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What does the Old Testament say about gay people?

If the bible is the word of God then it's not open for interpretation. You can't twist and turn what's in it to fit your viewpoints.

Either :

1) God hates gays and being gay is a choice
2) God hates gays but made gay people anyway (smart idea right?)
3) The bible is stupid

God does not hate any one...he hates SIN....SIN is a choice we make......we are not under the Old Testament anymore as that was a covenant between God and the Jews until Christ came to fulfill it......I would refer you to the book of Hebrews, but I highly doubt you'd follow up on that reference.......


EnlightenedMessiah seems to be bringing up some good questions.


I do have a few atheist friends who like to call people stupid for believing in God.......at the same time they would get offended when people say they will burn in Hell.......


That's why he wants them put to death ?

*chris berman voice* - COME ON MANNNNNNN

As you've stated, you can't pick one small part of the bible to support your view. Sometimes you need the whole bible to understand the true meaning of one scripture. 


God loves gays....even non believers.

I have to give enlightened a little credit....by not answering about evolution he has shown that he fully understands he can't win the "it's natural not a choice" discussion.......:)

That's why he wants them put to death ?

*chris berman voice* - COME ON MANNNNNNN

It may be a parable for a "religious death."  Meaning those that continue to commit such acts will not enter into the Kingdom. 

But, on the other hand, again, Sodom and Gomorrah was an actual destructive act.  So...


"enlightened"......IF homosexuality is natural or genetic, then you obviously don't believe in evolution since all those billions of years of evolutionary carnage would have gotten rid of the homosexual trait in the great survival of the fittest battle......so which one is false? Evolution, or the belief that homosexuality is a natural occurrence and not a conscious choice made by an individual.....


"enlightened"......IF homosexuality is natural or genetic, then you obviously don't believe in evolution since all those billions of years of evolutionary carnage would have gotten rid of the homosexual trait in the great survival of the fittest battle......so which one is false? Evolution, or the belief that homosexuality is a natural occurrence and not a conscious choice made by an individual.....

It's a fair question, homosexual genes and human evolution aren't necessarily at odds with one another, for the simple fact that even in the modern world, a great many homosexuals still have children. I think most of us likely know somebody directly, or know of somebody, who grew up traditionally, had a traditional marriage/kids due to social pressure, then later in life chose to embrace their innate attractions. That happens often in our society where homosexual lifestyles are generally accepted (to a degree). Now rewind through the history of civilization to a time when they would be murdered off hand for that lifestyle and it's easy to see how the genes could have survived. 

What makes the whole thing extremely interesting, is that it is highly likely that the majority's distaste for homosexuals is probably also genetic. It makes sense that our  paleolithic ancestors likely shunned homosexuality (a group that embraced it would be unlikely to survive) more so than most do now. Pushing many people into the prehistoric closet, (or the cave as it were).

The theory also holds up due the fact that just about every major religion is anti-homosexual, this goes hand in hand with the reality that our social theories and morals come from evolutionary inclinations toward group survival.  


So because it is in our genes to have a distaste for homosexuality, is it then okay to marginalize this group of people? Hardly, the whole point of civilization is for us to apply our rational brains and overcome evolutionary tendencies. We no longer practice infanticide if we feel that a new baby will stretch our resources too thin, or the child is too sickly, we no longer begin breeding our daughters as soon as they reach fertility, the list goes on and on. 


The world continues to move on for the better.  


side note: I really don't get the "homosexuality as a sin" logic. Typically "sins" are attributed to desires that we all hold, lust, envy, greed, etc. How can something be a perverse and sinful choice if it's not something that most people are ever tempted to do? In fact, something that straight people find to be outright gross . It doesn't wash, give it up, the argument is pretty much over. Nobody can come up with a single argument against homosexual acceptance other than "the bible says...." Well fine, but thankfully we don't make laws and social order based on the teachings of bronze age holy books. There is a group that's trying to get that kind of thing going in the middle east, seems like a real hoot!


^^Good post, makes you think^^

makes you think enlightened got a new account....didn't answer the question at all......homosexuality and evolution are mutually exclusive by definition if evolution is true.......

makes you think enlightened got a new account....didn't answer the question at all......homosexuality and evolution are mutually exclusive by definition if evolution is true.......


Does not appear to be enlighhtened based on what I can see.


I am not "enlightened messiah" I just read some of the threads here in the political form...didn't even know there was one..and thought the guy could use a little support from a fellow traveler (Egads!, the very idea that there might be TWO non religious types in the SETX area! what if they multiply?!?!). I'm sorry if you feel that I didn't answer the question to your satisfaction. Rest assured it was my best effort so I won't try again. There are very few black and white's in science, everything is (and should be) up for debate. It's what makes it so dang fascinating. Much more fun than the "don't question anything we tell you and just repeat the words I say back to me a hundred times and let's pass the 'ol collection plate" thing that you got going on. 


^^Good post, makes you think^^

It is a good, well thought out, well written post. That is, if you total exclude any higher power influence, or biblical credibility. If you base all our creation and existence on man's logic it's a good view. 


I am not "enlightened messiah" I just read some of the threads here in the political form...didn't even know there was one..and thought the guy could use a little support from a fellow traveler (Egads!, the very idea that there might be TWO non religious types in the SETX area! what if they multiply?!?!). I'm sorry if you feel that I didn't answer the question to your satisfaction. Rest assured it was my best effort so I won't try again. There are very few black and white's in science, everything is (and should be) up for debate. It's what makes it so dang fascinating. Much more fun than the "don't question anything we tell you and just repeat the words I say back to me a hundred times and let's pass the 'ol collection plate" thing that you got going on. 

Most around here welcome a rational debate (even though they can quickly grow irrational). You're going to have to grow a thicker skin though if you plan on hanging around. :)


I am not "enlightened messiah" I just read some of the threads here in the political form...didn't even know there was one..and thought the guy could use a little support from a fellow traveler (Egads!, the very idea that there might be TWO non religious types in the SETX area! what if they multiply?!?!). I'm sorry if you feel that I didn't answer the question to your satisfaction. Rest assured it was my best effort so I won't try again. There are very few black and white's in science, everything is (and should be) up for debate. It's what makes it so dang fascinating. Much more fun than the "don't question anything we tell you and just repeat the words I say back to me a hundred times and let's pass the 'ol collection plate" thing that you got going on. 


While I may not agree with everything, I applaud and welcome a different point of view. Some of the posters here do not realize how boring this forum will be if everyone thinks the same.


Hope you hang around

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