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All of them because they all have the same intent. Now you think about it. You putting one group of terrorists before another when they are all the same. I get your hatred for muslims as past posts by you but all terrorists are equally bad. 


Show my past posts where I have hatred for muslims...you can't do it.


Show my past posts where I have hatred for muslims...you can't do it.

Show me terrorists that are put on a pedastal better than others… you can't do it. Why?  Because they are equally bad. Hence the word: TERRORists. 


So, at what point did this lady give up her Constitutional right to do what she did?

At what point did I say she didn't have the right to do it? You have to right to wear a sign that says I hate N****** and walk around in downtown Detroit in the middle of the night, but if you do I don't think anyone should be sitting around saying "see, I told you all black people are violent" after you get yourself shot.

YOU said my posts refelected hate for muslims..PROVE it...you can't.

Dont act like a bitter old kid now, I could pull em up but you might leave the board after I point them out. Let's not be petty here. You are mad right now cause your argument makes no sense and is untrue. No terrorist or terrorists is above one another. They are ALL the same, like it or not, rather they are muslim, catholic, black, white, asian etc…. They all have the same intent. They are all equally bad ppl. One doesn't trump the other. 


Dont act like a bitter old kid now, I could pull em up but you might leave the board after I point them out. Let's not be petty here. You are mad right now cause your argument makes no sense and is untrue. No terrorist or terrorists is above one another. They are ALL the same, like it or not, rather they are muslim, catholic, black, white, asian etc…. They all have the same intent. They are all equally bad ppl. One doesn't trump the other. 

You cannot pull them up...they aren't there.


You are mad because I am making you look bad because you can't back up your case.


Post my muslim hating posts or go away.


You cannot pull them up...they aren't there.


You are mad because I am making you look bad because you can't back up your case.


Post my muslim hating posts or go away.

You not making me look bad, neither am I making you look bad, you doing a fine job of that yourself. ;)


A terrorist is a criminal, period. It doesn't matter if he is in a group of people flying a plane into a building killing thousands of people or a lone person shooting a single person because of a political opinion. 


Speeding and DWI are both traffic crimes and both can and do kill. 


Things are not always the same however just because they are grouped together. 


Honestly, how many people have been killed by people protesting abortions? Who is likely to be killed by such an attack? 


Looking at Wikipedia as a source, in the last quarter of a century, 8 people have been murdered due to abortions. The attacks were targeted and not random people for the sake of terror. All of the victims worked at the abortion clinics.  


In the last 33 years, an additional 11 people have been wounded or kidnapped. Let's see, in more than 3 decades we have not quite 20 known victims killed or wounded by abortion clinic attacks. That is an average of a single victim every year and a half. 


None of them bombed a mall full of people in order to call attention to the cause. No one kidnapped planes and flew them into buildings. No one threw hand grenades into a bus full of random people. None of them took over a cruise ship and threw people in wheel chairs overboard. 


When the abortion clinic attacks have happened, I have seen almost no one support the killings from the Christian religion. The abortion terrorists are an anomaly just like the Westboro Baptist Church. Yeah, they exist but they are minuscule in percentages and have no support in the mainstream. When an abortion doctor is killed you will not see Christians in this country taking to the streets and cheering like their team just won the Super Bowl. You will more likely see disgust and condemnation. 


That is not the same as the Muslim terrorists that we have seen and will continue to seen. They are targeting people totally at random, killing many including women and children and no one is safe including people of their own religion. They kill for the sake of killing. They aren't killing an abortion clinic to doctor to save an unborn child's life. 


When some of the more horrific Muslim terror attacks happen, you will see thousands of like minded people in the streets around the globe cheering the events. When I see such a response, it sure seems to be to be more than 0.01% of the religion. I have seen religious and national leaders in Muslim majority nations take the the podiums to cheer mass killings and to encourage others. I have yet to see that in an abortion clinic attack in this country. 


Yes, they are all criminals. An 18 year old kid that steals a candy bar and a person that commits and armed robbery are both criminals that committed theft by various means. I would hardly call them the same. 


Approximately (again Wikipedia) 75% of this nation is Christian or Jewish. Only 0.6% are Muslims. What are the odds of being killed in a terror attack from the less than 1% as compared to 75% based solely on religion? And remember that the people being targeted by abortion clinic attacks are likely attacking people of their own religion. They aren't attacking Muslim or Jewish doctors. 


