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Note to Umpires

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I appreciate what you guys do, the pay you do it for and hostility you subject yourself to take part in a very exciting event that provides many life lessons to athletes that may not learn them anywhere else.  I do believe that your number one responsibility is to maintain a safe environment for the athletes to compete fairly against one another.  


I know most of you guys pride yourselves on doing the best job you can, and I say thank you.  One of your team fell short last night, and that is fine no one living is perfect right?  But you guys might want to pick him up and help him understand his mistake so the safety of the game can remain of the upmost importance of the game.  


There was a play at home where runner did not slide( (I know now NFHS rules say you don't have to), so that is fine, but if the runner interferes with defensive player, there must be a penalty, the rules state it.  In this case the catcher got blind sided who was not blocking the plate.  And by blind sided I mean taken off her feet and planted straight on her back.  Was not malicious in my view and may have happened anyway if runner would have slide.  BUT, the runner did not slide and caused serious chance for injury.  Catcher popped up stunned but continued to play without any obvious affects from collision.  Runner should have been out and told they should have avoided contacting the defensive player.  


Thanks again for what you do, I am hopeful you will lend this guy a hand.  No harm NO foul right...this time!


according to NFHS

 â€œART. 13 . . . The runner does not legally slide and causes illegal contact and/or illegally alters the actions of the fielder in the immediate act of making a play on her. Runners are never required to slide but, if the runner elects to slide, the slide shall be legal.”

Excerpt From: NFHS & Theresia Wynns. “2015 Softball Rules Book.” iBooks. https://itun.es/us/gbRp5.l
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Was the catcher in the runners base path or did the runner go out of her path to create the contact? I'm trying to figure out your point on this. The runner is under no obligation to slide or to alter her path to the base. Sounds like it might have been a train wreck to me where the catcher was attempting to make a play to catch the throw and it carrier her into the runners path. In this case their is no call to be made.

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My opinion of the play was the catcher was straddling the plate, and yes the catcher was attempting to make a play on the ball and the runner interfered  with that and should be out for that.  I agree the runner did not have to slide but she could have and should have avoided contact.  Only my eyes, my angle on the play  and my interpretation of the sequence of events.  Had the interference been malicious, and definitely I think it was not, umpire could have then warranted an ejection.  

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Straddling the plate without the ball is not a good defensive position. The runner has the right to reach the base. Absolutely any malicious contact would warrant an ejection but the runner is not required to slide. I would think the catcher should have positioned herself to catch the ball in front of the plate where she could then drop to block the plate after she has possession. If the catcher does not allow access to the plate prior to having possession of the ball, then obstruction should be called and the runner would be safe at the last base the umpire judged she would have reached without the obstruction. I agree that we need to protect the kids from unnecessary contact. Not sure how the catcher has been taught to receive a throw. If she is taught to straddle the plate, then I'm surprised this is the first time she has been ran into.

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Straddling the plate without the ball is not a good defensive position. The runner has the right to reach the base. Absolutely any malicious contact would warrant an ejection but the runner is not required to slide. I would think the catcher should have positioned herself to catch the ball in front of the plate where she could then drop to block the plate after she has possession. If the catcher does not allow access to the plate prior to having possession of the ball, then obstruction should be called and the runner would be safe at the last base the umpire judged she would have reached without the obstruction. I agree that we need to protect the kids from unnecessary contact. Not sure how the catcher has been taught to receive a throw. If she is taught to straddle the plate, then I'm surprised this is the first time she has been ran into.

I am glad you agree yal need to protect the kids from unnecessary contact, and that is what happened here, again it was just my view of the play.  It was a bang bang play on a bunt, the catcher came out of her stance to get ball, heeded to 3B to get ball and took a position best she could to receive the ball and what happened happened.  I certainly teach all kids that I coach or train to slide in that case for not only their own safety and the catcher but more often than not you will disrupt the defense more by sliding.  If you teach differently, then we will just have to agree to disagree, I am thankful that most watching the game from both sides shared my point of view.  I just thought this ump might want to reconsider the danger he condoned by not making the call.  The result really had no bearing on the outcome of the game, other than putting ideas into players heads that it was ok.  Again my opinion, and in my opinion the rule supports that, which I am very grateful.  I do appreciate your point of view, and certainly respect the fact that you did not see it live.

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