend their religion.

It sounds like deep down you know it's all BS, but really really want it to be true.. I'm the same.

Just think about this:  My God, Jesus, talks about HIS blood.  The muslims talks about YOUR blood.  Trust me -- there is a difference!

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