A terrorist is a criminal, period.  I think a lot of people in this country are wary of future attacks from Muslims and have some level of fear due to that threat. I doubt many people in this country walk  around being worried about being killed by a Christian terrorists for any reason. When a religion in this country has more than 220 million followers but the members of another religion with less than 1.8 million people can strike more fear in the hearts of the average person, there might be smoke where that fire is. For that reason I suspect that a majority of Americans have a hard time comparing them and seeing them as equal.


And for a comparison and a possible claim of it being just a different religion is why there is the distrust or hatred of Muslims, about as many people are Buddhists in this country as there are Muslims. I don't think many Christians or Jews (or even a single person) are worried about being attacked by Buddhist terrorists. 


A terrorist is a criminal, period. It doesn't matter if he is in a group of people flying a plane into a building killing thousands of people or a lone person shooting a single person because of a political opinion. 


Speeding and DWI are both traffic crimes and both can and do kill. 


Things are not always the same however just because they are grouped together. 


Honestly, how many people have been killed by people protesting abortions? Who is likely to be killed by such an attack? 


Looking at Wikipedia as a source, in the last quarter of a century, 8 people have been murdered due to abortions. The attacks were targeted and not random people for the sake of terror. All of the victims worked at the abortion clinics.  


In the last 33 years, an additional 11 people have been wounded or kidnapped. Let's see, in more than 3 decades we have not quite 20 known victims killed or wounded by abortion clinic attacks. That is an average of a single victim every year and a half. 


None of them bombed a mall full of people in order to call attention to the cause. No one kidnapped planes and flew them into buildings. No one threw hand grenades into a bus full of random people. None of them took over a cruise ship and threw people in wheel chairs overboard. 


When the abortion clinic attacks have happened, I have seen almost no one support the killings from the Christian religion. The abortion terrorists are an anomaly just like the Westboro Baptist Church. Yeah, they exist but they are minuscule in percentages and have no support in the mainstream. When an abortion doctor is killed you will not see Christians in this country taking to the streets and cheering like their team just won the Super Bowl. You will more likely see disgust and condemnation. 


That is not the same as the Muslim terrorists that we have seen and will continue to seen. They are targeting people totally at random, killing many including women and children and no one is safe including people of their own religion. They kill for the sake of killing. They aren't killing an abortion clinic to doctor to save an unborn child's life. 


When some of the more horrific Muslim terror attacks happen, you will see thousands of like minded people in the streets around the globe cheering the events. When I see such a response, it sure seems to be to be more than 0.01% of the religion. I have seen religious and national leaders in Muslim majority nations take the the podiums to cheer mass killings and to encourage others. I have yet to see that in an abortion clinic attack in this country. 


Yes, they are all criminals. An 18 year old kid that steals a candy bar and a person that commits and armed robbery are both criminals that committed theft by various means. I would hardly call them the same. 


Approximately (again Wikipedia) 75% of this nation is Christian or Jewish. Only 0.6% are Muslims. What are the odds of being killed in a terror attack from the less than 1% as compared to 75% based solely on religion? And remember that the people being targeted by abortion clinic attacks are likely attacking people of their own religion. They aren't attacking Muslim or Jewish doctors. 


A terrorist is a criminal, period.  I think a lot of people in this country are wary of future attacks from Muslims and have some level of fear due to that threat. I doubt many people in this country walk  around being worried about being killed by a Christian terrorists for any reason. When a religion in this country has more than 220 million followers but the members of another religion with less than 1.8 million people can strike more fear in the hearts of the average person, there might be smoke where that fire is. For that reason I suspect that a majority of Americans have a hard time comparing them and seeing them as equal.


And for a comparison and a possible claim of it being just a different religion is why there is the distrust or hatred of Muslims, about as many people are Buddhists in this country as there are Muslims. I don't think many Christians or Jews (or even a single person) are worried about being attacked by Buddhist terrorists. 


Now that, is the voice of reason!


A terrorist is a criminal, period. It doesn't matter if he is in a group of people flying a plane into a building killing thousands of people or a lone person shooting a single person because of a political opinion. 


Speeding and DWI are both traffic crimes and both can and do kill. 


Things are not always the same however just because they are grouped together. 


Honestly, how many people have been killed by people protesting abortions? Who is likely to be killed by such an attack? 


Looking at Wikipedia as a source, in the last quarter of a century, 8 people have been murdered due to abortions. The attacks were targeted and not random people for the sake of terror. All of the victims worked at the abortion clinics.  


In the last 33 years, an additional 11 people have been wounded or kidnapped. Let's see, in more than 3 decades we have not quite 20 known victims killed or wounded by abortion clinic attacks. That is an average of a single victim every year and a half. 


None of them bombed a mall full of people in order to call attention to the cause. No one kidnapped planes and flew them into buildings. No one threw hand grenades into a bus full of random people. None of them took over a cruise ship and threw people in wheel chairs overboard. 


When the abortion clinic attacks have happened, I have seen almost no one support the killings from the Christian religion. The abortion terrorists are an anomaly just like the Westboro Baptist Church. Yeah, they exist but they are minuscule in percentages and have no support in the mainstream. When an abortion doctor is killed you will not see Christians in this country taking to the streets and cheering like their team just won the Super Bowl. You will more likely see disgust and condemnation. 


That is not the same as the Muslim terrorists that we have seen and will continue to seen. They are targeting people totally at random, killing many including women and children and no one is safe including people of their own religion. They kill for the sake of killing. They aren't killing an abortion clinic to doctor to save an unborn child's life. 


When some of the more horrific Muslim terror attacks happen, you will see thousands of like minded people in the streets around the globe cheering the events. When I see such a response, it sure seems to be to be more than 0.01% of the religion. I have seen religious and national leaders in Muslim majority nations take the the podiums to cheer mass killings and to encourage others. I have yet to see that in an abortion clinic attack in this country. 


Yes, they are all criminals. An 18 year old kid that steals a candy bar and a person that commits and armed robbery are both criminals that committed theft by various means. I would hardly call them the same. 


Approximately (again Wikipedia) 75% of this nation is Christian or Jewish. Only 0.6% are Muslims. What are the odds of being killed in a terror attack from the less than 1% as compared to 75% based solely on religion? And remember that the people being targeted by abortion clinic attacks are likely attacking people of their own religion. They aren't attacking Muslim or Jewish doctors. 


A terrorist is a criminal, period.  I think a lot of people in this country are wary of future attacks from Muslims and have some level of fear due to that threat. I doubt many people in this country walk  around being worried about being killed by a Christian terrorists for any reason. When a religion in this country has more than 220 million followers but the members of another religion with less than 1.8 million people can strike more fear in the hearts of the average person, there might be smoke where that fire is. For that reason I suspect that a majority of Americans have a hard time comparing them and seeing them as equal.


And for a comparison and a possible claim of it being just a different religion is why there is the distrust or hatred of Muslims, about as many people are Buddhists in this country as there are Muslims. I don't think many Christians or Jews (or even a single person) are worried about being attacked by Buddhist terrorists. 

Thats all im saying. They are ALL bad. One not better than the other. 

Going on your premise of abortion-clinic terrorists vs Muslim terrorist....no comparison. Those who bomb the clinics (infrequent) do so to stop the act - not to force a world religion. Muslim terrorist (frequent) do so to further a world religion. Their religion dictates killing of all non-believers. I just don't see where the apologists do not see the difference.

Going on your premise of abortion-clinic terrorists vs Muslim terrorist....no comparison. Those who bomb the clinics (infrequent) do so to stop the act - not to force a world religion. Muslim terrorist (frequent) do so to further a world religion. Their religion dictates killing of all non-believers. I just don't see where the apologists do not see the difference.


It's pretty silly debating on what terrorist group is most dangerous. It's like debate which is most dangerous, the rattle snake or the water moccasin. It just depends on which one bites you and sure don't want either in your back yard.


IS has taken responsibility for the Garland attack. They may want to think twice about messing with Texas.




The nutjob running the "competition" in Garland got exactly what she wanted out of it. Do something that you know will bring about a possible terrorist attack, then blame ALL muslims for the TWO radical muslims who show up and try something. I know you guys hate muslims, but the woman that arranged this event is an absolute moron. She, and the attendees of the event, are VERY lucky that one badass cop was able to use a pistol to outshoot two criminals with semi-auto rifles.

So we should just all crawl under a rock or hide in the corner and NOT freely express our FIRST AMENDMENT RIGHTS just because it may offend or cause one of these out of control thug worshipers of the pedophile rapist mohammed to go crazy???? I hope we see MORE of these FREE SPEECH rallys......give the cops a chance to get rid of some more scum......

muslim- the follower of islam based on the quran.   WHAT DOES THE QURAN SAY ABOUT OTHER RELIGIONS?????? 

It's my understanding it says to cut the infidel's head off (or cut their throats).  So, is this a misinterpretation that the radicals make?  Or -- is it pretty straight forward on normal muslim beliefs?


So we should just all crawl under a rock or hide in the corner and NOT freely express our FIRST AMENDMENT RIGHTS just because it may offend or cause one of these out of control thug worshipers of the pedophile rapist mohammed to go crazy???? I hope we see MORE of these FREE SPEECH rallys......give the cops a chance to get rid of some more scum......

cops could've just as easily been the ones who got killed. but that's okay, because the nutjob was able to display her first amendment right to antagonize and provoke terrorists. and surprise! it worked! she got herself her very own terrorist attack! just like she wanted. it's very fortunate that nobody was seriously injured or killed.

cops could've just as easily been the ones who got killed. but that's okay, because the nutjob was able to display her first amendment right to antagonize and provoke terrorists. and surprise! it worked! she got herself her very own terrorist attack! just like she wanted. it's very fortunate that nobody was seriously injured or killed.


So what's your answer...limit free speech because it might offend some lunatic?


Should we pull pork off the shelves and require women to wear burkas because it may offend a "radical" muslim?


Don't laugh...it will get here one day.


So what's your answer...limit free speech because it might offend some lunatic?
Should we pull pork off the shelves and require women to wear burkas because it may offend a "radical" muslim?
Don't laugh...it will get here one day.

I encourage anyone who can to please quote me where I've said that her free speech should be limited. This is at least the 2nd time it's been suggested that I'm saying as much on this thread.

that being said, it's also funny that you guys keep saying stuff like "we shouldn't limit her speech because it may offend a radical muslim." That's a valid point, except the whole purpose of what she was doing WAS to offend radical muslims. And that's moronic. This has nothing to do with having a different ideology as them. This was a deliberate attempt to provoke terrorists. Sorry that I can't get behind that, freedom of speech or not. When I see someone poking a beehive with a stick, I don't generally blame the bees for stinging them.

cops could've just as easily been the ones who got killed. but that's okay, because the nutjob was able to display her first amendment right to antagonize and provoke terrorists. and surprise! it worked! she got herself her very own terrorist attack! just like she wanted. it's very fortunate that nobody was seriously injured or killed.

Your rights aren't worth spit if you are too much of a coward to exercise them.......I think I may put up a sign in my yard telling how their false prophet was nothing more than a pedophile rapist.......

I encourage anyone who can to please quote me where I've said that her free speech should be limited. This is at least the 2nd time it's been suggested that I'm saying as much on this thread.

that being said, it's also funny that you guys keep saying stuff like "we shouldn't limit her speech because it may offend a radical muslim." That's a valid point, except the whole purpose of what she was doing WAS to offend radical muslims. And that's moronic. This has nothing to do with having a different ideology as them. This was a deliberate attempt to provoke terrorists. Sorry that I can't get behind that, freedom of speech or not. When I see someone poking a beehive with a stick, I don't generally blame the bees for stinging them.


Wow...so the problem is using bad taste and lampooning a religion and not the violent reaction from these animals.




Wow...so the problem is using bad taste and lampooning a religion and not the violent reaction from these animals.

again, she acted in a manner that was explicitly planned to elicit just this response. that WAS her purpose. She got the result she wanted. Sorry I'm not outraged.

As I said before, if you want to go to Harlem or Detroit and walk around at night with a sign that says "I Hate N******", that's your right. But when someone inevitably shoots you, it's going to be hard for me to feel sorry for you, and I'm certainly not going to use that very predictable result to condemn the whole race for your death.

again, she acted in a manner that was explicitly planned to elicit just this response. that WAS her purpose. She got the result she wanted. Sorry I'm not outraged.

As I said before, if you want to go to Harlem or Detroit and walk around at night with a sign that says "I Hate N******", that's your right. But when someone inevitably shoots you, it's going to be hard for me to feel sorry for you, and I'm certainly not going to use that very predictable result to condemn the whole race for your death.


That this type of response over something like this is even possible is a problem.


If a Christian would have killed the "artist" that did the manure covered Mary display, would you have said "they got what they deserved for messing with the Christians."


I doubt it...and guess what, no one did get killed, or even expected to be killed from the "radical" Christians.

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